As a justification, they cite that there are situations in which the crime has not been done deliberately or the culprit is not the real wrongdoer. For this week’s student correction we’re going to correct a student’s introduction for an opinion essay question. Others think the parents should be punished instead. For instance, a murder case without knowing the background could not be justified- someone who murdered a rapist to save her life should not be treated with a serial killer. It is important to rehabilitate criminals while they are in prison otherwise they may re-offend (commit a crime again) when they are released from prison. Instead, they should be flexible enough to take account of various circumstances, times and place of the offence. On top of that, if someone has not paid the tax he was supposed to pay, his circumstances are not that much crucial. Give reasons for your answer. I personally approve of the latter belief since there are a lot of crimes in which the criminal is not really guilty. Agree or disagree? Yet, some others argue that reasons for crime and background of executing crime should be considered while determining proper punishment for criminals. No one is a by-born criminal and someone might turn out to be a criminal because the state and educational institutes have failed to teach him properly. Most of the criminals have had a bad family background, such as a drunken father or violent mother. To solve this problem, governments should focus on rehabilitation of criminals rather than punishment. These kinds of topics are really common on IELTS so it is good practice for you to read my sample answer below. People might have broken the law yet the motivation behind such a deed could alter our interpretation to it. Write about the following topic. From my way of thinking, I believe that they should get chance so they can be a responsible member of the society contributing positively. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. However, I personally argue that these ideas are definitely true and through this essay, I will support these views with some considerations below. If we can alter the environment, these perpetrators may lead their life to the opposite direction. b) the aim of imprisonment should be to put people off committing crime or to rehabilitate them. A large number of criminals who serve their first prison sentence, leave prison only to reoffend. To what extent do you agree or disagree? A lot of people have no job thus they prefer to do misconduct to fulfil their daily need. However, there are a handful of people who assert that some background reasons, which cause the criminals to commit crimes, should be included in the procedure of deciding on the punishment. Why do some people continue to commit crimes after they have been punished, and what measures can be taken to tackle this problem? You should spend about 40 minutes on this task. In this case, the judge is who can decide the best penalty considering every aspect and condition of crime perpetration. However, as for me, the punishments have to be fixed anyway for all kinds of crime. All rights reserved. There needs to be changes to crime-related legislation. Here is a quite representative task 2 essay question: Some people think that offenders should be put in prison. The main objective of prison is to imprison a guilty and give him punishment for the sake of justice. Write about the following topic: Some people think that the best way to reduce crime is to give longer prison sentences. Learn more about our Cookie Policy & Privacy Policy. However, when it comes to issue that how we should treat these criminals, people are divide in their opinions.Some people opine that the criminals deserve to be punished with a longer jail sentence, but others, on the other hand, seem soft on criminals that they want to train the criminals so as to hone their skills and competencies, and to engage the criminals in community service programmes so that they can contribute to the society. Therefore, should the law be our gospel for us to follow strictly without deviation? Thanks to that, the intentions lied down behind the crime could be thought while deciding the crime of a guilty. On the other hand, deciding a crime according to the situation and motive of it makes perfect sense as it would ensure that the lawbreaker is given a fair trial and the right punishment is handed down to him. On the other hand, persecuting a convict violate human rights; often without considering the aspects leading to such crime. f) help offenders develop useful skills. A fixed punishment for each type of crime is necessary due to several reasons. Considering the background of a crime would increase the crime rate which is quite unacceptable. Sample Answer 8: Many people debate on what should be done about punishment on criminals. Everyone is equal in the eye of law and that is why a fixed punishment is always a better alternative. © Copyright 2017-2020 - IELTS Adviser | All Rights Reserved. 2 min read. In this article, you will get to know how to organize an essay as well as some essays on crime and punishment through which you can practice for the IELTS writing actual test. You should spend about 40 minutes on this task. Fixed punishments like the death penalty, life imprisonment for drug trafficking deter an offender from such heinous crimes. The main character in the Opera “Les miserable” stole a loaf of bread because he was almost starved to death; a young heroin addict pickpocketed a wallet to cater to his cravings. On the one hand, criminal activities have reduced significantly over the centuries in the history of humankind. "IELTS Sample Answer & IELTS Preparation". For instance, according to a publication on criminal justice from the C.I.A, many middle countries have been consistently ranking near top regarding achieving a low-crime index due to their aggressive law for enforcing fixed punishments for designated crimes. I personally think that each crime should be assessed specifically and fixed crimes detected beforehand should be able to extend or lessen. Furthermore, a fixed punishment plays an indispensable role in giving a deterrent in turning the would-be offenders. However, I believe that each offence should be looked upon in a subjective manner, taking into account the nature and severity of these unlawful activities. The state’s implementation of a strict fundamentalist approach to persecute criminals regardless of the circumstances of the crime has drawn flak from many human rights organisations. Others, however, argue that the circumstances of an individual crime, and the motivation for committing it, should always be taken into account when deciding on the punishment. The reason is to consider the reason of the crime is that background is related to their circumstances. a) because many under 18’s are criminals. In short, the law of government should review and rearrange the constitution when deciding on the punishment. I think second one is the right choice we should make. Many hold the opinion that crimes must always be subject to fixed punishments to maintain justice for all while others express their views that the situation for committing a crime must be considered before deciding the punishments. Write about the following topic. Task 2 IELTS Writing Sample: Youth Crime - Reasons and Solutions. Many people are of the opinion that these wrong-doings should be classified categorically. Furthermore, they insist that motivation is the most important thing when we punish the criminals. For instance, a mentally ill person who commits a murder would be judged accordingly, instead of being grouped into the same category of all the other type of murderers. It is also believed by the public that many criminals have the lackings of parental love which eventually causes them to behave violently and aggressively. However, this is an unfair practice as some of the criminals may not deserve the punishments given to them. IELTS writing task 2 Topic:"Some people believe that there should be fixed punishments for each type of crime. Sample Answer 2: Have you ever thought about being a judge? For that he was given a punishment to clean the streets. IELTS Writing Task 2/ IELTS Essay: You should spend about 40 minutes on this task. It is more presentable and clearer than…, IELTS General Training Writing Task 1 (128). However, when we look at a case of such act of criminal affair, like robbery, burglary or murder, we should take into account the motivation and circumstances that led a person to commit a crime. The circumstances brought about the crime should play a role to slight the penalty or deteriorate the punishment. Accordingly, such mentioned factors should be detectable on the level of punishment. And in the case, community service programs could be the key to unlock the door of change. For instance, a grandmother stole three chocolates last year and she had to spend times in prison for several years. Some believe that having more police on the streets is best way to reduce and combat crime. Nevertheless, we still have to make room for flexibilities and consider every crime as an individual. Essay Topic:Some people believe that there should be fixed punishments for each type of crime. You should spend about 40 minutes on this task. to serve a prison sentenceMeaning: to carry out confinement in prison as a punishmentExample: They are serving long prison sentences for their part in the assassination. However, others argue that the decision of punishments should be relied on the motivation for committing a crime, and the circumstances of an individual crime as well.On the one hand, people who hold the first point of view believe that it is the only way to be fair for having fixed punishments for each type of crime. There must be different punishment between a serial killer and someone who was forced to kill for self-defending. It is important for children to learn the difference between right and wrong at an early age. Nowadays, the fact shows that there are some cases given injustice punishment toward a criminal. But is it really as simple as the situations we encounter every day when it comes to judging serious crimes? My opinion is definitely on the latter. IELTS Writing Correction Service / Writing Samples / Band 7 Some people believe that the purpose of prison is to punish, while others argue that rehabilitation is its primary role. Many people opine that we should think about the reason why someone has perpetrated a crime. Some individuals believe that there should be standard punishment for every kind of crime and that should be followed while sentencing a criminal. That is to say that our customs, values, and behavior are the byproducts of our atmosphere. Our nation will surely continue to prosper and flourish in the decades to come once the crime rates are successfully reduced. Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience. Finally, in my opinion, a convicted person should be given punishment only based on the circumstances and severity of the crime. Otherwise, thieving a piece of bread because of hungry will have the same position with a theft who stole many pieces of bread to sell in another place to earn money. IELTS Writing Task 2 with sample answer. Prison should not be used for first-time offenders. By doing this, criminals will be punished according to the crime they made and it seems fair for everyone since they believe the bigger the crime, the harder the prison. Therefore, life in prison is a better punishment for murderers.To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement? Applying same punishment to the woman who stole a loaf of bread from a store to feed her hungry baby and a corrupt government employee who stole millions of dollar to amass his wealth is not at all justified though stealing was the crime in both cases. Community service is … Being prepared means that you are better positioned to give an opinion on any number of popular topic areas. Should criminals be punished with lengthy jail terms or re-educated and rehabilitated using community service programs for instance, before being reintroduced to society? Some people believe that there should be fixed punishments for each type of crime. Let me clarify a bit more. You should write at least 250 words. This is because the judges would not need to decide what type of punishment criminals would deserve as it would have been already decided for them. "Answer:In our modern society, punishments for crime have been widely discussed. However, these restrictions could never be enough to cover every circumstance that happened around-the-clock. On the one hand, a group of people dogmatically believe the punishment for any crime ought to be fixed regardless of the crime’s motive. The public might believe that he must feel desperate when he found out the truth of the crime done by a policeman. They can learn practical skills such as computer programming, car maintenance and graphic design. Crime is a serious and growing problem in most societies. Every thief, child or adult does not matter, is convicted in the same way. For example, if a young girl was only educated for an hour after she hit a child running on the walkway, no one would take the car accident serious afterwards, as long as there is a good reason. ... On one hand, there is a school of thought that punishment should be fixed for any criminals. In conclusion, there are convincing arguments both for and against the fixed punishment, but I am convinced that the punishments should be fixed. IELTS Writing Task 2/ IELTS Essay: You should spend about 40 minutes on this task. Consequently, this kind of cases should be examined thoroughly in order to avoid injustice. Other, however, argue that the circumstances of an individual crime, and the motivation for committing it, should always be taken into account when deciding on the punishment.Discuss both these views and give your own opinion. All in all, fixed punishment is needed to standardise punishment for different crimes. Others, however, believe there are better alternative ways of … IELTS Writing Task 2 Opinion Topic: Re-education or punishment for young criminals? Present a written argument or case to an educated reader with no specialist knowledge of the following topic. In addition, there will not be any unsatisfactory between the criminals who committed the same kind of crime when they are sentenced to jail. Write about the following topic: Some people believe that there should be fixed punishments for each type of crime. For a long time, it has been a controversial issue whether there must be fixed punishments for any kind of crime or the incentive is an influential factor that is crucial to be considered. This is a real marked and corrected IELTS Task 2 Writing essay question. Despite the fact that human error is almost inevitable, people still believe taking certain factors into consideration is genuinely legitimate. In contrast of the corruptors stealing plenty of money from society but punished only a year and completed by good service from the police. Whereas, some people believe in rehabilitation process, but I consider that the main objectives of prison are both to give punishment as well as to rehabilitate offenders and criminals, because it has some specific reasons. Some people believe that children that commit crimes should be punished. Laws are considered the most basic requirement of human morality, making it the reason why this issue has become controversial. To begin with, people may agree to impose fixed standard punishment on criminals based on the crime they committed. According to recent research conducted in Columbia, the statistic has shown that about 58% of the youngsters got affected by their badly behaved friends when got caught to involve in crimes. You should write at least 250 words. For instance, the penalty of forgery is a standard for every person. For example, a person robbing a convenient store will not deserve the same punishment as a person robbing a bank because the degree of the crime is not as severe as the latter. No matter what the circumstance of an individual crime and the purpose of committing it, a crime is indeed a crime. […] The punishment, of course, should only focus on what kind of crime he/she did. Accordingly, such cases must be considered individually and carefully. For example, if someone murders in the act of self-defence, the verdict given should not amount to life-sentence. Write about the following topic: By punishing murderers with the death penalty, society is also guilty of committing murder. You should write at least 250 words. on Should criminals be punished with lengthy jail terms? Sample Answer 5: To date, we have thousands of laws, regulations, general rules enumerated to ensure our society functions as it should be. No one is born with hatred, prejudice, bigotry, greed, honesty and patriotism. To sum up, lengthy jail terms or re-educated and rehabilitated are basically the two streams of thoughts on what the goal of criminal sentencing ought to be: justice for the victim, which is generally used to mean the punishment for the offenders, and rehabilitation for the criminal which means transforming him as a good citizen. If a young man steals ten pounds on the street, he should be punished by law, even though he did this from his hungry mum. IELTS Writing Task 2 : Children & Crime Some people believe that children that commit crimes should be punished. For instance, if a man beat a policeman to death, as the policemen insulted the man’s only daughter, the punishment for the man could be discussed. Circumstances and situations often make a person to be a criminal. On the whole, even though fixed punishments can be extremely beneficial in the decrease of crime rate and may culminate in a safer society, the justice system should be flexible enough towards certain felonies and consider the crime’s rationale and conditions for giving the most appropriate verdict. This essay will examine both sides of the argument, but I am personally inclined to the latter view that suggests considering circumstances of a crime while sentencing someone. Crime Essay in IELTS Writing Task 2. On the other hand, it is vital to take into account the reasons why criminals commit crimes. Capital punishment is essential to control violence in society. Sample Answer 3: In recent years, there has been a rise in the number of crimes being committed. Without capital punishment (the death penalty) our lives are less secure and crimes of violence increase. On the other hand, another group of people think that each occasion related to crime is different from one another. Others think the parents should be punished instead. In conclusion, my opinion is that the punishment for a crime should be made up based on all the factors leading up to the unlawful action rather than providing judgement based on the classification of crimes into types. Therefore, life in prison is a better punishment for murderers. Some state that they should be punished by looking at the type of crime they have committed, while some people believe that the circumstance and reason of committing a crime should be given a high priority while accusing someone of the crime. In conclusion, I am of the opinion that every jury should make their decisions on punishments by considering the reasons why they commit crimes. ... then they might hesitate to offend a crime in future.Criminal might warn other criminal not to commint particular crime as punishment for that crime is difficult to tolerate.For example, in some middle east countries there is death sentence for rape. As such, you will see many IELTS writing task 2 questions about crime and punishment. GT Writing Task 2 / Essay Sample # 102. I think the sample answer 5 has covered up the topic. This is the only way to tell people in the world that everyone should follow the law all the time and there is no excuse for any crime.On the other hand, a portion people think that if a man commit a crime with a fair reason, the punishment would be changed. The aspects leading to such crime of government should review and rearrange the constitution when deciding the. In contrast of the latter belief since there are some cases which show the most obvious solution is taking... Terms or re-educated and rehabilitated using community service programs could be the key to unlock door... He had no choice but to punish the wrongdoers had dangerously damaged his school from one another our of. Same way the centuries in the history of humankind the way criminals are currently with! 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