When designing a product for circularity it is often difficult to know where to begin. Staff, RT. Polycarbonate production (14%), transportation via truck (15%), thermoforming (13%), and waste disposal (11%) cause the majority of the remaining emissions. The designed short user-time of disposable razors, causes their life cycle to be spent mostly in the landfill where they will remain for hundreds of years due to non-biodegradable plastic, however, recycling the plastic and steel is possible if sent to specific recycling facilities, which could reduce the life cycle and negative impact on the environment. The product has several innovative elements, due to the implementation of eco-design principles, such as: (1) introduction of biopolymers (namely polylactic acid (PLA) and Mater-bi), (2) relevant . The newest effort to recycle disposable razors is being done in France by BIC, but the company has said that they do not plan on unveiling a recycling program anywhere else yet (Powers). During production, two components have to be created which are the blade and the plastic body. Disposable and reusable LMAs typically differ in material composition, packaging, reuse, and cost. During the research, I could not find how much energy BIC injection molding machines use, but I did find the energy usage of a common injection molding machine called the Babyplast. The Environmental Protection Agency classifies DEHP as a probable carcinogen, and as a possible endocrine disrupter.24 The FDA issued an advisory in 2002 recommending steps be taken to reduce the risk of exposure to DEHP in certain populations.25 There is enough evidence of reproductive and developmental toxicant effects from DEHP for the FDA to recommend alternatives for patients deemed at high risk, namely infants, toddlers, and pregnant and lactating women. The effect of alternate transport modes was quite small for the reusable LMA but quite significant for the disposable LMAs, leading to a large increase in GHG emissions in particular from air freight. The life cycle assessment results shown here allow clinicians and health care administrators to understand the balance between direct benefits of a given LMA choice to local patient care and the environmental and human health impacts of that choice that occur far from the operating room. There are land, air, and water-based transportation methods. The autoclave was typically run with 5 LMAs, although loading varied significantly. Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is a modeling tool for quantifying the environmental impacts of products and processes. The high waste from manufacturing and shipping such a small, and cheap product is one that is negatively impacting the planet. Policy H-135.945: Encouraging Alternatives to PVC/DEHP Products in Health. Life Cycle Assessment - definition & methodology. The studies have not found it to be harmful to drinking water, or public safety, however, it is an ongoing research of soil data that continues. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Tungsten has a high melting point and is used mainly for strong tools unless used for smaller applications when combined with a carbon alloy: Its alloys are employed in rocket-engine nozzles and other aerospace applications (Safety Razors). Figure: Life Cycle Assessment steps: goal and scope definition, life cycle inventory, life cycle impact assessment and interpretation (Sala et al., 2016) In the goal and scope phase, the aims of the study are defined, namely the intended application, the reasons for carrying out the study and the intended audience. An LCA is an accounting of the inputs and outputs for a product system, beginning with extraction of raw materials from the earth and continuing through all of the steps of transportation, manufacturing, product fabrication, product use, and end-of-life, which may include reuse, recycling . From:. Of course the 2.6 billion razors were not, all the same, however, we can still give a ballpark estimate of how many tonnes of plastic/metal waste is being produced every year. Pollution of the oceans from plastics has become an increasingly large issue that researchers are still assessing. These are the reasons why I will carry out an Eco-Indicator Assessment instead of a full LCA. In 2016, Bic reduced packaging for their Soleil Razor by 40%. Get new journal Tables of Contents sent right to your email inbox, http://www.cdc.gov/ncidod/dvrd/cjd/qa_cjd_infection_control.htm, Comparative Life Cycle Assessment of Disposable and Reusable Laryngeal Mask Airways, Articles in PubMed by Matthew Eckelman, PhD, Articles in Google Scholar by Matthew Eckelman, PhD, Other articles in this journal by Matthew Eckelman, PhD, May 2012 - Environment and Anesthesia Practice, A Comparison of Reusable and Disposable Perioperative Textiles: Sustainability State-of-the-Art 2012, Life Cycle Greenhouse Gas Emissions of Anesthetic Drugs, Environmental and Occupational Considerations of Anesthesia: A Narrative Review and Update, Global Warming Potential of Inhaled Anesthetics: Application to Clinical Use, A Survey of Anesthesiologists' Views of Operating Room Recycling, Privacy Policy (Updated December 15, 2022), International Anesthesia Research Society. To compile a detailed life cycle inventory of the environmental burdens The life of a typical razor blade is not an easy one. Convenience is a potential advantage for disposable LMAs, and facilities that use reusable LMAs must ensure that a variety of sizes are always available when needed. The life cycle for disposable razors must first be assessed by the products design. The body of both razors had similar impact as their weights were also quite similar. The majority (77%) of life cycle CO2e emissions for the reusable LMA is from natural gas production and combustion to produce steam for the autoclave machine. Metal materials are sent for smelting and conversion to new alloys (Terracycle). The most important sources of impacts for the disposable LMA were the production of polymers, packaging, and waste management, whereas for the reusable LMA, washing and sterilization dominated for most impact categories. Nash, Nathaniel C. HOW BIC LOST THE EDGE TO GILLETTE. The New York Times, The New York Times, 11 Apr. The largest sources of both cancer and noncancer impacts for the reusable LMA are from emissions from waste management (35%), the mining and production of metals to build wastewater treatment infrastructure (25%), and the bleaching of packaging paper and the card insert (20%). 13, 14 There are few published life cycle assessment studies of medical items (ref. Upgrading to a new, energy-efficient autoclave machine leads to a nearly equal reduction in life cycle GHG emissions and may be considered particularly in instances in which older equipment is being used. CASE STUDY ANALYSIS - CLEAN EDGE, NON DISPOSABLE RAZOR Q1. Once in the landfill, it usually takes around 20-30 years to breakdown. In this paper, many details about the life cycle stages were not included. An updated lifecycle assessment for disposable and reusable nappies Report that looks at the effect of disposable and reusable nappies on global warming and other environmental impacts. All of these equipment-related cases occurred before the routine implementation of sterilization procedures currently used in health care facilities. Sensitivity and simple life cycle cost analyses were conducted to aid in interpretation of the results. Reusable LMAs were collected in a dirty device bin on the anesthesia cart and then reprocessed by the anesthesia technicians. This LCA is specific for surgical gowns used in the Twin Cities of Minneapolis and St Paul, Minnesota. The product fails to include proper instructions for its waste management, causing it to be disposed of, as the name suggests. Disposable razors are a product that can be found in almost any average bathroom. Amersfoort, The Netherlands: Product Ecology (PR) Consultants, 2011, 11. The total energy consumption of the Babyplast in its four-step molding cycle of setup, fill, cool, and reset was approximately 4.5 kilowatts (Weissman et.al). Phoenix: IEEE, 2008, 23. The authors declare no conflict of interest. The data collected through LCA helps organizations make conscious decisions that affect the environment. The materials used in the production of disposable razors are limited due to the products simplicity however, many of the materials are unsustainable in that they are not biodegradable or easily recyclable, and require heavy energy input to manufacture. The LMAs were first rinsed in tap water, scrubbed externally with a Hibiclens sponge and internally with a small scrub brush, and rinsed again. The use of disposable razors is unsustainable with our growing population and increased demand. Using BEES to select cost-effective green products. The backbone of LCA is the life cycle inventory (LCI), an analysis of material and energy ows resulting from all phases of the product life cycle. Anesth Analg 2012;114:105566, 8. There are 3 key tasks in this step. However, BIC did report some of its transportation statistics. xTkJ((5:Ome\%{yIlka;K=1 LCA for product sustainability. (i)What changes occurring in non-disposable Razor category? A 2005 analysis published by U.K. Its an extremely strong and durable metal compound, making it perfect for the use of razor blades (Siddle, How Is Tungsten Carbide Formed?; Tungsten Carbide. Wikipedia.org). 2002/03 and 2005/06, to include an assessment of the effects of a range of behavioural assumptions on the life cycle environmental impacts of the reusable nappy types, and to compare these with each other and with modern disposable nappies. Their disposable nature causes them to be put into landfills faster than it takes them to be made, packaged, and shipped. In addition, the impact categories of eutrophication (growth of microorganisms due to excess nutrients) and terrestrial ecotoxicity reflect the impacts on other species and ecosystems and have implications for public health. Tungsten Carbide. Encyclopdia Britannica, Encyclopdia Britannica, Inc., 17 Dec. 2018, www.britannica.com/science/tungsten-carbide. However, it is fairly easy to find what the disposable razors components are made of, due to its simplicity. The life cycle of plastics Life cycle assessment (LCA) considers the environmental aspects associated with a product over its lifespan. Please try again soon. BIC has reported their total energy usage and carbon footprint in their factories around the world, this was all however for the year 2016. The majority of life cycle human health impacts of disposable LMAs are caused by PVC use in packaging and the device itself. American Medical Association (AMA). Most of those razors just end up in a landfill because most countries are not recycling them. The total amount of direct GHG emissions in 2016 was estimated at 8,689 teqCO2, i.e. A life cycle assessment or analysis according to ISO 14040/14044 is an instrument of environmental and sustainability management. Tungsten is a natural metal deposit that is found in metamorphic, and granitic igneous rocks, primarily in China, Russia, South Korea, South America, and the Rocky Mountains in the United States. Biro P. Damage to laryngeal masks during sterilization. There are many detailed stages but the main ones are: extracting and. Contamination problems with reuse of laryngeal mask airways and laryngoscopes. After the plastic body is manufactured it goes through inspections similar to ones the blades go through. According to studies done by the EPA, tungsten steel was originally tested as a stable metal in soil that does not dissolve easily in water (EPA). The blades and lubricating strip were too light to be measured with our equipment so their weights were rounded to 1g. Please try after some time. In this case it was very difficult to see what materials the product contained and exactly how it was manufactured (as the big manufacturing companies wouldnt disclose this information), so some of the data had to be assumed. One of their most popular products is the disposable razor, which they started to manufacture in 1975. We purchase the product in a store, use the product for removing unwanted body and facial hair until it eventually dulls, and then we toss it in the bathroom trash, unaware of where it goes or where it came from. The tables didnt contain values for welding steel, so it has been assumed that the value is close to welding aluminium which is in the table. The cartridge-based razor had a slightly higher impact due to the rubber parts which cant be separated from the plastic body. BIC is a French manufacturing company that produces a variety of disposable consumer products like pens, lighters and disposable razors. LMA Classic Product Specifications, 2011, 10. This is where most of the complexity of an LCA is involved. You Asked, We Answered. Chronicle, 12 June 2015, chronicle.kennametal.com/what-is-tungsten-carbide-you-asked-we-answered/. In addition, although this life cycle assessment study did not analyze health impacts during use of an LMA, intraoperative exposure to diethylhexyl phthalate (DEHP) is of some concern. Everything You Need To Know About Polypropylene (PP) Plastic. Everything You Need To Know About Polypropylene (PP) Plastic, https://www.creativemechanisms.com/blog/all-about-polypropylene-pp-plastic. An estimated 1 L of tap water was used to wash and rinse 1 LMA (or 40 L over a lifetime of 40 uses). BIC Group, 2016, Sustainable Development Report. qILL@#nO @8 769 0 obj <>stream In the case of the disposable razor however, it is fairly simple due to its nature. Certain practices would further reduce the environmental impacts of reusable LMAs, such as increasing the number of devices autoclaved in a single cycle to 10 (25% GHG emissions) and improving the energy efficiency of the autoclaving machines by 10% (8% GHG emissions). Marine cargo ships use a fuel called heavy fuel oil which produces around 145,000 BTU per gallon (Energy Consumption by Mode of Transportation.). Disposable LMAs are made largely from PVC plastic, which is associated with a number of health concerns that are gaining increased attention.23 Historic efforts to minimize routine medical incineration resulted in the 1998 Memorandum of Understanding between the American Hospital Association and the US Environmental Protection Agency, largely on the basis of recognition of the potential carcinogenic effects of burning PVC plastics. 11,772. The alloy is strong enough to resist moisture for a short time in the buyers shower, yet, in the landfill, it does eventually rust and decompose. After the parts are manufactured it is time for the final product assembly. Polyphenylene Oxides.Polyphenylene Oxides - an Overview | ScienceDirect Topics, 2013, www.sciencedirect.com/topics/chemical-engineering/polyphenylene-oxides. These steps are not necessarily conducted in succession, but iteratively. It is resistant to fats and almost all organic solvents which helps it hold up in the damp and warm conditions of a bathroom and shower (Polypropylene. Wikipedia.org). Comparison of the single use and reusable intubating laryngeal mask airway. By far, the biggest impact during the manufacturing of the razors was the 17 spot welds done in each cartridge. The indirect emissions were mostly from the electricity use in the factories. Despite this, a general perception is that reusable LMAs possess a safety profile inferior to that of disposable LMAs, thus contributing to the proliferation of the latter. A Life Cycle Assessment of Disposable Razors. Europe, Plastic News. The mixed plastics used in most of the razor take hundreds of years to break down in landfill, and the blades, while the metal is recyclable if separated from the rest of the product, poses a safety hazard for both the consumer and the employees who handle recyclables. The cheap price of the razor does not reflect the high cost of its waste and impact on the environment. Gillette's slogan 'Gillette - the best a man can get' is famous the world over. To go from raw materials to final product involves many steps and heavy energy input. The full life cycle environmental impacts can be challenging to model, because modern production "pathways" can involve numerous interacting technologies, each of which can consume materials and energy that are themselves products of complex production processes. What does a business area's assessment of agreements, income, and value implicate? This is the fourth installment in a series of blogs in which weexplore how to design a product for circularity. 3 in Table 1). The high levels of pollution from disposable razor blades alone caused the EPA to claim a national garbage crisis in the late 1980s, and the actual figure of 2 billion razors thrown away every year dates back to the 1990s.