It is also thought that the symbol brings its owner luck, happiness, good . The evil eye bracelet is great for protecting people from evil stares. She is the opposite of what Michael Foucault called, docile bodies. A concept in which women are expected to conform and submit to the enforced codes and structures of a patriarchal society. Texas Zero Property Tax Bill Has Extreme, Discriminatory Catches, Eurovision 2023 Tickets Announced on Ticketmaster, Celebrating Womens History With Qiu Jin, Chinese Revolutionary, The Penguin Tells a Batverse Scarface Story. Originally born in Weirton West Virginia she spent most of her life in Pittsburgh PA. Your email address will not be published. As this article from the Atlantic puts it: "In Western culture, strong women have historically been imagined as threats requiring male conquest and control. However, the Greek evil eye talisman is believed to specifically protect against a malevolent glare - the "evil eye" - given to an unsuspecting person. While there have been myths about Medusa in the past, the most famous myth is her being the monster that Persuses had killed. All three are originally described as having tusks, wings, and the infamously iconic snake hair. She is a woman who represents a conflicting view of femininity, one that is seemingly alluring but with a threatening or sinister underside. The femme fatale archetype has found permanence in our storytelling, and confirms to us that: to be both beautiful and fearsome to be a woman who has bodily autonomy and anger is not at all normative and that those women must be cast aside or have power taken from them. The original Hamsa amulet was shaped like a hand with 3 fingers in the middle and the thumb and small finger in a curved shape on either side of the hand. Returning to those startling early images of Medusa, with her bared teeth and frightful snake hair, theres a narrative here on how transforming her into something benignly ornamental was another level of control. In this version of the myth, Medusa is instead a beautiful womxn. Shes been found on houses, tombs, walls of cities, and temples (including the famous example, the Temple of Artemis in Corfu, which is what my paper circles around). The Mary Sue has a strict comment policy that forbids, but is not limited to, personal insults toward anyone, hate speech, and trolling. Her existence reflected on the behavior of men during ancient times in Greece and shows how much have we advanced since then. Medusa, who was once thought of as a boastful mortal who deserved to be turned into a monster, is now seen in a more sympathetic view by modern standards. Among them, the most prominent was the horse, a symbol of valor and beauty since he himself fathered many horses, the best-known being the winged horse Pegasus by the Gorgon Medusa. 22. The Gorgon's head (or the head of Medusa) is a symbol of terror, death and divine magical power, in Greek mythology. The gorgons have some interesting lore, well beyond what you see in pop culture. She is transformed from a seeing subject to merely seen object, a demeaned and faceless body. Even into the 19th century, as the romanticization continued, her eyes did not close. 21. Perhaps one of the most fascinating aspects of Medusas story is that she was pregnant with Poseidons child when she was killed. Can Brain Science Explain Why We Like Certain Artworks? Protection Symbol #9 The Eye of Horus. Medusa's beautyand, in particular, her femininityremains as dangerous as her original monstrosity. The present ptient is a female. In the 1994 book, Female Rage: Unlocking Its Secrets, Claiming Its Power, the authors claimed that when they asked women what female rage looked like to them, it was always Medusawho came to mindIn one interview after another they were told that Medusa is the most horrific woman in the world. None of the women they interview could remember the details of the myth, and perhaps, had they been able to, they would have had a different perspective. Athena grows jealous, as many men flock to her, only to glance at Medusa instead. Founded in 2009, Hyperallergic is headquartered in Brooklyn, New York. Because of the origin of medusa, she is an emblem of deep spirituality. The myth tells us that the only way to defeat Medusa is by looking at our reflections through a mirror and this tells us that we should reflect upon ourselves to defeat our darkest demons. Born of the sea gods Phorcys and Ceto, it is often forgotten that Medusa herself is a goddess of the sea. The curse was meant to punish medusa, but it eventually became leverage for other spiritual things. image of intoxication, petrifaction, and luring attractiveness. In Greek mythology, she is one of the Gorgon sisters (derived from the Greek gorgs for dreadful), and Perseus uses a reflective bronze shield to defeat her. She was also originally a goddess, and I can try to send you all my research on that if you want (though some may be hidden by a paywall, Im not sure). Furthermore, she is a goddess that helps young ladies to overcome a lack of confidence. The beginning of the cycle represents an opportunity to bring in new life while the later parts represent the end of life. This is why it is a sign of creativity to dream of yourself drawing medusas head. Before we talk about the different messages of medusa, let us discuss medusas symbolism. In ancient Greece, women were usually accused of provoking men with their image or their personality and are usually blamed when anything happens to them. While the wild red locks of Edvard Munchs 1902 lithograph The Sin (Woman with Red Hair and Green Eyes), or Dante Gabriel Rossettis Lady Lilith (1867) with the Pre-Raphaelite subject brushing her long hair, are more of a stretch in the narrative, they reinforce the ongoing artistic portrayal of women as dangerous through their looks or power. Though there is much to say about the tragedy of Medusa's story, she became a formidable foe. Horse, dolphin, the Cretan bull. It is only with help from all of the gods that Perseus is able to not only kill but fully decapitate her. There are numerous images of Medusa in an almost angel-like state, or even once she had been cursed, images where the snakes in her hair function as more of an accessory rather than something fearsome. Studio of Antonio Canova, Head of Medusa (Rome, 1806-07), plaster cast with modern metal rod (courtesy Metropolitan Museum of Art, Fletcher Fund, 1967). Even into the 19th century, as the romanticization continued, her eyes did not close. Press J to jump to the feed. Unfortunately, the Goddess Athena didnt see it that way and punished her because she couldnt punish the God for his defilement. "In a male-centered society, the feminization of monsters served to demonize women," she said. Her luscious hair was her most defining feature and she wasnt shy of flaunting herself to others either. Beyond the stories we have heard about this goddess, there are things to learn from her, which can be applied to our daily living. The story has always been heavily discussed by classics scholars because of the very gendered image of Perseus cutting Medusas head off and the castration anxiety that became very popular around any type of chopping in psychoanalysis, especially after Sigmund Freuds Das Medusenhaupt (Medusas Head) was published in 1940 after his death. Upon witnessing this act the goddess Minerva turned Medusa into the snake hair monster with the cold-stone stare that we all know her as. However, what people dont know is that medusas bracelet carries the same power. When medusa was cursed, no god was there to help her or fight her battles. To the Egyptians, it was a symbol of protection and royal power. She has the power to make you spiritually active and sensitive again. It keeps your spiritual atmosphere thick enough to repel every negative force. If the sexualization of the female head causes subjectivity of the woman, then I argue that Freuds analysis (i.e. Other sacred animals to Poseidon were the . She was a beautiful goddess and was desired by many. The myths and stories about medusa are true. A soundscape in the exhibition composed by Austin Fisher (which you can also hear on the Mets site) is alternately serene and cacophonous, reflecting how Medusa is pulled back and forth between these seemingly opposed forms. Just like movies like clash of the titans, she is a powerful spiritual entity that exists in ancient greek mythology. Phoenix Tattoos. Medusas snakes were said to represent the cycle of life, rebirth, and death. What does Medusa Symbolize? Ive seen a lot of variations of her myths that paint her as a vengeful monster, a symbol of feminine rage, or a protective one. She argues that decapitation is not a symbol of castration anxiety, but rather a result of it. For women in ancient times, this motif had a specific function and was of great importance. The phoenix is an important symbol of life, death, and rebirth and is a popular image to get tattooed because of its incredible meaning. Then her severed head, capable of transfixion even in death, is carted away to help him defeat the villain of his story. There is a painful recognition in the fact that Medusas head the center of her knowledge and power is taken from her in order to empower a man and to fight his battles for him. It might come as a surprise but the name Medusa actually means to protect and this actually reflects in the mythology. Another reminder that Minerva/Athena is not your feminist queen. From a feminist perspective, Medusas story seems a cautionary tale of the symbolic decapitation of women and a loss of ones power. wildfirepunch / Instagram. Become a subscriber and support the site! They represent female power Medusa tattoos are a great way to express your feminine power and independence. I was thinking of getting one for my home then I made a painted wood thing invoking Heracles for protection as mentioned in Greek Religion. On funerary urns or armor, she was a talisman of protection, those eyes symbolically warding off evil. She helps females to attain their primes and become who they choose to be. Athena is one of Poseidons sworn enemies, and through raping her sister, he is able to take power from her. She has a stern stare that prevents evil people from glancing at you with their jealous stare. As a symbol I don't see a problem with it. Of course, one must never mention psychoanalysis and phallic imagery without then mentioning Sigmund Freud, who, during the 20th century, wrote prolifically about the intersection of sexuality and psychology. You should be fine if you worry about attracting her attention. Because I want to look into pendants that I can wear as protective talismans, and I think a Medusa one would be a good fit, but Im worried about drawing the attention of a vengeful monster. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. While not the best source, Wikipedia seems to support your claim - it has images of her head used in gorgoneions. Team Zutara forever. Doniger claims that beheading equals the release or termination of sexuality, male or female. Doniger submits that through the sexualization of the female head, (i.e. She was a monster in her story but her symbols were often used for the good of mankind however ironic it is to hear. Therefore, seeing a medusa sign might speak about protection. Still lives in Brooklyn with her over 500 Pokmon that she has Eevee trained into a mighty army. Throughout the essay she encourages women to come closer in relation to her sexuality, to her womanly being, giving her access to her native strength. She goes on to say that in doing so she will get back her goods, her pleasure, her organs, her immense bodily territories. Cixous continues on, saying that for too long women's bodies have been occupied and deemed guilty guilty of everything, guilty at every turn: for having desire, for not having any; for being frigid, for being too hot; for not being both at once, perhaps even from being both woman and angry. Snakes shed their skin regularly, which symbolizes the death of their previous self and grow into their new skins during their rebirth. Medusa embodies menstruation's protective powers. In ancient Egyptian society, the Eye of Horus (Wadjet) was widely used as a symbol of protection, restoration, and royal power. She was usually represented as a winged female creature having a head of hair consisting of snakes; unlike the Gorgons, she was sometimes represented as very beautiful. When she's not reading at one of D.C's many coffeeshops she can also be found taking pictures of the different monuments. Medusa Tattoo Designs 1. Whenever you see yourself drawing medusa in a dream, it means that the universe has blessed you with creativity. Indian artist Diptej Vernekar attached puppets of Hindu avatars to exercise equipment that anyone could activate and engage with. Different regions and cultures . Her writhing hair of serpents became wild curls, with maybe a couple of serpents beneath her chin to hint at her more bestial origins. This was what attracted Poseidon to her. Medusa is seen as a powerful symbol of female intelligence and wisdom, related to the goddess Metis . Her petrifying gaze turns men into stone but only towards those who look at her hideous appearance. Although design houses like Versace (and some might say even comedian Kathy Griffin) have tried to reclaim the myth of Medusa for women, it has largely not been effective. Medusa has 11 spiritual meanings, which we look at in this article. She is astute in the ways of protection and lends her guardianship to those who need her most. During my free time, I love reading and researching history. All of this points to one thing, which is Intellectual power. When Athena discovers that Posidon has raped Medusa, she chooses to blame her rather than him. She was also a powerful representation of facing ones inner demons and how self-reflection can make you into a better person. If women venture to claim control over their heads, then they become a threat to the phallic, male-dominated structure. Therefore, if you notice a dwindle in your spiritual consciousness, seek help from medusa. The man was caught carrying Juanita in a food delivery backpack. Medusa was the only one of the three who could ever be killed. As Karoglou points out, the majority of hybrids (half-human, half-animal monsters like sirens or Gorgons) in ancient Greece were female. Required fields are marked *. In Greek mythology, Medusa was a Gorgon - a creature with snakes for hair and the ability to turn anyone who looked at her into stone.