In terms of reservoir quality and recovery factor (RF), Conoco reported the following data for Pad 102N: Pad 103 has similar reservoir characteristics to Pad 102N except pay thickness, as summarized below: Figure 6 shows 4D seismic anomaly plots for Pad 103, which show some coalescence with the nearby Pad 101N. H���Oo1���)��x��G��DՕ8 B%Mi iդ��獽 U$��J��מy�{�;w����������S��M����L����)�h��W��g���Z1�&�D��xe}XI>��%j��_dQ#�h!R PIPELINES. Job work-life … Cell Phone 780.880.2507 VE = VT X FR = O.5 X 12 = 6 l/min. Harris is currently the general manager, subsurface or Tallahassee Exploration Inc. Delivered: 2014 Budget: > $3 million. Tweet. The offsetting observation wells’ response, piezometric pressure and gamma-ray plots are presented in Figure 11 for context: Figure 11: Pad 263-1 Observation wells -Source: Conoco Phillips, Annual Surmont SAGD Performance Review presentation to AER, 2018. ��۽v��P�DQ�V���A�*���5�l��0ϕ��X�F�ף. Risk management dictates that adequate reservoir knowledge is gathered, and performance be observed for a reasonable period before a custom-designed solution is introduced. Surmont Phase I began commercial oil production in October 2007 and Surmont Phase II began production in 2015. The purpose of this document is to identify for ConocoPhillips Canada Resource Corp. (ConocoPhillips Canada), Aboriginal communities and appropriate stakeholders the information r SOMMAIRE N4DS BULLETIN SIMPLIFIE PRELEVEMENT A LA SOURCE D.S.N. The prudent assumption is that geology and reservoir quality are more dominant factors in a well’s performance than well completions. ( - Total annonce la mise en production de la phase 2 du projet Surmont au Canada. Surmont Phase 2 was sanctioned in January 2010 by the partners, with production start-up currently scheduled for 2015. oil, gas & chemicals. AOC’s presentation of 4D seismic is insightful as it presents the two-dimensional location of the anomaly corresponding to the 60 degree C isotherm, and also the thickness of the anomaly, which can be interpreted as the height of the steam chamber (Figure 16). Yes 1 No. That means we co-own the development, but the facility itself is staffed and run by ConocoPhillips Canada employees and contractors. 0000007945 00000 n Click here coordonnées. Harris Naseer, P.Eng., has been involved with oil and gas industry for over 22 years. is 5 years 6 months old. However, Pad 264-3 production performance is slightly worse than that of Pad 263-1. 0000012150 00000 n Adequate margins of operating conditions must be chosen when designing FCDs for a particular application, otherwise there would be disappointing surprises. ��2�D���͚ Le projet Surmont - Canada. 0000002867 00000 n The company is applying to build Phase 3. There is also some top water and a gas zone overlaying the reservoir in this pad. Enbridge to Provide Additional Facilities at Cheecham Terminal for Surmont Phase 2. Surmont Lodge was an excellent camp to work for. Devon’s 4D seismic (Figure 20) shows poor steam chamber development and low conformance over the areas of Pads CC, DD, and RR where ICDs are installed. BITUMEN PRODUCTION PROFILE & STEAM-TO-OIL RATIO (SOR) AT SURMONT . There are 7 other wells on this pad with both FCDs and ESPs and 5 of these FCDs are liner deployed, similar to well pair 07. Lean Construction; Virtual Design and Construction ; Capabilities/Services. 0000014041 00000 n A spokesperson for ConocoPhillips Canada has said that the leak… © Glacier RIG Ltd., all rights reserved. Did You Know? Scope of Work In additional to associated civil works, Cahill is responsible for installation and pre-commissioning activities of nine well pads including: Surmont is a steamassisted gravity drainage (SAGD) development that contains over a billion barrels of captured resources in the plan and there is further resource upside from the company’s other Canadian oil sands assets. Initial results from the FCD recompletions were encouraging but unfortunately did not result in the step-change hoped for. outside Fort McMurray, in northern Alberta, the Surmont 2 project is the second phase of development at Surmont, adding a new facility to the existing Surmont 1 … If you are a client, a … If you are a client, a … AOC has reported increasing Breccia above the producer elevation in well pairs 5 through 7, therefore it is hard to attribute the SAGD steam chamber conformance to either FCDs or the reservoir alone. ConocoPhillips launched the Surmont SAGD pilot project comprising two 350m-long well pairs in 1997, and made the first 3D seismic acquisition in 1998. Surmont is a SAGD bitumen recovery facility that is operated by ConocoPhillips under a 50/50 joint venture agreement with Total E&P Canada. This technique requires the reservoir to be heated with steam to allow the oil to flow. One could even speculate that if the pressure in 264-1 were slightly higher than 263-1, the high water and bitumen production in Pad 263-1 was driven from Pad 264-1, as everything between the pads is mobile (>60 degrees C). The first SAGD well with FCDs (well 06) is highlighted with a red box. The author reviewed the current production of Pad 102 N (Figure 5), as well as historical D-54 presentations for Surmont Phase 1 and could not find any mention of well pair 06 as an example of a “high” producer. FCDs and other well completion techniques are only one factor among several determinants of a project’s performance. Because individual well pair performance is not presented, and in some seismic diagrams well pairs 05 and 06 are labeled interchangeably, it makes this claim hard to verify (April 2012, 2013, 2015). 0000020278 00000 n Therefore, steam splitters in injectors seem to be the cost-effective way to achieve better steam distribution than a plain slotted liner. Very understanding management and they lookout for their staff. It is hard to establish from the temperature and differential pressure plots (Figure 19) whether the stated objectives for ICDs in terms of conformance were met, due to complications of unreliable fibre data due to degradation. Standard Rooms: Jack and Jill – Semi private bath, 3/4 mattress. Surmont Lodge is an open camp with 500 beds. View fullsize. The first phase of Surmont began operations in 2007, while a second phase of expansion was brought online in 2015. Translations in context of "surmont" in French-English from Reverso Context: Faire l'éloge d'un commentaire Pierre Surmont 29/09/2017 2:21 Splendide tout simplement. To bring context to the performance the general reservoir properties of Pad 264-3 are: In comparison of Pad 264-3 properties to those of Pad 263-1, it is apparent that this reservoir, although thick, has slightly poorer quality. May 7, 2013, 1:49 PM. May 7, 2013 ... existing infrastructure at the Enbridge Cheecham Terminal to accommodate incremental bitumen production from Surmont's Phase 2 expansion. Peak production from the facility was achieved in the second quarter of 2013. This correlated with an increase in bitumen production from 300 m3/d to 400 m3/d and a drop in ISOR from 3.8 to 2.5. The Surmont Project is a proposed multi-phased development with a total design capacity of approximately 120,000 bpd. 16. Les Belges sont d'ailleurs éliminés à ce stade (3-1). Un volume courant de 500 ml. Surmont Phase 2, located in the Athabasca region of Northern Alberta, is the largest SAGD production facility built in a single phase. Cahill is responsible for installation and pre-commissioning activities of twelve well pads including: However, in the 2016 presentation, Conoco reported another well on this pad (well pair 03) as an example of a “low” producer. 0000053540 00000 n Figure 7: Production performance of Pad 103 -Source: Conoco Phillips, Annual Surmont SAGD Performance Review presentation to AER, 2018. This raises the question, if the overall thickness, porosity, saturation and permeability are better or comparable to Pad 103 presented above, then why is the 266-2 pad producing half the rate with the same number of wells? If individual well production, drilling, completion, and geological data were available for adjacent non-FCD wells, and those non-FCD wells were operated identically in terms of pressures, injection rates and sub-cool targets, only then could a conclusion be reached about the scale of improvement from FCDs alone. l'issue des travaux de construction, qui débuteront en 2010, le projet permettra de porter la capacité de production de 27 000 à 110 000 barils de bitume par jour. Conoco has been the biggest user and can be considered as the pioneer of FCD deployment in SAGD. If you continue using our website, we'll assume that you are happy to receive all cookies on this website. Even with state-of-the-art directional drilling, geo-steering and ranging systems, there are often large uncertainties and errors in well placement that may be outside the capabilities of FCDs to correct. Surmont Phase 2 project details ... production from Surmont's Phase 2 expansion. AOC has also been a strong user of FCDs, and perhaps the only other operator besides Conoco that has deployed FCDs on liners in some injector wells. He started his career with Schlumberger in 1996 and moved to exploration and production operations in 2004. Service de Pneumologie Hôpital Emile Muller 20 rue du Dr Laennec BP 1370 68070 MULHOUSE. Figure 10: Performance of Well pair 263-1-07 -Source: Conoco Phillips, Annual Surmont SAGD Performance Review presentation to AER, 2018. 0000004802 00000 n A similar argument holds true for FCD retrofitting versus incorporating FCDs in design from day one. People commit to virtual events differently than in-person events. Great people and staff. 0000002529 00000 n 4D seismic volumes represent the acoustic impedance anomaly roughly correlating to a 60 degrees C isotherm which, in plain language means that if the anomaly exists on seismic then likely the bitumen in that area of the reservoir has been thermally mobilized. If an operator has gained enough knowledge of the reservoir and all indications are towards more consistency and homogeneity in new wells, then liner-deployed systems will have the advantage of larger size and corresponding larger rates. Surmont Phase 2 project details . The Surmont Project is a proposed multi-phased development with a total design capacity of approximately 120,000 bpd. Fig. Via Cal Lusent, 71 31040 Pederobba (TV) - Italy Phone +39 0423 681981 Fax: +39 0423 681982 E-Mail: [email protected]. This project was the perfect example of trying to solve reservoir quality and drilling-related issues through well completions. Conoco Phillips’s case is discussed in detail as Surmont has the most intensive application of FCDs among all SAGD projects. Department of Radiation Oncology, Ghent University Hospital and Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium. The average reservoir properties on these pads are presented in the table below: Figure 20: Jackfish 2 and Jackfish 3 4D Seismic Interpretation -Source: Devon, Annual SAGD Performance Review presentation to AER, 2017. 0000001980 00000 n Also, the 4D Seismic shows no visible difference between conformance from one well pair to the next. Electronic address: [email protected]. The reservoir parameters for this pad are as below: The best performing well pair on this pad is 263-1-07, which shows good longitudinal conformance, with bitumen production rates of ~400 m3/d, and a SOR of over 2.5, (Figure 10). That means we co-own the development, but the facility itself is staffed and run by ConocoPhillips Canada employees and contractors. FCD testing is complex and should be particular to each reservoir type and operating conditions. It will be of interest to see results of 4D seismic monitoring of these five pads that have a significant number of FCDs. Observations can be made on the 4D seismic plots of Pad 102N with particular reference to well pair 06. No discussion of conformance can be meaningful if not translated into production results. In May 2008, Bantrel was awarded front-end engineering activities (FEL-3). ConocoPhillips Surmont Phase 1 rises from the snow in this picture taken in the winter of 2010. 0000017648 00000 n From the D-54 reports, we cannot tell if this change was a function of reservoir, a change in operating strategy or some well completion event. Surmont Canada. Where adverse conditions, natural or self-inflicted, are insurmountable then neither will work. Commercial production from Surmont 1 began in 2007. The cost of these liner-deployed devices has also come down significantly to justify intensive use in conjunction with blank liner pipe. Total et Conocophillips annoncent le lancement de la deuxième phase de développement du projet surmont SAGD au Canada. We use them to give you the best experience. This pad also has a small amount of bottom water. Scope of Work In additional to associated civil works, Cahill is responsible for installation and pre-commissioning activities of nine well pads including: • Modular work for pipe racks, building modules, equipment skids. Subject: ML 1935 Response to ConocoPhillips Canada Surmont 3 Project ToR Attachments: ML1935 comments on CONOCOPHILLIPS CANADA¹S PROPOSED SURMONT 3 IN-SITU PROJECT .docx Hello all, Please find attached ML1935’s comments on the proposed terms of reference for the ConocoPhillips Canada Surmont 3 Project. Surmont Phase 1, based on 36 well pairs drilled in three series, was launched in 2003, steam injections at 20 wells started in mid-2007, and first oil was produced in October 2007. Surmont 3 • +135,000 bbl/day • TBD: MONTHLY BITUMEN PRODUCTION & SOR CONOCOPHILLIPS • SURMONT. However, Pad 264-3 production performance is slightly worse than that of Pad 263-1. The surmont phase 3 project (canada) French. If you can’t find what you’re looking for or if you have any questions that are left unanswered in our web site, please feel free to contact us at [email protected] more information. The initial pressure on this pad is lower (1337 kPa compared to 1691 kPa on Pad 103) which may have introduced injection pressure and rate constraints. [email protected] Figure 14: Surmont Phase 2 South Seismic Monitor -Source: Conoco Phillips, Annual Surmont SAGD Performance Review presentation to AER, 2018. Currently, Conoco has 87 deployments of FCDs in Surmont Phase I and Phase II as shown in Figure 2 below: Figure 2: Source: Conoco Phillips, Annual Surmont SAGD Performance Review presentation to AER, April 4 2018. Key performance indicators and selected operators’ wxperience: Among the performance indicators listed in Part I of this article, the salient ones are those that can be correlated most directly to production performance: Part II reviews the experience of select operators and summarizes insights with FCDs to the extent that this information has been shared in the public domain. The approximately $0.3 billion expansion is expected … The total production of Pad 102N seems to be approximately 900 m3/d in 2017 with an instantaneous steam oil ratio (ISOR) of about 4.5 and a cumulative steam-oil ratio (CSOR) above 3, so Conoco will have to address these challenges to SOR. French. RETRAITE - D.S.N. The reservoir properties of this pad are summarized below: The way the charts are represented in the D-54 AER presentations, it is hard to gauge precise production numbers, but they seem less than 2,000 m3/d for aggregate 12 well pairs, (Figure 8). Privacy & Cookie Usage Policy Last year, it has been taken over by a private corporation and there are chances that it may be restarted. The Surmont leases fall in the southern Athabasca region of Alberta, approximately 80 kilometres south of Fort McMurray, an area that has been extensively explored and developed for natural gas projects and oil resources. Three wells (CC1P, DD2P, and DD7P) have tubing-deployed devices, while two (RR2P and RR6P) have liner-deployed devices. Another interesting observation is heating of the reservoir below the producer elevation in the observation well OBC, located 8.9 m offset from the midpoint of the well pair 263-1-07. The gamma plots in the SAGD producers show cleaner sands in the same well pairs 1 through 4. Total acquired a 43.5% interest in the project in 2002 and increased it to 50% in 2005. trailer <]/Prev 118251>> startxref 0 %%EOF 32 0 obj <>stream Total a annoncé mardi la mise en production de la phase 2 du projet Surmont, situé dans la région des sables bitumineux de l’Athabasca, province de l’Alberta, à 63 kilomètres au sud-est de Fort McMurray. AER in situ performance presentations (2011 through 2018). Thus, the expected flow resistance rating or the pressure drop that was anticipated in the design stage is not often realized in actual operations. Hydrocarbons Technology is using cookies. The third well pair, measuring about 700m, was drilled in 2000. The other important factors are: reservoir thickness, reservoir quality in terms of clean sand and vertical permeability, viscosity at original reservoir conditions, presence/absence of thief zones, reservoir pressure, limited occurrence of severe heterogeneities, and well placement. 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