Once citizenship comes into question, everything comes into question – your children’s rights, your voting rights, your land rights. She issued a dire warning, saying that COVID-19 … Perhaps they even knew they could be carrying the virus with them, and would infect their families, their parents and grandparents back home, but they desperately needed a shred of familiarity, shelter and dignity, as well as food, if not love. There were pot-banging marches, community dances and processions. Or we can walk through lightly, with little luggage, ready to imagine another world. We know that one of those young men is dead. All of it. The idea was that since Brahmins are the intellectual leaders of Hindus, if they convert, others will automatically follow. The 67-year-old actor's tweet came after the Pakistani media reported remarks by Roy criticising the Indian Army's action in Kashmir. Career propagandist Arundhati Roy continues lying and demonising India, claims ‘Modi govt using Coronavirus for Muslim genocide’ In an interview to DW News, self-proclaimed 'intellectual' Arundhati Roy … Markets, shops, homes, mosques, and vehicles have been burnt down. The Supreme Court, 2020 elections and a looming constitutional crisis Who are prepared to tell the truth? Our towns and megacities began to extrude their working-class citizens like so much unwanted accrual. Not to be outdone, many Muslim organisations declared that the Almighty was the answer to the virus and called for the faithful to gather in mosques in numbers. They walked for days, towards Badaun, Agra, Azamgarh, Aligarh, Lucknow, Gorakhpur — hundreds of kilometres away. The Supreme Court, 2020 elections and a looming constitutional crisis, Yuval Noah Harari: the world after coronavirus | Free to read, America the beautiful: three generations in the struggle for civil rights | Free to read, Strangely lost for words, Trump exits White House for last time, Trump exits White House after pardoning ex-strategist Bannon, EU and BioNTech/Pfizer clash over reduced vaccine deliveries, Donald Trump says his movement ‘just beginning’ in farewell remarks, Biden inauguration live: President signs order bringing US back to Paris climate accord, BioNTech/Pfizer vaccine found effective against Covid-19 variant, Cheap antiparasitic could cut chance of Covid-19 deaths by up to 75%. Some died on the way. "For address say 7 Race Course Road (the prime minister's residence). Fun and games with judges aren’t new. Arundhati Roy on coronavirus: 'Situation in India is approaching genocidal' The Indian political activist Arundhati Roy has accused the government of … [2][3] We are sick. Pre-packaged meals with Modi’s face on them have begun to appear. Roy’s is a world in which love and hope sprout against all odds, like flowers pushing through cracked pavement. But the rupture exists. But Rawal said he isn't sorry even if the report on Roy is "fake news". Who else can decide, without consulting the state governments that would have to deal with the fallout of this decision, that a nation of 1.38bn people should be locked down with zero preparation and with four hours’ notice? Many political experts say Roy… We have all seen the videos of the police standing by and sometimes participating in the arson. The tragedy is immediate, real, epic and unfolding before our eyes. If and when it does, we can be sure it will be dealt with, with all the prevailing prejudices of religion, caste and class completely in place. Arundhati Roy's New Novel Lays India Bare, Unveiling Worlds Within Our Worlds. Maybe he doesn’t know about us”, he said. But unlike the flow of capital, this virus seeks proliferation, not profit, and has, therefore, inadvertently, to some extent, reversed the direction of the flow. All healthcare is more or less on hold as hospitals have been turned over to the service of the virus. No UN. Arundhati Roy While India’s rulers downplay the brutal murder of a Dalit teenager by an upper-caste gang and acquit Hindu nationalists guilty of historic crimes, Arundhati Roy argues, they are concocting another show trial of Muslims and progressive activists to intimidate dissenters. But it isn’t new. Suzanna Arundhati Roy (born 24 November 1961) is an Indian author best known for her novel The God of Small Things (1997), which won the Man Booker Prize for Fiction in 1997 and became the best-selling book by a non-expatriate Indian author. Arundhati Roy's recent volume of essays and lectures provides an eye-opening account of current political developments in India. The Indian political activist Arundhati Roy has accused the government of inflaming tensions between Hindus and Muslims. How acts of leadership kindness make everyone better, Trump lost the election, but he's still won in his way. Who among us is not a quack epidemiologist, virologist, statistician and prophet? Join the COVID-19 DemocracyWatch email list. And yet everything has been turned upside down – it’s being made to appear as though all of India is a victim of the absolutely peaceful, mostly female, mostly – but not only – Muslim protestors who have been out on the streets for almost 75 days, in their tens of thousands, to protest against the Citizenship Amendment Act. In the days that followed, men jumped into barrels of sacred cow dung, and BJP supporters threw cow-urine drinking parties. Author and activist Arundhati Roy has said the Modi government is acting as though the constitution does not exist and they are doing everything to … The first two weeks were devoted to toppling the Congress government in the central Indian state of Madhya Pradesh and installing a BJP government in its place. Nandita Thakur Upon arriving in India, Christian missionaries first tried to convert the Brahmins. Perhaps they are right in theory. He said nothing about what his government was going to do in the crisis, but he asked people to come out on their balconies, and ring bells and bang their pots and pans to salute health workers. You have reached your limit for … This is our version of the coronavirus. Finally, on March 19, the Indian prime minister addressed the nation. Arundhati Roy’s latest novel is ‘The Ministry of Utmost Happiness’. This place where we are gathered today is only a short bus ride away from where four days ago a fascist mob, fired up by speeches made by members of the Ruling Party, backed up and actively assisted by the police, assured of round the clock support by a vast section of the electronic mass media, and comforted by the belief that the courts would do nothing to come in their way – mounted an armed, murderous attack on Muslims in the working-class colonies of North East Delhi. This is our version of the coronavirus. And we think to ourselves, “My God! No well-meaning foreign country. Yes. By using such terminology and by thinking up such a ridiculous, diabolic scheme, this government is actually endangering the tens of millions of Hindus who live in Bangladesh, Pakistan, and Afghanistan who they pretend to be concerned about, but who could suffer the backlash of this bigotry emanating from New Delhi. The morgues are full of the dead. At least not until now — because now, in the era of the virus, a poor person’s sickness can affect a wealthy society’s health. They knew they were going home potentially to slow starvation. The central government has been slow to respond to their desperate appeals for funds. "Tie Arundhati Roy To Army Jeep", tweets Paresh Rawal Photogallery. We are sick, said Roy. AMY GOODMAN: We’re going to link to your piece, “The pandemic is a portal,” that’s in Foreign Policy. Arundhati Roy is the author of the novel “The Ministry of Utmost Happiness.” Her most recent book is a collection of essays, “My Seditious Heart.” The Times is … We have seen them smashing CCTV cameras, just as they did when they vandalised the Jamia Millia Islamia University library on December 15. As shops, restaurants, factories and the construction industry shut down, as the wealthy and the middle classes enclosed themselves in gated colonies, our towns and megacities began to extrude their working-class citizens — their migrant workers — like so much unwanted accrual. But if it really were a war, then who would be better prepared than the US? Brave journalists can do that, and they have. Because there is the fire in the ducts. All rights reserved. But what does it mean to go to school, while everything around you is slowly throttled? And as we plead, we watch the state withdraw its protection, we watch the police get communalised, we watch the judiciary gradually abdicate its duty, we watch the media that is meant to afflict the comfortable and comfort the afflicted do the very opposite. And no political party that intends to win elections will or can afford to take a moral position. On March 11 the World Health Organization declared that Covid-19 was a pandemic. The streets are full of stones and debris. Perhaps one of the asanas could be a request-asana in which Modi requests the French prime minister to allow us to renege on the very troublesome Rafale fighter jet deal and use that €7.8bn for desperately needed emergency measures to support a few million hungry people. Arundhati Roy : « Si le coronavirus frappe l’Inde, ce sera un cataclysme » Confinée, comme la planète entière, dans son appartement de New Delhi, la romancière et essayiste indienne Arundhati Roy nous livre ses espoirs et ses peurs pour son pays, déjà gagné par un autre virus, celui de la haine. This never happened. We have work to do. More than 50 people, Muslims and some Hindus, were killed. People on both sides have shown themselves capable of horrifying brutality as well as unbelievable courage and kindness. An Indian woman covering her face with a mask walks in a crowded Mandi (marketplace), as nationwide lockdown continues over coronavirus on March 26, 2020 in New Delhi, India. The Intercept’s Mehdi Hasan speaks with acclaimed author and activist Arundhati Roy about India’s response to the novel coronavirus. Listen to him on YouTube: He’ll tell you how “Narendra Bhai” got him out of jail because of “setting” the judges. You can agree or disagree with a Constitution as a whole or in part – but to act as though it does not exist as this government is doing is to completely dismantle democracy. Muslims who had been expecting the attack fought back. The tragedy is the wreckage of a train that has been careening down the track for years. Not much social distancing. Only a few days ago. As they walked, some were beaten brutally and humiliated by the police, who were charged with strictly enforcing the curfew. So then there was punishment to be meted out to Delhi’s Muslims, who were blamed for the humiliation. To call it a riot or a “danga”, or “Left” versus “Right” or even “Right” versus “Wrong” as many are doing, is dangerous and obfuscatory. We can only hope that the studies that say the virus likes cold weather are correct (though other researchers have cast doubt on this). A democracy that is not governed by a Constitution and one whose institutions have all been hollowed out can only ever become a majoritarian state. As an appalled world watched, India revealed herself in all her shame — her brutal, structural, social and economic inequality, her callous indifference to suffering. The CAA, which offers a fast-track route to citizenship for non-Muslim minorities, is blatantly unconstitutional and blatantly anti-Muslim. The coronavirus pandemic has brought the machine of capitalism to a grinding halt. In December, while China was fighting the outbreak of the virus in Wuhan, the government of India was dealing with a mass uprising by hundreds of thousands of its citizens protesting against the brazenly discriminatory anti-Muslim citizenship law it had just passed in parliament. Perhaps this is the aim. She also slammed the government over the Citizenship Act, National Population Register, National Register of Citizens. Be the first to know about every new Coronavirus story. Armed mobs of Hindu vigilantes, backed by the police, attacked Muslims in the working-class neighbourhoods of north-east Delhi. This one is no different. But the Delhi massacre happened just days after an election after the BJP-RSS suffered a humiliating defeat. Opinion Arundhati Roy on Delhi violence: ‘This is our version of the coronavirus. Regarding this, she said: Regarding this, she said: “ The whole of the organization, the RSS (Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh) to which Modi belongs, which is the mother ship of the BJP (Bharatiya Janata Party), has long said that India should be a Hindu nation. Anruf bei Arundhati Roy. Although there have been no more killings in North Delhi, yesterday (February 29) saw mobs of people in Central Delhi chanting the slogan that built up to the attacks: “Desh ke Gaddaron ko, Goli maaron saalon ko.”. You can agree or disagree with a Constitution as a whole or in part – but to act as though it does not exist as this government is doing is to completely dismantle democracy. It’s a virus, yes. A protestor holds her child during a demonstration at Shaheen Bagh in New Delhi against the Citizenship Amendment Act. If they do indeed exist, these phantom millions of human beings who India’s current Home Minister calls Bangladeshi “termites”, cannot be kept in detention centers and cannot be deported. He told us of the need for “social distancing” (easy to understand for a society so steeped in the practice of caste) and called for a day of “people’s curfew” on March 22. But it is definitely more than a virus. Thousands of truck drivers are still marooned on the highways, with little food and water. Every one of the walking people I spoke to was worried about the virus. Noted author Arundhati Roy while addressing a gathering at Jantar Mantar on Sunday slammed the Modi government over Delhi Riots which have claimed 46 lives so far and left several injured. The report later turned out to be untrue. There’s no help on the horizon. Trade unions, private citizens and other collectives are distributing food and emergency rations. And a world to win. Learn more about Roy. “Arundhati Roy calls for ‘factual precision’ alongside of the ‘real precision of poetry.’ Remarkably, she combines those achievements to a degree that few can hope to approach.” —Noam Chomsky, leading public intellectual and author of Hopes and Prospects “India’s most impassioned critic of globalization and American influence.” On the night of February 26, the judge was given midnight orders to take up his new assignment in the Punjab High Court. All transport, public as well as private, would be disallowed. NEW DELHI: Arundhati Roy, an Indian human rights activist, said that the language being used by the mainstream media against the Muslims was … In and of itself it holds no moral brief. Die weltberühmte Autorin von "Der Gott der kleinen Dinge" sitzt in Delhi in Quarantäne. Copyright © 2021 National Herald. The lockdown to enforce physical distancing had resulted in the opposite — physical compression on an unthinkable scale. Die indische Autorin Arundhati Roy ist eine Ausnahmeerscheinung: Zur Premiere ihres neuen Romans spricht sie in Frankfurt über die Macht der Fiktion und … Or perhaps not. Listen to our podcast, Culture Call, where FT editors and special guests discuss life and art in the time of coronavirus. Arundhati Roy, however, expressed concern over alleged attempts by the RSS to "infiltrate" a section of young minds by enrolling them in "specific camps or schools", run by right-wing organisations. The narcissism is deeply troubling. The scene was biblical. He had been lured by the promise of an audience of 1m people in a sports stadium in the state of Gujarat. Twitter user @imMAK02 wrote: “Arundhati Roy is the speaking truth, Indian State has always targeted tribals, Muslims, Sikhs etc. He hadn’t done much homework. Who can look at anything any more — a door handle, a cardboard carton, a bag of vegetables — without imagining it swarming with those unseeable, undead, unliving blobs dotted with suction pads waiting to fasten themselves on to our lungs? The complaint is lodged in Delhi's Tilak Marg police station by an advocate Rajiv Kumar Ranjan. Inside a looming constitutional crisis. They don’t even use war as a metaphor, they use it literally. Suzanna Arundhati Roy (* 24. The writer is Chairman, Department of English Studies, Davangere University, Karnataka. We is a fast-paced 64 minute documentary that covers the world politics of power, war, corporations, deception and exploitation. Or not. The system is failing. “The Ministry of Utmost Happiness” is … Others that it’s a Chinese conspiracy to take over the world. ... Facebook Twitter … Arundhati Roy And these microbes are no conventional enemy. In the 1960s, the call to revolution was a demand for justice, for the redistribution of wealth and the overthrow of the ruling class. Some believe it’s God’s way of bringing us to our senses. Written during the run-up to the last general election, "Azadi" charts India's disturbing slide The man who loves spectacles created the mother of all spectacles. A t midnight on 4 August 2019, phones in Kashmir went dead and internet connections were cut. Brave lawyers can do that, and they have. Others think the toll will be far less. We don’t know. But it was less real, less present in their lives than looming unemployment, starvation and the violence of the police. The Bible could not have known numbers such as these. Today is the 210th day since Jammu and Kashmir were unconstitutionally stripped of its special status. Historically, pandemics have forced humans to break with the past and imagine their world anew. Arundhati Roy’s views on divorce helped shape the narrative of The God of Small Things. Tribals in Chhattisgarh and North East, Muslims in … Taking many years to take shape before it got first to read, personal experience took center stage to make it an award-winning masterpiece. Mutilated bodies were still being pulled out of the network of filthy, stinking drains when government officials had their first meeting about Covid-19 and most Indians first began to hear about the existence of something called hand sanitiser. It is the wreckage of a train that has been careening down the track for years. Who can think of kissing a stranger, jumping on to a bus or sending their child to school without feeling real fear? Arundhati Roy: ‘The pandemic is a portal’ | Free to read Will America tear itself apart? When the walking began in Delhi, I used a press pass from a magazine I frequently write for to drive to Ghazipur, on the border between Delhi and Uttar Pradesh. Arundhati Roy. And ready to fight for it. And what of my country, my poor-rich country, India, suspended somewhere between feudalism and religious fundamentalism, caste and capitalism, ruled by far-right Hindu nationalists? Both Muslim and Hindu, including a policeman and a young staffer of the Intelligence Bureau. Thousands moved into refugee camps in local graveyards. We know the story about Justice Loya. By the 1990s, we were reduced to fighting against the displacement of millions of people from their own lands and villages, people who became the collateral damage for the building of a new India in which 63 of India’s richest people have more wealth than the annual budget outlay for 1,200 million people. ARUNDHATI ROY: Well, in India, you know, we have a COVID crisis whose contours we don’t know yet. All that took money, and a great deal of time. Well, … He didn’t mention that, until that very moment, India had been exporting protective gear and respiratory equipment, instead of keeping it for Indian health workers and hospitals. But the local detail will only be a matter of historical record because the ripples based on hateful rumors fuelled on the social media have begun to eddy outwards and we can already smell more blood on the breeze. For all the latest India News, Follow India Section. All the dead, wounded and devastated, Muslim as well as Hindu are victims of this regime headed by Narendra Modi, our nakedly fascist Prime Minister who himself is no stranger to being at the helm of affairs in a state when 18 years ago a massacre on a much larger scale went on for weeks. An organisation called the Tablighi Jamaat, which held a meeting in Delhi before the lockdown was announced, has turned out to be a “super spreader”. People who had been walking for days were stopped and forced to return to camps in the cities they had just been forced to leave. About states being forced to bid against each other for ventilators, about doctors’ dilemmas over which patient should get one and which left to die. Instead, money from well-wishers is pouring into the somewhat mysterious new PM-CARES fund. Storied author and PI Council member Arundhati Roy on Covid-19 and the "super-surveillance" state. Of all the people I spoke to that day, including a group of Muslim tailors who had only weeks ago survived the anti-Muslim attacks, one man’s words especially troubled me. [1] 2017 erschien ihr zweiter Roman Das Ministerium des äußersten Glücks. “Maybe when Modiji decided to do this, nobody told him about us. Paresh Rawal's comment against Arundhati Roy were disliked by many on Twitter. The sole purpose of the NPR-NRC-CAA is to destabilise and divide people not just in India but across the whole subcontinent. It visualizes the words of Arundhati Roy, specifically her famous Come September speech, where she spoke on such things as the war on terror, corporate globalization, justice and the growing civil unrest. Find the others HERE. Author Arundhati Roy After her controversial speech at Delhi University, a police complaint has been filed against the author Arundhati Roy. Notwithstanding these slogans, this is not what people like to label a Hindu-Muslim “riot”. We have seen them beat wounded Muslim men as they lay piled up against each other and force them to sing the national anthem. Everything is on record. Fiction. It is a portal, a gateway between one world and the next. ARUNDHATI ROY: Oh, OK. You’re so welcome. The main roads might be empty, but the poor are sealed into cramped quarters in slums and shanties. Many driven out by their employers and landlords, millions of impoverished, hungry, thirsty people, young and old, men, women, children, sick people, blind people, disabled people, with nowhere else to go, with no public transport in sight, began a long march home to their villages. The mandarins who are managing this pandemic are fond of speaking of war. Houses, shops, mosques and schools were burnt. In 1947, we won independence from colonial rule that was fought for by almost everybody with the exception of our current rulers. India’s public hospitals and clinics — which are unable to cope with the almost 1m children who die of diarrhoea, malnutrition and other health issues every year, with the hundreds of thousands of tuberculosis patients (a quarter of the world’s cases), with a vast anaemic and malnourished population vulnerable to any number of minor illnesses that prove fatal for them — will not be able to cope with a crisis that is like what Europe and the US are dealing with now. Locked down we were. Should you build equity release into your retirement strategy? Neben dem Roman Der Gott der kleinen Dinge verfasste sie mehrere politische Sachbücher und zahlreiche Essays. We may never know the real contours of the crisis, even when it hits us. Many health professionals and epidemiologists have applauded this move. QuantumScape: can battery pioneer live up to the hype? What is this thing that has happened to us? Azadi by Arundhati Roy review – at her passionate best The author tackles Kashmir, Hindu nationalism and the dangers of being … Our minds are still racing back and forth, longing for a return to “normality”, trying to stitch our future to our past and refusing to acknowledge the rupture. Arundhati Roy, Indian author and activist known for the novel The God of Small Things and for her work in environmental and human rights issues, the latter of which resulted in various legal problems. Night after night, from halfway across the world, some of us watch the New York governor’s press briefings with a fascination that is hard to explain. Perhaps this is the aim. That is being used to stigmatise and demonise Muslims. Tribals in Chhattisgarh and North East, Muslims in … Then there were the Delhi Assembly elections that the Bharatiya Janata Party was slated to lose unless it upped its game, which it did, unleashing a vicious, no-holds-barred Hindu nationalist campaign, replete with threats of physical violence and the shooting of “traitors”. Big Tech needs to shake up the video call and end the Zoom gloom, Will America tear itself apart? We may never know their stories. Outside the town of Bareilly, one group was herded together and hosed down with chemical spray. And artists – beautiful, brilliant, brave writers, poets, musicians, painters, and filmmakers can do that. The Covid crisis is still to come. How do I switch from corporate finance to public affairs? They may not even become statistics. Arundhati Roy is prolific novelist, actor and human right activist, and public intellectual of contemporary era born in Shillong India in 1961. The number of cases worldwide this week crept over a million. "Es gibt seit Jahren eine riesige Landflucht hier in Indien. Arundhati Roy and other leading intellectuals have signed an appeal for the release of India’s political prisoners, who are especially vulnerable to COVID-19 in the country’s overcrowded jails. Who are prepared to put themselves in danger? Standing crops, ready to be harvested, are slowly rotting. And yet, even now, Bernie Sanders, the senator who has relentlessly campaigned for healthcare for all, is considered an outlier in his bid for the White House, even by his own party. Azadi, by Arundhati Roy, published by Haymarket Books, is a collection of essays and speeches Ms. Roy has written and given recently.How recent? Fascism. If it were not masks and gloves that its frontline soldiers needed, but guns, smart bombs, bunker busters, submarines, fighter jets and nuclear bombs, would there be a shortage? It hasn’t mattered how sick they’ve been, or how much they’ve suffered. Nothing could be worse than a return to normality. Delivering a keynote address at an event on Thursday, Arundhati Roy said "efforts were being made to normalise Islamophobia". All we know is that the run on hospitals has not yet begun. These were people who had (at least until now) work in the city and homes to return to. India's 1.3 billion people are halfway through a six-week national coronavirus lockdown. It is a punishment for Delhi and an announcement for the coming elections in Bihar. Je m'abonne pour 1€ le premier mois She also slammed the government over the Citizenship Act, National Population Register, National Register of Citizens. The anatomy of this particular conflagration will be studied for years to come. Not surprisingly, Narendra Modi’s request was met with great enthusiasm. A few days later, worried that the fleeing population would spread the virus to villages, the government sealed state borders even for walkers. Indian writer Arundhati Roy accused the Indian government of using social unrest during the coronavirus crisis to encourage "genocidal" behavior toward Muslims. The trauma centre of the legendary All India Institute of Medical Sciences in Delhi is closed, the hundreds of cancer patients known as cancer refugees who live on the roads outside that huge hospital driven away like cattle. A democracy that is not governed by a Constitution and one whose institutions have all been hollowed out can only ever become a majoritarian state. Fiction; Arundhati Roy, Penguin, ₹499. On March 24, at 8pm, Modi appeared on TV again to announce that, from midnight onwards, all of India would be under lockdown. There was the official visit of President Donald Trump scheduled for the last week of the month. Malavika Binny, Jawaharlal Nehru University Wearing two hats at once can be an uncomfortable fit, but it does not seem to. This is part of a series of interviews with Madison educators, organizers and leaders looking back at lessons they took from 2020. It turns out that the prime minister’s National Relief Fund has no ready cash available. November 1961 in Shillong, Meghalaya) ist eine indische Schriftstellerin, Drehbuchautorin, politische Aktivistin und Globalisierungskritikerin. Two days later, on March 13, the health ministry said that corona “is not a health emergency”. People will fall sick and die at home. This is true even within India’s towns and cities. Centers on a broken heart getting the courage to stand up again Culture,... Better, Trump lost the election, but as our family elder unthinkable! 'S Azadi is a portal ’ | Free to read will America tear itself apart within ’. 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