Download free-response questions from past exams along with scoring guidelines, sample responses from exam takers, and scoring distributions. Start studying AP Psychology Quiz Questions. His doctor tells him that he needs to quit for his health. As you are reading this question, the cells in your eyes are firing in response to the light coming from this paper. The intensity of the pain at the end of the event. The median number of books read by these individuals was: In an experiment designed to study the effectiveness of a new drug, research participants who receive a placebo are participating in the ________ condition. Where does this interference take place? When you read a bar graph, it is most important for you to: Note the range and size of the scale values. The researchers concluded that the children's self-esteem had apparently influenced their views of God. Which of the following is the best example of random selection? The exam date for the 2020–2021 school year is Tuesday, May 11, 2021 at 12 p.m. Each semester, high schools across the country compute students' grade point averages. She most likely suffers from. Their personalities shape how they interpret and react to events. What is most likely to occur when the brain is repeatedly flooded with artificial opiates like heroin? An individual is having trouble with cognitive tasks related to learning and memory. During adolescence which two parts of our brain experience the most growth and change? The greatest difficulty facing contemporary parapsychology is the..... inability to subject claims of ESP to scientific testing. Social phenomena can affect individuals in a variety of ways, including in the attitudes they form, the attributions they make, the people they find attractive, and the prosocial and antisocial behaviors they perform. an experimenter wants to determine the impact of caffeine on attention span. This suggests that the size of a crowd and helping behavior are, is a subset of the population who actually participate in a research study, Sometimes a subject's expectations may lead to behavior change in the absence of any effective treatment. Which of the following describes a perception process that the Gestalt psychologists would have been interested in? This AP Psychology practice test covers sensation and perception. Francois was dismayed to discover that some of his football teammates were using drugs to enhance their footwork and endurance on the playing field. Veda is sociable, fun-loving, and affectionate. In each case the researches count how many trials it takes before the animals can run the maze pattern without making errors. Free practice questions with detailed explanations. This research is an example of: The healing power of positive expectations is best illustrated by: Which of the following correlation coefficients expresses the weakest degree of relationship between two variables? A psychologist who explores how Asian and North American definitions of attractiveness differ is working from the ____________ perspective. A researcher interested in determining the size of a particular area of the brain would be most likely to use what kind of test? Bruce has been smoking since he was 15-years-old. To walk across a street, a person would rely most directly on which division of the nervous system? The false consensus effect refers to the tendency to: Exaggerate the extend to which others agree with us. It looks like your browser needs an update. This best illustrates that the content of dreams reflects children's, The change in brain chemistry that offsets the effects of a psychoactive drug is called. What is the pineal gland's role in sleep? When his therapist throws a wadded up ball of paper at his head he can move out of the way but not identify the object. Study Stack . The five years if research conducted on Genie Wiley, a feral child, in the 1970s, would fall under what type of research method? Oh no! In response to decreasing light the hypothalamus' causes the pineal gland to increase production of melatonin. The process by which your ears transform the sound waves from the siren into neural impulses is an example of, Standing atop a mountain on an utterly dark, clear night, most of us would see a candle flame atop another mountain 30 miles away. 14.) An undersupply of serotonin is most closely linked to, ________ is to inhibiting neurotransmission while ________ is to exciting neurotransmission. Under the surface of our consciousness exists most of our urges, desires, and feelings. Benjamin helps design cars that are easy to drive and intuitive to sue. Which term describes questionnaires that cover a wide range of feelings and behaviors and are designed to access several traits? She is having trouble adjusting to her new environment because she is very shy and is finding it difficult to make new friends. What argument can you use to persuade this psychologist that you should not take the test? To ensure the best experience, please update your browser. This fact is most consistent with the theory that hypnosis involves. What is the best way for a researcher to avoid signaling bias to the participants in a study? AP Psychology Course Information. Which of the following experiments would be most easily replicated today due to its minimum of ethical issues? The process by which rods and cones change electromagnetic energy into neural messages is called what? Which of the following best represents an absolute threshold? This suggests that the use of the diet drug combination and heart valve defects are.... As the number of bystanders' increases, people are less likely to help someone who is in distress. A group of researchers is investigating the effects of gingko biloba on memory. 15,000 high school students in the county, you decide to survey a sample of 300 students from River Hill, Centennial, and Marriott's Ridge. D Our tendency to see faces in clouds and other ambiguous stimuli is partly based on what perception principle? He believed that the unconsciousness could only be studied through observable behaviors. Zoey and Zach have been dating for two years and is planning for prom. The Big Five personality factors include... conscientiousness, agreeableness, neuroticism, openness, extraversion. Although much of Freud's theories about human sexuality have been discredited, what psychological school of thought still focuses on the role of unconscious thoughts in better understanding our emotions? AP Psychology Exam AP courses cover a great deal of material so the best strategy is to selectively study and fill knowledge gaps over the course of 6-8 weeks prior to the AP exam. It consists of 21 multiple choice quiz questions for your AP exam review. Which of the following best describes the effects of this psychoactive drug on Jason's behavior? Why might this conclusion be invalid, One advantage of naturalistic observation is that it, allows behavior to to be studied in realistic settings, experimenters' beliefs in their own hypotheses affect either the subjects' behavior or their observations of the subjects, The learned helplessness study helped to shape modern psychology's view of, You are conducting research about how the behavior of the typical high school student in the Howard County Public School System. Psychology can only study what we observe, because this is all that an be empirically tested. The humanistic approach focuses on striving to be one's best while the psychoanalytic approach emphasizes the unconscious mind, sex, and aggression. Which of the following has occurred? Which of the following psychologists was interested in helping people through establishing goal oriented techniques to therapy? In 1921, Hermann Rorschach introduced what has become the most widely used ____________ test. Which of the following might result from a disruption of your vestibular sense. Although Alex is frequently caught stealing money and other valuables from friends as well as strangers, he does not feel guilty or remorseful about his actions. The light sensitive inner surface of the eye, containing the rods and cones, in the,,,. The mean age of the Klostreich children is: In a study of the effects of alcohol consumption, some participants drank a nonalcoholic beverage that actually smelled and tasted like alcohol. She wants to tell her parents about her exiting news, but they do not know much about statistics. In Freudian psychology, which of the following would not be a way in which a therapist would learn about a patient's unconscious desires? Unofficial AP Psychology Practice Exams. The first psychological laboratory was established by ___________ in the year ________. Which of the following individuals is also a physician? What did Abraham Maslow call the process of fulfilling our potential? A majority of respondents in a national survey agreed that "classroom prayer should not be allowed in public schools." This focusing of your conscious attention, or selective attention, illustrates that, Conscious awareness is one part of the dual Processing that occurs in our two track minds, Advocates of the social influence theory of hypnosis are likely to argue that, Hypnotized people are simply enacting the role of being good hypnotic subjects, People become unresponsive to hypnosis if told that those who are highly gullible are easily hypnotized. Free-Response Questions Download free-response questions from past exams along with scoring guidelines, sample responses from exam takers, and scoring distributions. Practice with confidence for the ACT® and SAT® knowing Albert has questions aligned to all of the most recent concepts and standards. Includes 14 practice tests that are organized by topic, with over 200 challenging questions. A specification of how a researcher measures a research variable is known as a(n): In order to describe the behavior of animals in their native habitats, researchers are most likely to make use of: A questioning attitude regarding psychologists' assumptions and hidden values best illustrates: Dr. Donelian wants to reduce his students' perception that psychological experiments merely document the obvious. Children's TV-viewing habits (past behavior) influence their viewing preferences (internal personal factor), which influence how television (environmental factor) affects their current behavior. Which personality trait best describes Jonathan? Josef, a high school student, tells his therapist that he has had a recurring dream in which he hunts and kills a ferocious tiger. The brain stops the regular production of endorphins. The divided consciousness theory of hypnosis states that hypnosis involves.. After four years of working nights, Raymond now works days. When he goes to drink his coffee, he realizes it has no taste. Only 33 percent of respondents in a similar survey agreed that "classroom prayer in public schools should be banned." The professor does not realize he is giving these cues, and she does not realize that she is picking up on them, yet she behaves as he expects. If the person needs immediate help fro anger management. That’s about 40 seconds per question with a few minutes at the end to check your work. PLEASE HELP? Types of AP Psych Multiple Choice Questions. These three systems refer to: Five-year old Liam has been acting strangely lately. Mary's professor is demonstrating confirmation bias. During the past year, Zara and Ivan each read 2 books, but George read 9, Ali read 12, and Marsha read 25. This best illustrates the importance of, By insisting that her dreams enable her to predict future events, Margo is claiming to possess. A football player was tackled hard during a very physical game, but he id not feel any pain until the post-game celebration party. Which philosopher did not believe that ideas are innate? Which is a pain reducing drug that has led in recent years to an epidemic amongst populations of middle aged men that often begin with misuse of a doctor prescribed medication? Mary is an undergrad student who had volunteered for a study for professor is running. This conclusion best illustrates the danger of: Assuming that correlation proves causation. This best illustrates the use of a defense mechanism known as: According to terror-management theory, people enhance their self-esteem in order to defend themselves from fear of their own. Question 1 . Chronic sleep debt is most likely to promote... Traffic accident rates have been found to ________ after the spring change to daylight savings time and to ________ after the fall change back to standard time. An awareness of extensive cultural differences in attitudes and values is most helpful for avoiding: Which of the following statistical measures is most helpful for indicating the extent to which high school grades predict college grades. Instant scoring is provided along with answers and detailed explanations. How to pass AP Psychology Great site for practice questions, total review. Since the 1970s, the ___________ has established and monitored the ethics within the science of psychology, What are the results of of the Milgram experiment, the majority of the test subjects were willing to inflict the maximum amount of pain, For what reason was the Stanford Prison Experiment stopped early, The test subjects were becoming violent and there were safety concerns, The baby albert experiment study used animals/toys with loud noises creating the child to develop. A major principle underlying the SQ3R study method is that... People learn and remember the material best when they actively process it. The therapist explains that the dream reflects Josef's unresolved feelings of hostility toward his father. The large, slow brain waves associated with deep sleep are called... REM sleep is called paradoxical sleep because. Arbitrarily selecting names of everyone in the population to determine who will be in the study. This one has 678 cards, and is based on the 7th Edition of the Weiten textbook. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. She determines that this result means that training causes drops in times. Bruce tells the doctor, "Look, smoking is the only bad thing I do, and besides, you have to die of something." Which of the following statements can Alice share with her parents to summarize the meaning of statistical significance? In this study, the experimental group is. Which of the following pairs of personality disorders are in the same cluster? Which of the following is most likely to influence out memory of a painful event? Jason has been smoking marijuana. the ability to infer a cause-and-effect relationship is associated only with the... isolate the effect of the independent variable on the dependent variable, random assignment of subjects occurs when, all subjects have an equal chance of being assigned to any of the groups or conditions, A researcher has children watch 30 mins of violent television, and then counts the number of times they hit each other afterward in a one hour play period as . According to Freud, this part of our personality represents internalized ideals and provides standards for judgement and for future aspirations. We know that the color of a printed page as not changed as it moves from sunlight to shadow. Any measurable conditions, events, characteristics, or behaviors that are controlled or observed in a study are called, Dr. Marqueta believes that "misery loves company." Why did Freud describe the mind as an iceberg? Dr. Ernest is working from the _____________ perspective. According to a National Research Council report, the popularity of this test in the absence of proven scientific worth is troublesome. During the study, Mary picks up on cues from her professor about the expectations he had regarding the study's outcome. Freud believes that many of our personality issues develop during what stage of our life? Chris has had a cold for five days, and his nose is stuffy he cannot smell anything. Belongs under the umbrella to the social sciences. Critics of humanistic psychology have suggested that this theory fails to appreciate the reality of our human capacity for which of the following? This investigation involves the use of: A correlation coefficient is a measure of the: Direction and strength of the relationship between two variables. Quick Links OneView/Enroll a student ... Quizlet . Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Both women would consider the findings to be common sense. and walks away. Which of the following represents perceptual constancy? Nightmares are to ________ as night terrors are to ________. This process best illustrates... As the brain receives information about the lines, angles, and edges of objects in the environment, higher-level cells process and interpret the information to consciously recognize objects. Whenever Amy's friends let her down or disappoint her in anyway, she responds by binging on alcohol and threatening to kill herself. The AP Test Development Committees are responsible for developing each AP Exam, ensuring the exam questions are aligned to the course framework. The way we encode, process, store, and retrieve information is the primary concern of the _____ perspective. This best serves to support the theory that dreams, are triggered by random bursts of neural activity, Prior to age 9, children's dreams seem more like a slide show and less like an active story in which the dreamer is an actor. Based on this belief, Dr. Marqueta's belief is an example of ________ and her prediction is an example of _________, Laura answered a series of written questions that asked about her attitudes and opinions on a number of current issues. In this study the independent variable is.... the presence or absence of the food supplement in the animal's diet. This bundle has everything you need to teach all about the unit of psychology. The mode of this group's distribution of annual incomes is: The concept of control is important in psychological research because: Experimental control allows researchers to study the influence of one or two independent variables on a dependent variable while holding other potential influences constant. Also includes scoring guidelines, scoring statistics, and sample responses. A graduate student wants to conduct a study to investigate people's opinions regarding the death penalty. tanya is helping her teacher measure how effective after school study sessions are to student performance on their assignments. Each question will have 5 answer choices, A through E. Sam is experiencing some psychological issues, so he is sent to a clinician for therapy. Standing in the checkout line at the grocery store, Jerry kept looking at his watch to see the time. Varsity - Tutors (Free Practice Tests) My personal notes AP Psych . Involves.. after four years of working nights, Raymond now works days respondents in a motorcycle accident that him. Also includes scoring guidelines, sample responses from exam takers, and for... Alex most clearly demonstrates a: Jorge was reprimanded for an understanding of Cognition of which measure of tendency. 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