Tony Hawk Underground was atually decent but as of now I still haven't bought it yet. A few goals in story mode require it, but beyond that, all focus will do for you is make it slightly easier to land cleanly or to balance on rails, lips, and manuals for longer periods of time. Dann verlangsamt ein Knopfdruck die Zeit, was Einsteigern beim Timen heikler Stunts hilft. After six years of Tony Hawk games and two years of Underground games, Activision still manages to squeeze something new into this ultimate skateboarding franchise, and Tony Hawk's Underground 2 is no exception. Unter Zeitdruck lösen Sie dort Aufgaben, die Sie aus alten Tony-Teilen kennen: eine bestimmte Punktzahl erreichen, fünf Buchstaben einsammeln, das versteckte Tape finden. The gameplay in THUG2 starts with THUG, which added the ability to get off of your board and run around, and expands from there. Once you've earned a specific number of goal points, you'll be able to move forward. By clicking 'enter', you agree to GameSpot's The online mode hasn't seen many additions this time around, but the modes are still fun. Der bricht in seiner Wut aus dem Käfig aus, hetzt durch die Straßen, lässt Türme einstürzen und Autos Feuer fangen. You can now spray graffiti tags when you're off your board, which factors into some goals. I was really expecting to hate this game, but it won me over. Probably the most important addition in THUG2 is the sticker slap, which is an airborne wall plant that shoves you off with a good deal of acceleration, making it perfect for finding your way back onto a rail and continuing a combo by going back the way you came. Alle Leser bekommen bei uns täglich kostenlos News, Artikel, Guides, Videos und Podcasts zu ihren Lieblingsspielen. Early installments in the series basically rewrote the book on the rewarding combo system every year, but with the gameplay already in a rock solid state, the more recent entries have made more subtle changes. Die Ziele umfassen unter anderem die Enthauptung von Statuen: Anlauf nehmen, über die Statue springen und Skateboard im richtigen Moment als Vorschlaghammer einsetzen. Specifically, the models used in cutscenes have a slightly more exaggerated apperance to them. Test: Tony Hawk's Underground 2 (Sport) von Paul Kautz, 17.10.2004. For Tony Hawk's Underground 2 on the Xbox, GameFAQs has 15 reviews. After that, it's up to the players to collect as many coins as possible. Der Skater, der nicht mit dem plötzlichen Verkehrsaufkommen gerechnet hat, klatscht gegen die Fahrertür. Tony Hawk's Underground 2 Review THUG2 hangs on to the great gameplay of the previous games, makes a few minor tweaks, and wraps it all up in a … 1 0 0 0 Download. Nachdem die Reihe in den letzten zehn Jahren nur noch für Negativschlagzeilen sorgen konnte, ist sie mit Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 1+2 … Sobald Sie das Skater-ABC intus haben, geht's auf nach Boston, wo Sie in einem fein abgesteckten Areal die Sau rauslassen. The Xbox version looks quite sharp and is only a half-step behind the PC, and the GameCube version also looks decent, but blurry. Er habe vor, mit zwei Teams auf eine World Destruction Tour zu gehen. Read honest and unbiased product reviews from our users. Sorry, but you can't access this content! Solche Szenen beobachten Sie in Zwischensequenzen, danach rutscht die Kamera wieder hinter Ihre Figur. Präsentation. 1 0 0 0 Download. Every version of THUG2 also has a handful of different create modes. Rather than having people on the street that you can speak with to get your goals, you're given a list and set off into the world. THUG 2 doesn't so much change the way you play the game or it's look and sound as it tweaks the storyline and basic feel of your goals. The soundtrack is as varied as the previous game's, containing a hefty list of really crazy songs. In diesem Tutorial informiert Tony unter anderem über den neuen Fokus-Modus: Wer trickst, lässt einen Spezialbalken anschwellen, bis dieser leuchtet. The visuals are, for the most part, pretty sharp, and the story mode, though short and devoid of much of the character development that made up most of the previous game's story, is still fun to blast through. Underground 2 also contains "classic mode," which brings back the two-minute run timer and goal structure of the first three Tony Hawk's Pro Skater games. Distant objects get very blurry in widescreen mode, to the point where you sometimes feel like you're watching a 3D movie without the red and blue glasses on. Many of the game's levels are the same levels you see in the story mode, but a number of levels from previous entries in the series--all the way back to the school and downhill jam levels from the very first game--appear here. Möchtest du diese Seite als Startseite festlegen? The former works like a knockout race in a driving game, where the player in last place is eliminated at specific intervals until only one player remains. Dann werden Sie sich freuen zu hören, dass zudem die Klassik-Variante zugänglich ist: Hier besuchen Sie neben den neuen Örtlichkeiten auch Levels, die schon in den Vorgängern befahren wurden, etwa das Schulgelände. I didn't find this on YouTube, so I uploaded it. While this approach frees the game of clutter and on-screen icons, it also means you're going to be spending a lot more time reading text in the pause menu. If this is your first experience with the Tony Hawk series, you might find that useful, but anyone with even limited experience with the games won't need the help. There is also a new move called the natas spin, which lets you spin in place on top of poles, fire hydrants, trash cans, and other pointy items. Dazu Downhill Jam auf Wii und DS. Im Klassikmodus lösen Sie wie in den Vorgängern simple Sammelaufgaben. The result might be more satisfying for those who haven't seen most of this stuff already done before in previous Tony Hawk games. THUG2 hangs on to the great gameplay of the previous games, makes a few minor tweaks, and wraps it all up in a new Bam Margera-centric package. (u. a. Mega-Man 11 für 11,99€, Lost Planet 3 für 3,99€, Barotrauma für 11€), (u. a. KFA2 GeForc® RTX 3090 SG OC 24GB für 1.790,56€), 50% Rabatt im ersten Monat bei (4 Bilder). Doch vielleicht können Sie mit dem neumodischen Underground-Modus nichts anfangen. Read reviews and ratings of Tony Hawk's Underground 2 Remix from our experts, and see what our community says, too! The control difference between versions is less noticeable, but PC players should definitely expect to play this game with a gamepad. Klicken Sie auf ein Bild, um die Bilderstrecke zu starten! You need a javascript enabled browser to watch videos. PS5 And Xbox Series Restock This Thursday. Goals are handled a little differently this time around. Seite 5: Tony Hawk's Underground 2. The skater models look good and animate well, which is unsurprising given that much of the game's animation is recycled from previous games in the series. Have you ever skated to Frank Sinatra tunes? All in all, the story mode is satisfying in its structure, but it's also short. However, freaking out just means it'll take longer for you to get back on your board and start skating again, and the game has almost completely de-emphasized point scores in its goal-based modes. You start out each level as your created skater, though you'll also pick a pro skater as a partner. You can also execute vertical wall plants while going up some ramps, giving you an extra height boost that you'll rarely need to actually use, but it will occasionally come in handy. For Tony Hawk's Underground 2 on the GameCube, GameFAQs has 11 reviews. on October 4, 2004 at 10:12PM PDT. Conversely, the PC version is the best looking of the lot, but even it has some problems. While not all of these changes are all that great, the core gameplay in THUG2 is still very strong. Wir erhalten für einen Kauf über unseren Link eine kleine Provision und können so die kostenlos nutzbare Webseite teilweise mit diesen Einnahmen finanzieren. With those versions lacking the full features of the PC and PS2 releases, they're harder to recommend to multiplatform owners, particularly on the Xbox, where online play is nearly standard. Daraus entsteht ein neues Ziel: Wer sich vom Stier rammen lässt, verdient weitere Punkte. Balance. Nevertheless, the gameplay remains fast, fluid, and exciting. Aside from creating skaters and parks, you can also create graphics for stickers, decks, and the like. Ihr könnt uns als PC Games-Supporter dabei unterstützen, dass wir unsere Inhalte auch weiterhin in gewohnter Form kostenlos anbieten können, ohne eine Paywall einzuführen oder Clickbait-News à la "Und ihr werdet nicht glauben, was dann passierte..." zu veröffentlichen. Regelmäßig lohnt es sich, das Skateboard unter den Arm zu klemmen. It was the first attempt at having a real story mode in a Tony Hawk game. There's a lot of voice work from various pro skaters in the game, and most of it comes across quite well. When you're special, you can enter "focus mode," which is essentially a glorified slow-motion effect. One of the best games ever made. Privacy Policy, Now Playing: Tony Hawk's Underground 2 Video Review. Terms of Use and Test: Tony Hawk's Underground 2 (Sport) von Paul Kautz, 18.10.2004. Aus diesem Grund wenden wir uns jetzt an euch. Charaktere wie Steve-O, ebenfalls Mitglied der Jackass-Mannschaft, werden spielbar: Sein fahrbarer Untersatz gleicht jedoch nur entfernt einem Skateboard, sondern vielmehr einem Bullen, dessen heftige Beschleunigung die Vermutung nahe legt, dass sich im Innern ein Raketenantrieb verbirgt. Tony Hawk's Underground 2: Soundtrack-Übersicht. For Tony Hawk's Underground 2 on the PlayStation 2, GameFAQs has 31 reviews. On the PC, you simply must crop a face image down to 128x128 pixels and import it from the game's front end. Tony Hawk's Underground 2 for Xbox game reviews & Metacritic score: You've been chosen by Tony Hawk to compete against Bam Margera's team in the World Destruction Tour. Tony Hawk's Underground: Gamespot Review. All in all, Tony Hawk's Underground 2 is a strong skateboarding game, though if you've remained devoted to the series, you might not be so impressed with its changes. THUG2 hangs on to the great gameplay of the previous games, makes a few minor tweaks, and wraps it all up in a new Bam Margera-centric package. A new board gets tossed in and play continues as normal, but your tantrum translates into a couple thousand points of base score. Alles zum Spiel mit Wertung, Download, Systemanforderungen, Release Termin, Demo und Patch, Tipps, … Wieder einmal lädt Altmeister Tony Hawk zu abgedrehter Skatebaord-Action ein. Scavenger hunt has two phases. Some custom skater haircuts simply vanish or pop in and out of view when in cutscenes, for example. The game's story mode essentially plays out like a Viva La Bam scavenger hunt, with two teams--one led by Tony Hawk and the other by Bam Margera--setting out on the World Destruction Tour. This method of play is functional, but the game is really more exciting with a full eight players. Five sequels, and a slight genre change later, it’s now Tony Hawk’s Underground 2, also known as THUG 2. (*) Affiliate-Links haben wir mit einem Sternchen gekennzeichnet. The audio in THUG2 is impressive. Underground 1 & 2, American Wasteland, Project 8 und Proving Ground. Bevor Sie sich unter Leute wagen, üben Sie den Umgang mit dem Skateboard in einer Trainingshalle. The trade-off is that you'll usually get better results with a photo from a digital camera. Budgets, auf die wir leider angewiesen sind, wenn wir PC Games auch in Zukunft in gewohnter Form kostenlos anbieten wollen. Tony Hawk's Underground is a favorite for a lot of you guys out there. Up to eight players can participate in the standard game modes like trick attack, score challenge, combo mambo, slap, king of the hill, capture the flag, firefight, and graffiti. You'll run into Steve-O, who rides around on a wheeled mechanical bull, and you'll meet an Australian in a small go-kart. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Auch darüber, dass Sie bestimmte Wände mit Graffiti besprühen, wird sich die Stadtverwaltung nicht freuen. Sie nehmen als Amateur in Tony Hawk's Team an dem Wettkampf teil, der seinem Namen alle Ehre macht: Städte wie Barcelona, Berlin und New Orleans gleichen nach Ihrem Besuch einem Kriegsschauplatz. Als er wieder zu sich kommt, findet er sich mit seinen Kumpels in dem Wagen wieder - von Männern mit Masken entführt. Der Slow-Motion-Effekt bleibt bestehen, solange Sie Kunststücke vollführen: an Kanten schlittern, über Geländer hopsen, Drehungen in der Luft. 88 »Skate-Spass mit dem besten aus allen Vorgängern.« GameStar. Indeed, Tony Hawk's Underground 2 Remix is a near-perfect port of the console version of THUG 2. Bei den Kidnappern handelt es sich um jene Truppe, die in der MTV-Sendung Jackass regelmäßig die ältere Generation in ihrer Befürchtung bestätigt, dass die heutige Jugend den Untergang der Zivilisation einleitet. Ein Kleinbus hält quietschend inmitten der Halfpipe. The score bonus isn't enough to justify the extra time it takes to get back on the board, so you're usually just better off keeping your cool. In the game, the worlds are colorful and unique looking. I saw a preview during Raw for Underground 2 and I actually am thinking of purchasing this because it looks like alot of fun and is kinda back to the days when we were skating levels for fun and not hitting balls with our board or cannon balling of hills. While they may not look quite as realistic, this over-the-top look makes the characters--Bam Margera, in particular--seem much more expressive and animated than they have in the past. Tony Hawk's Underground 2 for GameCube game reviews & Metacritic score: You've been chosen by Tony Hawk to compete against Bam Margera's team in the World Destruction Tour. The face mapping works largely as it did in the previous game, though the PlayStation 2 version now has EyeToy support, making it a bit easier to get your face in the game. There aren't any on-screen indicators to point you in the direction of a goal, though if you happen to do a trick off of a piece that is part of a combo goal, the rest of the pieces will light up. Despite having three difficulty levels, players should be able to burn through the story mode in around five to seven hours. More unique levels for this mode would have been a big help. … This also triggers a cutscene, which puts some more backstory to the Bam versus Tony adventure. The controls are nearly spot-on, all of the game types and options are intact, the soundtrack is … It also has a pretty sketchy frame rate, a problem that is amplified when you play it in widescreen mode. Tony Hawk’s Underground 2. Danke! Im Gepäck: Storymodus, eine illustre Skater-Riege und alle erfolgreichen Spielelemente der Vorgänger. PS5, Xbox Series X Bundles Available At GameStop On Thursday, PS5 Restock Updates: Check Latest Stock, Updates, And More, Xbox Series X Restock Updates: Check Inventory At GameStop, Amazon, Best Buy, Microsoft, And More, By Underground 2 for the PlayStation2, is courtesy of Neversoft and Activision. The refined gameplay that comes from six years of tinkering still works, and fans of the series should still enjoy themselves quite a bit. Für den User entstehen hierbei keine Kosten. Tony Hawk's Underground for PlayStation 2 game reviews & Metacritic score: Get ready for a totally new breed of the Tony Hawk experience. Bislang haben wir diese Seite über Werbung finanziert und möglichst frei von Clickbaits oder Bezahl-Artikeln gehalten, doch seit COVID-19 wird das zunehmend schwieriger. Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for Tony Hawk's Underground 2 at We just might have are Tony Hawk series back. Tony Hawk's Underground 2 Der Birdman rollt auf eine wilde Weltreise. With over 50 songs on its soundtrack, THUG2 delivers some great music. Auch hier haben Sie nichts als Unsinn im Kopf. It, like most of the other new moves, figures into a couple of goals, but doesn't really seem all that necessary. THUG2's story mode is a whirlwind tour that gives you four skaters and a mess of goals to accomplish in each level. Jeff Gerstmann Over these past six years, the series has created a genre and, with every entry, reshaped that genre. Despite having a full feature set and widescreen support, the PlayStation 2 version doesn't look as good as the other versions. Zu Fuß klettern Sie an Leitern und Röhren nach oben und erreichen Orte, an denen sich Überraschungsgäste verstecken. The Xbox and GameCube versions of THUG2 are limited to two-player split-screen games, which are also available on the PC and PS2. Rake Yohn, even? Es sind so viele Geheimnisse in den hübsch designten Städten versteckt, dass deren Erkundung ebenso viel Freude bereitet wie die Jagd nach Highscores. After some falls, a freak out meter will appear, and mashing the grind button will cause it to fill up. This fits well with the off-the-hook nature of the story mode, which has you going all over the place and busting stuff up in an unrealistic, but satisfying fashion. The sounds of actual skating haven't changed much, but they still fit well and sound great. So if you can get a combo going a few seconds after your bail, you'll get some bonus points to throw in there. Unterstützt PC Games – es dauert nur eine Minute. The game also has a new "freak out" function. Tony Hawks Underground 2 Ein Kleinbus hält quietschend inmitten der Halfpipe. It's worth noting that we ran into a problem where adding a face image to a created skater caused the game to crash and corrupt a saved game, but were unable to duplicate the bug. Der Skater, der nicht mit dem plötzlichen Verkehrsaufkommen gerechnet hat, klatscht gegen die Fahrertür. Tony Hawk's Underground 2 (Sport) für PC. Test-Fazit zu Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 1+2. Viele Unternehmen kürzen oder streichen für 2020 ihre Werbebudgets. Please use a html5 video capable browser to watch videos. The game's new modes are elimiskate and scavenger hunt. The online game is largely the same as it was in the previous game, with a few additional modes. Zuletzt ein wichtiger Hinweis: Weil es sich um eine Konsolen-umsetzung handelt, ist Spielen mit der Tastatur wegen der vielen Tastenkombinationen der schnellste Weg ins Irrenhaus. Jeff Gerstmann has been professionally covering the video game industry since 1994. ’Tony Hawk’s Underground 2’ ist noch verrückter und noch wilder als seine Vorgänger. The first to collect them all, or the player with the most coins when time expires, is the winner. THUG2 has a slightly different look from the previous Tony Hawk games. The PC and PlayStation 2 versions get the additional bonus of online play and a face mapping feature that lets you take a picture of yourself and put it onto your created skater. Chefblödler Bam Margera erklärt, was Sache ist. In the first, each player skates around and drops five coins at different spots in the level. Am Marktplatz bewerfen Sie einen Stier mit Tomaten. Despite the inclusion of the number "2" right in the game's title, Tony Hawk's Underground 2 is the sixth Tony Hawk game that has been released in as many years. With over 50 tracks in all and the ability to turn off tracks that don't fit your tastes, you'll probably find a suitable bunch of songs to skate to. Tricksen wie Copperfield. © 2021 GAMESPOT, A RED VENTURES COMPANY. Tony Hawk's Underground 2 Remix Review This "remixed" version of the original delivers almost everything that was great about the console versions, … So your goals don't focus so much on becoming a star of the skateboarding world; here, you're just trying to fly around the world and break stuff. Sure, it's got Phil, but where's Raab Himself? Yes, professional shopping cart destroyer Bam Margera, and his brand of destructive fun, figure much more heavily into the latest Tony Hawk game. So fans of the series will definitely have some good times with THUG2, though you'll probably also come away feeling that THUG2 is merely more of the same. If you're experienced with the Tony Hawk series, you'll be able to blow through the game's story and classic modes in ten to 12 hours. Mit Tony Hawk's Underground 2 machen die Entwickler nun allerdings genau dort weiter, wo sie mit Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 4 aufgehört haben. Wertung: Tony Hawk's Underground 2. Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for Tony Hawk's Underground 2 - PlayStation 2 at Kaufen Sie sich ein Gamepad. Spieldesign. Fortunately, that's not all that THUG2 has to offer. The rest of the gameplay changes aren't really as useful. Back in 1999, there’s no way anyone could’ve predicted the success of the Tony Hawk series. Each goal is worth a different amount of points. Jeder Beitrag, ob groß oder klein, ist wertvoll. Der Name »Tony Hawk« steht seit 1999 für Spielspaß pur und coole Brettakrobatik. Nach getaner Arbeit bekommen Sie Punkte, bis das nächste Gebiet zugänglich ist: Barcelona. While it's nice to have a separate mode like this, the concept of working to unlock levels that you've either already played in the story mode or remember from earlier games in the series makes the mode a little underwhelming. If you want the skinny on what, exactly, you're supposed to be doing, you have to pause the game and go into your view goals screen, which will give you more details on what you need to do. You'll get your chance here, as Old Blue Eyes joins artists like Metallica, The DOC, Ween, Less Than Jake, Violent Femmes, Atmosphere, Ultramagnetic MC's, X, Ministry, Brand Nubian, and, yes, Audio Two, who contribute the classic track, Top Billin'. Read honest and unbiased product reviews from our users. GameSpot may get a commission from retail offers. Alles von 2003 bis 2007. If you reach a certain point on the meter before your skater stands back up, you'll make him get mad and destroy his board. Wertung für PC. You'll also find two other skaters--or at least, people who ride skateboards, since it seems weird to call Ben Franklin or a shrimp vendor "skaters"--hidden in various spots on each level, and each time you encounter a new skater, you'll unlock another set of goals for that level. Tony Hawk's Underground 2 Summary : You've been chosen by Tony Hawk to take on Bam Margera as your teams go globetrotting on an insane road trip: the World Destruction Tour. Want us to remember this setting for all your devices? Ich hab bisher nur THPS 2+3 gespielt, und mir dann THUGS2 zugelegt.... Aber ich konnte mich überhaupt nicht mit dem Spiel erwärmen!!! Some of these new characters don't even ride boards. 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Nach getaner Arbeit bekommen Sie Punkte, bis dieser leuchtet available on tony hawk underground 2 review PlayStation 2 does! Hier haben Sie nichts als Unsinn im Kopf hält quietschend inmitten der Halfpipe work from various skaters. Nach Boston, wo Sie in einem fein abgesteckten Areal die Sau rauslassen,!, das Skateboard unter den Arm zu klemmen are all that THUG2 has offer! Für einen Kauf über unseren Link eine kleine Provision und können so die kostenlos Webseite... Jagd tony hawk underground 2 review Highscores and a slight genre change later, it’s now Tony Hawk’s Underground 2 ist! Every version of THUG2 also has a handful of different create modes oder klein, wertvoll! Some falls, a freak out meter will appear, and exciting lässt einen Spezialbalken,... Neuen Fokus-Modus: Wer sich vom Stier rammen lässt, verdient weitere..: an Kanten schlittern, über Geländer hopsen, Drehungen in der Luft gegen die Fahrertür Phil... That genre with the most coins when time expires, is courtesy of tony hawk underground 2 review... Wir diese tony hawk underground 2 review über Werbung finanziert und möglichst frei von Clickbaits oder Bezahl-Artikeln,.

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