It could be that Soldier was having an off day and not feeling well. I had to break down and get a prong collar, she was ABSOLUTELY horrible at pulling on the leash. Being a good leader means your GSD can and will always look to you for guidance. Either way though, the points about not feeding off plates and ignoring begging behavior is definitely a must. I just stand dead still. It does mean you’ll need to have treats with you at all times until the new behavior is taught. My GSD Charley came from a similar background and in the 5 years before she passed away, she made great strides in healing and trusting again. I’ve never been around them before and had no idea what they were like. He’s such a loving, social dog in any other situation. All pets must have an original Rabies Certificate, and this certificate must state the microchip number, the date of inoculation, and the validity of the particular vaccination. She has separation anxiety, but with the help of a trainer, I believe it’ll get better. when we got her as an 8 wk old puppy my daughter was almost 3 years old (she’s be 6 soon). To help your girl get more comfortable with your son, you could do something simple like placing an old piece of his clothing on her bed. ANYTHING you like and want Soldier to learn, click and reward. Training is like killing two birds with one stone. I’m afraid she thought I was never coming back as I had promised. I think the catch 22 here is because of the Giardia, it’s going to be difficult to have him properly socialized with the little girl unless her parents are willing and will ensure the proper hygiene protocol after she’s had any contact with him. Has he been introduced to kids at all? This will be higher if you’re looking for a certified purebred. It’s important to phase out treats as soon as Cheyenne is reliably offer the behavior you’re asking for. Parents come out of top lines and have A+ hips. If there are no health issues or my suggestions don’t work, don’t take chances. This little girl goes to the dog park twice an week, so she can just run to her hearts content with my 3 year old. From what you’ve described to me it sounds like your girl needs a lot of training. You should consider stepping things up with trick training. But the key is to start slowly and at a distance. She follows all commands easily when the kids and I am alone with her. The program uses only positive reinforcement training which is kind and force-free (and based on science). We are however having problems with her over-protectiveness. I’m not so sure I agree with your vet. I keep him leashed .Today he was pretty aggressive not once but twice. He’s not showing symptoms but just the same positive. Thanks for your question. I’ve taught her using soft training treats but that also is the problem. Browse tons of unique designs on soft Baby Bibs. It’s about stimulating a highly intelligent animal. When we got back, it was me who picked her up. He’s obviously socialized, so that’s not the problem here. It’s a daily battle. He’s been on a prescription diet since diagnosis of the Giardia. Our goal is to bring artwork to life, we enjoy designing and producing clothing for everyone's needs. The little girl and my soldier were introduced not long after we brought him home which was about 2 mo ago. I watched the dog in the worst months of humidity walk beside my 79 year old Father, without being told to do so, as he went about his gardening and yard work. Deena, Gabriella, Lately been training them both to walk beside me with a leash. The calmer I am, the calmer and more focused on me she’ll be. Please check out my article on these triggers and thresholds. She barks at a leaf falling, to other dogs etc. It is a fact that German Shepherds are among the brightest and most intelligent working dogs. I hate to ask this question but can dog’s have emotional health issues? Thanks for reaching out with your comment. I have another one, an eastern shepherd that is smart, but nothing like this boy. But you must start by using the clicker training method. Deena. It’s one I used extensively to work with Charley. I have tried several methods, treats, getting her to sit, even throwing sticks for her to fetch, telling her to lie down in her bed but it seems like she feels the need to protect me and the girls when my husband is not around. Hi! I have an almost one year old male GSD. You can work with him on this yourself or you can get a positive dog trainer in to help you. So, now you’ve had her for 7 days. What a faithful, protective friend. Like I detailed in this article about dogs being a reflection of us. Photos of ferret’s unlikely bond with German shepherd best friend are too wholesome for words By Jessica Adler | Animals Unusual pairings, like chicken and waffles, or doggy and ferret BFFs, might seem out of place in a world that likes to stick to the rules. regards Sandeep. If you could drop your answers in an email to me it’ll make it easier for me to help out. We do well with training dogs — all these older dogs have gone to training and get along well. She’s a rescue and totally different to my other 2. She is a wonderful family dog and we love her very much. As far as people I’ve tried and tried to train him to sit when greeting people. Thank you. Also, when he is around, getting him to play her favorite game with her or even get him to play with her and one of her best toys. So, for now, let’s look at two basic programs…. If you have other questions, just drop them in the comments. My 2 young ones want at least 45 minutes in the morning and at a minimum 30 minutes at night. I can so relate to your situation. If you are looking for high quality German Shepherd Dogs (GSD), we provide some of the finest available. And yes, Nathan will be afraid of your dad because of it. This is the Official German Shepherd rules if it's in my mouth it's mine it is my walk shirt, and this is a premium shirt, tank top, ladies, woman v-neck, long-sleeved tee, sweater, hoodie (printed in the US) For birthdays, Valentine's Day, Father's Day, Halloween, Thanksgiving or Christmas presents!Wonderful Valentine's day gift for your boyfriend. I just recently got him and he hasn’t had any training whatsoever. I hope this helps. A note of warning here, I do not recommend pushing your dog on his back or tail area to teach the “sit” command, for two reasons…. This user added 1 announcements about selling pets. I think there’s factors that are playing a role in the behavior issue. Singapore does not explicitly state this rule, but as SMS and others have noted, doing a visa run to Malaysia or Indonesia after staying for 90 days, only to return a day later hoping for another 90 days, is probably going to raise red flags. How can I help this? It means I’m doing something right. So the first thing I recommend is to make yourself the most interesting thing in Bia’s environment. Give me a shout if you have any questions about it. If you’re interested to find out more about training here are a couple of articles I’d like to suggest…. My 9 year old GSD Charley is like that. We are at a complete loss with her. Yesterday however, a storm came up, he broke out of the pen and was whining to come inside. Your comment has struck a cord with me. From what I can tell Cheyenne does have a high drive. If she’s being aggressive when your hubby is around, the best thing is for you and your son to practice with her when he’s not around since you say that’s when she’s open and ready to listen. Check out this article on force-free ways to curb nuisance barking. But I do take it off and just let him run and chase the birds and squirrels it’s funny. Learn how your comment data is processed. Feel free to leave any questions in the comments. Let me know if there’s anything else you need help with. GSD’s need a lot of stimulation to avoid destructive behavior and even depression. We live on a farm in Namibia therefore we constantly have people moving around. If you’re interested in force-free, kind training I’d like to suggest a good training program I often recommend. And feel free to reach out via email if you need some specific support. , Hi Gabriella, And she’s probably still trying to find her ‘paws’ in her new surroundings. Now every time you see Soldier doing something you like and want him to continue doing, click and reward him on the spot. He will warm up to these people but any sudden movements and he’s at it again. The poor guy didn’t have a name, couldn’t sit/stay, or do just about anything. He has absolutely learned the commands, but chooses to follow them on his terms. She’ll start whining, leaping and peeing on the floor. It’s not uncommon, especially if they have had a tid bit handed to them off a plate of food before. I would love to have a happy puppy that And if your dog was caged a lot and didn’t get attention from his previous owner you do have a lot of work to do. If you were to use an e-collar to try and train him to stop snapping it will almost guarantee to make him more aggressive. Firstly congrats on your anniversary, I’m sure you’ll have a lovely trip! Focusing on teaching what we do want naturally reduces the behaviors we don’t want. And would hardly let me touch her. He has moved in with me, which of course brought Zeus to my home. As you already know the GSD is very territorial and protective. I really recommend starting with clicker training. I feel like my dog doesn’t listen when I’m positive though. Keep in mind though that the Giardiasis can cause some malabsorption of nutrients, so your boy might be hungry more often. Care must be taken in their first year to set ground rules and fully socialise a German Shepherd puppy so they can grow into well-rounded dogs. It’s not just about giving a treat, a big part of the training is distracting a dog from the unwanted behavior, usually with the idea to focus on us. Yes, that will cost money, but it’s the only way you’re going to have a healthy puppy in the future or even a puppy at all. The most valuable thing you can do for your dog is to show him that you are a good leader. Our breeding dogs are all selected from the best West German … Now I am very blessed to have reached a point in my healing to love a new GSD puppy and embrace this little ones own individualality! He can happily sit in his crate while I’m home but as soon as I leave he freaks out. I’ve never had such a strong willed dog. He watches everything very intently and is a very serious intense dog! German Shepherd Dog Club of America - Resources for people with German Shepherd Dogs and Puppies - German Shepherd information - German Shepherd dogs ... so those would be the rules. It’s better to get this dealt with while he’s still young so bite the bullet, it won’t take long before he learns that jumping gets him no attention. I’d also like to know how to stop him from jumping and licking my hands everytime I get close to him. If you see she’s about to jump drop treats before she does. I believe she was left tied up a lot before and Hates bring left alone Always with. i’m going to share something about this because as I said many of the readers on this blog are struggling with the same thing. I enjoyed reading and sent it to my son who has a German Shepherd puppy. But Mason, our GSD, has a trait I have never encountered. But you’re on the right track, you’re doing a great job and you have a good grasp of the situation. In terms of the jumping, the best method is to ‘make like a tree’. You can find my email address here. And in my opinion, there's nothing wrong with that. I am wondering if there is anything specific I should be doing to help him get closer to us.?? I’m having a hard time with my brother German Shepard. Read this article on PTSD in a doggy after a dog attack. A German Shepherd Dog needs and active and very fit owner because it requires a lot of physical exercises, A German shepherd house rules poster training, perfect nutrition, a lot of love, and a lot of attention. Hi. He is lazy about his walks and my husband has to say, “Come on Oscar!” She is a beautiful girl, and I know she is smart. I’m happy that you invited Cheyenne into your life and I’m sure you both are too. He does well individual but if we are all around he gets super anxious. Zè is my 3.5 year old male, he still does naughty things like dig holes after it’s rained or drag dead tree branches out of the compost heap. If this started happening after her first heat there might be some underlying health issue. Is there any training I can do to signal that there is no danger? He apparently had the Giardia when we brought him home , I knew something wasn’t quite right.and the diagnosis explained alot but I didn’t know that it may affect the training certainly could explain other issues. We raise all our puppies on Royal Canine to make sure they get the best start in life. Part 2 Specified Dogs 1. German Shepard rules. But, if I say it in a serious voice he’ll heel properly. She’s got to have all 4 paws on the ground to eat the treats – which reinforces her to keep her paws on the ground. You can read more about it over here. The problem is she is SO headstrong. With training he would be great, but I’d have to do the training and didn’t have time to add this to my life. A large female german shepherd came up to our house. It’s okay if he only chooses to come inside once everyone has settled. You have a very short time before your trip, but could you arrange with the kennel owners for a few visits before you go? Are there certain dog’s that are just not really trainable? I hae a GSD who over the past 2 years has become very possessive of me. The point is to avoid getting so close to the distraction where Zeus feels the need to react because this will slow down the training. She’s having it removed tomorrow. Building a bond with her will help her look to you for guidance and that will set her at ease. On Friday our vet found a tumor in her abdomen. If she can reach far back, then definitely make a point of not leaving any kind of food or something she’ll find rewarding if she pulls it off the counter. I’m getting worried that our baby will go through the same sadness from when we left her there before. Did say he would be hungrier and it would be OK to give him more which we’ve been doing it just never seems to be enough . I have removed distractions, tried treats/toys etc. And sometimes with mellow dogs, abused dogs or adult dogs with little or no training background this might take some time. January 2020. Was wondering what’s a good age to start training in tricks and will it interfere with her desire to track? If you want to invite a German Shepherd into your life and you live in an apartment, you’ll need to resolve to give your dog the stimulation he or she needs everyday. But sometimes dog training can seem overwhelming if you don't even know where to begin. But the potty thing is not accidental . And you should fade them as soon as possible. Reading your article I know we’ve failed her in many ways. Looking for the ideal German Shepherd Rules Curtains Gifts? It’s one way to teach her that jumping is not going to give her the reward she wants or is used to. You can pick up a clicker for dirt cheap but you can also use one of those clicky pens to begin with. Because anxiety is so specific, it would be great if you could share a specific situation here. My last one, Dakota, died back in April at age 11. I wrote about the program in-depth here. And then lastly, read this article on how dogs learn. I’m around if you have any other questions. I’m sorry to hear Soldier is not feeling well again. And just because they are pets doesn’t mean they don’t have the need to work any longer. Site Info . But some of us like to push the boundaries of our dog’s abilities and intelligence and there’s nothing wrong with that. I know training is supposed to be fun for the dog. When I read the part about Zeus being attacked by another dog, his current behavior makes sense. I hope it wasa typo in your comment. Soldier started showing symptoms last night, ?. Gabriella, Any of these can cause situations you and your dog might feel overwhelmed in. lol any advice would be appreciated. I’m just afraid that he’s going to be chronic. Trick training will boost your dog’s confidence. So I try to use my voice and body posture to keep him engaged in the training session. It’s worth mentioning that although there are things like what I suggested already that you can do to reduce Zizi’s tendency to be so protective, keep in mind that being protective is part of her personality and it might not be possible to change this completely. She therefore barks and threatens people she sees daily and knows very well – but only when she is at our house and they enter her territory. I’m the one who does a lot of training with her, takes her on walks, grooms her, etc. My advice is to really work with him on focus.. This way he’ll always look forward to training. I will definitely let you know what profile test says I hope it will give us some kind of answer if anything else is contributing to the Giardia issue. Young puppies are usually not phased by this, but by the time dogs become adolescents they are less tolerant of the unfamiliar like in Zeus’ case someone other than his immediate humans hugging him or coming into your home without one of you present. But in April they’re being kenneled for 10 days. Often dogs are more aggressive when they are on-leash. As for e-collars. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. I’m desperate because I want to train Nathan that will be fun for the both of us. It is also a great motivator and builds a strong bond between owner and dog. So if your girl is a little rusty on her manners, that’s easy enough to fix. Our family is made up of myself, my husband and two small daughters (8 months and 3 years). You can read about my experiences with the program here and read an in-depth interview I did with the dog trainer who developed it. Use language your dog will understand. But the one that works for most folks is making sure their dog keeps all 4 paws on the ground. All I could think was ‘this dog is going to be miserable and so am I.’. We went to the dog park and he met an older Chocolate Lab. So firstly, the Malinois and the GSD are both very high drive dogs. Don't Do This to Find Free German Shepherd Puppies • Don't look for free animals on places like Craigslist - they are often nothing more than a scam. Because you’re asking him to do something he knows inside out. He knows sit, and I am working on down he is doing ok with that. Pte. What I find so interesting about dogs, in general, is that they have something called a “left-gaze bias” which essentially means they look at the left of the human face first because the left side reflects emotions. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Here’s a link to the Potty Training Guide, if you’re interested in checking it out. I have a GSD×collie puppy. Despite him feeling ill, he’ll quickly learn that these behaviors you’re rewarding him for are favorable. Also, I’m not sure if your vet discussed this with you but any illness or infection can affect a dogs behavior and could also interfere with training. According to the FCI, the breed's English language name is German Shepherd Dog.The breed was officially [who?] Unfortunately, this is a fallacy that’s perpetuated by “celebrity dog trainers” who actually don’t know or do any kind of science-based dog training. Your girl is a worrier so you might have to read the situation. And the concern is that from his dog’s perspective the trust is gone and that there is no chance of fixing what’s been broken. You can follow these steps to help Zeus be more calm with visitors. You know by now that there are heaps of different training programs. I am a new GSD owner I have a little boy names Bo Jangers who is now 5 months old (got him at 8-9weeks). Of course, you want to avoid getting into any kind of legal trouble if someone tries to pet him without asking – which by the way is bad etiquette in the doggy world! So be aware of her facial and body language. (We are tracking Search and Rescue ).her obedience is far still needs more dog exposure . So we don’t know what to do. Thanks again It’s got to be fun and he’s got to want to do it. He obeys all the basic commands as well as some more advanced ones, however there is an issue which he has, where sometimes he will have a protective bark at people he knows (namely my uncles who have their morning walks and come over to say hello). Once you know what she’ll work for I suggest starting with the basic obedience which sounds to me like you know very well. I walk her for at least an hour a day, she is with the most of the time and minimally with another dog (they get along but don’t really play), she is fed well with a grain free food, including supplements of eggs and coconut oil… I don’t have much more time or energy to dedicate to her. I found this pretty useful, however I have a white shepherd and I have only just got her at almost three years of age. She doesn’t focus well in her excitement. I see that connection between Schutzhund handlers or people like you and dogs and I really want that. clicker training to see how easy it is to get started. Each time your dog has all 4’s on the floor, drop a few treats. I’m going to look at the video you sent me Treatment has not been successful.So I have been trying to do this on my own no easy task. I rescued my GSD about a year ago when he was around 18 months. These breeds are:-. However, the moment anyone else tries to come close to our house she goes mental. This varies depending on a number of factors, including but not limited to genetics, size of litter, gender, and environmental conditions for the dam and pups during pregnancy and whelp. They will cherish this unique one of a kind gift from you! I understand your husbands concern. And, being Singapore, the penalty for keeping an unauthorised pet in an HDB flat can be hefty, with fines up to $4,000 for flouting HDB pet rules. You don’t say, but if you’re struggling with biting, here’s an article with some cool games to teach your pup not to bite. Your body language and tone of voice being the two most important. So it might be useful if you ask your uncles to great you loudly while approaching to give your boy the opportunity to recognize them. And our emotions affect those instincts. Ideally you want to stop the behavior before it happens. No. Thanks again for your help But when it comes to me and my mom, Nathan would just stop if we call our dad or something. She barks terribly and I do fear that she will bite our visitors. start with this as soon as you possibly can. With patience and continuous reinforcement, German Shepherd puppies are extremely receptive to learning and following commands. This will build her confidence. So I’m not sure what you mean by a farm dog. A German Shepherd puppy can range between $550 and $1200 in price. Thanks for your question and kind comment, I’m pleased you’re finding value here. Deena. It’s a great way to train dogs and there’s no physical punishment involved. She sits well but she jumps…not rough but still jumps up on me even when I turn my back…I’m at a loss. I’ve written extensively about a program I’ve used for all my dogs – rescues and pups. He can’t eat those treats if he’s jumping. He does like to bark at them and chase them from time to time but they always seem to check him. Here’s the link to the triggers and thresholds article. He is wholeheartedly a different dog today. And you’re so right that it’s a tribute to your girl that has crossed over the rainbow bridge. Hi. I’ve also noticed that where he was alittle more cooperative, he’s decided he’s going to be. It’s like we’ve been gone and she’s over excited just to see us. This also occurs when he sees another dog and because of his size people read it as aggression which as you know yourself im sure when you know the personality traits of your own dog you know when its aggression and when its a “hey come n see me” type bark. Treats, toy, and even just solo. We did a snap test before hand Giardia still present but the profile test said in the notes if he wasn’t actively shedding eggs it would show no antibodies but he would still have it.and being as though snap test was positive. Dogs are super smart, so it’s very likely that he’ll start associating strangers approaching him with the shock, so there’s a risk of making him more aggressive towards strangers. Is it when you leave home? But looking back now, I should have known…. I just love to play fetch with dog. In time, your dog will understand certain commands such as “sit”, “stay” and “come”, “drop” etc. This is according to a book published by Stanley Coren in 1994 “The Intelligence of Dogs”. It’s the same way it’s affect us, when us humans are feeling under the weather it affects everything we do. A week ago my daughter came to tell me goodnight and he lunged at her feet and bite her. What concerns me the most was she was just standing there and said hi to me and to soldier and he went crazy. The black German shepherd is not a separate dog breed from the German shepherd breed like the white German shepherd which is recognized as a separate dog breed by some kennel clubs. Pure Black German Shepherd for sale.-MKA-Male-3 YearsVery strong and healthy,It's a very excellent STUD dog.Good for breeding and guard dog. What dogs do need is a kind, loving leader who’s willing to show them the ropes of living side by side with their human best friends. I try to bring her every where with me but can’t keep her focused on me when I give her commands and other things are going on. Planning to own a German Shepherd or Rottweiler? See that cute puppy snuggled up on your sofa? Just substitute the mail van for women with big earrings. All dogs are trainable. You can sign up to ‘Dog Speak’ here: But the fact that his tail wags and when he has access to the other dogs he’s playful shows me that it’s not aggressive behavior. It seems his anxiety has increased as we use to have a older male named Butch who sadly passed away in August 2016. Which makes sense when you think about how he probably got zero training or stimulation in his previous situation. He was obviously neglected and mistreated. My fourth, Cheyenne, is the problem. Category B animals are: Pet Movers (S) Pte. I’m not quite sure how to keep him engaged with the training. You’ll see this improve as you work with her. she would do great with this add attraction as we have to work around kids quit a bit . If your dog has issues like aggression towards people or other dogs, or if your dog is anxious. This, in turn, keeps them engage and excited to learn. Or you can use your voice. But use high value treats, higher than you did before. Check out my previous comment to you and have a look at the program I recommend. We have an electric gate that leads to a busy street. This means literally standing dead still. I’m so sorry to hear about the Giardiasis. USCA Rules & Regulations As of August 1991, certain breeds of dogs (Category A animals) are not permitted entry into Singapore.These breeds are:-Pit Bull - including the American Pit Bull Terrier, American Staffordshire Terrier, Staffordshire Bull Terrier, American Bulldog;; Akita; His previous owner apparently beat him into submission and Max was very timid but rambunctious. So I would say that continuing to work with him is the way to go. Thank you for your response! I’ll be getting the course and getting busy with my new friend. Deena. Dogs are working animals. Back and forth. My daughter wants to play with him but she can’t since he almost knocks her down when jumping up to love and she is 5’2. Is this a fluke thing because of the storm, do we keep working with him? Mar 17, 2017 - Explore ADNPRF's board "German Shepard quotes" on Pinterest. My first 9 1/2 year old GSD Charley is very helpful, let s... 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