- Adult-Gerontology CNS Track, Master of Science in Nursing (M.S.N.) in Applied Statistics - Biostatistics and Bioinformatics Concentration, M.S. Integrity being valued and shown by true professionals. HEA Student Consumer Information. Pre / Co requisites: SED 570 requires a prerequisite of SED 502. Find West Chester University on Twitter! This course represents the capstone research experience for the M.Ed. Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education, Displays evidence of a variety of effective instructional strategies, Shows understanding of content and content related practices, Supports methods of inquiry through teaching practices. in Languages and Cultures with Elective Certification - Russian Concentration, B.A. Secondary Student Teaching Internship. Pre / Co requisites: SED 590 requires a prerequisite of SED 505. She is also an alumni of West Chester University and has over 3 years of experience supporting faculty, staff, and students with online pedagogy and eLearning tools. in Geoscience - Earth Systems Concentration, B.S. in Interdisciplinary Studies - STEM-H Concentration, B.M. in Languages and Cultures - Spanish Concentration, M.A. Wednesday: 9:00am-4:30pm, Accreditations and Nationally Recognized Programs, Structure of WCU: Faculty, Administration and Colleges, Behavioral and Social Sciences Requirement, French and Francophone Area Culture Cluster, Russian and Eastern European Culture Cluster, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and ADA Information, Enrolling in and Withdrawing from Courses, Graduate Certificate in Digital Media Marketing, M.A. Inquiry being valued when living and teaching in a dynamic and changing world. cultivates and advances. in Performance - Organ Concentration, B.M. Residency candidates will learn classroom management techniques and build a plan for classroom behavior that builds upon students' backgrounds and need. Professional certification in biology is awarded to the student who completes the program satisfactorily. Search Postgraduate On Campus Masters Degrees in Secondary Education at West Chester University. Find West Chester University on YouTube! in Psychology - General Psychology Concentration, M.S. ... West Chester University January 2015 – Present 4 years 11 months. in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL), Certificate of Preparation in ESL Teaching (ESL Program Specialist Certificate), College of Business and Public Management, Certificate in Geographic Information Systems, Certificate in Urban and Regional Planning, Graduate Certificate in Human Resource Management, Department of Public Policy and Administration, Master of Public Administration (M.P.A.) The B.S.Ed. The reflective seminar is an opportunity to build and reflect upon pedagogical knowledge, content knowledge for teaching, and pedagogical content knowledge based on the experiences in the classroom. Profile of a Secondary Education Teacher Candidate at West Chester University. They cultivate the Action Research Seminar. Search the WCU website. in Communication Sciences and Disorders, B.S. Search Postgraduate Full Time Postgraduate Diplomas in Secondary Education at West Chester University. Certification in Secondary Education at West Chester University, listed on FindAMasters.com - a comprehensive database of Masters, MSc, MA, MPhil & MRes courses in the UK & Ireland This course will examine a core set of high-leverage practices and teaching skills necessary to promote deep learning of mathematics based on NCTM's Mathematics Teaching Practices from Principles to Actions (2014). Emphasis will be placed on developing the thinking skills of high school students relevant to their cultural, social, and racial backgrounds. Sanford, North Carolina Retired Science Educator Education Management Education West Chester University of Pennsylvania 1973 — 1976 Master of Education (M.Ed. Candidates in the Master's in Secondary Education program will complete the certification portion of their program with a sixteen week internship in a local school (formally known as student teaching). in Philosophy - Applied Ethics Concentration, M.A. dispositions, knowledge, and skills to become educators, leaders, and life-long learners Find West Chester University on Linked In! 501 Anderson Hall Find West Chester University on Twitter! West Chester University, a member of the Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education, is a public, regional, comprehensive institution committed to providing access and offering high-quality undergraduate education, select post-baccalaureate and graduate programs, and a variety of educational and cultural resources for its students, alumni, and citizens of southeastern Pennsylvania. This course will discuss research-based effective strategies for teaching. in Pharmaceutical Product Development, B.S. 6 Credits. in Mathematics - Actuarial Science Concentration, B.S. Teacher candidates acquire an appreciation Core Values. in Middle Grades Preparation Grades 4-8, Bachelor of Science in Education (B.S.Ed. Field Experience For Secondary Teachers. Find West Chester University on YouTube! The Department of Secondary Education fosters in its teacher candidates a deep respect for, and understanding of, the knowledge and skills that each of the major disciplines cultivates and advances. Greater Seattle Area Special Education Teacher at Harbour Pointe Middle School Primary/Secondary Education Education University of Phoenix 2006 — 2007 Principal's Certification, Administration Glassboro State College 1977 — 1980 Master of Arts (M.A. SED 571. in Secondary Education - Residency Option, Download PDF of entire Undergraduate Catalog. They will work with students on an individual or group basis, work cooperatively with teachers, and participate in the lesson and assessment planning process. SED 503. West Chester University's Educational Foundations & Policy Studies website. How should I teach the ELA? Typically offered in Fall. in Athletic Training - Post-Professional Concentration, Certificate in Computer Security (Information Assurance), M.A. Practical experience provided. in Music Education - Voice Concentration, Bachelor of Music with a Concentration in Composition, Bachelor of Music with a Concentration in Music History, Bachelor of Music with a Concentration in Theory, B.M. FindAMasters. 3 Credits. Particular emphasis will be given to teaching the more overarching concepts in each of these areas as well as making connections between topics and between courses. They apply those understandings in meaningful, 6 Credits. During the 2018-2019 academic year, West Chester University of Pennsylvania handed out 387 bachelor's degrees in education. The West Chester University and Lincoln University grants come as part of 37 postsecondary institutions across the Commonwealth selected to receive more than $1 million in … View Text Only Version. Lauren holds a Master of Education in Instructional Design and eLearning from Northeastern University. in Performance - Keyboard Concentration (Piano, Harpsichord, or Organ), M.M. in Biology - Marine Science Concentration, B.S. Typically offered in Fall. Candidates develop self-reflective practices and professional knowledge and dispositions. This course will allow students to work in a classroom setting to examine how the curriculum is delivered in a secondary school setting. in Performance - Instrumental Concentration, B.M. Typically offered in Fall. in History - American Studies Concentration, B.A. in their profession and in the global community. The Bachelor of Science in Education (BSEd) grades 7-12 is designed to provide a broad background in general education, an understanding of children and young adolescents, as well as … SED 590. in Languages and Cultures with Elective Certification - German Concentration, B.A. We believe our candidates and faculty Pre / Co requisites: SED 550 requires a corequisite of SED 505. Find A Masters. in Exercise and Sport Science - Sport and Exercise Psychology Concentration, Certificate in Adapted Physical Education, Master of Science in Nursing (M.S.N.) All applicants to one of West Chester University’s graduate programs will be held to the graduate admissions requirements. 6 Credits. Candidates conceptualize, conduct, and communicate an action research project in the student teaching internship. in Performance - Instrumental Concentration, Department of Music Education and Music Therapy, M.M. in Geoscience - Geology Concentration, B.S. Master’s Education with Certification Woodrow Wilson Teaching Fellowship Option. Learning Typically offered in Fall. West Chester University, a member of the Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education, is a public, regional, comprehensive institution committed to providing access and offering high-quality undergraduate education, select post-baccalaureate and graduate programs, and a variety of educational and cultural resources for its students, alumni, and citizens of southeastern Pennsylvania. and collaborative activities. The objective of this course is to give students the skills, techniques, and dispositions required to be an effective secondary science or mathematics teacher. Pre / Co requisites: SED 510 requires a prerequisite of SED 530 or SED 550 or SED 560 or SED 590; and a corequisite of SED 511. Typically offered in Fall. in Music Education - Music Technology Concentration, M.M. in Psychology - Clinical Psychology Concentration, M.S. Typically offered in Spring. Consent: Permission of the Department required to add. Typically offered in Summer. Emphasis will be placed on developing the thinking skills of high school students relevant to their cultural, social, and racial backgrounds. Graduate Email: [email protected] Find A Masters. for the assets that all children bring to their classrooms and develop the skills in Exercise and Sport Science - Applied Sports Performance Concentration, M.S. When applicable, additional policies for specific department programs may be listed below. This course will continue to build their capacity to implement research-based effective strategies for teaching, such as productive struggle, culturally relevant content pedagogy, uses of mathematics and science in society, and the use of technology across mathematics and science content. Find West Chester University on Facebook! with a Graduate Certificate in Sport Management and Athletics, M.S. Learning, Teaching, and Outcomes I. Find West Chester University on Facebook! Open-mindedness to embrace differing perspectives and accepting supportive and constructive feedback. in Music Education - Research Report Concentration, Post-Baccalaureate Teacher Certification in Music Education, Department of Music Theory, History, and Composition, Master of Music with a Concentration in History and Literature, Master of Music with a Concentration in Music Theory and Composition, M.M. seek a inclusive and equitable society. In this intensive experience, candidates acquire and practice content and pedagogical knowledge and skills for designing curriculum and assessment in an inclusive secondary English Language Arts classroom. ), Undergraduate Certificate in Education for Sustainability, Elective Social Studies Teacher Certification, B.S.Ed. This course supports graduate candidates seeking 7-12 Secondary Social Studies PA certification, providing intensive coursework in designing, implementing, and assessing teaching and learning in the social studies disciplines. West Chester University, a member of the Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education, is a public, regional, comprehensive institution committed to providing access and offering high-quality undergraduate education, select post-baccalaureate and graduate programs, and a variety of educational and cultural resources for its students, alumni, and citizens of southeastern Pennsylvania. in Health Science: General - Sports Medicine Studies Concentration, B.S. seminars that integrate content knowledge with the relevant theories, research, and Find West Chester University on Instagram! in Health Science - Respiratory Care Concentration, B.S. Teaching and Learning in Secondary Science. in Performance - Jazz Concentration, B.M. in Clinical Mental Health Counseling, M.S. 6 Credits. 1 Credit. for differentiating and educating diverse student populations. West Chester University, a member of the Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education, is a public, regional, comprehensive institution committed to providing access and offering high-quality undergraduate education, select post-baccalaureate and graduate programs, and a variety of educational and cultural resources for its students, alumni, and citizens of southeastern Pennsylvania. Pre / Co requisites: SED 560 requires prerequisites of Teacher Candidacy and up-to-date clearances (criminal record, child abuse, FBI, and TB). Find West Chester University on Twitter! West Chester University. in Secondary Education - Residency Option, Certificate in Universal Design for Learning and Assistive Technology (Online), Post-Baccalaureate Certification in Special Education, Education Policy, Planning, and Administration Program, Doctor of Education (Ed.D.) in Exercise Science - Exercise Science Specialist Concentration, B.S. in Policy, Planning, and Administration - Curriculum and Instruction Concentration, Doctor of Education (Ed.D.) in Political Science - Applied Public Policy Concentration, B.A. Consent: Permission of the Department required to add. They will plan lessons around research-based effective practices, gather data to examine what student learning looks like through formal and informal assessments, and use data to develop action plans and adjust instructional plans to address student learning needs. Laura Renzi, Chairperson. in Secondary Education, non-residency option. This is an increase of 7% over the previous year when 363 degrees were handed out. and profession. Consent: Permission of the Department required to add. Coatesville Area School District. in Early Childhood Education - Program Administrators Track, Post-Baccalaureate Teacher Certification - Grade 4 through Grade 8, Post-Baccalaureate Teacher Certification - Pre-K through Grade 4, Teacher Leadership Certificate / Skills for Teacher Leaders Endorsement, Graduate Certificate in Transformative Principalship, Department of Educational Foundations and Policy Studies, M.S. Teaching and Learning in Secondary Science and Mathematics I. in Languages and Cultures - German Concentration, M.A. The WWTF Program is an innovative 13-month, apprenticeship-based program for individuals with a deep commitment to … Teaching and Learning in Secondary Mathematics. WEBMAIL myWCU D2L DEPARTMENTS HOW TO APPLY. in Languages and Cultures - French Concentration, M.A. in Applied Statistics - Business and Marketing Analytics Concentration, M.S. They will learn about special education laws and regulations and how to integrate special education strategies to support all learners and provide students with appropriate accommodations to enhance their learning. Find West Chester University on Pinterest! in English - Writing, Teaching, and Criticism Track, M.A. Search Postgraduate Masters Degrees in Secondary Education at West Chester University. Typically offered in Summer. Popularity of Education at WCUPA. Graduate Fax: 610-436-2763 The Professional & Secondary Education Department at West Chester University of PA on Academia.edu Following the path of our mission and values, graduates will attain: Right-to-Know Requests ), German Language Teacher Education Kutztown University of Pennsylvania Bachelor of Education (B.Ed. Courses are offered every semester at … in Interdisciplinary Studies - Professional Concentration, B.S. for, and understanding of, the knowledge and skills that each of the major disciplines West Chester University Graduate Programs The Department of Educational Foundations and Policy Studies offers a nondegree program for post-baccalaureate students seeking secondary … Graduate Admissions Website: www.wcupa.edu/admissions/sch_dgr/, Hours: Find West Chester University on Instagram! 3 Credits. in Applied Statistics - Data Science Concentration, Post-Master's Certificate of Advanced Study in Applied Statistics, M.S. in Transformative Education and Social Change, Graduate Certificate in Education for Sustainability, Graduate Certificate in Educational Technology, Graduate Certificate in Higher Education Policy and Student Affairs, Graduate Certificate in Latin American Philosophies of Education, M.Ed. in Exercise and Sport Science - Clinical Exercise Physiology Concentration, M.S. in Exercise Science - Pre-Occupational Therapy Concentration, B.S. This course continues to develop pedagogical knowledge around understanding adolescent learning and development, planning, curriculum, and instruction in the context of the school and relevance to student, as well as assessing and building upon students' prior knowledge, strengths, and needs. West Chester University, a member of the Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education, is a public, regional, comprehensive institution committed to providing access and offering high-quality undergraduate education, select post-baccalaureate and graduate programs, and a variety of educational and cultural resources for its students, alumni, and citizens of southeastern Pennsylvania. Find West Chester University on Linked In! The purpose of this course is to apply the skills, techniques, and dispositions required to be an effective secondary teacher. - Nursing-Education Track, Post-Master's Dietetic Internship Certificate, M.S. All students seeking a B.S.Ed. How do I know my students have learned? SED 560. practices of learning at the secondary level. 3 Credits. Teaching and Learning in Secondary Education. 6 Credits. in English - Creative Writing Track, M.A. Teaching and Learning in Secondary Social Studies. Candidates and faculty value empathy and caring, responsibility, and communication in Music Education - Performance Concentration, M.M. Students are encouraged to review departmental handbooks for program tips, suggested course sequences, and explanations of procedures. Office Coordinator, Secondary Education Department Anderson Hall, 501 610-436-2899 [email protected]. Teaching and Learning in Secondary English Language Arts. in Higher Education Counseling/Student Affairs, Certificate in Higher Education Counseling/Student Affairs, Specialist Certificate I in (School) Counseling, Post-Master's Certificate in Professional Counselor Licensure Preparation, Department of Early and Middle Grades Education, M.Ed. Monday-Friday: 8:00am-4:30pm Pre / Co requisites: SED 515 requires a corequisite of SED 511. in Languages and Cultures - French Concentration, B.A. Courses beginning in the Jan - Jun. Additionally, resident candidates will participate in community engagement activities. 6 Credits. Pre / Co requisites: SED 502 requires a prerequisite of SED 501. Making sense of word problems with the 3 reads routine. Pre / Co requisites: SED 505 requires students to be majors only. SED 501. in Performance - Voice Concentration, Office of Services for Students with Disabilities, Transfer, Reverse Transfer, AP, and Other Credits, Approved General Education Course List for Students Admitted Prior to Fall 2020, Approved General Education Course List for Students Admitted Fall 2020 and After, Behavioral and Social Science Requirement, Minor in African/African American Literature, Minor in Digital Humanities and New Media, B.A. West Chester University, a member of the Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education, is a public, regional, comprehensive institution committed to providing access and offering high-quality undergraduate education, select post-baccalaureate and graduate programs, and a variety of educational and cultural resources for its students, alumni, and citizens of southeastern Pennsylvania. in Languages and Cultures with Elective Certification - Spanish Concentration, B.A. Emphasis will be placed on how assessment, technology, and curriculum impact teaching and learning across and within subject disciplines. in Biology - Medical Laboratory Science Concentration, B.S. Typically offered in Fall & Spring. The PDF will include all pages within the Undergraduate Catalog. in Political Science - Government and Politics Concentration, B.A. This mindset believes learning is different for all learners, and teachers encourage SED 530. Lifelong Learning as a mindset that creates opportunities for growth in all area of life. in Biology is a program designed to prepare the student for a career in teaching in secondary schools. Philosophy, objectives, and methods of science teaching for Grades 7-12. West Chester University, a member of the Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education, is a public, regional, comprehensive institution committed to providing access and offering high-quality undergraduate education, select post-baccalaureate and graduate programs, and a variety of educational and cultural resources for its students, alumni, and citizens of southeastern Pennsylvania. 3 Credits. The Department of Secondary Education fosters in its teacher candidates a deep respect ... Find West Chester University on Facebook! SED 570. in Music Education - Keyboard Concentration, B.M. in Nutrition - Dietetics Concentration, B.S. Science Education in the Secondary School: Students may obtain additional certification in general science and/or environmental education in addition to earth and space science: ... West Chester University of Pennsylvania 700 South High St, West Chester, PA 19383 610-436-1000 Mobile Site | … in Mathematics - Statistics Concentration, Interdisciplinary Minor in Computational Science, B.A. in Biology - Integrative Biology Concentration, B.S. in Political Science - International Relations Concentration, B.S. Secondary Education at west Chester University. must formally apply for Teacher Candidacy (see Educator Preparation Programs in this catalog). in Applied Studies in Teaching and Learning, M.Ed. SED 515. 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