While China has reduced its carbon intensity, a measure of emissions per unit of GDP, net carbon emissions have continued to rise. In this episode of Intelligence Matters, host Michael Morell interviews author and environmentalist Bill McKibben about the national security implications of climate change… The 2014 Quadrennial Defense Review labeled climate change as a "threat multiplier," meaning the stressors already present around the world ("poverty, environmental degradation, political instability, and social tensions") will likely be amplified and worsened by the introduction of climate impacts. Retired Navy rear admiral calls extreme weather a national security threat. Influence is Waning. The House Intelligence Committee held a hearing on the implications of climate change on national security. Let’s start with the ways in which climate is tied to national security. Join our mailing list to receive weekly newsletters and exclusive invites to upcoming events. Global Warming Makes Solving the 21st Century’s Problems Much Harder, Bay of Bengal – A Hotspot for Climate Insecurity, Climate Change: The Missing Link in Tackling the Mali Crisis, A Clear and Present Danger: The Security Council and Climate Change, Climate Security Report: Climate Change & Global Security, Climate Change, The Arab Spring and Food Prices, Climate Change and Food insecurity Threatens Stability in Developing Countries, Climate Security Report: Climate Change & the Homeland, Resilience in the Face of Rising Seas: Regional Approaches to Sea Level Rise, ASP & Lloyd’s Risk Forum: Pathways to City Resilience, Protecting the Homeland – The Rising Costs of Inaction on Climate Change, Climate Change’s Threats to the United States – Lessons from the Netherlands, Pay Now, Pay Later: A State-by-State Assessment of the Costs of Climate Change, National Defense Strategy: Climate Change in the Age of Great Power Competition, Congress and President Affirm Climate Change Threatens Security – Asks for Military to Prepare, The Global Security Defense Index on Climate Change, Hagel Announces Climate Change Adaptation Roadmap, QDR – The National Security Challenge of Climate Change, The Arctic – Five Critical Security Challenges, Military Engagement on Climate Strengthens Ties in Asia. As President Bush noted in his 2007 State of the Union speech, dependence on foreign oil leaves us more vulnerable to hos-tile regimes and terrorists, and clean domestic energy alternatives help us confront the serious challenge of global climate change. Climate change is definitely affecting all of those aspects.”, Sikorsky advised the intelligence community to consider the interdependence of the world when conducting analysis about climate change. And while the Air Force released in July its first-ever Arctic strategy to expand the presence needed to deter missile and other threats in the high north, “we need to have more ability to operate at the surface,” she said. The twin global emergencies of COVID-19 and climate change are forcing the U.S. foreign policy establishment to reassess its traditional conceptions of national security. Reviews "Climate Change and National Security is a must-read for undergraduates, graduate students, and research professionals alike. Naval Forces (Washington: National Academies Press, 2011), pp. change as a factor worthy of consideration in future national security planning. America’s Role in the Arctic: Opportunity and Security in the High North, Interactive Map: The Vulnerability of America’s Military Bases to Climate Change, North Korea Threatens Guam Today; Climate Change Threatens it in the Long Term, British Military Bases at Risk to Extreme Climate, ASP in Stars & Stripes: Strategic bases vulnerable to climate change, How the Clean Power Plan Reduced Risk and Built Resiliency, EPA Methane Rules Can Quickly Reduce Emissions, ASP Statement Against Pull Out from Paris Agreement, Want America to Remain Exceptional? Leaders need to be aware of how climate change is affecting the United States and other nations, how countries will handle the impacts, and how that might change the geopolitics and power balance across the world. The world’s nations must come together to deal with global climate problems, or face heavy costs to their own national security, Cecilia Tortajada and Theodore Lai write. Extreme weather, rising sea levels and a melting Arctic - the effects of climate change are posing an increasingly large threat to national security worldwide. “We are absolutely under-capitalized in icebreakers,” she said. Not so for melting ice, or rising sea water. Read More. “I think if you look at China's behavior through a climate change lens, a lot more of their activities make more sense,” he stated. It’s no secret that the Trump Administration has treated the climate crisis like a back-burner issue. In another sign that the Department of Defense (DoD) is prioritizing climate security risks, the annual Inspector General (IG) summary of the Department’s top management challenges explicitly discusses climate change and extreme weather events. The annual event was co-hosted virtually by AFCEA and the Intelligence and National Security Alliance (INSA) from September 16 to 18. Climate change is a pressing risk to national and global security. Climate change is set to challenge all systems on which global security, peace, and stability depend. The content of this field is kept private and will not be shown publicly. 94–113. Mr. Rojansky began by framing the issue of climate change in the context of national security, discussing how they relate to each other through issues such as energy security, migration pressures, failed states, homeland security and the United States’ international reputation as a world leader. Everything you need to know about climate change and how it threatens national security: 1. Congress has also issued resolutions recognizing the national security risks of climate change. Decisions may well determine whether it is possible to keep global temperatures from rising more than 2°C above pre-industrial levels. “Very rarely is a climate issue the sole driver behind a security threat,” she offered. The report’s findings on the direct impacts of climate change on our national security is all about risks to the critical, hard infrastructure that helps sustain our national strength, and the military personnel who support it. Exploring The Security Risks of Climate Change. Wim van 't Einde via Unsplash. SUBJECT: Climate Change and National Security. No region of the world will be left unaffected. However, none of these resolutions has garnered enough support in either chamber to gain passage, despite the … China, meanwhile, is posturing itself to be able to not only survive climate change but also dominate in a world weakened by its impacts, Conger emphasized. Climate impacts make the homeland more vulnerable, while also threatening American interests abroad. October 25, 2018 July 17, 2019. Climate change is transforming the way we think about security. Climate change, national security, and energy dependence are a related set of global challenges. While there are many national security challenges facing the nation and the world, climate change is an aptly described “ super wicked ” problem that exacerbates and accelerates already existing threats. Climate change is a grave and growing threat to our national security – one that could ultimately make much of our planet uninhabitable.. 2020 Intelligence & National Security Summit. At the top of the list is the immense strain that responding to climatological events puts on the Pentagon’s resources. Purpose. Luckily, there are some innovative, sustainable solutions available. Climate change, national security, and energy dependence are a related set of global challenges. Climate security is a concept that summons the idea that climate-related change amplifies existing risks in society that endangers the security of humans, ecosystems, economy, infrastructure and societies. “It is the intersection of climate with other developments and with other trends and issues that combine to increase the risks.”. The region needs to build resilience - growing fossil fuel revenue could fund resilience. Titley also recommended that U.S. leaders also consider less costly “ice capable” vessels—like Finland has done. Read More, Senate Armed Services Subcommittee on Navy and Marine Corps Readiness Hearing | ASP, On December 2nd, the Senate Armed Services Subcommittee on Navy and Marine Corps Readiness held a hearing, during which climate change, and the threat it poses to US national security interests, was discussed. Climate change poses security risks, according to decades of intelligence reports: Intelligence analysts have agreed since the late 80s that climate change poses serious security risks. Fact Sheet – Will China's Future be Cleaner? Two of the conference’s reports demonstrate that climate change, food insecurity, and gender inequality are hindering Africa’s development. Simply put, US national security agencies are architecturally and doctrinally incongruous to the threats in the pipeline from climate change and other emerging—and largely nonmilitary—security threats. This observation is particularly salient within the United States. When evaluating risks of climate change to national security, intelligence analysts should leverage the expertise across the U.S. government as well as accurately measure how countries manage climate risk, Sikorsky advised. Read More, As Climate Envoy, John Kerry will lead Climate Action from the National Security Council, ASP Board Member John Kerry will join the Biden Administration as Climate Envoy on the National Security Council. Viewing climate change through a national security lens makes a certain amount of sense — but it won’t entirely solve the problem. Lines and paragraphs break automatically. We see the indirect, compounding effects impacting even highly-developed counties for decades to come #intelsummit20 @INSAlliance @AFCEA pic.twitter.com/6CjqbYyWVm, “We need to understand how to measure resilience in other countries,” she emphasized. American Competitiveness & Economic Diplomacy, IPCC Report Shows Climate Change Risk is Real and Urgent, The Scientific Consensus for Man-Made Climate Change, Major News Outlets Report on Link between Extreme Weather and Climate Change, Linking Climate Change and Conflict – New Report Stirs Old Debate, Op-Ed: Climate Change Threatens America’s National Security, Climate change, the rise of ISIS, and What “Causes” Terrorism, Climate Change Threatens South Asian Stability, Peace, Stability, and Climate Security Across the Pacific, National Security, Climate, and the Philippine Typhoon. (November 12, 2018) If military sees climate risk, why do we deny? Try Leading on Climate Change, The Paris Agreement is Compatible with President Trump’s Policies, Chuck Hagel: Climate Change Is a National Security Problem, Global Military Leaders Call for Action on Climate along with COP 21, ASP Commends EPA Clean Power Plan Rules in Public Comments, Fuel Economy Increase Will Help National Security, discussed the threats of climate change with audiences, Resource Resiliency and National Security in a Changing Environment: Arizona, November 2017, Alaska: The Frontlines of National Security and Climate Change, Emerging Global Threats: Effects of Climate Change on US Military Operations at Home and Abroad, North Carolina, August 2017, Capitol Hill Briefing on Climate Change and the Risks to National Security, April 2017, Climate Change and National Security in Nevada, April 2017, Climate Change and Security in the Heartland, Colorado, September 2015, Climate Change Threatens Security in Louisiana, March 2015, Climate Change and Security in Tennessee, April 2014, Pay Now, Pay Later: the Costs of Climate Change, Sanctions on Nord Stream 2? Climate change heightens national security threats for states, and in particular, changes the calculus for the world’s superpower, the United States. ), The Year that Was with BGen Steve Cheney, USMC (Ret. Perspective – Beijing's Quandary: Clean or Dirty Growth? Climate change ranks among the most pressing and consequential security threats of our time. Ten Key Facts on Climate Change The goal was to review current climate science, discuss the potential impacts of climate change on national security, detail what actions to mitigate these impacts are underway, and brainstorm about research and policies that are needed to address the challenge. A terror attack, he explains, captures everyone’s attention and is a visible security threat. The first in a series on renewing US-China Climate Action Read More, Perspective – Arctic Climate Change: Implications for U.S. National Security, A melting Arctic is a more accessible Arctic—we are already seeing renewed great power competition in the region, as well as greater opportunities for natural resource exploration. Read More, The US and China Must Find a Way to Work Together, The fate the global climate relies on the US and China working together. Climate change has emerged as a security challenge that knows no borders. (April 8, 2019). Climate change's anticipated impacts such as sea level rise and forced migration can have multiplier effects, accelerating traditional security threats. By Dr. Marc Kodack. On the domestic front, the U.S. military increasingly has had to confront substantial direct impacts from climate change, Conger continued. Credit: Shutterstock/Sepp Photography Near-peer adversaries are looking to take advantage in the Arctic region, enabling by ice melt and thinning due to climate change. Dr. David Titley, professor @penn_state: For decades, there have been incentives in academia to try & overturn any notion that climate change is happening, but the more and more we research, what we understand is: we are warming due to greenhouse gasses #intelsummit20 pic.twitter.com/wH5vctbbzV, — Kimberly Underwood (@Kunderwood_SGNL) September 18, 2020, “As the Arctic continues to change, it is going to open up the what I call the ‘over the top route,’” Titley said. Climate security refers to the security risks induced, directly or indirectly, by changes in climate patterns. The prioritization of climate change in the National Security and National Defense strategies are important first steps, but should be followed by dedicated plans for regional and functional offices. Climate change presents a serious threat to the security and prosperity of the United States and other countries. The United States continues to be involved in myriad international conflicts: military operations in the Yemen; trade policy jousting with China; and an increasingly consequential Arctic becoming a new arena among Great Power competitors. The Climate Crisis is a Threat to National Security Experts understand that the climate crisis is a threat multiplier that puts troops and military bases at risk and undermines safety and security – in the US and around the world. This mismatch has been brutally illustrated by the COVID-19 pandemic. China’s leadership faces a difficult quandary: how to balance economic growth and reductions in carbon emissions. “And as we've seen with the pandemic, it's not always material power that matters, but the tangible and intangible things related to adaptability, flexibility, the ability to absorb shocks, and it's those intangibles like trust, societal cohesion and history that I think will make all the difference for understanding which countries are better positioned to manage climate risks going forward. © AFCEA International, 4114 Legato Rd Ste 1000, Fairfax, Virginia, 22033. … In addition, incoming National Security Advisor, Jake Sullivan, and Director of National Intelligence, Avril Haines, have previously highlighted the complex challenges posed by climate change in their statements and … As climate change deepens poverty and food insecurity, the United States will continue to see a rise in the number of people seeking asylum. This concern is the conclusion of 11 retired flag officers in a new report from the CNA Corporation, National Security and the Threat of Climate Change. Why are they exerting influence over the fish supplies in the South China Sea? Climate-related security risks have far-reaching implications for the way the world manages peace and security. The report recommends "quickly reducing and … Climate change is transforming the way we think about security. with $10 b in damages, leaders & Congress are paying attention #intelsummit20 @INSAlliance @AFCEA pic.twitter.com/Wc92WVc8zI, “I often get asked why the military would even care about climate change in the first place,” he shared. Climate change, national security, and energy dependence are a related set of global challenges. Read More, ASP's John Kerry and Chuck Hagel in the Washington Post, On Monday, John Kerry and Chuck Hagel published an op-ed in the Washington Post regarding President Trump’s action to officially begin the process to withdraw the U.S. from the Paris agreement on climate change. Event Recap: Beyond Our Borders: A Discussion on the International Cooperation Needed for Climate Change, Farming Away Emissions for a More Secure America, As climate change threatens our national security, reducing emissions is a pressing problem, particularly when they come from our agriculture. “It is because it affects your mission today, that is your installations, your readiness and that is today's operations. And our icebreakers have to serve Antarctica as well as the Arctic because they provide assistance to the Antarctic science mission. As it does, Americans are rapidly witnessing the climatization of security… Since at least 2005, there have been numerous congressional resolutions that have either acknowledged the threat, expressed a commitment to addressing it, or proposed solutions. Also climate actions to adapt and mitigate impacts can have a negative effect on human … The human security framework helps international, national and local actors to better coordinate responses to climate change. Trump's Defense Secretary Cites Climate Change as National Security Challenge. It is also manifestly unjust. Already, near-peer adversaries, including China and Russia, are capitalizing on climate change, experts say. States National Security October 2003 By Peter Schwartz and Doug Randall Imagining the Unthinkable The purpose of this report is to imagine the unthinkable – to push the boundaries of current research on climate change so we may better understand the potential implications on United States national security. And that involves not only the U.S. Coast Guard but also the Navy's ability to operate. John Conger, director @CntrClimSec: The wake-up call of climate impacts: the hurricane that took out Tyndall, water damage to Camp LeJeune & flooding that damaged 1/3 of Offutt. All rights reserved. able to play a leading role in confronting climate change not only because it commands authority and respect from the public All rights reserved. Titley; Sherri Goodman of the Wilson Center's Environmental Change and Security Program and Polar Institute, and former deputy undersecretary of defense, environmental security; John Conger, director, The Center for Climate and Security; Erin Sikorsky, deputy director, Strategic Futures Group, National Intelligence Council (NIC); and moderator Greg Treverton, professor, practice of international relations and spatial sciences, University of Southern California, discussed the risks of climate change to national security during a panel session of the 2020 Intelligence and National Security Summit. Risk to the U.S. military and the nation abound from direct and indirect weather impacts as well as from near-peer adversary actions. There is a plan to ultimately build six new icebreakers and three medium vessels in the next five plus years, but we are still in a gap.”, Sherri Goodman @CntrClimSec & former DUSD for Environmental Security: Environmental degradation and security implications of climate change are now a higher priority in intel community and DOD, as leaders know no region of the world is immune #intelsummit20 @INSAlliance @AFCEA pic.twitter.com/PH76Qn5Pek. © AFCEA International, 4114 Legato Rd Ste 1000, Fairfax, Virginia, 22033. Read on for why this is important for fighting the battle for climate security. Could the Syrian Conflict be a Symptom of Climate Change? The document observes that climate change will lead to new conflicts over refugees and resources; new suffering from drought and famine; catastrophic natural disasters; and the degradation of land across the globe. The second volume of the Fourth National Climate Assessment was released by the White House last Friday. Anna speaks to Neil Morisetti about the threats posed by climate change, before Ben asks Patricia Lewis how militaries and international organisations are adapting to these threats. Read More, Building Caribbean Resilience with Fossil Fuel Revenues, The Caribbean is being hammered by extreme weather. And so, we in the intelligence community need to understand and think about that.”. ), Perspective - U.S. Strategy in the South China Sea, Fact Sheet – Nuclear Arsenals of the U.S., Russia, and China, Fact Sheet – China's Fossil-Fueled Growth, Perspective – Choosing the American Model: Development Finance as a Soft Power Tool in Africa, Perspective – A Closer Look at the U.S. Strategy on Sanctions, Protecting Yourself from Disinformation in 2020, ASP COO Andrew Holland in High North News, U.S. Congress Gives Support for New Fusion Public-Private Partnership, Trump Administration Decision to Withdraw from Syria Another Sign U.S. By: Eric Schewe. The House Intelligence Committee held a hearing on the implications of climate change on national security. Read More, ARC31: Putting Gender & Climate on the Regional Agenda, ARC31 focused on COVID-19 and climate change and the extent to which they contribute to human insecurity and conflict in Africa. Climate change will be the defining test of global civilization in the twenty-first century. Introduction. They are finding ways to ensure they're going to continue to have food and water and influence the region. 2020 Intelligence and National Security Summit. Climate change is recognized as a threat multiplier and has been part of European security strategy since 2003, though the climate change and national security link was bolstered by the US. By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, I hereby direct the following: Section 1. Climate change as a national security issue In her response, Malini Mehra states that the continued framing of climate change as an environmental issue is a contributing reason for it getting short shrift in terms of policy attention. The increased frequency, severity and magnitude of extreme weather events all over the world – one of the most immediate and visible results of climate change – will likely continue to generate humanitarian crises. This memorandum establishes a framework and directs Federal departments and agencies (agencies) to perform certain functions to ensure that climate change-related impacts are … And they are continuing to admit twice of our emissions, and we're not going to solve climate change without them reducing dramatically or us reducing dramatically.”. This report sharpens the connections between climate change and national security and recommends specific policies to address the security consequences of climate change for the United States. The House Intelligence Committee held a hearing on the implications of climate change on national security. The House Intelligence Committee held a hearing on the implications of climate change on national security. SIGNAL ® and The CyberEdge ® are registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. We must treat it that way – and confront it head on, through leadership abroad and resolve at home – if we are to meet the challenge. To avoid a 1.5° C increase in global temperatures, China must reduce emissions. Russia, which is increasing its operations in the Arctic Sea, has 40 ice breaker vessels, many of which are nuclear powered, a big contrast to the United States’ infrastructure, said Goodman. 26 National Research Council, National Security Implications of Climate Change for U.S. Climate change and the damage it inflicts have profound implications to national security, experts say. Climate change poses “immediate risks” to national security and will have broad and costly impacts on the way the US military carries out its missions, the Pentagon said in a new report on the impact of climate change released on 13 October.. Climate change is an urgent national security threat that must be confronted with American leadership . And no security professional would wait until they had 100% certainty before acting to mitigate a threat. For the intelligence community, strategic analysis of shifting routes, travel and operations in the Arctic Sea region is necessary, said David Titley, professor, International Affairs and professor, Practice, Department of Meteorology, and director, Center for Solutions to Weather and Climate Risk, Pennsylvania State University. Read More. Where are they exerting influence over food supplying nations in Africa? The report stated, "Climate change and energy are two key issues that will play a significant role in shaping the future security environment," noting that "climate change, energy security, and economic stability are inextricably linked." Already, increasingly frequent and powerful extreme weather events take a growing number of American lives, cause billions of dollars in property damage, jeopardize our access to food and energy, and destroy communities and livelihoods. In this episode the team explore the implications of climate change for national security, and how the defence establishment is incorporating environmental concerns into its military planning. DOD's six … Web page addresses and e-mail addresses turn into links automatically. And no security professional would wait until they had 100% certainty before acting to mitigate a threat, It will act as an “Accelerant of Instability” or a “Threat Multiplier” that makes already existing problems worse, America’s infrastructure, food production, transportation network, and American lives are at risk, The U.S. military is working with allies, studying potential threats, ensuring resilience to extreme weather, and preparing to deploy when needed, Rising seas and increased extreme weather will harm readiness and increase costs, To reduce climate risk, the U.S. government, and governments around the world, must take immediate action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Other developments and with other developments and with other developments and with other trends and issues that to! Climate Science is Clear: the intel community has warned of the national security a! And is a visible security threat, ” she said temperatures, China must reduce emissions. because. 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