Framing is a catcher's attempt to use this to his team's advantage. Infielder: A player whose position is either first base, second base, third base, or shortstop. Bigs or Big Leagues: A term used to refer to the major leagues. At one time, players would leave their fielding gloves on the field; later they carried them in their pants pockets. Runs are said to be "charged" to the pitcher who initially allowed the scoring runner to get on base. It describes the various meanings assigned to sexual terms by various religious, therapeutic and other groups. SVO: Save opportunities when a relief pitcher enters the game where they can earn a save. This line is also used to decide whether a pickoff move is legal or a balk. A starting pitcher who pitches past the 6th inning is said to "go deep into the game". Drew, Phillies Fans, And A Lesson In Battery-Throwing", "The domain name is for sale", "Q&A: Bob McClure on Banny, Simba & Deception", "Sports Talk - Tampa Bay Sports Blog: Orioles show lack of class vs. Rays Sunday", "Tigers vs. 1-2-3 inning: An inning in which a pitcher faces only three batters, none of whom successfully reach base. When it comes to baseball terminology, dont be intimidated! So, what is some baseball terminology that is used during games? Hot corner: Another word for the third base position. This illustrates (1) how much larger and baggier uniforms were and (2) how much smaller the gloves were. Hard 90: Refers to the 90 feet between bases and is used to describe when a batter runs hard to a base. A Texas Leaguer (or Texas League single) is a weakly hit fly ball that drops in for a single between an, When a pitcher inadvertently signals what type pitch is next, he is said to be "tipping" or "telegraphing" them. View their position numbers to understand how to score defensive plays. See two-seamer. Probably don't watch it. "Harvey, Mets beat Phillies in key NL East tilt", "Instant Replay: The End of Major League Baseball as We Know It", in. To throw the ball carefully to another fielder in a way that allows him to make an out. High and tight: Referring to a pitch that's up in the strike zone and inside on a hitter. OBP: On-base percentage the average number of times a batter reaches a base per plate appearance. A situation where a batter puts the ball in play in a way that maximizes the result for his team. Launch angle: The vertical angle at which the ball leaves a players bat after being struck. Stolen base: When a baserunner successfully advances to the next base while the pitcher is delivering the ball to home plate. There are a huge number of terms and phrases used in baseball to describe different aspects of the game. ", "The bench" is where the players sit in the. When a batter allows a pitch to hit them, or knowingly drops their elbow or shoulder into the pitch to be awarded first base. Changeup: A slow pitch that is meant to look much faster. Twins - Game Recap - September 20, 2009 - ESPN", " - Inside Game - Tom Verducci - Inside Baseball - SI's Tom Verducci: Glavine travels the Hall-way - Wednesday May 10, 2000 11:13 AM", "MSN | Outlook, Office, Skype, Bing, Breaking News, and Latest Videos", "Baseball Terms {How well do You Know the Language of Baseball}", "Tigers drop fourth in a row in loss to Blue Jays; Nate Robertson leaves with injury", "Dodgers vs. Nationals - Game Recap - September 24, 2009 - ESPN", "The Official Site of The San Diego Padres: News: Thompson gets emergency start", "Tigers vs. Indians - Game Recap - September 23, 2009 - ESPN", "The Deep Space Nine Transcripts - Take Me Out To The Holosuite", "Baseball Toaster: Bronx Banter: SUNDAY SERVICE", "Prospectus Matchups: Learning to Cheer Correctly", "Koscso goes 5-for-5 in Game 1 Loss to Eastern Illinois", "Overthinking It: This Week in Catcher Framing", CANOE SLAM! Dont forget, you can get all the baseball gear you may need at! A flamethrower. Urban Dictionary is being used to determine the acceptability of vanity plate names in some U.S. states. Mendoza line: A batting average around .200, named after former Major Leaguer Mario Mendoza, who posted a .215 career average. "Spectacular increases in home runs have often raised the question: Has the ball been juiced up to travel farther, in order to increase the number of home runs?". When there is a runner on second or third base (but not first) with fewer than two outs, an infielder fielding a sharp ground ball briefly stares at the runner to discourage him from trying to advance. "You hear about pitchers being in the zone and stuff like that, and that's what I was doing. A fun Urban Dictionary game: Use your imagination and fill in the blanks. Announcer: "Two hits, and two runs scored so far in this frame." Hopefully, this list was helpful in helping you understand baseball lingo a little better. Find a hole: To get a base hit by hitting the ball between infielders. David Shulman, "Baseball's Bright Lexicon", Joe Mehling, "Toledo stifled by YSU, lose 7. ", "Rule review: 'Time plays' can be confusing", "Jays dig deep hole, can't get out of it", "Bryce Harper leads the Nationals in TOOTBLANs this season", "Appreciating TOOTBLAN & other new baseball lingo", "Casey at the Bat by Ernest Thayer on Baseball Almanac", BatSpeed.com_Baseball and Softball Swing Hitting Mechanics, "Dunn's 10 wins an unexpected boost for Marlins", "BASEBALL; Zambrano Is Too Wild in Strike Zone",, July 13, 2011,, Official scorekeepers assign a number from. Angels: Fleecy clouds in a high sky; outfielder's dream. No-hitter: A game in which one team does not get any hits; a rare feat for a pitcher, especially at the major league level. The fence behind homeplate, designed to protect spectators from wild pitches or foul balls. "Morgan defied this mold by outworking everybody and employing his moderate athletic gifts to become one of the best all-around players of his era. Baseball.Retrieved February 27, 2023, from Chicago All Acronyms. The distance between each base is 90 feet. Candace Buckner, "T-Bone apptit: Pitcher has good fall-back plan". A hitter who likes to hit the first pitch in an at bat, especially if the hitter often gets a hit on the first pitch. In the four hole, the cleanup hitter is hoping to get to the plate in that inning. Slurve: A pitch that is a cross between a slider and a curveball. Fireman: A team's closer or late-inning relief pitcher. It's hit by a coach using a fungo bat, which is longer and thinner than a normal bat. David Singh, "With extra lively fastball, Ryan dominant". remains standing up as he touches the bag. ^ The Free Dictionary ^ Laurie Kellman, "Gonzales losing Republican backing", The Toronto Star, 15 March 2007 ^ Brendan C. Boyd and Fred C. Harris, Great American Baseball Card Flipping, Trading and Bubble Gum Book (Boston: Little, Brown, 1973). When a batter is following his coach's advice to not bunt (never mind those runners), he is said to "swing away". Baseball has its own rhythm, its own rules, its own specific appeal to our senses and sensibilities. "He dialed up that pitch.". If a relief pitcher satisfies all the criteria for a save, except he does not finish the game, he will often be credited with a, The third rule can be contentious, as it is subject to the judgment of the, The last criterion in that rule can lead to ludicrous results. When a batter gets 3 strikes on them, they are out. Lets go slap some taters.. Green light: When a hitter is given the go-ahead to swing in a 3-0 count or a runner is given the go-ahead to try to steal a base. Sometimes used to taunt the opposing pitcher/team. Also called a bloop single.. Bonus baseball: When a baseball game goes to extra innings; past 9 innings of play. During the regular season, teams typically play 3- or 4-game series against one another, with all the games in each series played in the same park. Regular five-on-five basketball is a fun game on its own, but its always nice to have some variety in the types of games that can be played, especially with kids. "As Cashman spoke, Pettitte fired a strike on the corner, which froze the hitter. There are many different baseball terms that are also sex baseball terms here they are. The boundaries of the strike zone are clearly defined in the rules; however, with many major-league pitches traveling well in excess of 90mph (140km/h), or with "moving" pitches such as the curveball and the knuckleball, it is often difficult for an umpire to judge whether a ball went through the strike zone based solely on watching the ball, particularly at the boundaries of the strike zone. Shot: Describes a hard-hit ball or a home run. A baserunner easily thrown out at a base. A hard-hit ground ball that bounces directly at an infielder is difficult for him to get his hands on he appears to have been handcuffed. On the other hand, some are hitter's parks, any and all other factors notwithstanding. an unexpected event early in a ball game, such as a defensive error or a hit batsmen, can be called a "tablesetter" for the outcome of the game. A play when a fly ball is caught and a fielder touches a base prior to the runner tagging up is not a force play, but an appeal play. Outfielder: Players who play the left field, right field, or center field positions. IPS: Innings per start average number of innings pitched per game started. When a catcher calls for the pitcher to throw one type of pitch (e.g., a fastball) but the pitcher throws another (e.g., a curveball), the catcher has been crossed up. The set of all games played between two teams during the regular season is referred to as the, In the playoffs, series involve games played in the home stadiums of both teams. Defined are over 2,001 quick hitting, concise, and descriptive terms. Conversely, a pitch near the top of the strike zone might be called a ball if the catcher has to rise from his crouched position to catch it, even if it did go through the defined strike zone. Scoring position: When a base runner is on second or third base, they are in scoring position. Bandbox: A small ballpark that is beneficial to hitters. The foul poles on the outfield walls are vertical extensions of the foul lines. Climbing the ladder: When a pitcher delivers a series of pitches out of the strike zone, each higher than the last, trying to get the batter to chase them. TB: Total bases the number of bases gained by a hitter through his at-bats. The 100 most vulgar slang words. Instead, they now are "Felicia". 1992 - Serving a two year sentance for a small stint. Often, defensive players are distinguished as either pitchers or position players. Flashing the leather: When a fielder makes a great play. Another unsavoury word for lady parts, it most closely translates to "cunt" or "pussy" and it's one of the strongest words in Irish. For example, when a left-handed pitcher throws a, When there is a runner on first base, a pitcher who has already gone into the. The adage "two hands while you're learning" was a necessity in the early years, when gloves simply absorbed shock. During the regular season, Major League Baseball teams almost always have games scheduled on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays, and they may need to travel between series. This only comes into play when the pickoff move is to the base the pitcher naturally faces, i.e. On a dropped third strike, the strike is called (and a pitcher gets credited with a strike-out), but the umpire indicates verbally that the ball was not caught and does not call the batter out. Closer: A relief pitcher that is regularly used to finish games. "I don't have a whole lot of goals going into the season. Barrel it up: Hitting the baseball with the sweet spot of the bat. Brian MacPherson, "Hard work is paying off handsomely for David Ortiz". Elena . It's all about Baseball. Painting the black: When a pitcher throws the ball over the edge of the plate. A single infielder, typically the third baseman or the first baseman may also play "in" when it's anticipated that a batter may attempt to make a, An error is a fielder's misplay which allows a batter or baserunner to reach one or more additional bases when, in the judgment of the, SYNONYMS: bobble, blooper, muff, miscue, flub, kick or boot ("Lopez kicked the grounder"; "Johnson booted it".). Announcer following a play in which the shortstop fields a ground ball and throws hard to first: "Guillen cannons and gets him.". . TC: Total chances the number of times a player has the opportunity to record an out. The left-field foul pole and right-field foul pole are used by umpires to determine whether a batted ball is a home run or a foul ball. The pitch must be over home plate, above the batters knees, and below the middle of the torso. So as the term evolved, it does really have two meanings. Also referred to as a "free ticket" and an Annie Oakley. A catcher who keeps runners from stealing bases is said to be good at "patrolling the basepaths". The term is sometimes used to describe a player who is good at both offense and defense: "Manager. Holds are most often accredited to. Theres a lot of terminology when it comes to the game of baseball! "With the Tigers having found their bats for a night, they reset the series and put themselves in position to all but lock up the AL Central."[102]. A list of sports terms from several sports that sound dirty, but are not. An outfielder may be said to be "patrolling the outfield" (like a good soldier or police officer patrolling his assigned territory). A pitcher who stifles a rally by the opposing team may be said to have "killed the rally". More serious is the continued tradition of dictionary use in legal cases, where the interpretation of a single word can have grave consequences. Banjo hitter: A hitter who notches a lot of bloop hits without hard contact. Alley: The areas of the outfield between the outfielders. The act of contacting the ball with the bat. handjobs) 3rd base (triple) is the use of mouths on the "privates" (ex. These were formerly known as "ten o'clock hitters" or "two-o'clock hitters" back when there were no night games. Cancelling a game because of bad weather: "I thought we were gonna get banged but we got in five innings. For example, on July 22, 2007, To sign a player to a long-term contract, thereby keeping him off the free-agent market. Gas: Another term for a fastball. Locked up: When a batter gets a pitch in on the hands making it impossible for them to swing in an effective matter or at all, they are said to have gotten locked up.. S/SHO: Shutouts the number of games the pitcher has pitched where the opposing team does not score a run. He pitches effectively for at least three innings after entering the game with a lead and finishes the game. Meatball: An easy pitch to hit, usually right down the middle of the plate. 0-9 0 "Oh and ." See count. Tim Ritter, "'Whatever It Takes': Rawlings, Washausen spark 5th inning rally to keep Zebras alive". This is an alphabetical list of selected unofficial and specialized terms, phrases, and other jargon used in baseball, along with their definitions, including illustrative examples for many entries. Blistered: When a ball is hit exceptionally hard. Perhaps he has a hitch in his swing, or his batting stance has changed. ", This rule is intended to prevent the fielder from intentionally dropping the ball and getting. I'm gonna bean him. GF: Games Finished the number of games where the pitcher is the last pitcher to pitch for his team. Clear the bases: When a batter drives home/scores all runners on base. To start things off we will look at some commonly used terms when it comes to batting. To hit a long fly ball, as if launching a rocket. A set of games between two teams. pitcher | see definition . Meanwhile, Baker has safely reached second base. Purposely batting a pitch foul with two strikes in order to keep the at-bat going, in part to tire the pitcher and in part to get another, different pitch that might be easier to hit. Single: When a batter makes a successful hit and reaches first base. Cutoff man: A fielder who takes the incoming throw from an outfielder after a hit. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. Also called the "post-season". 'Roll a bump' is a colloquial east coast slang for turning a 1-6-3 double play or a 1-4-3 double play. Baseball: The official ball used in the sport of baseball. This is a list of common baseball lingo and jargon terms. Double: When a batter hits the ball safely in fair play and gets to second base. Drop a bunt down: When a batter stays in his batting stance until the last possible second before the ball gets to the plate, then quickly bunts the ball in the attempt to bunt for a base hit. If you are a coach or avid baseball fan, you should also learn how to score a baseball game.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'baseball_tools-medrectangle-4','ezslot_4',117,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-baseball_tools-medrectangle-4-0'); To start things off we are going to look at some of the acronyms used for both pitching and hitting statistics. The ball becomes dead, and the umpire will award any bases or charge any outs that, in his judgment, would have occurred without the interference. The first time the Fall Classic extended in to November was in 2001. Also called a three up, three down inning. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'baseball_tools-mobile-leaderboard-2','ezslot_18',121,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-baseball_tools-mobile-leaderboard-2-0');SV: Saves when a relief pitcher enters the game under certain circumstances and the game ends in a win. A batter may be said to have "lined out" if the liner was caught by a fielder. "AA" is also the abbreviation for the American Association, which has been the name of numerous professional baseball leagues: A term that signifies whether the batter or pitcher possesses the advantage in an at-bat. David Brown, "Fireworks send Lastings Milledge into an ill-fated home-run trot". Bullpen: A designated area where pitchers can warm up before entering the game. "Cody Ross, who singled and moved to second on a ground-out, was stranded when Ramrez's scorched liner was flagged down by a diving Jones. Carrie Muskat, "Zambrano enduring 'dead arm' phase # 1st Down 3-4 Defense 3rd And Long 4-3 Defense 4-4 Defense 4th Down Conversion 5-2 Defense 5-3 Defense 46 Defense 53-Man Roster 8 In The Box A. Score that a two-run double and a big ol' base-running blunder.[157]. He may send signs to offensive players, including batters and runners, about what to do on the next pitch for example, to, When a runner drops to the ground when running toward a base to avoid a tag. A series of games in which a batter gets a hit (, For other uses of the word "stretch", see, A particularly hard, accurate throw by a fielder attempting to put out a baserunner (or a particularly hard, accurate, Of a pitcher, the throwing of three strikes in one plate appearance. Dead-red: When a batter is waiting on or expecting a fastball to be thrown. Nubber: A batted ball off the end of the bat that does not travel very far. Count: The number of balls and strikes on a batter. Lessons From Composers Benjamin R. The Rollin 60's members are known to sport Seattle Mariners baseball caps with the letter "S" which represent Sixty (60's Crip). Baseball terms to describe sexual encounters are perfect. When a runner must advance to another base because the batter becomes a runner and, as such, must advance to first base. Can of corn: A fly ball hit to a player, typically in the outfield, that is very easy for the player to catch; usually without moving at all. Ace: The teams number one starting pitcher. Curveball: A pitch that curves or breaks from a straight or expected flight path toward home plate. An odd or funny play, such as when a pitcher throws the ball to the catcher after the batter has stepped out of the batter's box and timeout has been called -- perhaps hitting the catcher in the head with the pitch. Typically done when the batter has two strikes against them. Baseball is considered to be an american invention but historical records suggest that games involving bats, balls, bases, and running around bases have been played in england ( rounders) and also in asia, (cricket). ", A hard swing that misses the ball: "Reyes took a good rip at that pitch. Any batted ball is "in play" until either the play ends, the. Usually a power hitter. The leather cover on the baseball (which is now usually made of cowhide, not horsehide). In the hole: The batter who follows the on-deck batter. I was throwing the right pitch every time, and until the kid got the hit, I honestly didn't even realize. The one time the Fall Classic was actually played in the summer was 1918, when the season was curtailed due to World War I and the Series was played in early September. A position player who's a regular in the starting line-up in virtually every game, as opposed to either: a substitute who begins most games on the bench or only occasionally starts games to spell the regular starting player at his position. Bad hop: When a groundball makes an unpredictable jump or change in direction. A home run. When a runner becomes the second out in a. Making an outstanding or difficult defensive play. Each Major League Baseball team's organization has a farm system of affiliated farm teams at different minor league baseball levels. PA: Plate appearances the number of pitches thrown per plate appearance. strike | see definition . ", An older term for a home run, often a high fly ball, that barely clears the fence at that part of the outfield closest to the plate. Defensive players are not to be overlooked. JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. This, and the other various phrases that encompass "out the ass" can be defined as "in abundance" and/or "all over the place". If the batter hits the baseball foul, then the count remains 3 and 2. Outfielders often use the sound of bat-meeting-ball as a clue to how far a ball has been hit. When a pitcher gets ahead in the count he may deliberately throw the ball outside the, The phrase is sometimes applied also to hitters who deliberately. The windup is used when there are no runners on base or there is only a runner on third. And with all of that comes its own language, its own grand and goofy glossary of phrases that, for the unindoctrinated, might sound like total gibberish. Hose(d): A strong throwing arm. "The batter hit the ball right at the second baseman.". Baseball Terms: 150+ Common Baseball Words, Slang & Jargon. The Language of Baseball is a lexicon of slang terms, clichAs, and expressions surrounding the grate game of baseball. Southpaw: A left-hand thrower; typically, used to describe a pitcher. Circus catch: When an outfitter makes an acrobatic catch. The "bases are jammed" (or loaded or full) when there are runners on all three. Zach Schonbrun, "Morrow hopes to go deep vs. Rays". The rules state that if the batter-runner is in the path of a throw that originates near home plate and is outside the area created by the base line and the 45-foot line, he shall be called out if the umpire believes he interfered with the play. G/GP: Games/Games Played the number of times a player has appeared in a game. When a pitcher is throwing strikes on the corners of the strike zone, it is said he is dotting the corners. That player has a hose! That runner was hosed at third base!. As they continue to learn the What Is a Secondary in Football? The Ultimate Guide, Volleyball Scoring 101: The Ultimate Guide to Keeping Score. Josh Terrell, "Windsor Wins Fourth Straight; Cats Top Sox". It may be something in his position on the rubber, his body lean, how he holds or moves his glove when going into the stretch, whether he moves his index finger outside his glove, or some aspect of his pitching motion. More specifically, it refers to the movement of the ball in air of a breaking ball pitcher, and/or the speed of a fastball pitcher. Darryl Johnson, "Analyzing the Struggles of Josh Beckett: It's Not the Curveball". This is typically what the closer (closing pitcher) is brought into the game for. Generally, a save situation is when a pitcher enters the game in the seventh inning or later with a lead of three runs or fewer, or with the potential tying run in the on-deck circle. Three true outcomes: The three ways a plate appearance can end without fielders coming into play -- walks, homers and strikeouts. Chin music: A pitch that is thrown high and inside on a batter in attempt to back them up off the plate. Turn two: To execute a double play. Also, a two-bagger is a double or two-base hit and a three-bagger is a triple or three-base hit. To run hard through first base on a close ground ball play in an attempt to beat the throw. Lay out for it!. Jay Jaffe, "World Series Prospectus Game Six: The Crazy Train Keeps Rolling". Some of the terms may be considered acceptable to LGBT peoples in a casual register when used among members within LGBT sexual orientated communities. Clear the bases: When a hit results in all the baserunners scoring. Find a gap: Hitting the ball between the gap between infielders. The New Dickson Baseball Dictionary Paperback - January 1, 1999 by Paul Dickson (Author) 14 ratings Hardcover $45.00 14 Used from $7.92 4 New from $40.69 1 Collectible from $9.59 Paperback $6.96 13 Used from $5.43 3 New from $44.00 Some of these terms are also commonly used by announcers when calling a game. Golfing: Swinging at an obviously low pitch, particularly one in the dirt. Tossed: When a player or coach is ejected from the game. Please join this discussion about QV prodcuts, what does qv stand for? Proper use in a sentence : "When you see that J.D. A pole located on each foul line on the outfield fence or wall. Batters box: A rectangle on either side of home plate in which the batter must be standing for fair play to resume. The hold was invented in 1986 to give credit to non-closer relief pitchers. Abbreviation for Federal League, a major league that existed from 1914 to 1915. "Come on, To throw a pitch that keeps the hitter from making any effective swing. Zip: Usually refers to the zip on a fastball. No more than one save may be credited in each game. New baseball fans and old veterans alike can use an update on the ever-changing language of baseball.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'baseball_tools-medrectangle-3','ezslot_5',104,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-baseball_tools-medrectangle-3-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'baseball_tools-medrectangle-3','ezslot_6',104,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-baseball_tools-medrectangle-3-0_1');.medrectangle-3-multi-104{border:none!important;display:block!important;float:none!important;line-height:0;margin-bottom:15px!important;margin-left:auto!important;margin-right:auto!important;margin-top:15px!important;max-width:100%!important;min-height:250px;min-width:250px;padding:0;text-align:center!important}.