Usually, you'll see it when you learn about solving inequalities, because for some reason saying "x < 3" isn't good enough, so instead they'll want you to phrase the answer as "the solution set is { x | x is a real number and x < 3 }".How this adds anything to the student's understanding, I don't know. How to use set in a sentence. This is a glossary of math definitions for common and important mathematics terms used in arithmetic, geometry, and statistics. For a set A which consists of n elements, the total … Purplemath. Set theory - Set theory - Operations on sets: The symbol ∪ is employed to denote the union of two sets. In mathematics, a well-defined set clearly indicates what is a member of the set and what is not. The hyperbola is the set of all points in a plane, the difference of whose distance from two fixed points in the plane is a positive constant. Definition of a Set. Illustrated definition of Set: A collection of things (objects or numbers, etc). Set theory, branch of mathematics that deals with the properties of well-defined collections of objects, which may or may not be of a mathematical nature, such as numbers or functions.The theory is less valuable in direct application to ordinary experience than as a basis for precise and adaptable terminology for the definition of complex and sophisticated mathematical concepts. Power Set. For example, a set that is identified as "the set of even whole numbers between 1 and 11" is a well-defined set because it is possible to identify the exact members of the set: 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10. For example, the size of the set { 2 , 4 , 6 } \{2, 4, 6 \} { 2 , 4 , 6 } is 3 , 3, 3 , while the size of the set … Set definition is - to cause to sit : place in or on a seat. An understanding of what subsets are is required before going ahead with Power-set. Before we get into the definition of an equivalent set, we need to first know what a set is. A set in the plane, which can now be thought of as a set of vectors, is called a convex set if the following holds: Whenever \overrightarrow{u} and \overrightarrow{v} belong to the set, so does \lambd Thus, the set A ∪ B—read “A union B” or “the union of A and B”—is defined as the set that consists of all elements belonging to either set A or set B (or both). A set is a collection of elements that are usually related. c. Set-builder notation: Set 1 and set 4 can be written as { x / x is a letter of the modern English alphabet} and { x / x is a type of sausage} { x / x is a letter of the modern English alphabet} is read, " The set of all x such that x is a letter in the modern English alphabet. Here is a set of clothing items. Definition: The power set of a set A is the set which consists of all the subsets of the set A. Set-builder is an important concept in set notation… set, in mathematics, collection of entities, called elements of the set, that may be real objects or conceptual entities. You never know when set notation is going to pop up. It is denoted by P(A). Set theory not only is involved in many areas of mathematics but has important applications in other fields as well, e.g., computer technology and atomic and nuclear physics. The size of a set (also called its cardinality) is the number of elements in the set.