In terms of the goods-services continuum, this is an example of a ___________? d. What he or she wants from the experience before meeting with the service provider. b. Good dominated offering B) mystery _______________ measures the difference between what a customer's expectation of service experience and the customers actual experience with the service? C) The highest level of brand equity involves establishing product benefits. Which of the following statements best describes how marketing and brand identity change over time? By using the book, Frodo's patients could benefit from his practice even if he wasn't with them personally. B) competitive points-of-parity These brands offer experiences and we buy them with that experience in mind. D) assist firms in collecting information on competitors that will directly influence their strategy. B) peculiarity Which of the following statements about branding is TRUE A Customers are willing. B) comparing to exemplars c. These are all dimensions of service quality. C) brand mission Which of the following is not branding benefits specific to B2B context? A) points-of-inflection B. line extension Builds customer trust by becoming a true partner in their business. Questions and Answers for [Solved] Which of the following statements about personal branding is true? Which of the following is NOT true about brand alliance? C) brand identity She would like to open her shop across the street from college campuses, but there are already Starbucks coffee shops in all of these locations. b. c. Co-branding A) sensuality Companies trying to sell their products internationally do not benefit from, Many organizations view the process of creating and maintaining a strong, Organizations should not provide the same level of promotion to brands. E) points-of-presence, For brands in more stable categories where extensions into more distinct categories are less likely to occur, the brand mantra may focus more exclusively on ________. e. Implied. who provide superior customer service? E) sensitivity, Which of the following traits of a brand's ability to become a lovemark implies empathy, commitment, and passion? Search qualities She called all three and asked them to come in and put on a demonstration so that the employees could decide which coffee they liked best. Select one: C) realistic advantage This value can be expressed in terms of? What did the company try to build when they conveyed the fact that the beer contained one third less calories and hence it is less filling? [Brand name] serves [target audience] who [specific need or want]. \text{20X7} & 80,000 & 50,000 & 70,000 & 40,000 \\ Select one: A. Largely set in a futuristic World State, whose citizens are environmentally engineered into an intelligence-based social hierarchy, the novel anticipates huge scientific advancements in reproductive technology, sleep-learning, psychological manipulation and classical conditioning that . D) It involves all the industries in existence today, the known market space and occupied market positions. E) brand extensions, ________ are visual representations of consumer perceptions and preferences. E) Hayley's found success by allowing buyers to customize the color and some features of its appliances before buying them. D) Points-of-presence O It is always rational to prefer brand names over generic substitutes O B . B) Conceptual points-of-parity It was able to achieve a point-of-difference on performance and a point-of-parity on luxury with respect to U.S. luxury cars like Cadillac. Save the GoogleEarth image that shows the feature in the wider context of the surrounding landscape, Explain why deserts and vegetation showup clearly in the map of Africa below, copied from GoogleEarth.. A) channel differentiation Marketing Essentials: The Deca Connection, Carl A. Woloszyk, Grady Kimbrell, Lois Schneider Farese. Generic brand, no-name brand A. D) product Creating a brand uses the psychological principal of classical conditioning. Which one of the following statements about retailers and retailing activities is true? C) The highest level of brand equity involves establishing product benefits. Identify the fixations in different stages of psychosexual development that can result in problems later in life. E) Hayley's found success by allowing buyers to customize the color and some features of its appliances before buying them. C. Packaging does not influence the consumer buying decision. A half-truth is a deceptive statement that includes some element of truth. Consumers with high behavioral loyalty are unlikely to switch. D) brand architecture It is a good brand name because it suggests a product benefit. A) comparing to exemplars Brand equity is anything that is deeply seated in a consumer's memory about the brand. e. Transaction, _____________ is when a business uses one brand name to cover a variety of products? B) allow brands to expand their market coverage and potential customer base Which of the following statements is not true with regard to the concept of product? Association c. Copyright D) Choose Grissom's for an unparalleled shopping experience. Through research, they had discovered that many dogs do not get enough exercise and this new dog food had stimulants added to give these sedate dogs energy. Therefore, option C is correct that is . If your friends tell you that the company should be liable for a problem, then they probably are liable. a. At the same time she spent $60,000 for the car, she bought a service contract for an additional $600. Sabrina is thinking of starting a new line of coffee shops. A) help firms to analyze who their competitors are D) points-of-value C) desirability C) product e. All of these are the point we were trying to make. C) communicative, simple, and inspirational When it comes to managing services, some people find it helpful to think of it as a service encounter with roles for both the service provider and for the customer. Lysol Disinfecting Wipes - Lemon and Lime Blossom. Private branding. Patent Excessive branding. Each week the coffee service will deliver fresh coffee. Prepare the adjusting entry necessary when brochures costing $18\$ 18$18 million are mailed. e. Post-purchase utility. \text{20X6} & \$140,000 & \$30,000 & \$\hspace{7pt}70,000 & \$20,000 \\ During the period of January 1, 20X6, through December 31, 20X9, the market value of Ravine's investment in Valley's stock increased by$10,000 each year. Explain why deserts and vegetation show up clearly in the map of Africa below, copied from, How are the borders of the earth's tectonic plates defined? The key to success for rejuvenating a brand image is to highlight the newness to attract former consumers. contestants performing 360-degree turns in mid-air while on motorcycles, competitive skateboarding, and other extreme sports. b. People-based offering Select one: d. Co-branding. You said? A) brand mantras A) service differentiation There are four basic elements or components to a positioning statement: Target Audience - the attitudinal and demographic description of the core prospect. Select one: The appeal of recognized brand names is declining. D) resilience C) directly proportional Which of the following best describes BR Chicken's value proposition? E) price-quality positioning, Marketers typically focus on ________ in choosing the points-of-parity and points-of-difference c. A warranty c. Multiproduct branding This strategy is called _______________. E) employee, Suppliers who are dependable in their on-time delivery, order completeness, and order-cycle time are most likely to be differentiated based on ________. D) point-of-weakness True b. c. Internal rate of return D. B)It is best to create a "composite" face of the company rather than rely on a real (fallible)person. E) A small business must focus on building more than two strong brands based on a number of associations. b. To communicate its unique positionand to avoid association with its Explorer and Country Squire modelsthe vehicle, eventually called Freestyle, was designated a "sports wagon". The first step to building a strong brand identity, and indeed a strong brand, is creating a brand statement. By using a computer rather than a person to initiate the process, Arwen was using _____________ to make the best use of her highly trained donut makers? D) announcing category benefits Changed as circumstances change. Select two. Brand names give the seller an incentive to provide consistently high-quality products and services in order to protect the reputation of the brand. An emotional connection d. Disintermediation What the training program for employees was intended to accomplish. and its value proposition to consumers. Cooperative branding is the joint venture of two or more brands in one product. It later sells the shares B) leverageable advantage Experience Qualities Select one: A) points-of-difference d. Brand awareness E) reliability, A supplier creates better information systems, and introduces bar coding, mixed pallets, and other methods of helping the consumer. Companies trying to sell their products internationally do not benefit from having a strong brand name. Brand name, service mark. D) points-of-difference d. Generic branding A) Customers are willing to buy by brand only when it assures "top quality." B) Branding provides product identification for sellers but usually is not important to consumers. ________ refers to the products or sets of products with which a brand competes and which function as close substitutes. As an entry-level digital marketer, which of the following data analytics tasks might you be . Brand identity is how a company wants itself to be perceived and includes the visual components of a brand used to . Consumers with rational loyalty like the brand but they want to shop around and will switch if the brand is better for their lifestyle. C) brand architecture A) Berry's has an intensive training program for its customer-facing staff, to ensure a consistent service standard. c. Every good probably has an intangible component Select one: d. There is no such thing as a pure good or a pure service. C. quality of in-store displays and packaging of private label brands has increased. a. & \textbf{Operating Income,} & \textbf{Net Income,} \\ Assuming Adamss assertion is correct (that a business expansion is already under way), evaluate the timeliness of his recommendation to purchase Universal Auto, a cyclical stock, based on the business-cycle approach to investment timing. A) clear superiority on an attribute or benefit Which of the following is an example of image differentiation? The customer service representative was unwilling to let Raul return the microwave saying that they did not allow returns on electronic merchandise. Adamss research report (see the previous problem) continued as follows: With a business expansion already under way, the expected profit surge should lead to a much higher price for Universal Auto stock. a. d. Experience Qualities No, because quality and value will be difficult to maintain because the concept depends on extensive training of baristas. a. a. Multiple Choice O It is a collection of coordinated advertisements that share a single theme. Which of the following statements about advertising campaigns is true? d. Credence Qualities b. E) expertise, Suppliers who are better at handling emergencies, product recalls, and inquiries are most likely to be differentiated based on their ________. A.geologic processes occur as endless cycles B.the earth was once covered by a "universal" flood C.geologic. e. Positive Brand associations. e. Productization, Hermione was the office manager for a small business in the city. Explore our library and get Marketing Homework Help with various study sets and a huge amount of quizzes and questions, Find all the solutions to your textbooks, reveal answers you wouldt find elsewhere, Scan any paper and upload it to find exam solutions and many more, Studying is made a lot easier and more fun with our online flashcards, Try out our new practice tests completely, 2020-2023 Quizplus LLC. a. e. Private-label brand, middleman brand. e. Box, The concept of ___________ recognizes that before an organization can effectively take care of customers' needs, it must focus on its employee's needs? c. Yes, because there are favorable sale locations available. These are all expressions of the value of brand equity. D) insensitivity Process Select one: e. No, because quality and value will be difficult to maintain because the concept depends on extensive training of baristas. B) context Given the importance of a brand positioning statement, writing one is not a process to be taken lightly. c. It is not a good brand name because it isn't clear that it is about dog food. "B) Branding provides product identification for sellers but usually is not important to consumers.C) What brand is familiar often varies from one country to another.D) Achieving brand familiarity is easy.E) None of these statements about branding is TRUE. What percent of Bens day is spent testing these programs? This is an example of defending the __________ of the brand? A) negatively correlated C) identifying counter examples D. changing an image. Which of the following statements is true of the individualism approach of ethical decision making? a. Discuss the business-cycle approach to investment timing. D)It is always part of a company's success. b. A) to point out competitors' points-of-difference E) Hayley's found success by allowing buyers to customize the color and some features of its appliances before buying them. B) pitch Industrial tools claiming to have durability, and antacids announcing their efficacy convey a brand's category membership by ________. d. The principle of informed consent C) cast c. What he or she is expected to do in order to create the service. It is harder to create than brand recall. C) points-of-parity The first step in the personal branding process is to spend time figuring out who you really are and what you want from your life. A) Customers are willing to buy by brand only when it assures "top quality. e. Visualization, Proctor & Gamble creates a separate brand identity for each product they bring to market. B) points-of-difference D. many consumers still perceive private labels as being inferior to manufacturer's brands. She believes that people would be willing to pay a premium price if they could customize their own blend of coffee beans and then have their coffee roasted, ground and brewed by a highly trained barista. a. D) RTZ shifted its products from supermarket aisles to exclusive stores as it realized that customers were willing to pay more in stores. c. Common sense. serve as sensory receptors for temperature and pain stimuli. A) Use Zipex for quick and thorough cleaning. Partners with the customer by performing menu redesign, employee training and development of promotion and merchandising programs. A) conceptual points-of-parity; competitive points-of-parity Substitution (statement 1 into statement 4) 6. p q 6. In order to maintain a brand, you must protect it against ___________, where people use the brand name without permission. Substitution (statement 1 into statement 4) 6. p q 6. a. E) exploitation of competitors' weakness, ) The two basic forms of points-of-parity are ________ and ________. e. National Brand, Producer brand. B) channel Passenger deposits for upcoming cruises are considered unearned revenue and are recorded as Customer Deposits as cash is received. Select all that apply. b. b. B) reliability Give all appropriate journal entries for 20X8 that Ravine would make if it (a) carries the investment at fair value or (b) uses the equity method. 38Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passageC AJinyang is an excellent place to plant green prickly ash BWe can make delicious Sichuan food with green prickly ash CPeople started to plant green prickly ash in Jinyang several years ago DGreen prickly ash is sold to many places home and abroad a. Former U.S. From a consumer's perspective, a strong brand image provides each of the following except: From a company's perspective, a strong brand image is related to each of the following except: From the company's perspective, a quality brand image enhances the introduction of a new product because: C. customers normally transfer their trust in and beliefs about the corporation to a new product. In class we spoke of a goods-services continuum. 33) Which of the following statements about a vertical marketing system (VMS) is true? B) to emphasize competitors' points-of-difference A) service E) brand extension, ________ are short, three- to five-word phrases that capture the irrefutable essence or spirit of the brand positioning and ensure that the company's own employees understand what the brand represents. D) category points-of-difference A. Pillsbury cookie mix featuring Hershey's Chocolate is a form of ingredient branding. All of these conditions are favorable for a retailer to launch a store brand. C) image Which of the following is an example of services differentiation? D) product differentiation SJC needs to make an impression using advertising, and decides to use funny or irreverent ads to get its point across. C) insensitivity Trade name, trademark C) They must economically communicate what the brand is and avoid communicating what it is not. Brand names are always economically wasteful since they dupe consumers . a. Select one: Which of the following statements about the branding guidelines for a small business is true? D) brand architecture Because customers who spend the most money are the most likely to complain. E) Cognitive maps, Straddle positions ________. This is an example of: Which of the following statements about brand names is true? Select one: Protect the product from excessive heat or cold. c. Consumers are unwilling to pay premium prices for similar products. This is an example of ________. ___________ is the consumers' ability to identify the brand under different conditions, as reflected by their brand recognition or recall performance. Warranties can be either express or implied. b. Which of the following statements about brand mantras is true? You must speak with a customer service representative to determine if the company is responsible for a specific problem with a product. B) services Some services are more product-based than other services The implied warranty of merchantability A. The goal of attribution is to determine which channels and messages had the greatest impact on the decision to convert, or take the desired next step. D) technological advances for an attribute or benefit On the outside, your brand may seem like it consists only of elements such as logos and colors, but your brand is actually . He thought of the brand name "Playful Puppy" and asked your opinion. Recognizing that brands are a form of attitude, it is important for customers to have _____________ with the product if you want to create brand equity? 1 12 4. B) desirability, peculiarity, deliverability C) category points-of-difference The following statements about private labels are true, except: False and . ________ allows the brand to create a point-of-parity (POP) on taste and a point-of-difference (POD) on health with respect to quick-serve restaurants such as McDonald's and Burger King and, at the same time, a POP on health and a POD on taste with respect to health food restaurants and cafs. D) noncomparitive positioning Service dominated offering c. Integrated marketing communications is less important now than it was in the past. b. a. Visualization Reliability d. The normal rules about products don't apply when you are dealing with services Select one: Select one: Employee morale was very important to the company so she knew that the coffee needed to be good. Brand awareness A) It involves designing creative business ventures to positively affect both a company's cost structure Year20X620X720X820X9OperatingIncome,RavineCorporation$140,00080,000220,000160,000NetIncome,ValleyIndustries$30,00050,00010,00040,000Ravine$70,00070,00090,000100,000Valley$20,00040,00040,00020,000. A) Brand equity means a brand has customer loyalty. When you are dealing with the ____________ characteristic of a service, one approach is to institute procedure manuals and training programs so that your service employees will know how they are supposed to deal with customers. She found three that provided equipment and made weekly deliveries of supplies. C) points-of-parity The manufacturer may be held liable for some problems regardless of whether there is anything in writing or not. D) assist firms in collecting information on competitors that will directly influence their strategy C) Competitive points-of-parity Attributes like gentle and caring were of no value unless consumers believed that its deodorant was strong enough, its shampoo would cleanse and its cosmetics would be colorful enough. D) believability d. An emotional connection c. Project an image for the product. A) deliverability What he or she is expected to do in order to create the service. Pages 245 Ratings 92% (85) 78 out of 85 people found this document helpful; D) to globalize competitors' perceived points-of-difference C) points-of-inflection Notes. a. A) language a. b. Suppose that you wish to test to determine whether one method of teaching statistics is better than another. There is no way to distinguish the product from its competitors other than by the brand name. A) points-of-difference E) None of these statements about branding is TRUE. c. Multiproduct branding D) setting In what way is the brand's category membership being conveyed? e. Changed as circumstances change. a. A) Positioning B) Valuation C) Pricing D . E) brand alliance, BMW's "The ultimate driving machine," American Express' "Don't leave home without it," New York Times' "All the news that's fit to print," and AT&T's "Reach out and touch someone" are all examples of ________. For a one-time fee of $300 the company will install a four-pot coffee maker in the office. c. Experience Qualities C) clear similarity to the attributes of other brands Bummer. D) category points-of-parity 2. d. Equipment-based offering. A radio ad by the dairy farmers of Washington State stated that the milk produced in the state was of higher quality because of the way the farmers treat their cows. C) Competitive advantage What the customer expects from the service. C) comparing to exemplars Select one: B) relying on the product descriptor B) channel differentiation B) Points-of-difference a. E) points-of-conflict, Tums claims to have the most acid-reducing components of any antacid. A) Category-based positioning It is relatively inexpensive to create a national brand when the product sells for less than $1 c. Creating a brand is very different from positioning. b. Repeat business We strongly recommend purchase. a. 1. Which of the following statements about pricing in the not-for-profit sector is FALSE? C) Clarity offers you the best prices for the best quality. Fill in the blank: Whenever a customer posts on a social media platform or blog, or writes a review about a company's product, they are producing _____ for the company's brand. D) points-of-presence The marketing of Velveeta Cheese with Rotel Tomatoes and Diced Green Chilies is an example of complementary branding. D) communicating deliverability variables She went online and searched for several coffee services. Price rationing Social media marketing is the use of social media platforms and websites to promote a product or service. Select one: Because for every customer who complains there are probably ten who had a similar problem and didn't say anything about it to you. B) allow brands to expand their market coverage and potential customer base. d. Because it gives you an opportunity to show that you were right and the customer was wrong. C. Alliance or co-branding works best when the two brands are unrelated. E) Price-quality positioning, ) BMW positioned itself as the only automobile that offered both luxury and performance. B) channel differentiation If it helps to get your gears going, here are simple formulas you can follow to create a winning positioning statement: [Brand name] provides [benefit] because [compelling reason] for [target audience] with [specific need or want]. e. Intangibles, Which of the following is NOT one of the components customers use to evaluate service quality according to your text? Moment of truth Select one: b. Cannibalization A) brand equity C) employee differentiation c. Rubber branding. b. (10 points - 2 points for diagram, 4. Warranties can be either expressed or implied. a. b. Inseparability 37) Which of the following statements about brand equity is NOT true? e. What his or her rights are in case something goes wrong. D) Competitive points-of-difference A) points-of-conflict c. Physical representation E) narrative arc, Which element of a brand story framework do Randall Ringer and Michael Thibodeau relate to the authenticating voice, metaphors, symbols, themes, and leitmotifs? It comes in several forms: the statement might be partly true, the statement may be totally true but only part of the whole truth, or it may utilize some deceptive element, such as improper punctuation, or double meaning, especially if the intent is to deceive, evade . E) product differentiation, Singapore Airlines is well regarded in large part because of the excellence of its flight attendants. A. developing a new image. E) maximizing negatively correlated attributes, When Tommy Hilfiger was an unknown brand, advertising announced his membership as a great U.S. designer by associating him with Geoffrey Beene, Stanley Blacker, Calvin Klein, and Perry Ellis, who were recognized members of that category. a. B) Brand symbols a. Credence Qualities Which of the following is true regarding URL text? The advantage of ________________ is that it allows you to spread the cost of developing a brand over many different products. Which of the following statements is true? This strategy was designed to help Gandalf overcome the __________ characteristic of services? d. Logo Packaging is not an important consideration in product strategy. e. Publicity, Intel corporation created the Intel Inside campaign to make consumers aware that an important component of any computer is the quality of the microprocessor (computer chip) that makes the machine work. No, because the product is not different enough to support premium pricing. A brand can be described as a promise to the customer. D) setting b. Wrapper a. b. a. These are all ways to leverage brand equity by charging a fee for others to use your brand name. (Your answer should describe actions to be taken on both stocks and bonds at different points over a typical business cycle.) D) competitive points-of-parity; peculiar points-of-parity ________ is the act of designing the company's offering and image to occupy a distinctive place in the minds of the target market. \end{array} Starbucks using its brand name on coffee makers is an example of a: A rsum, sometimes spelled resume (or alternatively resum ), [a] [1] also called a curriculum vitae (CV), is a document created and used by a person to present their background, skills, and accomplishments. C. Consumers with true emotional loyalty have the strongest connection with the brand. C) category points-of-parity e. Intangibles, A ______________ or _______________ is usually the property of the retailer that distributes and/or sells a product? Select one: a. A) A VMS is a channel in which there is cooperation among channel members at two or more different levels of the channel. Variability (Inconsistency) Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like All marketing strategy is built on STPsegmentation, targeting, and ________. DividendsDeclared, OperatingIncome,NetIncome,YearRavineCorporationValleyIndustriesRavineValley20X6$140,000$30,000$70,000$20,00020X780,00050,00070,00040,00020X8220,00010,00090,00040,00020X9160,00040,000100,00020,000\begin{array}{lrrrr} A) points-of-difference e. Landmark, Which of the following is NOT one of the three dimensions to service quality discussed in class? This is an example of ________ differentiation. (b) It is a source of satisfaction. d. Excessive branding. B) Category points-of-difference C) Brand logos There are several popular attribution models . A. Then they would follow along the glass-enclosed production line and watch while her highly skilled workers cooked the donuts from scratch. Group of answer choices During the introduction stage of the product life cycle, pricing may be high or low. Its printing costs for brochures are initially recorded as Prepaid Advertising and are later charged to Advertising Expense when they are mailed. b. A business's branding is more important than you might think. They may only provide one element in a network of services received by the customer. e. Abuse, Which of the following statements about creating a brand is true? Select one: In introducing a new brand, which approach is often used by firms operating in high-end markets in order to avoid damaging the high-end brand's reputation?