What do dog groomers use to make dogs smell so good? Theres no one answer to this question since its more of a saying or superstition than anything else. The tail seems to help, but cats without a tail also have this ability, since a cat mostly turns by moving its legs and twisting its spine in a certain sequence. FRIGHTENING? Dispelling the Myth of Nine Lives For one, cats are not described as having nine lives in all cultures. Another benefit is that it can help people be more mindful of their lives. Theyre also very curious and theyre always exploring their surroundings. Keep on reading to find out. I do not hide that the thought has crossed my mind here and there; somethings that cats do at times make you really think they are out to get you. That's because they were born via eggs or some other mode to incubate the baby other than a placenta. Growing up I was always aware of this hostility. Cat meaning and symbolism includes elegance, curiosity, independence, protection, magic, and other notable qualities. But in Spain, says Pet Plan UK, you'll hear that cats have seven lives (another number full of symbolic meaning), and Arabic and Turkish legends claim six lives. ats are perfect to most people, but not to my 42-year-old mother. Mercutio: Good King of Cats, I want to take one of your nine lives. Cats who sleep in this position often have a regal air about them and enjoy being the center of attention. There is no scientific evidence to support the belief that cats have nine lives. In Islam, cats are viewed as holy animals. In 1732, Thomas Fuller wrote a book called Gnomologia: Adagies And . Theyre also very intelligent and theyre always up for a challenge. And what is the meaning behind that famous saying? *Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. Learn how to create four different DIY cat beds that will provide your furry friend with a cozy space of her own & won't break your bank! Some people believe, Read More CAT CRYING OUTSIDE MY HOUSE SUPERSTITION AND 5 MORE!Continue, Can cats sense bad energy? In this way, they can slow down the fall. Even going way back to the 1st century when they were thrown from towers, cats have had a habit of cheating death. In complete contrast, I am an ailurophile. Cats are creatures of habit and their favorite sleeping position often reflects their unique personality. Here is the truth about cats. From a young age, domestic cats know to use a litter box, unlike puppies that use your floor for the first couple of weeks before being trained to go outside. The number nine has significance to many early cultures. I have four cats of my own, and I frequently foster kittens for a local animal shelter. In fact, the Egyptians were so enamored with their feline friends that when a cat died, the entire household would shave off their eyebrows as a sign of mourning. All this fascination with cats goes way back about 12,000 years ago. The answer may surprise you. As a result, the number 9 was often seen as having great significance in Greek Mythology. This is thought to relate to seven being considered a magical number related to good luck. Some regions around Spain believe that cats only have seven lives, while in other Arabic and Turkish legends, cats have six lives. For three he plays, for three he strays, and for the last three he stays.". One day, much to my astonishment, I came back from a stressful day at college to see Milo sitting peacefully on her lap while she watched TV. Cats cant die and come back right after. The proverb that started it all states: "A cat has nine lives. blood pressure, bladder stretch). Why do they say cats have nine lives? William Shakespeare uses the idiom in Romeo and Juliet which was written around 1595 (6). This is a question that has been asked for centuries, and there is still no clear answer. 119. Finally, some people believe thatcats can see ghostsand other spirits. Cats have long been associated with having multiple lives, but is there any truth to the idea that female cats have nine lives in particular? In many countries such as Germany, Spain and Turkey, the Common Belief is that cats actually have 7 lives. It is highly amusing when I remind my mother of how she used to feel about cats. In Hinduism, nine is considered a complete and divine number. Dr. Lucinda Alderton-Sell, Cats Protection's Field Veterinary Officer, previously told Newsweek: "Between the ages of 3 and 6, cats are in the prime of their lives and usually at their peak of physical fitness. Do Cats Have 9 Lives In Islam? In many countries, they are believed to have nine lives, but in Italy, Germany, Greece, Brazil, and some Spanish-speaking regions, they are said to have seven lives, while in Turkish and Arabic traditions, the number of lives is six. As with most oral storytelling, there is no evidence of when or where this famous English quotation was first documented. Since then she has said there is something disturbing about their piercing stare and how quickly they can dart away, vanishing into thin air. However, it is undeniable that cats are fascinating creatures, and their popularity as pets means that they are likely to continue to be a source of fascination and mystery for years to come. [1], One of Muhammad's companions was known as Abu Hurairah (literally: "Father of the Kitten") for his attachment to cats. One could say that many cultures have a unique take on what cats mean spiritually to them. Trim off any excess fabric, and voila! They are able to come away from these perilous drops because of what is known as their "righting reflex." Do cats have nine lives, or do they really have seven? Islam also has that tradition, albeit in a much modified form. BOTTOM LINEContinue, How to know if your cat sees a ghost? Egyptians believed that cats were reincarnated six times, which may have led to the belief that they have six lives. Can you go to the beach with tattoos in Japan? This position is often seen in younger cats who are full of energy. 2023 DorkyCats - WordPress Theme by Kadence WP, Terms Of Service | Privacy Policy | Disclaimers | Contact | About, HOW TO KNOW IF YOUR CAT SEES A GHOST? Yes indeed! [2] According to many hadith, the Islamic prophet Muhammad prohibited the persecution and killing of cats. While certain areas around the world believe that cats have multiple lives, the number nine is not universal. ", Join half a million readers enjoying Newsweek's free newsletters. It helps that he has beautiful green eyes and the softest fur, too. Based on this culture, cats are supposed to be treated well and fed appropriately. What You Need to Know! All these quality are what makes cats truly unique. The truth is, no one really knows for sure, but there is evidence to suggest that cats are resilient creatures that may have a few more lives than the average animal. "Cats are curious by nature and many love exploring new situations and scenarios, some of which clearly are not good for them," Kelsey said. Others believe that the seven lives refers to the fact that cats have seven different stages in their lives, from kittenhood to old age. First, youll need to gather your supplies. However, William Shakespeare knew about the saying because he referenced it in his play Romeo and Juliet, written in the late 16th century: "Good king of cats, nothing but one your nine lives." This position is relatively rare and is often seen in cats who are very relaxed and comfortable in their environment. We may never know the exact origin of the myth. While the origin of this myth may remain a mystery, science has revealed that cats are incredibly resilient creatures capable of escaping danger and surviving situations where other animals might not. Well, shes not wrong. What does the Bible say about the black horse? For thousands of years, people have been captivated by cats. . However, unlike humans, cats have more vertebrae. The site is also monetized with affiliate programs from LinkShare, CJ, ShareASale, and other networks, at no additional cost to you. However, there is no denying that cats are amazing creatures that have the ability to heal quickly and survive falls from great heights. Some cats have personalities that stand out from, Read More CAN A CAT BE EVIL? Moreover, Cats have long been associated with having nine lives. Cats have 9 lives, and dogs dont because they have a long history that goes back to Ancient Egypt, including mythology. While Muslims are completely free to live with cats, they must treat the cats well. Aquarius (January 20 February 18): The Aquarius cat is the true independent. Do cats really have 9 lives? In certain regions of Spain it is believed that cats have seven lives, for example. If a cat "comes back to life" multiple times, the number nine makes sense when looked at from a mystical point of view. History has it that nine is a magical number and this could be the reason why nine was the most appropriate to associate to cats. [1], The American poet and travel author Bayard Taylor (18251878) was astonished when he discovered a Syrian hospital where cats roamed freely. And with that comes the same onus to protect them from harm and take proper care of them. FRIGHTENING?Continue, Your email address will not be published. Nine has traditionally been considered a magic number, which could also help to explain why cats are associated with nine lives. Do cats have nine lives? This belief likely comes from cats surviving fallsfrom great heights and other seemingly impossible situations. Cats can heal quickly from injuries and areless likely to develop infections. A version of each of us lives in the minds of other people - from a person who briefly sees us out on the street, to our closest loves ones who know us for decades, and everyone in between. Others believe that it is because they are able to see in the dark and avoid danger. We like to think they would always be there for us since they have nine lives, The nine lives of cats have been a subject of fascination for centuries. Cats are just fascinating creatures, and theres always room for interpretation when it comes to their lives. It is possible that the myth originated from the fact that cats were often associated with the goddess Bastet, who was thought to have had nine lives. 3. Because of this, the myth predates the late 1500s and possibly has ancient origins. This period covers age 24-40 in human years.". Energetic and tormenting as a teenager, hes also slender, cute and as vulnerable as a baby, which I think appeals to my mother. This might change how we interact with them because we may believe they have special abilities and can help us in our lives. Lets look at the science behind cats legendary nine lives and find out if theres any truth to it! Cats who sleep in this position are usually very independent and self-sufficient. They are thought to be ritually clean which is why they're allowed to enter homes and even mosques.. Atum-Ra was said to have given birth to eight other gods. Dominican Republic - Repblica Dominicana, Greater China - Hong Kong SAR (English), Do Cats Really Have Nine Lives? One theory is that the concept of a cats seven lives comes from Ancient Egypt, where cats were revered as gods and often seen as symbols of good luck. We all love our cats. 2. While there is no scientific evidence to support the claim that cats have six lives, there are some interesting theories about why this belief exists. Keeping dogs for hunting, protecting livestock and guarding crops is allowed. The sun god Atum-Ra was said to take the form of a cat so he could visit the underworld. For example, dogs have belly buttons as well. Whatever the reason, its clear that cats are considered to be special creatures with some pretty amazing abilities! How many people are killed by cats each year. For example, in Arabic-speaking parts of the world, cats are believed to have six lives. And more importantly, is there any truth to it? But we are going to follow the ancient Egyptians and say our cats have 9. . Theyre also very loyal and theyre always there for their loved ones. 8 Reasons for This Behavior. For example, you may notice when yourcat is purringor rubbing against your leg, and you may appreciate their presence more. The answer may surprise you. By the time cats made their way to England, however, they were revered more for their ability to ward off rodents than to reincarnate. Studies show the average cat may only live to be 14 years old, which is the equivalent of age 70 in human years. But its best to be on the safe side with thebest cat insurance plans. Despite the differences in the number of lives a cat supposedly has, there exists the one common underlying belief: Cats live more than one life. If he has an extra sense, or if he pretends to be silly, illogic, and cute while he is a sort of genius? The righting reflex, along with their flexible bones and ligaments, is how they are able to survive falls from huge heightsheights that would prove fatal for most other mammalian species, cementing the old saying that cats have nine lives. Find info on vets or breeds or laugh at funny cats. Cats neither forgive nor forget. Contrary to popular belief, cats only have one life. Do cats have 9 lives? This is a balance reflex that allows them to orientate themselves as they fall in order to land on their feet. However, there is no . 8 Reasons for This Behavior, Can Adult Cats Eat Kitten Food? Dorkycats.com is monetized through the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees. For example, thinking cats have 9 lives can help you appreciate the moments you live in more. They are confident and like to be in control. This is likely due to their ability to escape dangerous situations unharmed. Scientists call this righting reflex. So, while we dont know for sure if cats really do have nine lives, they certainly have a reputation for being able to cheat death in some pretty amazing ways. Cats are capable of doing things that allow them to avoid danger and survive when other animals might not be so fortunate. But its an infallible part of British culture: we are a nation of dog-lovers, so as a child I did feel that I missed out. They say that nine is the trinity of trinities and believe that cats most definitely have multiple lives. They clean themselves, keep their fur relatively knot-free, and they don't need to be potty trained. It is highly amusing when I remind my mother how she used to feel about cats: Qais with his mother Shabnam and Milo. The ancient Egyptians believed these animals were sacred and divine beings with supernatural powers. [6] It is most likely a misunderstanding. This means that when he jumps or accidentally falls from high places, he is able to twist his body around so as to land right on his feet. The Prophet himself was a great cat-lover Muezza was the name of his favourite cat. CAN CATS SENSE BAD ENERGY? She also talks about how shes had to learn to be more patient with her cats, and how shes come to appreciate the quirks that make each of them unique. One New York cat is known to have survived a fall of 32 stories. Do cats have 9 lives in Islam? All fields are required. If youre ever wondering how people come up with ideas like this, just remember that theres no one correct answer. Do cats have nine lives, or do they really have seven? While there is no scientific evidence to support the claim that cats have seven lives, there are a few theories that could explain where the idea originated from. Dogs can be hit and abused by cruel owners and will come back for more. In addition, cats earned the reputation of having nine lives because of their fast reflexes and ability to survive almost anything. Your email address will not be published. It has been suggested that the idea of cats having nine lives has its roots in Ancient Egypt. However, this is not actually true. Unfortunately, cats do not have 9 lives, but science has uncovered some fascinating facts about cats and their relationship to a danger that might explain why this myth has persisted for so long. The same is true in some Asian cultures. Deter them from this behavior by cat-proofing your house, such as not placing tempting items like toys, treats and catnip in high places. They will leave home if treated badly. Many superstitions and fantastic stories from many centuries ago surround cats. Thats right, just like you and me, your cat has a zodiac sign that says a lot about their personality. The belief thatcats have 9 livesand originate from Egypt is a popular myth. Its possible that this belief in the mystical power of cats contributed to the idea that they had multiple lives. They might be grumpy creatures that would knock things over around the house, nestle and curl up on our laps when we're down, and sometimes even when we're busy! In certain regions of Spain it is believed that cats have seven lives, for example. InAncient Egypt,cats were considered to be sacred animals. Every day, my mother spends hours gawking at him, besotted. For example, they believed it took nine days to fall from heaven to Earth. In other cases, cats are viewed as powerful and wise creatures that can help protect their owners from harm. How many lives do cats have? The educational cat health content on Cats.com is written by or reviewed by our team of veterinary experts to ensure that its in line with the latest evidence-based veterinary information and health guidelines. Have you ever wondered if cats really have nine lives? For example, in Arabic-speaking parts of the world, cats are believed to have six lives. Within weeks of Milo moving in with us, my mothers attitude changed and now after three months, she has fully adopted him as her fifth child. As he began to dress he discovered that Muezza was sleeping on the sleeve of his prayer robe. She'll get exercise and you won't get a ruined staircase. As weve deduced, there isnt a magical number of lives that cats havethey can die just like any other animal. Theyre always looking for ways to keep the peace and theyre always trying to please everyone. Meanwhile, some Turkish and Arabic legends say cats have six lives. Throughout history, cats have been said to have nine lives. The Egyptians believed that cats were magical creatures with the power to come back to life after death. Above all, they are admired for their cleanliness. She spams everyone with WhatsApp photos of Milo and texts me every couple of hours about how her favourite child is doing. Meanwhile, some Turkish and Arabic legends say cats have six lives. There is a way of saying that cats have nine lives in many cultures. In humans and animals, the main cavity-causing culprit is a bacterium known as Streptococcus mutans. Partly it was based on watching a scary video about a cat in her childhood. Cats have an infinite number of lives, but they dont always live to a ripe old age. Or would they think that a cats life is more like a game, where they can use up one of their lives and then start over again? Mimicry is when a dog mimics the behavior of another. They love to be the center of attention and they love to be pampered. As a passionate fan of everything about cats, she is is more than happy to be the editor and provide content on what she is passionate about. Theyre also very affectionate and they love to cuddle. She's a professional member of the Cat Writers' Association (CWA) and has written for industry-leading companies and organizations, including What to Expect When You're Expecting and NIU STEM Read. So, while science cant prove that cats have nine lives, it can certainly explain why the myth has existed for so long! Virgo (August 23 September 22): The Virgo cat is the true perfectionist. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Another theory is that the six lives myth is based on the fact that cats are relatively resilient animals. Many Egyptian families would keep cats as pets and even feed them their food. For three he plays, for three he strays, and for the last three he stays.". Cat behavior expert Celia Haddon told Newsweek: "Some numbers seem to have a special significance and perhaps this is why cats have nine, rather than 10 or eight, lives. Although not meant in super seriousness, the proverb tells that: "A cat has nine lives. Christ died on the ninth hour of the day. In others, they are considered to be sacred creatures. In September, a viral video of a cat hanging off the roof of a football stadium in Miami went viral. DorkyCats.com does not intend to provide veterinary advice. In certain regions of Spain it is believed that cats have seven lives, for example. In many cultures, seven is associated with good luck, so it makes sense that cats, which are often considered to be lucky animals, would be said to have seven lives. They are confident and secure in their surroundings. Food sampled by cats is considered halal, in the sense that their consumption of the food does not make it impermissible for Muslims to eat, and water from which cats have drunk is permitted for wudu (the ablution that is done by Muslims). What we do know, notes Science magazine, is that the fascination with cats dates way back to about 12,000 years ago in the homes and places of worship of the ancient Egyptians. However, the best way to ensure your cats longevity is by providing them with a safe environment and regular checkups from your veterinarian. Even our beloved Prophet (SAW) had a cat on his own, named Muezza, proving cats to be a special animal in Islam. A cat might stray far away from home, but it will almost always know how to find his way back. span I comment. Do cats have 9 lives in Islam? So much so, that one of Prophet Muhammads companions was known as Abu Hurairah (Father of the Kittens) for his attachment to cats. 10 REMARKABLE THINGS ABOUT CATSContinue. complete answer on seniorcatwellness.com, View Theyre also very passionate and they can be quite stubborn. Bastet had the ability to go back and forth between her human and cat forms, which is speculated to be the origin of the idea that cats have multiple lives. So, do cats really have seven lives? We do our best to help you better understand your cats, but the information on this blog is not a substitute for veterinary guidance. The number was also considered holy, as it was the last digit in the Greek numerical system. Theyre also very affectionate and they love to cuddle. Start by drilling a hole through the center of your piece of wood. Theyre also quite reserved and they can be quite stubborn. This means that they are less likely to be injured than other animals, which may lead people to believe that they have more lives. Cats are pretty tidy creatures. Have you heard about cats having nine lives? Like many teenagers in lockdown, sweating through hours of home learning while struggling to remain positive, I really wanted a cat. Here are the benefits of cats in Islam: 1. I used my religion to convince her. "But our cats are fearsome predators and survivors equipped physically with great tools such as the mid air reflex whereby they right themselves during a fall to land on all feet, their whiskers, which can determine whether a space is big enough for them or not and their ability to make themselves appear like liquid when they squeeze into small boxes or a tight space. This is a question that has been asked by many people over the years, and it is one that does not have a definitive answer. However, the truth is that we dont really know how many lives cats have. It crops up in a stitch in time saves nine.". Here are some popular cat sleeping positions and what they say about your feline friend: This position is named after the Egyptian cat breed known for its hairless body. Do they real have nine lives? She has many furry friends and loves to talk about them and share curiosities, tips, and funny stories. Next, wrap the sisal rope around the post, stapling it to the wood as you go. They just have 8 totems of undying. All placental mammals like cats, which are mammals with placenta, technically have belly buttons. Cookie Consent Tool. They are also extremely quick at being able to react when danger presents itself.". These 7 Signs Will Help You Find Out, Eyelid Agenesis In Cats: Causes, Symptoms, & Treatment. They love to be around their family and theyre very loyal to their loved ones. Theyre always mysterious and theyre always seeming to know more than theyre letting on. Over time, this belief became a popular saying or proverb, and it has been passed down through generations in many cultures worldwide. Despite their work as mousers, cats retained their air of mystique. I have trained dogs ranging from standard poodles to golden retrievers to border collies and now the passion of my life is working with aggressive dogs with behavioral issues in order to help them be more confident, calm and easygoing dogs who are well-behaved in their own homes. They have sharp claws and teeth which help them to defend themselves, and they are also very good at landing on their feet when they fall. Some people believe that dogs have one life, while others believe that they have multiple lives. Meanwhile, View This is because seven is a magical number related to good luck. 1. They Have Extremely Good Agility. When they reach old age, they need more rest and tend to live at a slower pace of life. Have you experienced the funny and maybe creepy experience of your cat suddenly jumping up, running away, or even becoming puffy with all his fur standing straight? What does the Bible say about aging with grace? Ancient Egyptian Gods Horus and Atum. I'll take one, and, depending on how you treat me after that, I might beat the other eight out of you too. [1] Furthermore, there is a belief among some Muslims that cats seek out people who are praying.[6]. What we do know is that cats are incredibly resilient creatures. here are a few proverbs and sayings related to the belief that cats have nine lives: Its worth noting that while these proverbs and sayings are often used in popular culture, they are not based on any factual evidence, and cats only have one life, just like any other animal. [1], Wilfred Thesiger, in his book The Marsh Arabs, notes that cats were allowed free entry to community buildings in villages in the Mesopotamian Marshes, and even fed. Cats are also known for their dexterity and agility. Theyre also very affectionate and they love to cuddle. The myth that cats have multiple lives exists in many cultures across the world, but it is not always nine lives. Inevitably, it took me a while. How many of you have given your cats superpowers? With their incredible agilityand apparent ability to avoid certain death on a semi-regular basisthe saying that cats have nine lives has resonated across societies and generations. It felt like a sacrifice for her, but she knew how much I wanted one. It is essential to take good care of your cat, keep them safe from harm, and provide them with proper nutrition and medical care to ensure they live a healthy and happy life. Across the U.S. there are almost 60 million pet cats, with around one in four households having a feline companion. One theory is that cats are very agile and can survive falls from high places, which might have led people to believe they have multiple lives. One theory is that the number nine is considered to be a lucky number in many cultures. Many people think of cats as aloof and uncaring, but believing they have 9 lives can change how you see them. Learn more. Now she does everything for him: cleans out his litter tray, feeds him and plays with him. Most dogs are symmetrical, meaning they have an even number of nipples on both sides. However, there is no specific mention of cats having multiple lives in Islamic scripture. They say that nine is "the trinity of trinities" and believe that cats most definitely have multiple lives. [1] Furthermore, there is a belief among some Muslims that cats seek out people who are praying. There are feral cats all over the world. As a result, some people have linked the saying of cats having nine lives with this myththe eight gods, plus Atum-Ra, equal nine lives. For three he play s, for three he strays, and for the last three he stays.". Morris the Cat strolled onto TV and into Americans' lives in 1969 as the finicky spokes-cat for 9Lives cat food [source: Elliott ]. Instead, the Japanese believe thatcats have the power to change their fate. 6. r/Showerthoughts. This is a question that has been debated by cat lovers for centuries. Pet cats were mummified and buried. The story goes that Muhammad awoke one day to the call of prayer. Hi, Im Amanda. Libra (September 23 October 22): The Libra cat is the true diplomat. The Egyptian god Atum (also called Atum-Ra) was thought to take the feline form when visiting the underworld. Learn how getting rid of cat odors in carpets and fabrics is key to getting your house to smell fresh and clean. If someone outside of the family killed a cat, that person could be put to death. I don't care who dies in a movie as long as the dog lives? At Excited Cats, we regularly consult with licensed veterinarians and other industry experts. "Well I only have 7 left and I'm not flexible I'm a fat tub of lard now shut the fuck up so i can get back to my nap" - my cat 2020. Cats who sleep in this position are often very active and playful. Few have made progress; many have, Read More CAN CATS SMELL CANCER? Lastly, believing that cats have 9 lives can also help people to be more compassionate towards others.