Atmakaraka Saturn means you are disciplined, responsible, patient, hardworking, serious, and mature. The Atmakaraka symbolises the Ascendant in your Kundali or Janmapatri. Atmakaraka in Chitra Nakshatra means you are a natural architect and are talented when it comes to structure, design, and engineering. This is because the moon is constantly waxing and waning and so do your feelings. Nevertheless, you are very magnetic, and people are drawn to your alluring energy like a moth to a flame. However, if the Moon is debilitated in the 8th house, which is the original House of Scorpio, your mind can often go to dark places and your emotions can fluctuate. You have a skill when it comes to writing religious texts, philosophies, laws, and religion. You are relationship-oriented and enjoy personal connections and romantic relationships. As a result, you live life according to how you believe. Venus is the planet of beauty; therefore, you can dress beautifully, attractive, colorful, and in fashionable clothing. You have a blessed relationship with your mother; in addition, wisdom can come through your mother, and she can give you wise advice and counsel. You can work in a profession in which you are a writer, journalist, public speaker, accountant, marketer, copywriting, columnist, or computer programmer, etc. You can have a younger appearance especially if Mercury influences Saturn; however, when people talk with you, they think that you were older because you are mature far beyond your years. it is your purpose in life to exert energy in your physical body. This is because the Moon relates to the masses, and the 10th house is where the Sun is the highest in the sky. He had the Sun as the amatyakaraka in the birth chart. however: once married there can be an and strange relationship with in-laws (your husbands relatives) especially the husbands first youngest sibling. This is because Venus is debilitated in the 6th house which causes an imbalance to the harmonic energy of Venus. Your mind is focused on spirituality and enlightenment. You put energy and strength to remove any obstacle in your life. Your Dharmas (Purpose in life) is to be involved with the mundane world. Atmakaraka is the planet in the birth chart with the longest longitude. The D9 can be studied as a chart with the Karakamsha as a Lagna. Planet with highest degree is called atmakaraka and planet with second highest degree is amatyakaraka in jaimini astrology. There are two types of Atmakaraka (1) Fixed Atmakaraka (2) Movable Atmakarka. A female can marry a man who is a provider and supports her financially. You are very nurturing, caring, and have natural maternal instincts, you love taking care of things especially the people in your life. when you serve society and groups of people this empowers you with strength. Calculation Method. Whenever i have gone to other astrologers, they usually say generic stuff about me and my future but your prediction was to the point. You have creative talents and a talent for the visual arts (pictures, drawing, painting, artwork). You are very beautiful and have a magnetism that draws other people to you. Role of Atmakaraka Planet As mentioned above, Atmakaraka planet is a king among the planets. Atmakaraka Jupiter in 6th house means your wisdom comes from dealing with the everyday mundane life. You can experience an awakening in which you have that aw ha moment and everything is clear. You have a lot of influential and powerful people in your network circle who will help you with your soul purpose and destiny. As a result, you have natural healing power and may delve into alternative medicine or herbology. Saturn represents old age and maturity in the second house is your face; Therefore you have an old-looking face or you often appear overly serious. Planets are assigned a karaka name from the highest to the lowest (7th) degree. you may feel a disconnect with the father or feel as if you cannot get close to him. You are confident and have high self-esteem. Atmakaraka Jupiter in 10th house you are a counselor and very knowledgeable when it comes to the work you perform in your career. The planet Saturn is cold and dry; therefore, you can come off as having a cold personality. Many eminent personalities in spiritualism Sri Prabhupad, Aurbindo Ghosh, Sai baba and so on do have Amatyakaraka Moon in their chart. Actions dominate your life, when you are engaged in an activity, you feel alive, inspired, and motivated. Mercury in the 4th house relates to grade school and early education); therefore, you were very studious in grade school; you were engaged in your academic learning (studying, homework, and reading); You were able to retain the information you learned in school which helps you get good grades. You are an example and inspiration to others. The 6th house is the house of debates and mercury relates to intelligence; therefore, you win arguments with your intellect; Consequently, you win overall competitors with your words and knowledge; this is how you gain victory in life and achieve your goals. On the other hand, you have a very logical and calculative mind and are good when it comes to mathematic, statistics, numbers, and data. Atmakaraka in Shatabhisha Nakshatra means you are extraordinarily intelligent and can process and retain a large amount of information and data. Atmakaraka in Jyeshta Nakshatra means you are powerful, authoritative, and destined to sit in a seat of rulership. Then see, which house Amatya Karaka is placed from this sign as Ascendant? Because you enjoy being in social environments and working with people, you are naturally talented when comes to mediation and negotiations. Your ego is connected with your home; however, you could become so attached to your home that you may be an introvert or homebody. Manage Settings Your purpose in life is to seek spirituality and enlightenment; you achieved this by being in isolation in which you can pray, meditate, chant, or practice your spiritual beliefs. Optional: Modern/Traditional method. You have to be patient when dealing with your children and you experienced a delay in this area. However, your ideas take time to grow, similar to a baby growing in its mothers womb. however, developing your spirituality requires you to be in isolation, this is good because you enjoy spending time alone. Growing up your home environment was a pleasant place to live full of comforts, joy, balance, and social. Sorry, you have Javascript Disabled! This is because Indra (King of the God) is the ruling deity of Jyeshta Nakshatra. You have profound leadership abilities and can manage people effectively. This is because you are very serious which makes you appear detached from emotions. As per Ashtakavarga in birth chart we can find the strength of planet based rashi / sign. this is because Jupiter becomes activated when you get married and Jupiter is the most beneficial planet in Vedic Astrology. Sun is the general atmakaraka for all, but the planet with highest degree in your natal chart is considered as your personal Atmakaraka. You are blessed with an education and if pursued youre able to obtain a degree, certificate, or be skilled in trade; its because the 5th house is all about education and Jupiter blesses you with an education. You have many ups and downs dealing with daily routines, and you go through many fluctuations in your work environment. Nevertheless, if you do decide to pursue an education you can obtain a masters degree or Ph.D., or any advanced degree; higher education intrigues your interest. Since Mars is a technical planet and the 5th house relates to education you can have a technical education like technology, engineering, electrical engineering, mathematics, computer programming, etc. Your Atmakaraka is the planet with the highest degree in your natal birth chart. Atmakaraka Moon in 2nd House means you can accumulate a large number of resources. This communicative relationship helps you fulfill your purpose in life. You can receive wisdom from younger siblings and people in your immediate environment (neighbors, coworkers, cousins, and friends). Atmakaraka Moon in 3rd House means your mind is focused on intellectual curiosity. You have a very political mind and have an interest in politics or government. You can learn more about this important astrological factor from my article Atmakaraka, the Ruler of the Soul The result of Atmakaraka calculation will depend on which Ayanamsa (or the difference between tropical and sidereal zodiacs) is used. Mercury as Amatyakaraka Planet in your Horoscope. You can either discover other peoples secrets or have your own secrets exposed. When you go to the political field, you can call Amatya, a minister. Since Jupiter is a wise guru, you have a wise-looking face and can appear holy and spiritual. Moon as Amatyakaraka Planet in your Horoscope. Therefore, with Atmakaraka Saturn your souls purpose is to work hard to achieve success in rearguing the house Saturn is positioned in. You enjoy learning new things, a mental quest intrigues your mind. The 12th house is a significator of foreign lands and overseas travels. Atmakaraka in Magha Nakshatra means you are authoritative, powerful, and a natural ruler. Atmakaraka Sun in 10th House means your purpose is to be the boss, authority figure, and ruler of your own kingdom when it comes to your career. The birth of children brings blessings into your life. 2. You have an interest in learning ancient texts and scriptures and mastering of what you have learned. However: marriage comes with a lot of hard work, discipline, and responsibilities. This is because the moon is the karaka a mother in the Levin house relate to gains. You can earn resources through speech, food, or your face. The natives can flourish in fields like military, investigation, engineering, and police. On the other hand, similar to Uttara Bhadrapada you have mystical powers and magical abilities. This also can be achieved by working for charity organizations or doing charity work. The third house relates to success through your own efforts and Saturn his hard work; therefore you can succeed in your dreams and goals with a lot of hard work even though it may feel like an uphill battle. Atmakaraka Moon in 4th House means you are emotionally attached to your home. Whatever the field, these are the people who are compelled to share their knowledge and love to teach. It gives success in water sports as well. People look to you for guidance and wise counseling for problems or issues they may have. You are patient enough to see your goals manifest even if it takes years. Atmakaraka Mercury in 5th House means you are very intelligent and invest in your education. How is Your Atmakaraka Used? since Jupiter is the karaka of wealth you can make money from, the 3rd house significator such as, communication, publications, writing, classical knowledge, marketing, business, classical arts. Saturn as AmatyakarakaClick here for Personalized Astrological Reports- Email me at - [email protected]. You enjoy agriculture and growing plants and herbs. However, to assert your power you may have a controlling personality to prove yourself to other people. In the example below, Venus (Ven) is the planet with the lowest degree and therefore, is the Darakaraka (DK). Sun is the significator of the father; therefore, the father is a big influence in your life. You have very restless energy, and you must keep moving around or going after something. You enjoy religious or spiritual studies it will invest your time learning spirituality, reciting mantras, praying, practically any type of religion or spiritual belief you have. This is because Saturn represents hard work at the sixth house your daily work routine. When the Sun becomes Amatyakaraka in the birth chart, it takes position at the 2nd highest degree after the mighty Atmakaraka. This is because the sun is light, and the 8th house is darkness; therefore, you are like a beacon of light glowing in the dark. On the other hand, you are skillful when it comes to using your voice as an instrument. Karakas[ edit] Your email address will not be published. You are a natural charmer who can hypnotize people with just one gaze. Atmakaraka Sun in 4th House means you feel at ease and comfortable at home. With Atmakaraka in Revati Nakshatra you disklike holding grudges and anger in your heart, you prefer to remind, sweet, soft, and kind. This is because you have karma to pay back in your career; however, you can have career success later in life when Saturn matures. The great orator and spiritual Guru, the man of Wisdom Swami Vivekananda also had Amatyakaraka Moon conjunct with Saturn in 10th house or 10th bhav. Atmakaraka Saturn in 11th House means your soul purpose is to give your service to humanitarian causes by working for an organization that supports underdogs, the underprivileged, and the disadvantaged. You have a very beautiful face that gets lots of attention. Use this birth chart calculator as often as you want (you don't have to give me your email address). You are a natural athlete and have an assertive nature. Great Political Leader and our former prime minister Lal Bahadur Shastri had Sun as amatyakaraka in his Kundli or horoscope. That is why it is named the D10 map. On the other hand, because two faces is one of the symbols of Purva Bhadrapada you can have two sides to your personality. The 4th house relates to your emotional wellbeing and Saturn is pessimistic; therefore, you can have a cynical way of looking at things. Figuring out your atmakaraka is easy: it's the planet that holds the highest degree in your birth chart, regardless of the sign or house placement it is in. Your sense of commitment is very strong, and you will not commit to anything that you cannot accomplish or succeed in. This is because a blade of grass in the wind is the main symbol of Swati nakshatra, which is a symbol of an independent nature. Venus with 23-51 seems to be the highest degree planet. Atmakaraka Sun in 9th House means you feel inspired and have a sense of purpose when you are performing good deeds, practicing faith, being involved in religion, or spirituality. You have very strong beliefs that help you identify who you are: you live your life according to your beliefs. In the above table, the planet with the highest degree is Moon. You can have many academic achievements because you value a good education. Atmakaraka Saturn in 3rd House means your purpose in life is to put the effort into your communication skills and the things you desire in life. You can accumulate money through your own efforts; your confidence and self-esteem is boosted when you are making your own money. Atmakaraka Mercury in 6th House means your life path is about the daily routines of everyday life. Its Placement in Kendra or angular houses like (1,4,7,10) from Lagna provides Good intelligence. Rao which is to use the Karakamsha sign from the D9 chart as your ascendant in the birth chart and examine your birth chart. Only through hard work, perseverance, discipline, and time will Saturn bring results. Atmakaraka and amatyakaraka plays a significant role in profession of an individual. You feel royalty within your DNA and want to be treated like a king or a queen. You enjoy eating foods the grow in the ground or have roots; food like beets, potatoes, ginger, garlic, onions act to delight your taste buds. It is Rashi chart's tenth division. Atmakaraka Venus in 6th house means after dealing with everyday life routines you often need to balance your energies. Venus as Amatyakaraka Planet in the Birth chart. You are mechanical or skillful with your hands. The focus is to give your service to large groups of people. Amatyakaraka Sun was in 10th home with 10th Lord Venus. The Atmakaraka is also called Atmeshvara and is the final authority in all matters. Nevertheless, you have technical and analytical abilities, therefore, you can be an architect, engineer, technician, computer programmer, electrical engineer, or real estate agent. The eAstrohelp platform is the bridge between you and some of the best astrologers. Because most of the materialistic prosperity and luxurious comforts that we need to possess is comes under the management and rulership of Venus. Because of this sun here is a good placement. It gives success in physical and speed-oriented sports like racing, wrestling, cricket, football, rugby, etc. Atmakaraka (or Atma Karaka) is calculated using the sidereal zodiac. You enjoy delving into the unknown and can work for a company at which secrets or hidden information its the main part of your job. This is because the main symbol of Rohini Nakshatra is an Oxen Cart pulled by two Bulls. You enjoy being in a relationship and having a partner in your life. Signification of the Moon are highlighted in a native being nurturing like a mother, intuitive, imaginative. So when Jupiter turns amatyakaraka in a horoscope, Jupiter can provide an excellent position in the Banking Profession or profession in astrology, gemology, intellectual sports like chess and progress in the path of meditation, yoga. Atmakaraka Mars in 10th house means that your purpose in life is to take action realizing your career goals. there could have been many parties in social gatherings in your childhood home. Rahu always moves backward and therefore Rahu's degrees are calculated backward as well. You have an interest when it comes to learning ancient texts such as scriptures. This is why vision boards can help you attract the things you desire in life. Atmakaraka in Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra means you are an excellent counselor and advisor to other people. You enjoy beautifying your home with home dcor, artwork, beautiful colors, craftwork, sculpture, and colorful paintings. Atmakaraka Saturn in 8th House means you have the potential to live a long life since Saturn suppresses the aging process. Karakas are a distinct feature in Jaimini astrology. In addition, there are a lot of rules, regulations, and guidelines you have to follow on the job. You have many victories in life and may be seen to others as undefeatable. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. You enjoy traveling and taking road trips. Atmakaraka Mercury means you are intelligent, communicative, skillful, humorous, youthful, flexible, and a traveler. Nevertheless, this is a very good placement for Saturn because the planet Saturn suppresses oppositions and competitors. You have a detective mental perspective on life and love researching and digging for information; therefore, you can be aCSI agent, secret investigator, or researcher in which you uncover hidden information. Atmakaraka Moon in 9th House means your mind is focused on your belief system. Amatyakaraka Moon Will give Profession related to psychological work, Philosopher, blogger, novel writer, film writer, journalist, Spiritual Person, orator, Business in Liquid elements and so on. Therefore, a womans destiny is to meet her husband in foreign lands, isolated locations, online, or in spiritual centers. This chart calculator uses Tropical Rasis with Sidereal Nakshatras as per the research of Ernst Wilhelm. However, once you realize life is about compromising then Sun in the 7th house can give good results. Because of this, you have the most brilliant ideas that no one else has thought of. Atmakaraka Mercury in 12th house means you can channel information and receive messages from the spiritual realm. Your energy goes into the strength of your speech. You can awaken your kundalini and experienced enlightenment. On the other hand, Saturn represents structure, stability, Security and the 4th house is the home. You feel emotionally connected when you are with your friends or social network. On the other hand, Magha is a royal Nakshatra and connected with the ancestors. therefore, early in life, you can have difficulties making ends meet. Your mind is focused on your physical body; therefore, you enjoy taking care of yourself like working out, eating healthy, and having a well-balanced emotional and mental disposition. You enjoy experiencing luxuries and sensual pleasure, such as, eating good food, socializing, partying, and delighting in passion. therefore, the planet Saturn feels uncomfortable in the first house. You are blessed with a good spouse who supports you and guides you. Therefore, you can be fault-finding and nitpicking. In your Ashwini Nakshatra Mahadasha things happen fast and at rapid speed and you realize your purpose in life; You can experience healing to your physical body and may travel a lot. An Atmakaraka planet can help you decide the course of your life. When you are in the Mahadasha of your Karakamsa you feel a purpose in life and your destiny is revealed to you. Youre passionate about culture, therefore, you may travel a long distance to beautiful countries and lands learning the culture of the people. Like the Ascendant, the Atmakaraka helps a professional astrologer analyse your personality, health, inner energy, and characteristics. However, when challenged you are a force not to be messed with. You enjoy taking initiative and getting things done. You are mature and can act or appear older than your age. therefore, you stand your ground when you believe in something; you will not let others sway you from your beliefs. You believe skies are the limit and want to spread your wings and touch the heavens. In contemporary times, there were a lot of meanings attached to this word. Jupiter is expanding, therefore, placed in the first house it expands your physical body: therefore, your body can be big, bulky, tall, or wide. Profession and Career as Per Different Amatyakaraka Planets. However, personal relationships can be uprooted then replanted. In your Bharani Nakshatra Mahadasha you experience many changes and transformations. Nevertheless, part of your personality you keep private and hidden from the world, only those close to you can truly know who you are. Your speech is strong in tone and sound. On the other hand, the second house relates to the type of foods you like to eat: since Venus is the planet of luxury you enjoy fine dining and love to delight your taste buds with hot quality foods: therefore you have expensive taste buds. You are physically active and enjoy sports, working out, and moving your body.