As we saw earlier, the characters reveal great insights into human psychology. Bradleys profound insight into human nature exceeds that of all but the greatest psychologists and sometimes seems to rival that of Shakespeare himself. He would like to go to the country for the summer, to a place not too far away from the attractions of London. I think music has great qualities of healing a person emotionally and mentally. Pride and Prejudice can be used as raw material for that inquiry. It is an art that helps in understanding life through the lives of many other people. Literature rather moves in the direction of the ill-formed or the incomplete, as Witold Gombrowicz said as well as prac-ticed. Her sister, brother and their families are welcome at Longbourn, and her own daughters visit them in Meryton and London regularly. Many novelscertainly all the worlds great novelsare literature, but there are thousands that are not so considered. Any pro-Revolution sentiment became treasonous. She is only aware of what she wants. I believe music effects people in many different ways. All the rest of her nature, the impulsiveness, initiative, foolishness and wild energy, are from the mother. Encoding and decoding One of the central issues impacting the study of emotional expression concerns the distinction between a But then something remarkable occurs. He realises that a huge amount of money must have changed hands before this can be brought about. But any effort to explain how that first carbon compound came to life as a living cell is purely speculative imagination. Once upon a time, In the year 1856, There once lived in a village, In the kingdom of, It was a sunny morning, and so on. He had happened to receive a knighthood, and promptly closed shop to retire in the country and enjoy his knighthood. But eventually, she responds to her nephew and his wifes reconciliatory invitation, and visits them. LITERARY EXPRESSIONS A A bitterness crept into her face A blazing blue sky poured down torrents of light A book to beguile the tedious hours A brave but turbulent aristocracy A broad, complacent, admiring imbecility breathed from his nose and lips A burlesque feint of evading a blow A callous and conscienceless brute He never considers another explanation because he lives in an age in which knowledge of life has been reduced to a philosophical abstraction rather than a living vision of reality. His daughter, Charlotte, is an unmarried twenty seven year old girl without beauty or fortune. Jane and Bingley wish to marry pleasant, mild mannered people, and they find each other. Austen has captured such minute elements of human psychology in her portrayal of the Bennet family. The soldier ends up married to Lydia. Instead of being very explicit and direct about the nature of his vampires, Stoker mimicked the sense of these creatures as being mysterious by presenting a series of letters and diary entries alluding to their existence. In the second place, by drawing the attention of the people to the emerging truths of life, literature should lead the people forward to a higher plane of life and thought. In a voice loud enough to be overheard by Elizabeth, he curtly describes her as just tolerable to look at, and dismisses Bingleys offer saying dancing with her would be a punishment to him. It could be telling stories or painting pictures but we are always looking for new ways to share our inner-most thoughts and feelings. Yet both are classed as literature, while the speculations of other philosophers, ancient and modern, are not. And then go on to understand the next step, and the next step? This further widened the social differences between itself and the rest of the population, and raised real barriers to compatibility and harmony between the classes. Collins is without any other expectation than to marry one of the elder Bennet girls. Does life indicate the end subtly in the beginning? They analyze the science behind chance happenings and lucky coincidences. Even personal experience cannot match its value, for in our own lives we are but half-conscious and too involved in the action to truly decipher its significance. Hence, in modern times, our conception of the depth of literature is not related to this doctrine of eternal truths. As an art, literature might be described as the organization of words to give pleasure. We can give a plausible explanation in hindsight, much as by looking in the rear view mirror, we can tell where we have been. He would like to see his wifes plans stymied even if that means disappointment for the girls. This uncle in trade who lives in an unprestigious locality in London has impressed Darcy with his culture, refinement, intelligence and fine values. But already it is necessary to qualify these statements. It is about the Bennets and their neighbours the Lucases in the village of Longbourn. Janani Ramanathan. Lydia gets a more than dashing husband, and adventure too in ample measure.. Wickham wants to become Darcys brother. The Ladys foolish and boorish ways show the decadence that is set in the upper classes. Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. In literature, we find stories aimed to describe human life and achievement through some characters who, by their w Continue Reading 6 4 Alexandria Farrar Studied at Orme School Author has 60 answers and 34.8K answer views 3 y Literature be at bottom, an interpretation of life as life shapes itself in the mind of the interpreter. Work and the trading class were not for her. Anyone with enterprise and diligence could improve his fortune. The literature of any nation is the image that reflects the sincere ideas, so we can call it the mirror of life which reflects writers ' thought about life and the real situation of the world around. As a result of all this, Austen was clearly aware of and touched by the socio-political movements of the period. Literature is found in the beginning of all things, this is what I am truly certain about. While the subject matter and treatment must be such as are of general human interest, the expression must be emotive; the form must give aesthetic pleasure and satisfaction. It helps people learn how to handle difficult situations and how to deal with obstacles. They want to rise, and what comes out as servile fawning in Collins case expresses as devious stratagem in Wickham. Colonies supplied raw materials and served as vast new markets; railroad and shipping industries were developing; factories were coming up; and towns and cities were developing and expanding. Literature is a term used to describe written and sometimes spoken material. Thus, Bingley, with his fathers money that had been earned in trade, is trying to join the higher ranks. In general, it refers to all recorded knowledge on thought. He hopes and fails to do so by marrying Georgiana, but succeeds through another path when he and Darcy marry sisters! The Holy Bible, one of the oldest written scriptures, is a compilation of tales, beliefs, and accounts that teach about Christianity (for both the Old and the New Testament) and about Judaism (for some selected books in the Old Testament). If one novel can provide us such a perspective of human history, what would a deeper understanding of all literature give us? time of life bane of (one's) existence be (all) part of life's rich pageant be (all) part of life's rich tapestry be (as) warm as life be (one's) life Yet through words literature elevates and transforms experience beyond mere pleasure. Still finer literature reveals the complex interactions between action, individual character and the evolving character of the society in which the action takes place. She even possesses insights into life missed by the renowned Shakespearean critic A.C. Bradley. England was thus spared a revolution because it adopted a peaceful evolution. From just reading Collins letter, he can make out that the man is an absurd mixture of servility and self-importance. When images become inadequate, I shall be content with silence.". Culture is a term that is sometimes used to describe the social customs of a particular group of people. Lydia is foolish, strong willed and full of energy. Literature must not be confounded with sociology, philosophy, religion or psychology, though these give substance and depth to literature. It did not need such a violent uprooting of its social values. Although he was excommunicated eventually because of this mere and blasphemous attempt of protest, the Christian church was then divided into two sectors: Catholicism and Protestantism. You had much better dance, he orders his friend, offering to introduce Janes sister to him. The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". It is one of the fine arts, like painting, dance, music, etc. 2. It is not possible for any writer, especially one of Austens stature, to create something that is not true to life. Only the knowledge that comes from direct spiritual experience can exceed the intuitive perceptions of great literature. Mrs. Bennets aspiration for social rise continues and intensifies. In the intense combat that ensues, Hamlet boldly jumps into the pirates ship demonstrating his leadership as prince of the realm. This is one of the profound insights that can be drawn from the book about the social process that was taking place at that time, and about the process of social evolution in general. He is eager to maintain his distance and distinction socially, if not physically. It had subconsciously imbibed the principles that formed the basis of the French Revolution. He believes in the superiority of his class, but he finds in Elizabeth and some of her friends and family qualities that he can admire. He is an educated and well-bred gentleman, with an estate and a comfortable income. Although it is difficult to define literature, it's often considered a form of expression in which the means of expression is used strategically by the author. One question in the back of our minds is what is literature? This article uses Jane Austens 19th century novel Pride and Prejudice to illustrate the power of literature as a source of knowledge that transcends the insights of history, sociology, psychology, philosophy and conventional literary criticism. expressions are represented, experimental issues concerning how emotional expressions are invoked in subjects and design issues concerning the goals of the ECA designer in using emotional expressions. They have always had a turbulent relationship, and would like to avoid each other. 1. Coleridge poem Kubla Khan is the example of creative and expressive literature in poem he expresses Pleasure dome, paradise milk through his strong creative power. But the new social atmosphere sees Collins invited frequently to tea and dinner at the Ladys estate. He had been fairly successful and left his daughter with 4000 pounds. The story follows the lives of the members of the two families, their relatives and friends over a period of a year. Everything that happens within a society can be written, recorded in, and learned from a piece of literature. The authors intention is also important. Oratory, the art of persuasion, was long considered a great literary art. Pride and Prejudice begins with news of the arrival of a wealthy bachelor, Charles Bingley, at Netherfield Hall in Hertfordshire. Does life always throw out such pointers? Although the short story does contain a story line and wasn't written specifically to express these ideas, many of the aspects of daily life presented in it give us some sense of the author's idea of what the future would look like. To this, there is a simple, incontrovertible response, that contrary to the generally held belief, and in spite of her own advice to her niece, Austen was not writing simply about three or four families in a country village.