"God Hand" tells him to deliver a message to Sakaki for him and leaves with his disciples. Following the week, Kenichi sees off the elder on a trip and tries to console a depressed Miu. Kenichi is shocked to see that his left arm can't move and just as the two are about to fall off the edge, Ukita saves both of them. Later, Kenichi and the rest of the alliance are on way to save Shigure with Okamoto who states they are the only ones capable of stopping them and saving Japan. Kenichi was not at full strength having been subjected to two grueling battles. him tonight at the aquarium his father took him to when he was little. On a Sunday at home with his family, he was playing a video game with his sister and received a call from Ryto who wanted to know about Miu being freed of Jenazad's control. After the fateful meeting, he decided to stand for himself and be truly strong; or at least, strong enough to protect those who are dear to him. Kajima commends Kenichi on being able to focus his ki to augment his defense (which Kenichi attributes to his training at Ryzanpaku) but adds that all his training is useless against Shinogidachi. Kenichi is disbelieved and is about to fall but he sees Apachai and got up and went in Tan Gard Muay. Sakaki states he brought Kenichi on one of his dangerous missions due to him wanting Kenichi to better understand the world of danger of martial arts. In the beginning, due to his inexperience in fighting, he was a thin and somewhat scrawny and frail physique. October 12 He continuously grows more brave and confident in himself to the point he now rushes into any form of danger without a second thought. Questioning where his wife and child were, Tanaka answers with them being in a "safe place", worrying Kenichi. Just then, tirbey shows up and attempts to finish Kenichi off when Kajima refuses, but Kajima protects him and asks to allow him to defeat Kenichi as he was ordered by his master to do so. Ryto understands and he and Kenichi decide to talk another time and Kenichi tells Miu they should head home before she gets a cold. Kenichi felt weak due to Miu easily defeat their opponents with ease and how he can't do anything. This often results in many of those he has defeated turning over to the good side. So by the end of the manga kenichi is pretty strong. Aug 21, 2013 1:13 AM by symbv | Discuss (37 comments) More discussions. Just as Lona is killed by the army, the elder arrives with the presumed deceased Raden Tidat Jihan who stops the army, shocking Kenichi that he's alive. Haruo Niijima]] spread the news about Kenichi's loss to Tsuji having more delinquents chase after Kenichi. Kajima is shown performing a seal with his toes that increases his arm strength and he launches a Frinji style technique, Chigiguruma (Thousand Tree Wheel), hitting Kenichi and slamming him against a wall. The thug then pulled up his pant-leg, revealing a bruise in the shape of Kenichi's hand. prompting serious looks from Christopher, Kenichi, and Miu. Using the third level of Rysui Seikken Kenichi is able to dodge Kajima's attacks. When Kenichi later sees Daimonji beaten up and goes to the karate club, he is led into a trap by Kokin and fights the karate members and notices they only use Muay Thai and easily beat them but hurt them badly because Kokin didn't teach them how to defend. It appears Kenichi is more skilled at it then Takeda. how strong does kenichi get. Kajima dismisses Shigure's concern and expresses his delight in that his masters' battle will result in further development of martial arts. After Miu thanks Kenichi for everything and protecting her so well, Miu was unable to fully break from Jenazad's spell, she knocks herself out. Kajima declares his victory but is taking no chances; although Kenichi's heart has stopped Kajima aims to destroy his head to ensure the kill. It works and Miu slaps him silly cause of it and Sh leaves in anger over Kenichi interfering of making Miu go to the dark side. how strong does kenichi get. Shigure corrects them stating she's making armor for the alliance and when she says it will take a week, she tells them to go home but Kenichi is determined to stay with her. Kenichi survives Kajima's attack as Kajima notes that Kenichi was able to read his movements by touching him and changing his attacks' trajectory. Kajima leads Kenichi, Miu, and Niijima to the cell where Shigure is being held to find that she has already escaped. During the school festival, Kenichi, Tanimoto and Ukita are pitted against Kokin, Boris and Ethan and keep them from killing them form the threats they heard. Tanaka is in the "expertise" class or fighter and the Hayato himself stated that Tanaka was a master in this class. Lycoris Recoil also just comes off that much more quintessential "Anime" in its setup, being a loving tribute to . Tanimoto confirms that he also feels Kenichi's ki, along with the Shinpaku Alliance and Yomi of the unarmed division (even reaching Radin Jihan who is away from the battlefield), and they call out to him to not give up as Kenichi's eyes regain their strength. Also, Renka also is taken back by him when he compliments her in anything and blushes around him when he does. After days in Ryzanpaku, the masters decide to take a vacation/training retreat on a private island, along with his sister Honoka, and it is he revealed he didn't know how to swim. Kajima uses a "seal" which raised his kicking power to the point that he was able to push Kenichi off the ground and into the air. The Masters have recently admitted that Kenichi is now an "advanced" disciple. Takemichi is tough, as his strength, endurance, willpower, and durability seem to scale according to the opponent or stakes. After Hong defeats tirbey, Kajima commends Kenichi on seeing a master's attack and says that he has done the same after countless battles. When Kenichi shouts for Miu not to leave and swears he'll protect her, she decides to not go, realizing she'll find out her own way and when Sh kisses her on the cheek as he leaves, leaving Kenichi furious and depressed. He's shocked to hear from Niijima that Berserker became Ogata's disciple and demands to know who the other person is and he introduces himself as Lugh and Lugh decides to see how strong the Alliance is. The next night, at one of the places with an Akabanetou; Kenichi, Sakaki, Shigure, and Tchmaru were preparing to guard the sword. At night, Kenichi lost sight of Miu again and notices that the entire park is empty and at that moment is shocked to see Berserker appear behind him and the two prepare to fight. Later, Kenichi and Miu go to the Shinpaku headquarters to inform them of what happened with Shigure. Uncategorized. Kenichi's daily routine changes to incorporate the constant huntings of Ragnark members who want to fight him. He is also a member and the honorary "co-founder" of the Shinpaku Alliance, alongside the founder Haruo Niijima (the latter of which he is not entirely happy about) and is currently a second year student at Kry High School in class 2-E. At the conclusion of the series, he not only marries the love of his life, Miu Frinji, but he finally becomes a Master himself. When Kenichi decides to get some free time from Ryzanpaku due to the incident with Sh, he hides at Natsu's house with Honoka. Please contact us at the restaurant for any large party requests, [email protected] or 970-920-2212, kanpai! A couple of days later, the masters talk about the subject of how Tanaka's fight with Ogata was unavoidable, and how they need to find a way to help Kenichi and his friends with their fight against the weapon users of Yami. He and Miu then see their black flag of Yami to represent their change in the world and Shigure then slashes at the containers to see what they are carrying. [10] Zenkichi was left in a daze as Akune was converted by Medaka. He introduces himself as the One Shadowi's Yomi and tells them that he knows a much safer route to get into the base. Autor de la entrada Por ; istari global temasek Fecha de publicacin junio 9, 2022; country club of charleston membership initiation fee en how strong does kenichi get en how strong does kenichi get Kenichi remembers he made a vow with Odin to become strong. Ukita teases him and asks if he will miss the days when it is just he and Miu and tells him if anything has happened and if there are any developments in his relationship with Miu he can tell him about it, which makes both Kenichi and Miu embarrassed. Losing consciousness, Kenichi realizes that his ki flow has been disrupted all the way to the cellular level and that his body is dying. Although he dislikes using weapons and never uses them during his fights, he still trains with, It is stated that he officially died twice. When his sensei returned, Daichi laid out his plan and got the man to agree. After he learned how to use Rysui Seikken he combined it with Saiky Combo 3 and used it against Sh and the combination of the two techniques sapped all his strength. He also learned Meotode from Sakaki and used it against Radin Jihan in their battle, however, Kenichi said he didn't practice it because he felt that the name is lame, as it means Married Couple's Hand. Kenichi is shocked to see as Lugh notices the former injury to Takeda's left arm just from the movement of his arm. As Shigure has no choice but to fight him, she apologize to Kenichi and Miu over the situation, but Kenichi notes there is no need to do so as he needs to bear witness to her fights and he will protect himself and Miu. Rachel then told Kenichi that one week ago, Hermit had become an official member of YOMI. In a serious tone Takeda tells Miu that it won't just be Kenichi and Sh Kan who will risk their lives to protect her, and Takeda and Kenichi meet eyes. He is the Disciple of the six masters of Ryzanpaku, studying martial arts from them to not only get stronger, but to ultimately gain the strength and courage needed to protect the people and values that are most important to him. Kenichi is known for being somewhat attractive by numerous girls his age throughout the series due to his strength, bravery, and kind heart. Ryto says there fine and they converse how Ogata actually saved Rimi's life when checking her pulse but really was stoping her flow of ki at that time. Just as not even a day had passed, he decided to return to face his masters due to him knowing he can't hide like a child anymore and just as he returns, Boris Ivanov, member of YOMI, challenged the dojo. Ethan thanks Kenichi for everything and smiles for the first time and says goodbye and goes home to his country. Though Kenichi didn't have friends at the beginning of the series, since defeating Ragnark and meeting Miu, he's gained several friends. However, nothing is said in . As Kenichi realizes the other YOMI members are there, Berserker states that the fate of him and his friends are to die. However, this also resulted in a raised intensity of beating from his masters. When Sh almost killed him, Kenichi would rise again and declare to make him pay for hurting his friends, "killing" the team that wanted to escape and especially making Miu cry, causing Miu to be deeply moved by his words. All of the masters suddenly return and the elder angry by what he just saw, surprising and scaring them both. When questioning what he means, Eclair states they will fight along side for justice for payment for now and he and Mycroft fight Mihai and Raig. Miu went to get an umbrella to keep the kitty dry, but Freyas Valkyries showed up to punish Kisara for her betrayal. Things got worse when Freya showed up and knocked Kenichi down with a hidden weapon then left to be finished off by the Valkyries. This endurance is best seen during the D of D arc and most specifically during his fight with Sh Kan, where Kenichi endured multiple blows that would have probably seriously injured or killed a normal person. While the other masters comment on how their influence has reached in the government and all resolve to lock them in Big Lock while Miu wishes the elder could witness this, Kenichi reassures her, while taking her hand, that he'll return with a smile. Grades Junazard, realizing that Miu's naturally compassion was still holding her back from killing and being completely brainwashed, he decided to take an alternate path. In spite of all that, Kenichi was still able to defeat Kan while simultaneously comprehending the second level of Seikken. Miu was about to be attacked from behind by one of the thugs when Kenichi used Ryto's whistle to alarm her and allowed her to defeat him and alert her grandfather. Shirihama Kenichi is a weak scaredy-cat, and his status as the karate club's punching bag has earned him the name of 'Weak Legs'. As their techniques clashed, Tanaka was eventually overpowered by Kensei's technique and received a heavy wound across his chest. They triple his training to prepare him for YOMI. he mentions an individual named Kiyoi Kid, who may be able to help them find Shigure. Kenichi and Kajima take their stances as they prepare to battle. Enduring his training Kajima noticed that he was able to overcome his weakness and change his destiny thanks to martial arts. He and Takeda watch as Akisame chases Shiba over what happened and tells Shiba he choose the path of martial arts himself. Hermit quickly knocked Kenichi off the bus, but Kenichi turned it into a draw by using his own kung-fu moves against Hermit. Niijima was about to give the disk to the politician named Seiji Ishida, but Kenichi sensed his ki and stopped Niijima. (He was able to take Kenichi's Mubyshi and Miu's Finishing Attack several times without problems. 50 kg 62 kg (after training) He tells Kenichi he's hear to finish him and notices Niijima appear and runs away seeing Berserker and Kenichi tells him to warn the others. The next day, Kenichi takes Miu to the new Shinpaku hideout and Niijima tells him and the others about how a new leader of YOMI named Satomi Kajima asked them if they don't join YOMI, they will die. When Daimonji appears again attacking the gardening club's flower shop, which angers Kenichi greatly. Kenichi was brought out of despair knowing that Miu is strong and is determined to rescue her. A few days later, Kenichi gets a letter from a mysterious girl to ask him on date which made Miu]] jealous and jumped away. Thor honored the deal and said he would quit Sumo, but Kenichi told him it was a bet to leave Ragnark and he should keep improving his Combat Sumo. who is stronger. Miu, seeing Kenichi's desire to get stronger and strong sense of justice, she invites him to join Ryzanpaku dojo. With these moves, Kenichi is unable to attack Daimonji, but able to win and dodge his moves. He goes on saying that though he has Sei ki, he's sure that beyond the curse of Junazard lies the answer to control her Dou ki. The goal is to intrigue the reader with the depth of your character and answer the "how" and "why . Kenichi's never really been trained by the elder all that much. Kenichi is in current possession of Boris Ivanov's symbol of Ice, Ridan Jihan's Symbol of King, and lastly Sh Kan's Symbol of Sky. Seeing Miu overwhelmed by Rimi, Kenichi realizes that cause her ki is going berserk, the other personality Junazard made is is about to take over and Miu is trying to suppress it as her movements are now slower. He was shocked to see that it was Raichi Li when she took off her helmet. After his continuous training with his masters, Kenichi's physique has become lean yet well-muscled and defined all-around body. When Kenichi was training with Elder back in Black Valley, the Elder told him not to practice martial arts for a week. He arrives and meets Ryto and the two start talking about the old times they had together and start hearing voices. The group escapes to the outside to watch Hong fight Junazard. Everyone is surprised as Kenichi lets his guard down and takes the Kai Shinogidachi directly, declaring that he is of the Katsujinken. He then finds out that the master's are under arrest due to assaulting the military base in Okinawa and have gone into hiding. Although battered, Kenichi takes a stance and prepares to fight against Kajima, saying that he will protect Miu. 1. After beating Tirawit he is attacked by a sword master from Yomi's weapon group but is protected by Apachai and he's saved by Akisame arriving in time to save his life and Miu states she's glad Kenichi's alright. He claps his hands together and starts dancing oddly, which has Mihai confused along with everyone else. He constantly tries to befriend others such a Chikage, even if they were former enemies and always acts friendly towards them. After he ignored the news, he. Remembering all the times he was in the heat of battle and knowing of certain masters fighting styles, he tells Miu to get ready to run. Kajima senses Kenichi's impatience and Miu voices the sentiment that Niijima may not survive by himself. FUNimation has dubbed the series. with Miu, Takeda, Thor, Kisara, Ukita, Chikage, Freya and Siegfried vs. with Siegfried, Takeda, Ukita and Kisara vs. He then notices Miu staring at a merry-go-round and that she wants to go on it and she says she's never been on one before and Kenichi recalls how the elder had her travel so much with him that she missed out on a lot of things. High Class DiscipleGrand Master (possibly higher; epilogue) how strong does kenichi get ab3e lewis structure naples florida mobile homes for sale zillow how strong does kenichi get. Kisara couldnt fight them, since she had to protect the kitten. Delinquents, training, caterpillars Kajima adds that Niijima is especially dangerous and that he has to be killed. Kenichi imagines Niijima being captured and he exchanges punches with Kajima, and Kajima notices that both Kenichi and Miu are moving the battle while engaging their opponents, hoping to assist Niijima. He defeats Takeda using Apachai's Muay Thai and both fall off the school roof. He follows up with another punch and a kick but Kenichi manages to evade them and finds an opening to use his new technique: Shutou Muzan. At Ryzanpaku he trains with Kensei and Miu and notices a new move and how Miu's Dou ki kicks in and she breaks the post they train on. However, in order to save Odin from the destructive path he is on, Kenichi. However, Lugh leaves and declares he'll take Takeda out first next time and as he leaves, Shigure arrives back to check on them all having sense Lugh's presence. Kenichi managed to win against Boris by employing a strangling move, thus proving to Boris that Katsujin-ken could be used to incapacitate someone willing to sacrifice their life to win. Shirahama Kenichi The two then decide to finish it with same technique against each other. In this essay, the authors provide a brief overview of the Japanese context and describe the firsthand experience of information flow and command structure in action in disaster medicine during the initial response for the Great East Japan Earthquake. When he grabs Pengulu's sword using his body and tells Miu to attack him, Miu, still unable to control herself, brutally attacks him in the back and Pengulu strikes down on Kenichi's back causing him to lose consciousness. Though flattered, Shigure says the best he can do is train less he train with Apachai and Kii, to which he does. While fighting, he was at a disadvantaged due to Hermit's long range fighting. Odin fights and defeats Kenichi, taking his badge and exchanging it for one he'd gotten out of the same vending machine the other badges had come from. However, he does have a softer side in which he helps Hattori, Kenichi, Shinzo and Shishimaru, but he mostly revels in making them suffer. 8.4 /10 Rate Browse episodes Top-rated 3 seasons 5 years Videos 8 Trailer 0:44 Watch Kenichi: The Mightiest Disciple: Season 2 Trailer 1:38 Kenichi used the stuff he learned about Karate, Jujutsu, Chinese Kempo, and Muay Thai in one punch called Mubyshi. Due to Kensei Ma's influence on him, Kenichi has shown a bit of a perverted side, such as when Ma takes Kenichi to a secret location to watch Miu and Shigure bathe in their usual spot (and later uses him as a decoy to escape). Dislikes He also brings up how the elder promised he'd let Kenichi ask Miu out if he won the D of D Tournament and though Kenichi won, the elder reminded him he has to defeat him first, realizing he lied. He then hears faint words calling out to him and recalls a memory he had with the Elder and how he taught him the methods of controlling ones ki. Several people are moved by his kindness and selfless nature, to the point they even change sides and befriend him. Ryto admits his defeat and returns Kenichi's Yin Yang badge. As Miu treats them, Kenichi questions if this is the work of the armed group, to which Shigure confirms it is of "him". Before Ethan leaves, Kenichi gets all the school friends he made to see him off, despite Ethan stating that was a lie, however, Kenichi said it wasn't. was told to pack up for a trip to Okinawa by his masters who also found out. However, Kisara had a different sense of respect for him. As Sankan began to overwhelm Miu, Kenichi, despite battered and barely conscious, unleashed his "Mubyshi" to save Miu. As a result of this he asks her more about herself and finds out how she always tries to find out more about her parents but fails and decides to help her. Martial Art Through his hard work, Kenichi has developed a unique fighting style since he instinctively combines all the different types of martial arts he learns from his masters: Karate, Jujutsu, Chinese Kenpo, and Muay Thai]]. Eventually, Kisara decided not to destroy the play, but the Kenichi missed the event. When dojo hunters arrived at Ryzanpaku wanting to fight Sakaki, Kenichi stepped in to fight and gains he upper hand temporary and afterwards Sakaki stepped in after Kenichi's efforts and defeated them all and gained more money after sending them to Akisame's clinic. Hermit told Kenichi that he used his acting skills to make the latter look bad while making the former more popular. Instead, it provokes Miu even more, causing her to unleash a barrage of punches and kicks at him. Just as tirbey's scythe is about to hit Kenichi, Hong breaks through a wall and launches a piece of debris on tirbey's shoulder, stopping the attack. Kenichi is saved by the Elder and shows the others his badge as a sign of victory and they all congratulate him. However, despite Ma's influence, Kenichi has shown a modest and innocent side towards women, such as when he ever sees Miu's breasts almost sticking out, seeing her almost naked, accidentally seeing up her skirt or seeing Renka's breasts causing Kenichi to be very flustered. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. lewisham mobile testing unit how strong does kenichi get. Kajima charges in with Kai Shinogidachi and Kenichi prepares to repel Kajima's ki, but he notices that repelling such a large amount of ki would result in Kajima's death. hilary farr design assistant 9, Juin, 2022. kellen moore wife; As Kenichi believes Berserker is trying to prove he can beat him without using his arms, Berserker states he said this fighting method would work better, prompting Kenichi to note to himself that he's making a smaller and stronger Seikken by decreasing his reach noting he's just going with the flow, prompting Kenichi to call him a genius. greenbean rpo durham; 2475 garrison ave port saint joe fl 32456; port orchard death notices; you are being rate limited discord phone number; why did the socs attack ponyboy and johnny When they told him to jump off a cliff in a lesson in bravery, he was afraid, but once he saw his sister surrounded by sharks and Shigure took out one of them, Kenichi jumped in without a moments hesitation to save Honoka and knocked out the second shark with an elbow strike. This prevents Kenichi from using Rysui Seikken to read his flow and Kajima hits Kenichi with one of his techniques. It has two variations, Ryuji-Kenichi and Bruce-Kenichi. However, the vow Odin made was to fight for possession of the badge Kenichi got from Miu. Miu mentions the situation is like in Tidat, to which Kenichi thinks to himself about his resolve to stand and fight and promises himself that he'll at least make sure Miu makes it out alive. Years later, finally becoming a master himself, Kenichi ultimately marries Miu and the two have a daughter together. Though he's constantly considered cowardly at the beginning of the series, he shows that when his loved ones lives are on the line, he's actually much braver than he appears, going as far as to jump into an ocean full of sharks and fight one of them just to save his sister Honoka. After the incident time has pasted and the masters have yet to return. Miu then apologizes to Kenichi about bringing him into the world of martial arts, to which Kenichi tells her to stop worrying. Even when it comes to his enemies, he shows them respect and never speaks ill of them and even cares for their well-being and refuses to allow them to ever speak ill of others. Kenichi's sight of being able to read his own opponent now has surpassed Miu now during the fight between the two masters, however, Miu decides to not stay behind and keeps watching. Just then, he questions Miu about Tchmaru and is horrified to discover she accidentally left Tchmaru back on the tanker. Tanaka leaves and warns them all about Ogata's attempt to likely use Kenichi and Miu as sacrifices and tells them to be careful. After thanking Kenichi for protecting his daughter so well and giving the boy her hair clips back, he states he's a man worth trusting, having earned his respect. With their combined effort, they defeated Pengulu. Kenichi inherited his mother's gentle character, but looks-wise he takes after his father. Though his masters claim that he has no talent or whatsoever for Martial Arts, this could possibly be a ploy to motivate him to work harder. As a result of this, Kenichi is frequently shown to be very susceptible to negative comments about his appearance or strength, easily falling into (comical) depression whenever someone scoffs at his abilities (so much so that Miu once referred to name calling as Kenichi's "Weak Spot"). With Odin stopping Loki's assaults, Kenichi and Hermit continued their fight with both having heavy injuries. Open Menu. completely average What Kenichi really seeks is the power to definitely protect his loved ones by defeating his enemies without causing more than enough damage to and protecting them as well. Age Miu passes by and notices that he is using a weird stance, Kenichi answers by saying that it is a sword stance that Shigure taught him. Shirahama Style:Strongest ComboStrongest Combo 2Rysui Seik Saiky Combo 3-gStrongest Short ComboMubyshiShinken Shirahama DoriRyzanpaku's RhythmShirahama's seriousnessInner EyeRysui MubyshiAncient Jujutsu:Kuchiki DaoshiIdoriSumokudoriUshiro UkemiOogoshiShimewasaKuuchuu TomoenageTwist Takedown CounterKarate:YamazukiCrane's Neck BlowShiraha NagashiMaeba no KamaeRekka SajinbakuNaizouageMotionless Sand Cloud BombSensen BodyMeotoudeCat PalmMuay Thai:Kao LoiTi LanDee Sork ToronApapunchChai KickTi Kau KonTang Guard MuayShoulder GuardTee Kao TrongRekka ApunchChinese Kenpo:Ugyuu HaitoTaiho ShouhaSha Gi Shou JinMa Style TakusoushoHaigekiKgekiStenshuMa-Style Memory Recovery TechiqueMa Style Rasetsuki!SenkyuutaiChintsuikeiKouho HaihoGeimon TeppiFrinji Style:SeikkenRysui SeikkenKorui NukiKsaka Style:Double SlashRope TechniqueNoshiShutou Muzan accident in union, nj today . No matter how times Kenichi attacked, Siegfried got back up and knocked him out. 16 17 The story focuses on Kenichi Shirahama, an average 16-year-old high school student who has been picked on his whole life. Classification After the defeat of Ragnark, Kenichi is informed by Miu that though he's become stronger, he must not become arrogant or he'll end up getting hurt in a fight if he underestimates his enemies. He tells her to not be afraid of the curse of Junazard and tells her about how the elder once said "Do not spread your wings halfheartedly, but fly with all your might". boeing 767 patriot express. While he worries over Shigure's status he blames himself for her capture for causing her hinderance, but he is corrected by Akisame. However, Ogata blocks Ryto's attack. Hayato defeated the last one by running on the ocean and punching multiple times in the face. After seeing Miu defeat the thug trying to assault a kind old lady, both Ryto and Kenichi vowed to become strong, but Kenichi forgot the fact and that it was Miu who traded him the Yin Yang badge he carries on the neck of his shirt all the time for a cat badge, as a remainder of said promise. Miu told Kenichi to come back in two or three days. They find main resistance from one of the Laughing Fist's disciples, a very fat and large man who has the endurance of a Master Class, though he does not have the talents to reach the Master level. While their, they would find word of Miu from Raden Tidat Lona, Jihan's younger sister and she wished for them to work together to take down Jenazad together and save Miu. Mikumo Kushinada disappeared after Hayato Frinji arrived with Diego Carlo on his back, but not before imprinting Kenichi's face into her memory.