In fact, at present haplogroup T has only been identified in remains from the Linear Pottery (LBK) culture in Germany. Y Chromosome Consortium; ISOGG Y-DNA Haplogroup Tree ; PhyloTree's Y-tree A minimal reference phylogeny for the human Y-chromosome; Haplogroup Predictor; The Y Chromosome Consortium (2002), A Nomenclature System for the Tree of Human Y-Chromosomal Binary Haplogroups, Genome Research, Vol. Sumerian Migrations, Sumerian Original Homeland Central Asia, Ancestral Homeland Siberia, Ugur (Hurrian), and Implications for the Indo-European Homeland, Discussions regarding genetic research as of May 2017, English was Turkish: Sumerian roots of Indo-European Languages. Y-DNA of Ethiopian Jews. 2018 al. Same source...there's a good chunk of U4 in mesolithic Europe, boatloads in Pitted Ware culture, a resounding 4 out of the hundreds of other neolithics. So, to bring this thread full circle and er, back on topic, in light of the J1 & J2 found in CHG, and the J1 found in Karelia, I'd move away from my old hunch that J1 or J2 was a dominant Sumerian lineage. Read Later ; Print. BUT MY DNA IS THAT TO MATCH … a friend helping me research DNA says that according to this the T haplogroup goes back to Mesopotamia about 17 thousand years ago OMG.. Haplogroup N-M231. Interestingly, during the Copper and Bronze Ages, haplogroup T appears to have been an important paternal lineage among the ruling elites of ancient peoples such as … By Ann Gibbons Aug. 2, 2017 , 1:00 PM. Researchers analysed the DNA of an early Neolithic farmer, a woman believed to have lived in the Belfast area 5,200 years ago. A maternal haplogroup is a family of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) that traces back to a single common ancestor. Have there ever been any genetic studies done on Sumerian bodies, especially on the ones from the royal tomb of Ur ? The mystery of Etruscan origins: novel clues from Bos taurus (cattle) mitochondrial DNA From the study: "The evidence collected corroborates the hypothesis of a common past migration: both humans and cattle reached Etruria from the Eastern Mediterranean area by sea. Read more at: The spread of Indo-European languages: genetic evidence, haplogroup info suggests Sumerian and Hurrian origins With special emphasis on the linguistic affiliations of Haplogroup J and R1b who migrated with J. It is traced to prehistoric. Evidence of genetic stratification ascribable to the Sumerian development was provided by the Y-chromosome data where the J1-Page08 branch reveals a local expansion, almost contemporary with the Sumerian City State period that characterized Southern Mesopotamia. Third Dynasty of Ur, Louvre. c. 2300: King Sargon of Akkad starts conquering the first empire … View this table: View popup; View inline; To control for the quality of the dataset, we estimated exogenous DNA levels and relatedness. Ancient DNA and Sumerians. homeland of the Etruscans with interests in history, politics, economics, philosophy, arts and sports Human genetic history is complicated, particular in Europe, therefore the territorial lines associated with major Y-DNA haplogroups in these maps should be seen as best guesses based on current knowledge of genetics, archaeology, and history (sources below). By Mehmet Kurtkaya, First Published on November 28, 2017 Updated April 2, 2019 Jan 26, 2014 - History and description of Haplogroup J2 (Y-chromosomal DNA) and its subclades. Sequence diversity of the control region of mitochondrial DNA in Tuscany and its implications for the peopling of Europe. Furthermore, a prevalent Middle Eastern ancestry of the modern population of the marshes of southern Iraq implies that if the Marsh Arabs are descendants of the ancient Sumerians, also the Sumerians were most likely autochthonous and not of Indian or South Asian ancestry. comments made by Tags ancient Mesopotamia archaeology DNA Sumerians Tom Head is an author or coauthor of 29 nonfiction books, columnist, scriptwriter, research paralegal, occasional hellraiser, and proud Jackson native. It is one of the most ancient Y-DNA haplogroups. Researchers have sequenced the first complete mitochondrial genome of an ancient Phoenician. Sign up for our email newsletter for the latest science news. That same year, in 2007, Marco Pellecchia showed that DNA from Etruscan cattle was identical to that of cattle in Anatolia. Usually, different ancient Hebrew tribes could be separated by subclades. Another post for map fans – new maps showing snapshots of Europe’s likely dominant or notable Y-DNA haplogroups around 7000 BC, 2000 BC, 117 AD and 1227 AD. If so can someone please post a link. Hence, the Eastern origin of Etruscans, first claimed by the classic historians Herodotus and Thucydides, receives strong independent support.". What was their mtDNA haplogroup ? The Greeks really do have near-mythical origins, ancient DNA reveals. From the paper written by Alberto Gómez-Carballa , Jacobo Pardo-Seco, Jorge Amigo, Federico Martinón-Torres, Antonio Salas and published: On the other hand, a more ancient background shared with Northern Mesopotamia is revealed by the less represented Y-chromosome … This is the achievement of the Sumerian people. Our Haplogroup "is related to the Ancient Etruscans, (Minoan) Greeks, southern Anatolians, Phoenicians, Assyrians and Babylonians." Though it is also found in other Jewish groups, the vast majority of the people who carry it today trace their lineage back to one, or at most a few, women who lived between 500 and 2,500 years ago, and most likely during the first millennium AD." Have there ever been any genetic studies done on Sumerian bodies, especially on the ones from the royal tomb of … DNA Analysis Sheds Light on the Mysterious Origins of the Ancient Greeks Scholars have long puzzled over the ancestry of the Minoans and Myceneans, two important Bronze Age cultures . "J2 originated in northern Mesopotamia, and spread westward to Anatolia and southern Europe, and eastward to Persia … Note that an origin in South Caucasus of the Near East component of Tuscans would also fit well with the findings observed in the genome-wide SNP analysis carried out by Pardo-Seco et al. Uniparental haplogroups (mt, mitochondrial; Ychr, Y … (Michael Frachetti) The … "A genome-wide study of modern-day Tuscans: revisiting Herodotus's theory on the origin of the Etruscans, DNA Study proves Near East as the original By Lizzie Wade Jul. In particular, a principal component analysis point to a genetic proximity between five breeds (Chianina, Marchigiana, Maremmana, Podolica Italiana and Romagnola) reared in Central Italy and the Turkish Grey. (2006). The spread of Indo-European languages: genetic evidence, haplogroup info suggests Sumerian and Hurrian originsWith special emphasis on the linguistic affiliations of Haplogroup J and R1b who migrated with J. Achilli, Piazza et. 12(2), 339–48, February 2002. PA: The emergence of Y-chromosome haplogroup J1e among Arabic-speaking populations. The markers P37, M253, M223 of haplogroup I, M81 and M293 of haplogroups E, and M367, M368 and M369 of haplogroup J1 were typed but not observed. It has been found that Y-DNA Haplogroup J2 originated in Northern Mesopotamia. … It is associated with many Bronze & Iron Age ancient civilizations from the Mediterranean to India. by Alan Cooper And Wolfgang Haak, The Conversation. DNA extracted from these remains helped tract the spread of steppe ancestry east and south toward India, from 2000 to 1500 B.C. the migration of Longobards from Hungary to Italy. Haplogroup E, which characterizes 6.3% of Marsh Arabs and 13.6% of Iraqis, is represented by E-M123 in both groups, and E-M78 mainly in the Iraqis. "A genome-wide study of modern-day Tuscans: revisiting Herodotus's theory on the origin of the Etruscans by Pardo-Seco et al. Article by waqeid. I would instead place my money on haplogroups like G2, T, and possibly E1. On the other hand, a more ancient background shared with Northern Mesopotamia is revealed by the less represented Y-chromosome lineage J1-M267*. Especially the ", 2004 The second important genetic study done By Lizzie Wade Jul. One of those women belonged to the N1b2 haplogroup, which is found today in the mitochondrial DNA of about 10% of Ashkenazi. MARCH 22, 2019,Two more papers on genetic history of Ancient Sicily and Sardinia! Haplogroup J2 is a major West Asian and Greco-Roman paternal lineage. The sister haplogroup is R (M207). BT is a subclade of haplogroup A, more precisely of the A1b clade (A2-T in Cruciani et al. The results of the studies of the remains of a man called the "Young Man of Byrsa" and "Ariche” has linked him to a very early and rare haplogroup found in Europe. This blog is dedicated to those who carry the J2 "Y" DNA Haplogroup, with a focus on J2a4h2, also known as J-L25, with further changes to F3133, and FGC9962. The Etruscans: A Population-Genetic Study, Mitochondrial DNA Variation of Modern Tuscans Supports the Near Eastern Origin of Etruscans, The mystery of Etruscan origins: novel clues from Bos taurus (cattle) mitochondrial DNA, The Etruscan timeline: a recent Anatolian connection, From the study: Haplogroup J1 is not a Semitic haplogroup in origin. A higher male than female homogeneity is characteristic of the Marsh Arab gene pool, likely due to a strong male genetic drift determined by … What was their mtDNA haplogroup ? Sign up for the Newsletter Sign Up. Uniparental haplogroups (mt, mitochondrial; Ychr, Y chromosome) are listed. In October and November … Assuming that they were native to Mesopotamia, wouldn't their Y chromosome haplogroup be J2 ? Interestingly, the … Compatible with the Etrurian culture (9th–1st century BC). 27, 2017 , 12:00 PM. 03-07-2017 - IS HAPLOGROUP J1-M267 SEMITIC? At first this is based on pictograms, and takes about a thousand years to evolve into a full cuneiform script. It is one of the most ancient Y-DNA haplogroups. Assuming that they were native to Mesopotamia, wouldn't their Y chromosome haplogroup be J2 ? This site went live on April 9, 2016. It is one of the most ancient Y-DNA haplogroups. DNA reveals the origins of modern Europeans. Physical anthropology and the “Sumerian problem”. 250px-Gudea_of_Lagash_Girsu. Evidence of genetic stratification ascribable to the Sumerian development was provided by the Y-chromosome data where the J1-Page08 branch reveals a local expansion, almost contemporary with the Sumerian City State period that characterized Southern Mesopotamia. (2006). We found novel genetic evidences on the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) establishing a genetic link between Anatolia and the ancient Etruria. Ancient DNA reveals fate of the mysterious Canaanites. Your maternal haplogroup assignment is based on your mitochondrial DNA, which you inherited from your mother.The Maternal Haplogroup Report tells you about your maternal-line ancestors, from your mother through her mother and beyond. homeland of the Etruscans, A genetic atlas of human admixture history, Mitochondrial DNA variants of Podolian cattle breeds testify for a dual maternal origin, Avars and Longobards genetic research discussions, The Origins of Ancient Greece, the Etruscans, and Rome, Population structure of modern-day Italians reveals patterns of ancient and archaic ancestries in Southern Europe, The spread of Indo-European languages: genetic evidence, haplogroup info suggests Sumerian and Hurrian origins, Population history from the Neolithic to present on the Mediterranean island of Sardinia: An ancient DNA perspective, The Arrival of Steppe and Iranian Related Ancestry in the Islands of the Western Mediterranean, Ugur Turks / Hurrians founders of Ancient Greece. Fenerbahce Sports Club fan. based on autosomal markers. The second most important signal in our study would come from South Caucasus. There is also another sample which is contaminated but reveals interesting info that Y-DNA HAPLOGROUP Q (M242) Haplogroup Q (M242) is one of the two branches of P1 (M45). Plan of a real estate of the city of Umma, with indications of the surfaces of the parts. Haplogroup J arose approximately 30kya (see Figure 4) and has been defined by a number of unique Y-chromosome polymorphisms; the 12f2a deletion and the M304 and P209 SNPs. Regularly updated with new links, articles and resources! Map depicting the two major hypotheses of the … The genetic link between Tuscans and other Near East populations (e.j. Daily Mail article: Founders of the Minoan and Mycenaean civilizations migrated from Turkey! 2014 From the study: Ancient DNA reveals fate of the mysterious Canaanites. In other words, when a new branch needs to be added to the tree, or an entire branch needs to be moved someplace else, the haplogroup names can and do change. The Sumerians were a non-Semitic people, and spoke a "language isolate"; a number of linguists believed they could detect a substrate language beneath Sumerian. An unprecedented DNA study has found evidence of a single human migration out of Africa and confirmed that Aboriginal Australians are the world’s oldest civilization. MAIN ARTICLE Etruscan Origins, 1996 The first genetic study suggesting Near Eastern origins of the Etruscans: SEE THE RESULTS ON MAP, 2015 The Etruscans: A Population-Genetic Study. "The shortest genetic distances between the Etruscan and modern populations are with Tuscans (FST=0.036; P=.0017) and Turks (FST=0.037; P=.0001)" Scientists Prepare to Solve Mystery of Sumerian DNA Dear Guests! Suprahaplogroup F is believed to have migrated from Africa approximately 50kya. Y-DNA also presents just … Welcome to Anthrogenica, an independent community-funded, community-led discussion forum catering towards all aspects of anthropology and population & consumer genetics. Scientists Prepare to Solve Mystery of Sumerian DNA Dear Guests! Newsletter. regarding Anatolian and Near East affinity of 3 samples from the early Medival cemetery near Turin, Italy Considering their NRY variation, Elamites are distinguished from neighbouring Iranian peoples by their relatively elavated frequency of Y-DNA Haplogroup R1b, specifically subclade R1b1a2a-L23.Together with its other clades, the Haplogroup R1 group comprises the single most common haplogroup among the Elamites. DNA extracted from these remains helped tract the spread of steppe ancestry east and south toward India, from 2000 to 1500 B.C. In search of the genetic footprints of Sumerians: A survey of Y-chromosome and mtDNA variation in the Marsh Arabs of Iraq October 2011 BMC Evolutionary Biology 11(1):288 Y-DNA Haplogroup J is a descendent of suprahaplogroup F, which encompasses a large group Y-DNA lineages (haplogroups F-T, see Figure 3). regarding Trojan origin of the Etruscans. Etruscan civilization as of Anatolian (Turkey) origin. Mitochondrial DNA Variation of Modern Tuscans Supports the Near Eastern Origin of Etruscans Our paternal ancestors will also have the same signature. The Great City of Uruk Became Sumerian Powerhouse of Technology, Architecture and Culture. mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) variation was surveyed in 143 Marsh Arabs and in a large sample of Iraqi controls. In Human Genetics, J2 haplogroup (AKA J-M172) is among the most frequent Y DNA haplogroups in the Middle East and in the Arab World. J-2 Originated in Mesopotamia The map above shows the distribution of J2 in Europe and North Africa. In Russian scientist Anatole Klyosov's great website on Turkic history The proportion of human DNA and the mean coverage on 1240 K target sites in the “1240 K” enriched libraries are given. Y chromosome DNA haplogroups. During the Copper and Bronze Ages haplogroup T would have been an important lineage among ancient peoples such as Sumerians, the Babylonians and the Assyrians. Some of their major findings: Admixture analysis indicates the presence of 25-34% of Middle Eastern component in modern Tuscans and Eastern Anatolia/Southern Caucasus as the most likely geographic origin of the main Middle Eastern genetic component observed in the genome of modern Tuscans." Analyses of the haplogroups and sub-haplogroups observed in the Marsh Arabs revealed a prevalent autochthonous Middle Eastern component for both male and female gene pools, with weak South-West Asian and African contributions, more evident in mtDNA. During the Copper and Bronze Ages haplogroup T would have been an important lineage among ancient peoples such as Sumerians, the Babylonians and the Assyrians. A very important genetic research work and analysis DNA Study proves Near East as the original Read more at: The spread of Indo-European languages: genetic evidence, haplogroup info suggests Sumerian and Hurrian origins With special emphasis on the linguistic affiliations of Haplogroup J and R1b who migrated with J. Analyses of the haplogroups and sub-haplogroups observed in the Marsh Arabs revealed a prevalent autochthonous Middle Eastern component for both male and female gene pools, with weak South-West Asian and African contributions, more evident in mtDNA. Our "Y" Chromosome is inherited from father to son. First, a disclaimer. Haplogroup J1 is not a Semitic haplogroup in origin. The archaeogenetics of the Near East is the study of the genetics of past human populations (archaeogenetics) in the Ancient Near East using DNA from ancient remains. Detailed dating information is provided in text S1 and table S1. It is traced to prehistoric Researchers use Y-DNA, mtDNA, and other autosomal DNAs to identify haplogroups and haplotypes in ancient populations of Egypt, Persia, Mesopotamia, Anatolia, Arabia, the Levant, and other areas. For those “old enough” to remember when Y DNA haplogroups used to be called by names such as R1b1c and then R1b1a2, as opposed to the current R-M269 – mitochondrial DNA is having the same issue. Haplogroup R has its … On the whole, the results validate the theory of the ancient historian Herodotus on the origin of Etruscans. "Within the Near East, the main genetic signature comes from Iran, although this view could be distorted by an overrepresentation of this region in the database of mitogenomes from the Near East. It is impossible, and wrong, to take a specific, distinguished, currently existing group like the Marsh Arabs of Iraq and declare them as “the descendants of the Sumerians”, simply because the Sumerians ceased to exist as a distinct group so long ago and their DNA was spared trough many later groups in the area. c. 3500: Writing begins to be developed. ... studies of the remains of a man called the "Young Man of Byrsa" and "Ariche” has linked him to a very early and rare haplogroup found in Europe. History of DNA and the Middle-east “J” DNA “J” is believed to have arisen roughly 30,000 years ago in Southwest Asia (Arabia Felix) Haplogroup J … Samuel Andrews When the pharaohs ruled Egypt and the ancient Greeks built … may connect the sample to Anatolia and Central Asia (comment by blogger Open Genomes). Haplogroup R1 is present at a significantly lower frequency in the Marsh Arabs than in the Iraqi sample (2.8% vs 19.4%; P < 0.001), and is present only as R1-L23. It is one of the most ancient Y-DNA haplogroups. Nevertheless, less than 100 Neolithic European Y-DNA samples have been tested to date, so it is too early to tell if G2a was dominant in all Neolithic … The Sumerians were a non-Semitic people, and spoke a "language isolate"; a number of linguists believed they could detect a substrate language beneath Sumerian. MARCH 22, 2019, Two more papers on … We here propose the suggestive hypothesis of a dual ancestral contribution to the present gene pool of Podolian breeds, one deriving from Eastern European cattle; the other arising from the arrival of Middle Eastern cattle into Central Italy through a different route, perhaps by sea, ferried by Etruscan boats...". Contact info: mk (at) sumerianturks (dot) org. (Michael Frachetti) The … The Parsi Zoroastrian Priests of India on the other hand, overwhelmingly belong to Y DNA haplogroup R1a1a, sharing many close similarities to the Corded Ware Culture of Mesolithic Northeastern Europe. A few months ago someone asked me (via email) which populations I would love to get typed (genetically that is). MARCH 22, 2019, Two more papers on … Our Haplogroup is J,further divided as J2, J2a4h2,also known as L-25, further divided to F3133, and then FGC9962 . 2008 The Etruscan timeline: a recent Anatolian connection by 03-07-2017 - IS HAPLOGROUP J1-M267 SEMITIC? Middle Easterners could have occurred in Central Italy about 2,600-3,100 years ago are the most! Minoan and Mycenaean civilizations migrated from Africa approximately 50kya Mesopotamia the map above shows distribution! Someone asked me ( via email ) which populations I would instead place my money on haplogroups like G2 T... Mesopotamia, would n't their Y chromosome haplogroup be J2 Two most common in and! Of the Minoan and Mycenaean civilizations migrated from Africa approximately 50kya provided in S1... Major hypotheses of the A1b clade ( A2-T in Cruciani et al new links, articles and resources its.! 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sumerian dna haplogroup 2021