[34], At the start of the brawl, Mormon John Butler let out a call, "Oh yes, you Danites, here is a job for us!" [62] Based on the available evidence, LeSueur estimates that Mormons were responsible for the burning of fifty homes or shops and the displacement of one hundred non-Mormon families. [48], The besieged town resorted to butchering whatever loose livestock wandered into town in order to avoid starvation while waiting for the militia or the Governor to come to their aid. [36], When about thirty Latter Day Saints approached the polling place, a Missourian named Dick Weldon declared that in Clay County the Mormons had not been allowed to vote, "no more than negroes". Reynolds discovered a revolver at the scene, still loaded with buckshot. [37], At a meeting at Lyman Wight's home between leading Mormons and non-Mormons, both sides agreed not to protect anyone who had broken the law, and to surrender all offenders to the authorities. [120], Whatever the case, the following year Rockwell was arrested, tried, and acquitted of the attempted murder,[118] although most of Boggs' contemporaries remained convinced of his guilt. [31], In the speech, Rigdon declared that the Latter-day Saints would no longer be driven from their homes by persecution from without or dissension from within, and that if enemies came again to drive out the Saints, "And that mob that comes on us to disturb us, it shall be between us and them a war of extermination; for we will follow them until the last drop of their blood is spilled; or else they will have to exterminate us, for we will carry the seat of war to their own houses and their own families, and one party or the other shall be utterly destroyed". In addition, Mormon vigilantes, including many Danites, raided two towns believed to be centers of anti-Mormon activity, burning homes and stealing goods. [83] Smith and the other leaders rode with Hinkle back to the Missouri militia encampment. Having taken control of the Missourian settlements, the Mormons plundered the property and burned the stores and houses. The church relocated from Kirtland to Far West, which became its new headquarters. To William Wines Phelps, a fellow Latter Day Saint and witness to the events, Hinkle wrote: "When the facts were laid before Joseph, did he not say, 'I will go'; and did not the others go with him, and that, too, voluntarily, so far as you and I were concerned? "[60] Some Latter Day Saints claimed that some of the Missourians burned their own homes in order to blame the Mormons. After the death of Joseph Smith, Jr. Wight led his own group of Latter Day Saints to Texas, where they created a settlement. Black refused, but after meeting with Smith, he wrote and signed a document stating that he "is not attached to any mob, nor will attach himself to any such people, and so long as they [the Mormons] will not molest me, I will not molest them. He surmised that the perpetrator had fired upon Boggs and lost his firearm in the night when the weapon recoiled due to its unusually large shot. On June 19, the dissenters and their families fled to neighboring counties where their complaints fanned anti-Mormon sentiment. In 1841, he was ordained as a member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. A number of Missourians left the scene to obtain guns and ammunition and swore that they would "kill all the Saints they could find, or drive them out of Daviess County, sparing neither men, women or children". [25][26], At the same time Mormons, including Sampson Avard, began to organize a secret society known as the Danites, whose purposes included obeying the church presidency "right or wrong" and expelling the dissenters from Caldwell County. Rumor reached Far West that a Militia unit from Ray County had taken Mormons prisoner and an armed party was quickly assembled to rescue these prisoners and push the Militia out of the county. Most Mormon immigrants to Missouri came from areas which were sympathetic to abolitionism. Lathrop wrote "I was compeled[sic] to leave my home my house was thronged with a company of armed men consisting of fourteen in number and they abusing my family in allmost[sic] every form that Creturs[sic] in the shape of human Beeings[sic] could invent. King found that there was sufficient evidence to have the defendants appear before a grand jury on misdemeanor charges. [112] Other historians are convinced that Rockwell was involved in the shooting. On October 24, Marsh and Hyde left the fellowship of their fellow Latter Day Saints and traveled to Richmond, in Ray County. Mormon leader John Corrill wrote, "the love of pillage grew upon them very fast, for they plundered every kind of property they could get a hold of. Exaggerated initial reports indicated that nearly all of Bogart's company had been killed. [39], In the spring of 1838, Henry Root, a non-Mormon who was a major land-owner in Carroll County, visited Far West and sold his plots in the mostly vacant town of De Witt to church leaders. [102] Mormon residents were harassed and attacked by angry residents who were no longer restrained by militia officers. In all, 17 Latter Day Saints were killed in what came to be called the Haun's Mill Massacre. In his famous Salt Sermon, Sidney Rigdon announced that the dissenters were as salt that had lost its savor and that it was the duty of the faithful to cast the dissenters out to be trodden beneath the feet of men. Gen. Doniphan's Recollections of the Troubles of that Early Time. Two members of the Far West High Council, George M. Hinkle and John Murdock, were sent to take possession of the town and to begin to colonize it. [105], Daviess County residents were outraged by the escape of Smith and the other leaders. [64] Instead of staying in the strip, Bogart passed into southern Caldwell County and began to harass Latter Day Saints, who were forcibly disarmed. The Mormon War is a name sometimes given to the 1838 conflict which occurred between Latter Day Saints and their neighbors in the northwestern region of the U.S. state of Missouri.This conflict is also sometimes referred to as the Missouri Mormon War to differentiate it from the Utah Mormon War (also known as the "Utah War") and the lesser known Illinois Mormon War. Citizens in Saline, Howard, Jackson, Chariton, Ray, and other nearby counties organized vigilance committees sympathetic to the Carroll County expulsion party. Mormon settlement increased as hundreds of members from Kirtland and elsewhere poured into Missouri. Agitation against the Latter Day Saints had become particularly fierce in the sparsely settled counties north and east of Caldwell County. Although he had refrained from stopping the illegal anti-Mormon siege of De Witt, he now mustered 2,500 state militia to put down what he perceived to be a Mormon insurrection against the state. [13], Mormon petitions and lawsuits failed to bring any satisfaction: the non-Mormons in Jackson refused to allow the Mormons to return and reimbursement for confiscated and damaged property was refused. . [57] Even Mormon leader Parley P Pratt conceded that some burnings had been done by Mormons. The Livingston men became thoroughly imbued with the same spirit, and were eager for the raid ... feel[ing] an extraordinary sympathy for the outrages suffered by their neighbors"[75], Although it had just been issued, it is unlikely that the governor's "Extermination Order" would have already reached these men, and in any event the order would not have authorized them to cross into Caldwell County to raid. A committee sent to De Witt ordered the Latter-day Saints to leave. McBrier's house was among those burned. Click the image for an enlarged map illustrating the Battle of Crooked River. Danite 1838 Mormon War Joseph Smith Saint Peter, Guernsey Mormons. Jacob Stollings, a Gallatin merchant, was reported to have been generous in selling to Mormons on credit, but his store was plundered and burned with the rest. The Missourians and their families, outnumbered by the Mormons, made their way to neighboring counties. Nearly every one was burned. They moved into a blacksmith shop which they hoped to use as a make-shift defensive fortification. The county seat, Gallatin, is reported to have been "completely gutted" – only one shoe store remained unscathed. [53] On October 18, these Mormons began to act as vigilantes and marched under arms in three groups to Daviess County. On September 7, Smith and Lyman Wight appeared before Judge Austin A. On August 19, 1838, Mormon settler Smith Humphrey reports that 100 armed men led by Colonel William Claude Jonestook him prisoner for two hours and threatened him and the rest of the Mormon community.[43]. In an effort to keep the peace, Alexander William Doniphan of Clay County pushed a law through the Missouri legislature that created Caldwell County, Missouri specifically for Mormon settlement in 1836. Thomas B. Marsh, President of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles of the church, and fellow Apostle Orson Hyde were alarmed by the activities which had taken place in Daviess County. Lucas tried Joseph Smith and other Mormon leaders by court martial on November 1, the evening of the surrender. Joseph Smith and the other arrested leaders were held overnight under guard in General Lucas' camp, where they were left exposed to the elements. John C. Bennett, a disaffected Mormon, reported that Smith had offered a cash reward to anyone who would assassinate Boggs, and that Smith had admitted to him that Rockwell had done the deed. Major General Samuel D. Lucas marched the state militia to Far West and laid siege to the Mormon headquarters. [79], Most Mormons gathered to Far West and Adam-ondi-Ahman for protection. During their period of organization in Missouri, the Danites operated as a vigilante group and took a central role in the events of the 1838 Momon War. Colonel Hinkle and Mormons of the Caldwell County militia were joined by church leaders including Joseph Smith and also by elements of the Danite organization. Stripped of their property, the Mormons were then given a few months to leave the state. [106], General Clark viewed Executive Order 44 as having been fulfilled by the agreement of the Mormons to evacuate the state the following spring. In Livingston County, a group of armed men forced Asahel Lathrop from his home, where they held his ill wife and children prisoner. Their economic cohesion allowed the Mormons to dominate local economies. Thomas McBride surrendered his rifle to Jacob Rogers, who shot McBride with his own gun. Reynolds determined the man in question was Orrin Porter Rockwell, a close associate of the Mormon prophet Joseph Smith, Jr. had committed crimes during the 1838 disturbances in northern Missouri. When the Missourian raiders approached the settlement on the afternoon of October 30, some 30 to 40 Latter Day Saint families were living or encamped there. Nathan Tanner reported that his militia company rescued another woman and three small children who were hiding in the bushes as their home burned. [40][41], On July 30, citizens of Carroll County met in Carrollton to discuss the Mormon colonization of De Witt. The orders of the governor to me were, that you should be exterminated, and not allowed to remain in the state, and had your leaders not been given up, and the terms of the treaty complied with, before this, you and your families would have been destroyed and your houses in ashes."[96]. [114][115], LeSueur notes that, along with other setbacks, Boggs's mishandling of the Mormon conflict left him "politically impotent" by the end of his term.[116]. [98], It is also believed that Smith's imprisonment had become an embarrassment, and that an escape would be convenient for Boggs and the rest of the Missouri political establishment. Beckstorm, Danielle. The 1838 Mormon War, also known as the Missouri Mormon War, was a conflict between Mormons and non-Mormons in Missouri from August to November 1838, the first of the three "Mormon Wars". Later that day, the Carroll County forces sealed off the town. "[48], On October 1, the mob burned the home and stables of Smith Humphrey. After the stress of being expelled from Millport into the snow, Milford Donaho's wife gave birth prematurely, and the child was severely injured during the birth. [105], Smith and the other Mormons resettled in Nauvoo, Illinois, beginning in 1839. [24] Possession became unclear and the dissenters threatened the church with lawsuits. Lilburn Boggs, as a Jackson county resident, and as Lieutenant Governor, was in a position to observe and assist in executing the tactics described by one Mormon historian: In 1833 Boggs passively saw community leaders and officials sign demands for Mormon withdrawal, and next force a gunbarrel contract to abandon the county before spring planting...anti-Mormon goals were reached in a few simple stages. Anti-Mormon Missourians destroy a Mormon press, the Evening and Morning Star office, and tar and feather two Mormon leaders, including Bishop Edward Partridge. [59] According to one witness, "We could stand in our door and see houses burning every night for over two weeks... the Mormons completely gutted Daviess County. [56], During the days that followed, Latter Day Saint vigilantes under the direction and encouragement of Lyman Wight drove Missourians who lived in outlying farms from their homes, which were similarly plundered and burned. Rumor reached Far West that a mob of vigilantes from Ray County had taken Mormons prisoner and an armed party was quickly assembled to rescue these prisoners and push the mob out of the county. The Battle of Crooked River in late October led to Lilburn Boggs, the Governor of Missouri, issuing the Missouri Executive Order 44, ordering the Mormons to leave Missouri or be killed. Other Mormons, fearing similar retribution by the Missourians, gathered into Adam-ondi-Ahman for protection. Shortly after organizing the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in 1830, Joseph Smith Jr. revealed that the Second Coming of Christ was near, that the City of Zion would be near the town of Independence in Jackson County, Missouri, and that his followers were destined to inherit the land held by the current settlers. DeVoto, Bernard (2000). [20] Mormons felt that the compromise only excluded major settlements in Clay County and Ray County, not Daviess County and Carroll County. [102][103], During a transfer to another prison in the spring of 1839, Smith escaped. Initial reaction by Missourians was mixed. Tensions rose in Clay County as the Mormon population grew. Once Latter-day Saints were disarmed, mounted squads visited Mormon settlements with threats and enough beatings and destruction of homes to force flight. John Whitmer recounts that Smith bribed the guards. Lucas tried Joseph Smith Jr. and other Mormon leaders by court martial on November 1, the evening of the surrender. The "Gallatin County Election Day Battle" was a skirmish between Mormon and non-Mormon settlers in the newly formed Daviess County, Missouri, on August 6, 1838. My brigade shall march for Liberty to-morrow morning, at 8 o'clock, and if you execute those men, I will hold you responsible before an earthly tribunal, so help me God! According to Hinkle, Smith wanted a treaty with the Missourians "on any terms short of battle". Exaggerated initial reports indicated that nearly all of Bogart's company had been killed. They believed that the Native Americans were descendants of Israelites and proselytized among them extensively. New converts to Mormonism continued to relocate to Missouri and settle in Clay County. The Latter-day Saints were to give up their leaders for trial and to surrender all of their arms. In this major new interpretation of those events, LeSueur argues that while a number of prejudices and fears stimulated … [95], The defendants, consisting of about 60 men including Joseph Smith, Jr. and Sidney Rigdon, were turned over to a civil court of inquiry in Richmond under Judge Austin A. On the first night of the march out of Carroll County, two Mormon women died. At the start of the brawl, Mormon John Butler let out a call, "Oh yes, you Danites, here is a job for us!" [101] The militia was disbanded in late November.[1]. At the same time, a leadership struggle between the church presidency and Missouri leaders led to the excommunication of several high-placed Mormon leaders, including Oliver Cowdery (one of the Three Witnesses and the church's original "second elder"), David Whitmer (another of the Three Witnesses and Stake President of the Missouri Church), as well as John Whitmer, Hiram Page, William Wines Phelps and others.I[23] These "dissenters", as they came to be called, owned a significant amount of land in Caldwell County, much of which was purchased when they were acting as agents for the church. Tensions built up between the rapidly-growing Mormon community and the earlier settlers for a number of reasons: These tensions led to harassment and mob violence against the Mormon settlers. [65] And Subsequent Expulsion. John Whitmer recounts that Smith bribed the guards. [21] Mormons felt that the compromise only excluded major settlements in Clay County and Ray County, not Daviess County and Carroll County. It did not matter whether or not the Mormons at [Haun's] mill had taken any part in the disturbance which had occurred [in Daviess County]; it was enough that they were Mormons. [26][28][29], On July 4, Sidney Rigdon gave an oration, which was characterized by Mormon historian Brigham Henry Roberts as a "'Declaration of Independence' from all mobs and persecutions. Hinkle and Murdock refused, citing their right as American citizens to settle where they pleased. [113], Whatever the case, the following year Rockwell was arrested, tried, and acquitted of the attempted murder,[111] although most of Boggs' contemporaries remained convinced of his guilt. [48], On October 1, the mob burned the home and stables of Smith Humphrey. [80] He was the leader of the Latter Day Saints in Daviess County, Missouri in 1838. After the court martial, he ordered General Alexander William Doniphan: You will take Joseph Smith and the other prisoners into the public square of Far West and shoot them at 9 o'clock tomorrow morning.[100]. [12], At the same time, a leadership struggle between the church presidency and Missouri leaders led to the excommunication of several high-placed Mormon leaders, including Oliver Cowdery (one of the Three Witnesses and the church's original "second elder"), David Whitmer (another of the Three Witnesses and Stake President of the Missouri Church), as well as John Whitmer, Hiram Page, William Wines Phelps and others. Joseph Smith, returning to Far West from De Witt, was informed by General Doniphan of the deteriorating situation. In 1834, Mormons attempted to effect a return to Jackson County with a quasi-military expedition known as Zion's Camp, but this effort also failed when the governor failed to provide the expected support.[14]. Agitation against the Latter Day Saints had become particularly fierce in the sparsely settled counties north and east of Caldwell County. The Livingston men became thoroughly imbued with the same spirit, and were eager for the raid ... feel[ing] an extraordinary sympathy for the outrages suffered by their neighbors[80], Although it had just been issued, it is unlikely that the governor's "Extermination Order" would have already reached these men, and in any event it would not have authorized them to cross into Caldwell County to raid. [57] The plundered goods were deposited in the Bishop's storehouse at Diahman. One woman died of exposure, the other (a woman named Jenson) died in childbirth. [26], The "Gallatin County Election Day Battle" was a skirmish between Mormon and non-Mormon settlers in the newly formed Daviess County, Missouri, on August 6, 1838. [96][97], During a transfer to another prison in the spring of 1839, Smith escaped. [38], The Mormons also visited Sheriff William Morgan and several other leading Daviess County citizens, also forcing some of them to sign statements disavowing any ties to the vigilance committees. Unfortunately, the shop had large gaps between the logs which the Missourians shot into and, as one Mormon later recalled, it became more "slaughter-house rather than a shelter". Judge Josiah Morin and Samuel McBrier, both considered friendly to the Mormons, both fled Daviess County after being threatened. [61], Many Latter Day Saints were greatly troubled by the occurrences. The soldiers also turned their horses into our fields of corn.[92][93]. [88] Smith and the other leaders rode with Hinkle back to the Missouri militia encampment. [1], Forcefully deprived of their homes and property, the Latter Day Saints temporarily settled in the area around Jackson County, especially in Clay County. Missouri blamed the Mormons for the conflict and forced the Latter-day Saints to sign over all their lands in order to pay for the state militia muster. To do so, would be to act with extreme cruelty. Despite an attempt by the Mormons to parley, the mob attacked. "[62] Some Latter-day Saints claimed that some of the Missourians burned their own homes in order to blame the Mormons. [16] Mormons had already begun buying land in the proposed Caldwell County, including areas that were carved off to become parts of Ray and Daviess Counties. Once there, they swore out affidavits concerning the burning and looting in Daviess County. The besieged town resorted to butchering whatever loose livestock wandered into town in order to avoid starvation while waiting for the militia or the Governor to come to their aid. This triggered a brawl between the bystanders. Shortly after what Mormons consider to be the restoration of the gospel in 1830, Smith stated that he had received a revelation that the Second Coming of Christ was near, that the City of Zion would be near the town of Independence in Jackson County, Missouri, and that his followers were destined to inherit the land held by the current settlers. The exact circumstances that allowed for him to escape are not certain. De Witt possessed a strategically important location near the intersection of the Grand River and the Missouri River. Gen. Doniphan's Recollections of the Troubles of that Early Time. McBrier's house was among those burned. [65], Local citizens were outraged by the actions of the Danites and other Mormon bands. King, on charges of treason, murder, arson, burglary, robbery, larceny and perjury. The presidency responded by urging the dissenters to leave the county, using strong words that the dissenters interpreted as threats. Compton, Todd M.; Leland Homer Gentry (2012-01-26). John Corrill, one of the Mormon leaders, remembered: In 1837, problems at the church's headquarters in Kirtland, Ohio, centering around the Kirtland Safety Society bank, led to schism. "[81] Other Latter Day Saint witnesses remembered that Smith said to "beg like a dog for peace. Thomas McBride surrendered his rifle to Jacob Rogers, who shot McBride with his own gun, then mangled his body with a corn knife while he was still alive. The Mormons responded defensively, but hos-tilities gradually escalated until both Mormon and non-Mormon vigi- News of the battle quickly spread and contributed to an all-out panic in northwestern Missouri. [99], Daviess County residents were outraged by the escape of Smith and the other leaders. Austin A. On May 6, 1842, Boggs was shot in the head at his home three blocks from Temple Lot. 1838 Mormon War - Daviess County Expedition. [111] The refinement, the charity of our age, will not brook it.[107]. "[60], The Missourians evicted from their homes were no better prepared than the Mormon refugees had been. [53] On October 18, these Mormons began to act as vigilantes and marched under arms in three groups to the Missourian settlements of Gallatin, Millport and Grindstone Fork. On the Mormon side, Gideon Carter was killed in the battle and nine other Mormons were wounded, including Patten, who soon after died from his wounds. On June 19, the dissenters and their families fled to neighboring counties where their complaints fanned anti-Mormon sentiment. The state militia broke ranks and fled across the river. [47], On September 20, 1838, about one hundred fifty armed men rode into De Witt and demanded that the Mormons leave within ten days. Lilburn Boggs, as a Jackson county resident, and as Lieutenant Governor, was in a position to observe and assist in executing the tactics described by one Mormon historian: In 1833 Boggs passively saw community leaders and officials sign demands for Mormon withdrawal, and next force a gunbarrel contract to abandon the county before spring planting...anti-Mormon goals were reached in a few simple stages. Citizens in Saline, Howard, Jackson, Chariton, Ray, and other nearby counties organized vigilance committees sympathetic to the Carroll County expulsion party. They believed that the Indians were descendants of Israelites, and proselytized among them extensively. While Mormons were viewed as deluded or worse, many Missourians agreed with the sentiment expressed in the Southern Advocate: By what color of propriety a portion of the people of the State, can organize themselves into a body, independent of the civil power, and contravene the general laws of the land by preventing the free enjoyment of the right of citizenship to another portion of the people, we are at a loss to comprehend. Use as a makeshift defensive fortification both Mormon and non-Mormon vigilantes shortly afterward from the,... Mormon leader Parley P Pratt conceded that some of the church leaders conflict! The grand River and the Mormons who had been Leland Homer Gentry ( 2012-01-26 ) decided they needed to out. And De Witt in Carroll County forces sealed off the town laid to... Of Bogart 's company had been done by Mormons some burnings had been done by Mormons the out. Raid ever cited the order as justification for their actions. [ 13 ] reports. 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