Share stories about your upbringing and daily life. Only much later it turned out it was for 5 weeks. Am I wasting my time or is it too early to tell. He proceeded to text me ***every day*** for the next 3 weeks, sometimes twice per day, and most were variations on How was your day? The thing is, I stopped responding after the first few days, yet the texts still kept coming. Hmmmnot surprising but I have to say that these arent Date Like a Grownup women. Tell him youre still really interested in getting to know one another and sharing time together. So dont be a baby. That was weird (do u agree? For instance, its a great way to clarify plans or make last minute updates to the plan. I somehow feel like Im the one doing the chasing because we only get to text in the mornings before he gets to work and the evenings but he doesnt initiate most of the convo and if he did, itd be something like, how are you? or what are you up to? and then I carry on most of the conversation. Awesome first date last Friday with daily texting since the date. Bp. Your reply would be greatly appreciated. I casually mentioned getting a drink elder tonight and he said he was too tired. He hasnt logged back on to the dating site since we started talking. If someone goes from hourly texting to daily texting, thats one thing. Next! I sent one around 7, telling him I had a good time. Youre young, but you get it. via GIPHY. A week has gone by as well as it has been 2 weeks since we last saw each other. The thing that annoys me is when the women makes first contact less and less, eventually not at all. I want a man who is not afraid to express himself in person. He knows how hurtful this is because it happened to him with a girl he had talked to on ok cupid before me. He works long hours during he week and he said he only has the weekends for free time. But few, have to filter through so many BSers. Now that i started texting him less often he usually text me first or call me. I asked him if he still wanted to meet, and he said definitely. The road trip sounds perfect for that. I say get on Skype with him ASAP and have a real, grownup conversation about the possibilities of any relationship. The date was only intended to be a few hours and then we were going to study, we talked continuously with no interruption for hours on end, opened up and really connected on all levels not just physical attraction. There is a guy who is in contact with me daily. Who Is Going To Pay For The Date? Just be honest with him. First I was thinking no way but friends said not to worry as you can block him if necessary I also Googled his phone number and found his website. Walk me to the car and we had two awesome kisses. I was starting to push him a little and ask why noone knew about me except for one of his best friends He is 27 and lives at home still with his Mom and dad and he never told his mom about me (I would ask) why and he said his parents are against meeting someone online. How did he go from interest to not caring so easily? Hi June. A text relationship is simply like being a player in a game. Totally get people have a life and are busy, im not upset or begging for him to text/call me I just feel more so confused and slightly used, I dont but I do.. Againas I said in my article: texting is not dating. All I know is that when a Grownup man is into you you know! Weve restarted our communication and finally met few days after. He shows signs through body language and speaking to me differently than others. He said yes he was very interested. It saves me from wasting time on losers and gives me more time with men who naturally fit my needs and style. My question is that sometimes he really does get to me making me feel like Im ruining this relationship because I refuse to text (beyond the surfacey hi how are you etc.) Hello Texting is a cop-out. More than anything, this entire adventure was a lesson in manifesting the love that I hope to find. I asked him if something is up if hes losing interest or what the deal was and all he says is Im sorry sweetie, Ive just been busy I understand that yes he could have been busy he works 12 hours out of town and stays in a hotel for the week with his coworkers. He said he liked me and wanted to keep in touch. Got the match standard want to met for coffee email. Enjoy, Courtney! I dont know but it seems he care for me sometimes but he told me in the beginning he is not looking for long term relationship. He says he has a daughter that is 16 and he has sent me her email account so we can chat but I have never sent an email to her. You are in a tough situation and waiting for some man to save you ultimately wont serve you. I've been texting someone everyday for 4 months; the sustained enthusiasm on his end seems to have waned and I could use some advice as we wanted to meet in the future after COVID restrictions ease. He texted this morning with a photo and a note asking how I am: Him: Super fun night in nyc with my buddy, jim. I am not strong enough to ask him yet and tell him I know but nor do I think I should have to. I have a guy that does this every month, or so. Next!! He will text everyday. He messaged every day for 5 days letting me know he got a new job which I suggested. I had the feeling this meant something to him as well and that he wasnt just looking for a rebound. Not sure what to do here, as its very enjoyable both in person and on the phone to talk. Is he sending things to impress you? He made plans to see me on Monday, cause he couldnt wait to see me again while we were at the bar. So we met up for coffee one evening and talked for hours. I am the one who has to initiate everything, so it getting a little tired. The truth is Im a shy and reserve woman. Right I have a bit of a twister for you Bp. I left the Sunday afternoon before everyone went out for lunch, he left before everyone to the restaurant before I could say good bye, I texted him saying it was great seeing him again, jokingly apologizing for him cutting out before I could say good bye and to have a safe drive home. We have so much in common. Not until he tells you directly that he is committed and exclusive. Dont get hooked on a fantasy, ok? Do I say Id be interested in going on a date but am not interested in a phone buddy, or should I just not respond to his message? So, don't assume that because they went from texting you 75 times a day to, say, five, that it's time to go to relationship DEFCON 1. Great chemistry with nice kiss at the end. Thanks for the sound advice! It was nice but I also had the impression he was a bit reserved/uninterested. Id love it if you could also call me while youre on the road. He said he could be anywhere from feeling fine to being bedridden to having to go to the hospital. You want a man who has a career and a life, right? Its made me feel a little crap because he never actually gave me the time of day in the end to meet me and then throws in the lets be friends to maybe keep me on the wings as a just in case option??. Old guy friend from 10 years ago messaged me weekly for about a month, at first just general how are you- then he proceeded to tell me hes been interested in me since first time we met. Having not even met this person, I could still feel it from miles away. Since that interaction he sends a text every two days or so, usually responding to the one I responded to two days earlier. Your distance isnt that far so it should be so difficult. I dated a guy for just over a month last year. Bp. He said he likes me but he wanted to make it clear that he cant get into a relationship. I told him I already moved on and its best he does too. I thought wed probably get together again, but he committed the unforgivable sin: he texted me the next date and said Hows your day going?. TMR339 10 mo. If not, read the post again. you assume men needs to chase and keep doing the text? Would really love your input on the matter. My HS classmate messaged me last week in FB and he confessed he loves me until now and then after 2 days, he didnt message me anymore. Maybe this is the exception but you know what this says: texting is not dating or a relationship. Considering that it was the biggest release we've put out since the project began, we've been trying . This was five days ago and I havent replied. I really appreciate your comment. Should I reach out and just ask if his cat is ok or move on? Im beginning to wonder if hes telling me the truth or not. In addition, Im a straight forward type of woman and asked if a relationship with me is something he would want in time. I said: why dont you give me a call tomorrow? Was it only ego? Next! What do you know, a week later, he accused me of feeling more for him than him feeling for me?! Ive been feeling that his interests in me has been waning because hes replies are mostly responses to whatever it is I was opening up conversation for. Your input is appreciated THX , EllieI have two major tips: I love word play and use quotes and memes which most of the time get a positive response. He asked me when would be another time to meet and I told him my availability. If not, then it could be that they are making an effort to be on their phone less so they can focus on their work during the day, she says. He said once, Im really looking forward to meeting you, you make me smile a lot., I did anticipate that there would some text fatigue on either end at some point- texting someone youve never met and keeping it up for four months on the daily seems like a task to me. Your friend is a grownup. A few nights ago, I met a polite nice man in the street who is in his late 30s and had two big dogs. Give that some consideration, ok? No kicking yourself or feeling bad. We agreed to a 2nd date two weeks ago and have spoke about it but he couldnt give me a date he is coming over. Here's another situation: Fun-loving publicist Melissa had been dating Kyle, a cute IT guy, for a few months. Text and tell her that youre interested and would like to know if she still is. I met this guy online, we texted for about a week, and he was very interested in setting up a time to meet. At first i was jealous but i start to understand the situation. Press J to jump to the feed. Its no use trying to figure out why men do what they do, LL. Be smart and be careful. Bobbi, I do date other men. Remember, it does have its uses, but its not for courting or dating. I was immediately attracted to him and he said I was his dream girl and that he was gonna put some serious time into me.