In the Yemenite Jews, for example, only 30% of A group has been found. 12They shall have the tree of life for an ointment of sweet savor; they shall neither labour, nor be weary. Page 31 in the 1809 Jewish Almanac says: It is not proper to call a Hebrew/Israelite a Jew, as it is not proper to call a Jew a Hebrew or Israelite. Antigens are markers on the surface of a. especially the book of Enoch, it states that Adam, was the son of God, and HE had direct communication with God and interaction with the spirit realm. It is the clear truth that is hidden in front of our eyes. The American Red Cross data below list the rare blood type and the ethnic group in which it is most common: Experts base blood types on the different antigens and proteins present on red blood cells. Your blood type is a critical factor in determining a match in the event you need a blood transfusion. Due to Lamech intermarrying into Cains bloodline, God had to intervene and made Noah be born pure and different, but the priestline did not fall to Noah, Noah had a brother called Nir, which was made the high priest after Methuselah, and as crazy as it sounds, when Nir became high priest, his wife was pretty old and so the fruitfulness of her womb has passed, in other words she has reached menopause already, To say the least they were no longer sexually involved or even able to conceive a child, yet she fell pregnant and miraculously gave birth to a son in her old age, which at that point an angel of the Lord appeared to Noah and his brother Nir, and they were told the childs name is MELCHIZEDEK he will be a priest under God. After the flood God ordained a new priestline as every generation should have a priest and king. God declared over and over again in the scriptures to his prophets that the tribes were scattered like the 4 winds in 4 cardinal directional points, that is North, east, south and WEST. But what about those Celtic and Gaelic Stories of a Spaniard (or Portuguese) man from Galicia, Spain? According to a 2014 study conducted at Columbia University and published in the journal Nature Communications, today's worldwide population of roughly 10 million Ashkenazi Jews is descended from . So in other words the 3 nieces of Noah became the wives of his 3 sons. I find this interesting as I am looking for answers. Best food forward: Are algae the future of sustainable nutrition? Sixty-eight ancient skeletons, unearthed at Jerusalem and En Gedi and, according to the archeological data belonging to Jewish residents of these places from about 1,600 to 2,000 years ago, were ABO-typed by means of the hemagglutination-inhibition test. Is it possible to donate blood if a person has lupus. Should I ask mom if the milk-man happened to be Jewish, I was adopted, or is there another possibility? There are four major categories within the ABO group: A, B, O, and AB. Whatever book you got this from is certainly a fantasy. Download Guide. Im O- but my sister is O+, is this common if we have the same father and mother? would be interesting to find a link if there is one and also compare our O neg similarities amongst other things I also have many theories we could discuss on our Rh- blood. The Ashkenazim are rather easy to define, as they are the Jews of Central Europe who have been so prominent over the past few centuries. 11% increased risk of heart disease than type O. Now what? RESULTS A N D DISCUSSION The distribution of the ABO blood groups found in Ashkenazim is given in table 1. They said that I was 99% Indian (which I know I am) but being an A- blood type I felt that there should be something more comprehensive (especially since negative blood type is so rare in India and India is does have a lot of diversity) so I uploaded my raw dna data on DNA.Land and their analysis was much more detailed. Each nation that the tribes went to have a crest that shows the tribe that conquered that area. This site is pretty interesting. Thanks for helping us catch any problems with articles on DeepDyve. So there isnt a lot of verbal history that goes past their generation. And Judaism has no relationship to Christianity. This is clear. Start a 14-Day Trial for You or Your Team. 1977 Jul;47(1):89-91. doi: 10.1002/ajpa.1330470115. My mom was 0+ Native American and Irish, My dad is O-and Bohemian Czech. Include any more information that will help us locate the issue and fix it faster for you. Enoch was both KING AND HIGHPRIEST before the flood. According to 23andMe geneticist Mike Macpherson, about 2% of the 40,000 people of non-Ashkenazi European descent who have used the company's platform show some reliable signature of Ashkenazi. Some of the exiles were also from either the tribe of Gad or Asher, than their were Ishmaelites / Pashtun muslims descended from Bari, as well as descendants of Esau which became temple servants and many people living in Israel / Judah at the time of Christ were descendant from these returned exiles. Now I am still researching for info, so far I have found there was a race of humans before the garden, it may be the Asians & 1 other & a dark-colored race, which can be several. Does Blood Type Affect Marriage Compatibility? lol I write with my left hand but play sports with my right hand. Which female haplogroups are associated with being rhesus negative? That doesnt mean that this is it. Hi there! Why is that odd? Sure. Its not only refreshing to see another put in the hard work, but to follow the guidance and instruction of our Father. In fact, whentrying to get pregnantyou should consider finding out your blood type. I wanted to see if you carry any of these additional traits I am listing here. It emerged at the peak of the Neolithic period,. Since all chimpanzees are type A, and. O blood is a universal donor for red blood cells and O Negative blood can be given to anyone, making it particularly valuable for blood donations. 6. 2023 DeepDyve, Inc. All rights reserved. Otherwise use first name and last initial. showing just how diverse India is in terms of blood type frequencies as well. Perhaps reading the scriptures and not just the bible alone, could bring deeper understanding into the biblical bloodlines. That had spirititual gifts and abilities, call it a 6th sense still open to them. They will be the 1s who bring in the Ant-Christ along with the Jesuits Black Pope of the Vatican. var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; The crests and shields of those nations clearly prove where each tribe ended up. The Jews examined in Canada (Chown, Peterson, Lewis and Hall, '49), probably mainly Ashkenazim, have A and B gene percentages of 29 and 11, which are also close to the figures cited in table 1. I have went through times of depression throughout my teenage life and some of my adult life. For this reason, some blood centers collect ethnic information from blood donors. 11Their glory also will I take unto me, and give these the everlasting tabernacles, which I had prepared for them. Everything you need to know about blood types, What is thalassemia? Jesus priesthood is after the order of Melchizedek, who like Jesus was both King and priest. Because Bohemian also have higher incidence of Rh Negative. There are 4 lettered blood types: A, B, AB, and O. Learn about what blood types are, how people can determine their blood type, and how blood types affect transfusions. It would be interesting to see how many current Hasedic Jews are RH neg. Where should you get your ancestry tested? What are the health differences between Rh Negatives and Rh Positives? Studies have shown that certain blood types play a role in fertility and the ease/difficulty in getting pregnant. She is illegitimate. Type 1, which is treatable, is the most common form among . You will not find this information in the king james bible, but look into the other Jewish writings which is where the records of bloodlines have been deeply considered sacred and preserved. A little problem though, this bible verse is only speaking about the Jews that have returned to Israel, and as mentioned above they are only of the 3 or 4 tribes. Blood type is a measurement that may go unnoticed for most of your life unless you need a blood transfusion or other surgery or medical condition. According to the Jewish Genetic Disease Consortium, it is estimated that nearly one in two Ashkenazi Jews in the United Statesthe descendants of European Jewsis a carrier of at least one of 38 genetic diseases, including Tay-Sachs Disease, Gaucher Disease, and Bloom Syndrome. I do know that my Scottish side descends from the Pictish people. I am type A-. Our family name is Davis which I understand is a common Welsh surname. Symbols such as hexagrams were and still are evil and forbidden. I am adopted and I have met my biological family, but not before both parents suffered brain injuries. fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs); 7And as ye go, preach, saying, The kingdom of heaven is at hand. Through Scriptural history, not the history we were taught in public schools, but ancient history wriyyen in true Paleo Hebrew, I also am seeing evidence, some very compelling, that ethnicities that descended from Ham, one of Nuaks (Noahs) sons, have the 2 tribes of Banyamin (Benjamin) and Yahudah (Judah). People with type A positive blood can donate to other people who have . so she had to take shots for me with A- Negative. Because blood types are genetic, they are inherited from the parents, blood types have different racial and ethnic differences. Variety of ancestry, Scythian being one which is a group also said to have been among the ancestors of Silesia. St. Mary of the Roman Catholic Church and witness to the removal of the books, stated that they removed them due to the priests not feeling that the Holy Spirit inspired THEM at the time of reading. I didnt list the full break down of my genetic ancestory but will be happy to share is asked :). More data is still needed to confirm these hypotheses but the studies help . Facts about blood and blood types. Now, I, driven by my Teacher, Father and Creator, have questioned all things. Clark, please note that the Roman Catholic Church removed over 500 books from the Bible after 1610. Their religion out of Babylon. You know, the one that the corrupt ones either ban or claim is not accurate. If only 1 in 1,000 people lack it, the individuals blood type is very rare. A Positive Blood Type Facts 1. I have only begun to scratch the surface, but what I am reading from you here, you are correct. METHODS The methods of blood group typing and antisera used in the present study were the same as previously described (Gurevitch and Margolis, '55). Read also: Is there a Basque-Jewish-Rh Negative connection? These genetic factors tend to run in ethnic groups. You can also join an ongoing discussion on Facebook. The word JEW was never a word till the 16th Century. }(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk')); Tweets by @RhesusNegatives And no, there was never a Star of David. The Celt post is older and probably lacking lots of new research that has come my way. No amount of providing you scripture, documents, books, witness accounts, will ever change your line of thinking. Google it to get his name. Most people are either A positive or O positive and the fewest are AB negative. After all, Jewish ancestry can be traced back to the 3rd Dynasty of Ur in Sumer as well. And more than half of the ABO blood groups were found to be the otherwise rare AB blood group. Happy Hanukkah, Merry Christmas and whatever you do or dont celebrate, Rh negatives! In 3 Maccabees 7:10 you can read about the Jews return to their homeland. Read on to learn more about donor eligibility criteria and if a person with lupus can donate blood. 8Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils. What are the health differences between Rh Negatives and Rh Positives? The rest of them mostly the elite, believe in the Tora, which is from the New Judaism religion, & isnt the same Judaism Hebrews believed in, which was created after Jesus was crucified by the Edomites/$$ Chargers /bankers/(Jews). Type O blood may be somewhat less likely to test positive for COVID-19 and have less severe disease than people with other blood types. These hidden books reveal the true 7th day, the Lords clock, the origins of evil spirits that plague all of us, and many other details that we must know prior to the Day of the LORD. According to the American Red Cross, roughly every 2 seconds, a person in the United States requires a blood transfusion. I know its been 3 years since you posted this information, but I just read your comment here and I have studied through Forensic Pathology (I just graduated last year). These same people the people in Western Europe and North America are the ones with the multiple hair and eye color even in the same family. India is very diverse and an ancient crossroad for various tribes turning into different groups such as Jews for example. Juanna and John had a son who became king Ferdinand the 2nd of Aragon and he married queen Isabella thus uniting the thrones of Spain. For some conditions, such as thalassemia and sickle cell disease, this matching is even more important because these conditions are more common among certain ethnic communities, and people may need frequent transfusions. The shields and crests are just one of several things that point to the truth . For instance the bible states that Noah was pure in his generation after the whole worlds population became corrupted with Cains ungodly seed which in turn was corrupted by the Watchers seed. Which company did you choose? King Richards bones were found and a DNA test performed. (2015). Our website services, content, and products are for informational purposes only. Root name Nun is actually a letter in the Hebrew Alphabet. Maybe you can help me. This is a term often typed to come here. Type O blood is the most common type of blood in the USA with a positive Rhesus factor. If you have type AB blood, you are a universal recipient and can receive blood from all donors. But Gujarat seems to be a bit higher in blood type A frequencies than the Indian average. There are eight common blood groups but 36 human blood groups in total. My mom and dad are both A-. Rh factor is a big determinant in both fertility and pregnancy. Facts about blood and blood types. Hi Katie, js = d.createElement(s); = id; Israelites went west . Regardless of the lettering the meaning stands. To save an article, log in first, or sign up for a DeepDyve account if you dont already have one. They were placed on your computer when you launched this website. These would be the Jews that have mixed with the pagan nations around them as well as the non jews living in Israel. After the 10 tribes were dispersed, only the southern kingdom remained the kingdom of Judah before it was conquered by the Babylonians whom carried the 2 remaining tribes of into exile, that would be tribe of judah & Benjamin. Nuts/Seeds. What are the rh negative personality traits? O positive blood type O + O+ Blood type Russian Christians destroyed 40K churches but not 1 synagogue was touched. As to Judah : the scripture states that the scepter shall not pass from Judah until Shiloh. Blood types are passed down genetically. Only one Neanderthal's blood had been typed in the past, and was found to be type O under the ABO system used to classify the blood of modern humans. Also, I carry some psychic abilities too. The Danube river. Cain found a wife & built a BIG city with a BIG tower Bable. Hi Clark, That is not quite true that Judaism has no relationship to Christianity for much of true Christianity was founded upon judaism / monotheism and many of the followers of Jesus were actually Jews. 17And I will come down and talk with thee there: and I will take of the spirit which is upon thee, and will put it upon them; and they shall bear the burden of the people with thee, that thou bear it not thyself alone. If you have type A+ blood, you have a relatively common blood type that you inherited from your parents. In fact less than two percent of those in that area called Israel are. No relationship between blood type and personality: Evidence from large-scale surveys in Japan and the US [Abstract]. The quote from the post mentioned an ancestor Pichas Krupnik AKA finberg. Doctors classify Gaucher disease into three different types, resulting from a deficiency of glucocerebrosidase (GCase) within the body. What I was really interested in was getting my hands on the raw DNA data There is also an interesting ongoing discussion on the Jewish Genealogy Portal on Facebook. 55 of those findings were diagnosable. *Arab/Egyptian 1.5% [includes: Egyptian in (2 sites) Egypt; Palestinian, BedouinA and BedouinB in (Central, Negev and 1 other site) Israel; Jordanian in Jordan; Saudi in Saudi Arabia; Syrian in Syrian and Yemen and Yemenite Jew in Yemen] The ones God breathed his spirit into. I paint with both my right and left hand equally. Carrier screening is less sensitive and less informative in non-Jewish individuals. According to the American Red Cross, the following statistics show the most common blood types in the U.S. based on the donor population: The least common blood type in the U.S. is AB-negative, with less than 1% of the population having this type. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. True or false: All U.S. Presidents but one are/were Rh negative, Assortative mating on blood type: Evidence from one million Chinese pregnancies. In addition, scientists have identified 36 different blood group systems, some of which can cause problems with blood transfusions. Unfortunately many do not understand this and trust these Bibles. There is no risk of contracting COVID-19 from a blood, A transfusion reaction is when your body has an adverse response to a blood transfusion. My grandparents came over here as very young children. The Jew word which was Iew then took form in these newer bibles. However Jews and Israelites are not the same group. One of our readers has left a few comments regarding this here: And there are more. If your blood is A positive (A+), it means that your blood contains type-A antigens with the presence of a protein called the rhesus (Rh) factor. That religion is known as Judaism. If that has been taken, use your full first and last name. Tanya, Good Morning, One issue with this biblical reference is the Identification of the true bloodline of the tribes and the reference of tribe of Judah. They had a son known as Fadrique Endriquez, who had a son called Alonso Enriquez, and his daughter Juanna Enriquez married John the 2nd king of Aragon which was a descendant of king Henry 2nd king of Castille. These define blood types according to which antigens are present on red blood cells. My dad is dark brown hair, green/blue eyes, very dark completed olive skin, my mom dark brown hair, dark brown eyes, and medium complexion. Lamech did not stay pure in this bloodline for he married into Cains bloodline through his 2 wives. The Ashkenazi Jews are characterized by a very high frequency of the phenotype A40.22%. (n.d.). As many as 1 in 4 people in this group is a carrier of an AJ genetic. We link primary sources including studies, scientific references, and statistics within each article and also list them in the resources section at the bottom of our articles. Learn how your comment data is processed. Right now they are destroying that nation and all that are connected to it. MNT is the registered trade mark of Healthline Media. Her nose very arched, narrow and straight. came from. The history of the Babylonian exilarcs falls into two separate identifiable periods, before and after the beginning of the Arabic rule in Babylonia. The priestline after the flood became known as the levite priest line also CHOSEN and ordained by God, which traces their descend all the way back to Shem, whom is not only a descendant of Lamech, Methuselah and Enoch, but so is his wife, Sedeqetelebab the daughter of Eliakim, son of Methuselah, son of Enoch. Westcott and Hort. *Indus Valley 20% [Burusho (Hanza people), Pathan and Sindhi in Pakistan] js.src = "//"; Michael was told to retrieve this child and hide him from the world in Salem. But some of the comments on there are great and have helped lead me in the right direction. However, My blood type is 0-.My hair is med dark brown w tint of red, my skin is olive complexion, and I have green eyes. Combining these two characteristics yields the eight most common blood types. Gujarat is somewhere in the middle. Im so sorry, I didnt realize that you had replied to my post. A blood transfusion is a procedure that restores blood to the body. Rh Negative Organizations and Groups Worldwide, History of the World through the Eyes of Blood. Mayo Clinic Staff. Im trying to cut this short believe me. Anthony, When I learned about my blood type and rhesus negatives in general, I wanted to know about its origin. Sorry But a piece of Desert creation is not the descendants of Jacob or Isaac. Which were the blood types of the ancient Hebrews? Search In addition to his current work, Dr. Amos is using his vast experience to launch Obie, a science-based app that offers personalized fertility advice. As an individuals genetic background influences their blood type, looking at the most common blood type by race or ethnicity can help healthcare professionals acquire and effectively use the most suitable blood and blood products for individuals requiring blood transfusions. DOI: The ABO blood type system and how it affects donating or receiving blood,,,,, The Blood Type Diet: An Evidence-Based Review. I thought the results were rather interesting. That would make him with both a Rh Negative Mom and a Rh Negative Dad and is there even such a thing as Pure Rh Negative as a specific blood type. Eliakim had 3 daughters which Noah took as wives for his 3 sons. I am Rh negative type A from my fathers side. As someone who always grew up wondering where I came from this is incredibly fascinating stuff. Now knowing where RH- came from, where did RH+ come from. Also would my father be the o- or my mother? Authors If your blood is A positive (A+), it means that your blood contains type-A antigens with the presence of a protein called the rhesus (Rh) factor. Blood typing is a test that determines a persons blood type, and it's key if you need a blood transfusion or are planning to donate blood. . Your email address will not be published. Seen here: ABO-typing of ancient skeletons from Israel. Rhesus negative males have an enhanced IFN-mediated immune response to influenza A virus. In addition to his current work, Dr. Amos is using his vast experience to launch Obie, a science-based app that offers personalized fertility advice. On the other hand, a 45% frequency of A group has been recorded in Sephardic Jews (Margolis, Gurevitch and Hennoni, in press), which is close to the figure found in Ashkenazim. Somehow out of my entire family Im the only AB Neg. Thank you for putting all of this together :). There are two types of universal donors when it comes to blood type. The gene for blood group B first appeared in significant numbers somewhere around 10 to 15,000 B.C., the tail end of the Neolithic period, in the area of the Himalayan highlands now part of present day Pakistan and India. Required fields are marked *. The 1917 Bolshevik War, 65Million Russian Christians were slaughteredby Jews. The word Jew never existed until 1775. Interesting. Are rh negative people more likely to have red hair and/or freckles. Thanks, Here are some facts that every 1 needs to be aware of. js.src = "//"; I will read about the Celtic post that you shared soon and share my thoughts. What this means is an unbroken line of Kings from that tribe. YAHshuWAH addresses 7 of the assemblies mentioned by John in Revelation. Rh Negative Organizations and Groups Worldwide,,,, Rh Negative Origins: The 3rd Dynasty of Ur,,, 100 Traits that Rh Negatives might have in common. Their families came from Eastern or Central Europe. This of course is a small study and does not represent blood type frequencies of the ancient Hebrews in general. Any of those antigens being present or absent creates rare blood groups defined as lacking the antigens that 99 percent of people are positive for. The majority of people in the world and across various ethnicities have Rh+ blood type. Anyway, according to 23 and Me my maternal haplogroup is M39. Among Ashkenazi Jews, a higher incidence of specific genetic disorders and hereditary diseases has been verified, including: Alport syndrome [28] Colorectal cancer due to hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer [29] Congenital adrenal hyperplasia (nonclassical form) [30] Congenital insensitivity to pain with anhidrosis [31] One of these Jewish Exilarc ancestors which is connected to Queen Elizabeth, through marriage, was Paloma Ben Yahida which was the great grand daughter of Yahida Ben Rabbi, Yahida was the grandson of Hiyya-al Daudi whom was born in Baghdad, and the first of his house to immigrate to Iberia. What is your mtDNA haplogroup? The other item is the term Israel. Israelites fled to Russia to avoid being killed by the Canaanite Edomite Jews. Right there tells it all on most Jews are not Gods children or do Zionist belong in Israel, & the USA should not be supporting them, for that is turning your back on God.You cant serve to Masters. (2018). Your email address will not be published. A Jew can be either through descent of the Jewish bloodline, or though conversion to the religion of Judaism, but at this time during the reign of King David and his son Solomon, all of the people of Israel which makes up the 10 tribes of the Northern kingdom and the 2 tribes known as Judah and Benjamin from the southern Kingdom were considered Jews due to their religion and the unification as one people under king David.