y6ezhiudUkfTbvjaxSz2rmGR5OKGF1aHkKCROfNQvxDfrRVJ5vMn5Gxavd6Vc2ltDdQMNLlZ9IUx 50.000000 Find the perfect mini supermarket stock photo. Item Info. Y3RSnFpIlcOWmMStK3PhHUJTj+1l6vTh5t8mz20V4NZ06W1MqxwXIuYGj9ZyyKqPypzJDKAN+owK 0.000000 42 45 23. 0.000000 6PJp80V3cPPHeSpK8kUTQvNGtP3a1VmtXryYEVGx3OT1fZs8WOUxkl6e/u28+YvzvyVI9S/OTzXY 8t3DQzzwOunOyvb6jDpjgiNjVZ5gyxHb7Z2HXtlMvrH6/wBCsQ8hed9W0mFbS5ki1XTJWBXW77zF /9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAgEASABIAAD/7QAsUGhvdG9zaG9wIDMuMAA4QklNA+0AAAAAABAASAAAAAEA CMYK Mm/w7p2r6WqwSh7GHQLKIm6nfiksYV+DmKRGL1oGVufxbVVZf5S886y+tQaJquma5Nc3cbSLd3Wn Farmers Market Berries. v5WedJY5hP5fs7MNxcBDcwK5twVhgEaFYgdwa0PHFXuPFvT48vipTnQVrTrTpgVi+v6nrtnqogs7 PUrnT1uZpzytfN1jPcxs8sRgd/RlVZvVuJZYqLGCSy1+IcmvS9R8y/mzr2jaev1LS9LncKkZmutd /V9T1Rxrx/derw+z/uvj9r48sVzf4t/eU/xL/vGnGn+G/wC++GvGv+7+vLl+660/ZxVOdA/TP6T1 B74qjbPRLO0uHuIpLppHZmKzXd1OlXCg0jlkdAPhFABQb06nFUi813L28NpIsrxhZLlmKXkVkNn/ © 2003-2021 Vertex42 LLC. HelveNeuBolCon; Helvetica Neue LM8CWrSRx3dCwmNGibVI0YfvOoGnxN8yfbjn6bs4RmSZzNGuffGO/wAOI0fd3LSOH5067Z3jWkum 2013-01-19T18:53:17-06:00 SyhgoCA8q/aFV75V/lPgrCvKP5reZItTudMt9Mi1uN7hXbUJ9fstoGcQl4omMtFj4jkgk5FiDxXn DI8Au+qpAn5neUjZJeWfnXVtThs5bS1vTHa2MfxaoW+rTTGaytxRBv8Auztx+JSagyVD2P5veR76 100.000000 001.002 UyhkFByNKn4RUKHp+BWC/mD558neVbSybzNYS30N9JeJAI7dLkL6QaRw4cinMAAePfYEgEAshIjk Light Oblique uuid:5a3fb87f-2864-ef45-9642-79f0d7f06484 PROCESS How to Start a Supermarket in Nigeria: Top 10 Things to Note. UjDslJBIis6uRQNyrxFGvS9i0HzV+afmjS7q70Gfy8wS6/0SeSPUFje1eBZoeSsFYuxdVcjYb0qR lVYu3AKCxFR0GQr3rArsVYZ5z+sropkt4J7h0s6iO2sItQdqKaqsUjIHJ6ca/ryqX1j8farA/JWp fF1P7gfvF7n4Tiqc6Bqmo3ep6hBdXHqwwFfRT9FX2n8a1r/pF07xXH/PICnfriqX+Z9f8raaumWe gELwoP8Agu9O1coy1xRQ8+P5ReQJNPg03/AGqRaf9dMslt9et+PL0xELh2/SLP6fE9EbltuvjelN PROCESS KxpIkSuxj/nAFSOmVTPrCvK7Lzj5bl06O+1LT/Klm1zGhWuj3sv7iOySeWN3jieOvotKE4uRx23I We are in the supermarket and grocery industry to maximize profits and we are going to go all the way out to ensure that we achieve or business goals and objectives.In essence, our source of income will be the retailing of a wide range of durable goods and non – durable goods at affordable prices. 22.500002 0.000000 IF+semrRSHmjhrlmNzKzxyFgnIkVy1U/8vflh5puhJc6b5hk8v31td0ur3/Dun6fc3SmO3mYK9u0 z65cR/Xf3cdzBGi/4c1fZHYhl9X1uElf9+qOCdWBriqbeVtS1C/t7p72f12jnKRn9GXulUUAbcL1 Magenta 75.000000 57 Condensed 25% Orange M=12.5 Y=25 sRlo7T05FiYpUQDD6jzHzfdiKSRJEjYacERUPxRqTaciklaNVi38rDKx2vpT/HFNInR9T0y1LQTe If you want to create your own personal printable grocery or shopping list, download this spreadsheet template. xVhVd8Mux9TKRJzVxG9r/WtI64sPyj0lDBJqug231OYObaMWvKGb1Vg5+khLIVlVVZqfDTcimJ7E 25% Azure C=20 If you visit the same stores, you can organize your grocery list based on aisles, or list the aisle number along with your items. Filed in Articles by Editorial Staff on July 14, 2020 • 2 Comments. RFvfnnDex2DCiseQmkDKhHXmRReuUz+uKvCNL1nULS2aOXV7i208W4TS7dPMdtazFYpEW1lS3Cs1 2020 popular 1 trends in Toys & Hobbies, Home & Garden, Computer & Office, Security & Protection with Mini Supermarkets and 1. 10 10 2. 2013-01-19T18:53:17-06:00 Omr6lJqE1xL5faNrTUbS3vNCtI/RaWS4NxDHQCP1GDfFKvGWjDmPG9XuECSpBGksnrSqqrJKQF5s 34 34 1. QkVoUMcbB+PKqISqmuw2wKj/APpU/wDRv/xpirEvOM8sMM7rPLAiBXkkj1CGw4ot3ycl5QwC8QeV QGmXJejYq7FUlvbK6lhs7m3Ulre3ejRFRcBmjovoiX9zyr/vz4fHK5QJkD3KkTf4t/eU/wAS/wC8 Mini supermarket business plan Sample Business Plan For Mini Supermarket If you use the right technology and the right service, this will cost you very less, say something like Rs. cqnXGN1SlvK0p9L/AJ0vy4fqltxs6zn93I6qjwp/uO+CLjUcl6gD4PC1UZa6frunNcXWmeWtEtr6 tapDYXGoW062MF2jPbXHCNFkWRPhWSnqLSPmGetFyJjZB7lYvotv5L167ls9Iv8AydeXjWKW31VN zTN+jpOKW9hFqDlvSagWKUqsjeCHY9P2spl9Y/V+lXn35facYdd8uLbzzMq1p6mhabG7ejB6cwlu DcfqQ8LTy95ia2uXs7XVlGnWctxa6c/lWxs4nkvY3/coY3o6qJEWaAqwZlrxY9L0vRdN8keYr6Ca EsT2889pLGyKsiwyzIObuY/7xofgI5Vr4CuT/kjPt665DqOdHavqqzzrlXuCYf8AKx7OSwXUJIb6 76 128 4. 75.000000 n6L5evJ5oYo9R01NV1aRluZQsavbo6w+mrOjcbn1DswAHE/zCOHFl/eCGSZHGYjyIvnxe4fSdwd+ VZtdScDcpZRLEJJbye1huIESNi7+o0xAA4im/wBnr3yk/WP1fpV5xoHl7QmuNNj13zn5Y1jRlkuJ LE+UdOsdReWa6F8L+ZIgirX0ynOWAGrmjb/rqASBzVguk+ZrOTy7BfP+X3lqW/ib66qW+p6OsDyx YJwXnn4+mUDbgVJo2zb5cl6joHl7R/L+mR6Zo9sLWxi/u4QzvTYDq5Zj08cVTHFWE+fPqf8Ah4fW uuid:A747DD768A91DC11BB35DBE9861ACF1C vBZabrNje3hjEotre5hllMZUMH4IzNx4uprToRiqTecJ3h0NXE0kCixuCzx3kVjSkHX1ZQVQjs52 99HS4/rxU89P0/6ncNxr/vRN603rddvhWmKr74XqRWVzb8wsFvIzSKrTIp9L4S1vHSSbf9lCCcqm CMYK grocerylistsDOTorg_Deluxe_v3_3 qbnJ2en5KjpKWmp6ipqqusra6voRAAICAQIDBQUEBQYECAMDbQEAAhEDBCESMUEFURNhIgZxgZEy FY7YFSrcqyD8cUM5Rg6Kw6MAR8jirEvOC6c2hqt/qEWnQGynElxPbR3SIhho8jLKrpxQbkMKHvlU xmp.iid:F97F11740720681191099F0B87A5E38E 50KfUrQJFruoSrrEd08lE+tKguU9H02Qx8F9IUDNwKdcvV6faw/nANTSa5uNDaxaSBJbZBc/DCJp BQtxGwqd6DAq/FWGedfrp0CdbN7hZ/0dIYxa38WnSVETGqzShljIpXmdh1/ZOUy+sfr/AEKxDy75 0.000000 mubpprWWyikhhitpYo5IoVWaK3kPEPUFwWoRVicVZniqE/6VP/Rv/wAaYqwD80rrUrfQdRk0+6e1 0.000000 84spJZ/JiNe6fB6kEK28UhNwzRRmKJxblePFEHJP5Kn4QuR/lDIREDUR3P1VD32R0FCuHY3L6v4Q 19.999998 zoH6Z/SeofXv0p9Xqv1b9Ifov6v3r9X+o/v/AJ+v9HfFUP5nvtGsNOW51W7FtC8lxbRpLE9zBI8v CWzli9AAXB332Pb6cpyfUP1oeOad5D/MuX6uNY0vX5wNR9eWI+ZLVrYxSTtIsksDxyhvQ9NDxXc8 Quickly create shopping lists, keep an eye on flybuys and find out when your favourite products are on special. Clo7d3ggiWL4vhC7dePQ0VSD819E8u6rpVqNagtJo4Gu5I/rkl7Ego6k8msirFKqpYNXcKabZCUq The numbering helps you to know the most important and the least important item under various categories. 46 41 12. CMYK Sources of IncomeBarry Whyte Supermarket, Inc. is in business to retail a wide range of goods to the residence of Baton Rouge – Louisiana. RbKf0Xb8QtfhHQcIqD/hMH5XF/Mj8grzzXfzh/L/AELXZ9A1yS6gvbWOCSeQWiTQmO4i9VpF9NJG 50% Green C=40 Y=50 Download Now. xVG6d5g0HU5Gj03UrW+kSOOZ0tpo5SIpRWNyEZvhcfZPQ9sVSHzFpp1OCGwhWze6uLTjCt6s7xlu CMYK TGAW2iLYh7m2WskXpW8SQt8M6KRI3AmldwaWJekXH5r/AJdaJHbWEcrQSzQyT2VhDayRK6x8nlCS 393YT3+o2moXMLWtokvnG2vEmMg4fDOqypFPG/EolanmTxYCmXpZH+VXnWytNdGk398tra26HTbS Xtvkzz75e83xXz6NK8yadKtvPK8bRqzNGsgZAwDcfipuAfbArI8VY7r5tfqQ+sXSWq1ufjktxcin 5SATPFeSQmUqG5LJImn8isRNIyQa1Oy4qnWnza891cLqFna29qtPqktvdSTySda+pG9vAI/odsVS QksXjuLiZ2R4pZoIZ4uUa/CUe69P4XJBViyii8q4aCeKMpZMkjw3t/V4q34gaoctr232taVbb879 A supermarket business enterprise is a large, very complex structure, involving many component entities: • An array of repeat customers grouped in various local areas. Supermarket Shelf. VBBHUHFWBfmNFp0nli6S+FoYP0ZIZPrn1zhxETn4/qn7zjtvw+Lr3plMq8QK878h6Pqt/rNpq3lC Mpna3RRBfkvctdIoFGqS9r+8UeJX4h23ymf1x+KHgN15i8qQ2UerQv5fm1WGO6LhbfzE0EkiXH1x HxVxVOdA8s/orU9QvfR0uP68VPPT9P8Aqdw3Gv8AvRN603rddvhWmKpH50813WiXum2y+WNQ12zv 25.000000 z/0eWC31uC9Ns0kcLmJZYIVRfSEdEHHozbfFlyvRfKPlS28saTFpdtfXt9bwIscTX8wmdVStACFQ Zj6bfCsMxCyE/wAh2PTvlMh6x+r9KvFIPLHmmPVLjWbfSdTjWCOS2aF/L9pFcliyoZbQwEegfVvJ 3n+8k/8Axjb/AIicVYz52nmiUGOSVCREP3V/FYHeXqGkH3/zdMqP1j8fYh5/5P8AzI8yWElj5UtN 0.000000 o5ZZ42hlM3qOCfjn41O9b1e64FdirDPPNpNd+Xlt4oJrlpbKaP0be2t7l25RAcQLn91U+DbHKp/X uCOPqx2SVhDuSz0+FzTia1y5Uyb8xqep/pflr4LNLvfXqfb4/E3+h7QfH8Mvfb4d9lU50DzN+ldT YFeyYqwzzyto2luLkwCP0r0k3BuVWgqTU2tJOP8ANTfwymf1x+KHgV2nkD9IT6f9X0PVYLzW4BqS Adobe Illustrator CS5 0.000000 CMYK L6x+PsV575ZTVtY1GLTrG81e6CcVk1C280294WsI7yNluZDFEdy3qoVFGIVlqdiLle1aPpH6Mimj EmbedByReference DEcliaOq/wCyB/DKZV4gQk35X/llN5dvNQ1fWrPT4dZuLm4ltTpk95LDHDdLEZl/0og8neAMdjTt b3CshHCOB0ki5EHevECgxV7mCSASKHuMCsP87XF1Bo88ltLJFLHDfSKY72Gw3TkwrLMGROn2yKL1 PROCESS Regular Helvetica-Condensed-Light 0.000000 Marketing Strategy of the supermarkets 7 A. ns/qTi4jvI0+qMnpPyWed1fghH2vhO3bc5TIesfq/SrGtG8weXNKsxd6Ta+TtPZrSRy9lq0UURjj vkzVtOTUI5LN/R8s6cRHJNOyxXn1iJre5jKojeoNwK1ruC1qproENz5dd38weTtR83G5uHla4/QN PROCESS DrLaS+tcM6OkvrKebSFmo/iTsSv2SQVWbYqxvXYlmEULz3VvG4u+ctlKUnUAseUaIryO47BQfkcp No need to register, buy now! AIV47GoqAf8AZDJRxRbOJHeUNSnPmnSYpHFHvIBSm/8AeLmZpMIGWJ8wt2X0D/0qf+jf/jTOtbWG False 8s3OiyXmqzWNlNDpxpqF3pcOptDGgMnLhIjllUry4eI98rMvWBfwV5/Fq35C6HoiQ+abyw8w3Nhd s0kufL13F5+Nw5nvYNRtUVG4gPP6dvJzZzxVvS40p0Hhh8DH/NHyQitPuNP+pRSW6+ep7XUCmoRz itK8waDq6c9J1K11BAoctazxzjiWZA1Y2bbkjCviD4YqkHnCa4h0RHgaRZFsbgp6V5FYNUQ7UmlB lVYVHXAq28/3kn/4xt/xE4qxD8yre5m0XUY4IZpnexkRUh0+PUCxIYcRE5Hqdfs/1yk/WP1fpV5T 256 / /wA5EeU5rjTbYWGuJcatNFb2UUlvZozyTrG8ezSiislxEwboQ4IrvRWkFL/zlJ+XkdjHdlNXIlZ0 • A chain of retail stores. 0.000000 39.999996 IxVHL5O8ppq0WsJo1kmqwCkV8tvEsy/CE2cLy2ReI8BtiqVebbm1gsGNxc21uvC5PK51e40cUEy1 60.000004 LNjIY3lhFqsIm9PlXb4Q/GrbsTir0fzBJIlkDHI8Zrc7x3KWp+0f2nBH09vpyjIfUP1oeH+XfMqT qstvIzzO8R+ySRGvW9Xpn5X+YYNAhv4fOvmGOz1H1PStrfU9etr9Xt0mmZJouTCRSfV9Ni+7cF2W PBC/pmSSWEUYK7EDk3jTocVUfOUdxJpcot45nlMN8EFvaQ3snIhqcY5vgZq9FbZu+VT+uKvOPKd1 bIXT4Lq1ECgwlFQtdULB2kAAAiB+EDqasfbxOW5TGV8/JAkimfWQ8j/VVkiRoFT02oSGFbiT4iK8 PROCESS Download and customize a grocery list in Excel or PDF format |. ZaFpVNa1DH4WDcakK9c0Kx1Kx0yO11LUG1S6jL8r140hZ1LkoGRPhqqkLUdaVxVj/mf8xPK/lK4s yr/KfBXmbeXvMmnvdz6Zpt/cafJqlvb3Gh/4ZsLa3NmxK3BSMuyOsisoaYR8vhAYhdxcr0bRpPKW wWX85/OjWT2cWs+Wx5htZgbiL6nrIge3EqwAxOYvjZ7hvSNBsa0NeklejflRq+v6v5cn1HWtVtdW 0+PzhJSktMTU5PRldYWVpbXF1eX1RlZmdoaWprbG1ub2R1dnd4eXp7fH1+f3OEhYaHiImKi4yNjo 2+isIhb6hznmtFvVVOL8nMTKwcINylPi6ZVOuMK8pvbTyLqWmXpbzHbWgFpbW9xdDyxHE0kThkVw Robinsons Supermarket, the supermarket of choice for fresh and healthy food, is a subsidiary of Robinsons Retail Holdings Inc., the second largest multi-channel retailer in the Philippine Tua3tqrJ/i3UCwZnbirQcOMTN+zCvwy9G6YqyHyDdWlxaX5trm2uVW6ZXa11m51xVbiPhaS5VTA3 HelveConLig; HELVETICA PROCESS qujtrQ1+4SxnMTXi63aJEI4mLR3LWxSZy78jG3GTkyD4qciuKor8tPJf5gWPmWxm1SLV9J0PSoxB 25% Red M=25 Y=25 Huge collection, amazing choice, 100+ million high quality, affordable RF and RM images. VcveSN9696owfmfNF6NxqNs9vJPE9zGttP8AWeMKU3nEvpMrFpFjC8W9z9qhnpM8sl45mwa34tz8 SO8nRg24XoRttVsjHr9wCLLRR6JJeaXc23qRJqKl/i4lTyRQpopoPS6qOZO4Br2pmZDNGRvhQh4/ 0.000000 8aqFhSXhz9JwRTtvjHsPOCZDMbPPnv8AatJpZWH5aX01jbWmtaHcyqj2OmwQvayOEIBkt4EV60o/ LD9a15PQfJnmS/120e5vLOSwflIqW0ylX4pKyq9CAaOtCKjpmb2drcmTPPHKcZgRB9Pv36nldfAd Vegan grocery list: DxBUjbzN5gHqUvvs2aTD/nWNaNJDxq203xdT+4H7xe5+E5arrjzN5gSzeRL6kgjtmDf4Y1qTeRSX 0.000000 CMYK 0.000000 yij5pFF9Xunl5FZDMk/pyGL42J+Jo/hTLkq115k836nBdXEF7cW1pI7Wt6G80WttOPqMUqGW2DII 75.000000 Grocery Basket Shopping. gO7+tdyGWX42LU5kDYVoo7DbAqMxVI9bCNpgRwCHuHFCK9Hc/wAM572lNab/ADgmIBLz7zJ5R03U 0.000000 4tfM0EN19ZlS8SJpYo/SnROLiPlKWd5l4hUbxNKVyEscZEEjl+Px5gHorC9b/NP8j9Iljs+M99ct Also know products and list of supermarkets in India. upX5guYrhpeenIhpzWaNeLtLT7NRxPjtxWjxHJD95LKJccY1xEfUeG9x3gjnzB5IQeh/mvcalq+n 0.000000 jWSnKX4FBodssHY2psE5eIA3R4q53396aS7SJvyYmhsktdd0KlrDLHaNN6MckcUBMclPW4MoO57c fymdKt7ie4kitmvopovSRmMtvyCP6aoStVY77ZEzAIHerFf0rrt1dC0b82HaS2uWaaOLQREfhSKa This site uses third party cookies for analytics and advertising. 12.500000 PROCESS fYcIOY6Gm+Edg5Mf+VEevUcuvw+xUHB5T8rR3EVxbz6XHcRmT0ZoxEHBmJaTiw3Bc7tTr3yMuz5T JF9B6NwJaQKarer0nyXqv5g6j53hjvdS1tNGFsbySz1HQLeytyJAONub1ZWkE0fqCq8f2TvgV6vi tMgjuuJNNyihQNu2wzTZdPRuKSEfo0Ah17TZQecT3cKgqK0LSLStPHxzN7MyCWeAPOwo2L13/pU/ PROCESS EuextdRaRbhuVur8I05EpVdxyH2ev8PbJwyGNUaaeES9zb2lrDKsTKakUBRRQBd6VO3TDInmxMQD Gv44FTH/AKVP/Rv/AMaYqwX8yryW00e9mF5d2cMagzTWWoRWEqRtd8HZGkSU8grVAVeTn4V3OVX+ rIONV2h+Hof34/eN3HxHJq648s+YHs3jSxrIY7ZQv+J9aj3jUhx6qQl141+0BWXq9CBiqc6Bpeo2 F2bsJ6NH58jaVkpx5fZ+L8MolXiBXnv5X+Zvyw0vzPq0zywLq19ewQxXVtBqSxrLdPJDFalLvlIs For additional helpful meal planning tools, you may want to check out the Meal Planner template and Price Comparison template. 4pHWhX4wajLUvWvLPknR9FtwTaWM2oByTfQWNvaOY1c/V04wqB+4i4xqfauKE8vP95J/+Mbf8ROK JmYyfV4DHOWEcsqeoU+2xC+quzeJyJ7Dz/6sd9uvL5rSlq0v5Rw6Cl3fX+m3Oi2Kp6bRWZu4YVuS
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DBAMDAwMDAwQDA4PEA8ODBMTFBQTExwbGxscHx8fHx8fHx8fHwEHBwcNDA0YEBAYGhURFRofHx8f 0.000000 0.000000 sozGZQwglkV/TDq5jP8Auxa706EhUMo8ufmPoGrXcmnT3Nva6mjxpFAJlkScTRiSMwSgLHKWo3wo zFj3xVIPPdvdT+XpI7eGeWV7EqiwWEOoOWKmnGOVo1Y+xYfPfKpfWP1fpV4TBp8sc1pEY9XnmDo8 nWMj1kjZadByBpUjMhXqPl3yR5V8tyXEmiaeli1yS0wRnKkkKDxVmYLXgCeNKnfrgVPMVYP58lnj 80.000000 PROCESS e117SbR/UjnuJh6cnK4jRiLuCkv/ABYGB5ZerPvytuNHsL2SbU9avNLudFiFnH5Yk1+z1WHhHGsU HelveticaNeue-Condensed Vpyb4Pv7q/HzT4Y7npmgXHlq98vS3vl8h9PkNwqyBZFrJE7Qy/DKA3wvGV6fLbL8OjxYvojSQKGy Grocery List in Excel. Wingdings W7dztK3wc2NtL8IatOVRko9j6kQMRl5kH+K9vj+KC0mOnaV5C1q/utH06/0jULyGMNdWkIim/drW APdNayQSCESIwiM7SFYpnX0xEOWxr/Kp2rVm0OfxTGOSzXF1A+qqH2eQ5dFU7D8yjd6jaWEFrdQf 0.000000 Helvetica-Bold PPNPfS3UlxY+YLG4iimmtYbYzAxpGHeJYmQOJAyvVgGU8Qq9f/LtfNdvoVvp3mGymhlsreBFvrq8 4LTfnrdw2Vhd3NhcIt5YPfssd36hUG3nliUVhQHkbOTl/LVeu5yz8tlJIjmn6Tw/Go/cZX5/Tt9R Helvetica d2Yaa7tEa0cqsdubludJyDxVKUbap+GvxcZY9BqBjBExwmX9KjuBG7jvv0Ioc/4lQzfmrAIRLFZ3 False 63LfWt1rV3pkMMaeifXLtIFflDcuzlWLDk/Y1wK9Hgggt4lhgjWKFNkjRQqjvsBtirCfP+ueftKt A friend of mine wants to go into a mini supermarket business. 0.000000 o7GUaZJcmC7jeW1eAARMXjACzEvIB6Qfm+1BkTHe1Ynp8/5f3enWUFpqvkyZ71W060totHWrzT3C U/0/BOkssUYiMP1ZYjIqyB2ZyWIYjfAr07yv5aHl+xktBqmoaqHdX9fVJ/rMq8Yki4q3FKKfT5kf xmp.did:F97F1174072068118C14C04C0ADF9D94 50.000000 38 74 2. 4TSrHXbo3VlKranJ5htlcSpCI4U4emhZm9FWD8qI0jnxBVXaH5F83v55sr2+0zWNMtbJeQvYdet5 Azure C=80 PROCESS 39.999996 xrKNh9bjKVl+KoBJ41Vb1eztD+cRl5+voPFbn93CqXaqbUyEH1C3qM0npUI48Bz61XqFZJoH+If0 kd1mQy15Iij4Btl6vZkZXRXU1VgCD7HAreKvN/zU8veW9U8vxzaxbWsxtdOuXie7e8RFCRpN8X1N Wingdings On July 14, 2020 • 2 Comments broad and diverse making room for you to the.... 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