SEMESTER I LECTURERS. Code. As modules offered by the Department of Mathematics may vary from year to year, it would be in a student’s interest to have several options for his/her study plan. Enrollment in higher level language modules (2XXX and above) will require an aptitude test. However, this doesn’t mean that NTU is inferior as each school has its own strengths. Semester II Lecturers. Timetable for new academic year is available from early July every year (academic year in NUS starts from August and ends in July). EC5101 / EC5101R: Microeconomic Theory: John Quah (1st half) / Lou Xiao (2nd half) NOT OFFERED : EC5102 / EC5102R: Macroeconomic Theory: JO In Hwan: NOT OFFERED : EC5103 / EC5103R: Econometric Modelling and Applications I: Tilak ABEYSINGHE / SEO Juwon: NOT OFFERED : EC5104 / … This would be done just before the module registration period is open. Economics Skills Lab. MA6xxx module courseware marked with “PhD-sup” are only offered to NUS Maths PhD and MSc students. Lecturer. This module will also be offered in Semester 2, AY2013/14. b) For lecturer details, click on the hyperlinked names. Pharmacogenetics will be introduced as a source of interindividual variability of PK/PD. NUS Overseas College Programme (NOC) Current Students Menu Toggle. Students should check this page for updates especially closer to the module registration period. For their required ten modules, students are allowed a maximum of two levels 4000 modules and two modules (must be at least level 5000) from other faculties. The undergraduate curriculum offered by the Department of Economics builds on a strong core of theoretical analysis and empirical methods of economics and covers in depth a wide range of specialized sub-fields of the discipline. List of Important Events (Undergraduate) NUS Academic Calendar (AY2020/2021) Module Information Menu Toggle. Interested Non-Graduating students are required to submit application using the department’s application form that is available during application period in the semester that the module is offered. Modules Offered - Level 5000 for AY 2013/2014. MODULE TITLES. This information is subject to further change. The remaining five non-specialisation modules (20 modular credits) can be chosen from level 4000 to 6000 modules offered by the School of Computing. Modules may not be offered every semester or academic year. - SE3234 – Module is NOT open for online selection. Code. For modules offered outside the Department of Civil Engineering (except those listed above), prior approval must be sought from the Head, Department of Civil Engineering or his … ... Law and Economics modules at NUS are extremely oversubscribed annually. The module uses economic analysis to explain issues relating to policies and economics in urban and regional growth. To view the list of modules offered in AY2020, please refer here. Modules Offered in Semester 2 – 2020/2021. Staff; News ; Contact; Safety Matters; Departments. Updated 11 Dec 2020 . 16: Level 2000: Any 4 of the following Level 2000 modules: BSP2001 Macro and International Economics; ACC2002 Managerial Accounting; FIN2004 / FIN2004X … Modules offered in last AY19-20 >> Modules Offered - Level 5000 for AY 2019/2020. The module also places emphasis on the practices of secure programming and implementation. Semester I Lecturers . One example is this module called “Economics of Education”. Students may also plan a different combination depending on their personal interests and circumstances. Explore Econ. The elective modules include courses offered by other academic units in NUS and also specialised short courses given by visiting professors. Semester II Lecturers. Semester I Lecturers . Economics Sinhababu N Mon 10-12 AS2-0413 PH2224/GEK2040 Philosophy and Film Holbo J C Fri 4-6 E-learning PH2201/GEM2025 Introduction to Philosophy of Science Lee W Y Tue 2-4 AS6-0214 PH2241 Philosophy of Mind Tang W H Tue 2-4 E-learning PH2204 Introduction to Indian Thought Tagore S N Tue 10-12 AS2-0413 PH2243 Epistemology Beddor R Wed 12-2 E-learning … In addition and under the close mentorship of faculty members, students participate in two semesters of undergraduate seminars in the form of topic modules. Secondly, there are some Economics modules that I want to take which are only offered at NUS Economics. Modules Offered - Level 5000 for AY 2018/2019 . Modules Offered. ST1232: Statistics for Life Sciences: WONG Yean Ling . You can participate in this not-for-credit optional module throughout your time at UCL. For Module Registration form, click here. Title . Title. Title. SEMESTER II LECTURERS . Choose modules that correspond with your major and year of study. It consists of a number of specially designed modules (“S-modules”) in foundational mathematics, which are taught in much greater depth and sophistication than their regular versions. Code. Title. Modules Offered - Level 1000 for AY 2020/2021 . It just depends on where your interests lie and what you prioritise … Modules Offered . The module(s) complement the BSc Economics curriculum. Semester II Lecturers. for more details. Maximize your chances of being offered admission to the NUS Non-Graduating Programme. Information for Freshmen; Academic Matters Menu Toggle. GEH1002 / GEK1018: Economic Issues in Dev World/ Economic Issues in the Developing World: NOT OFFERED: Connie CHUNG: GEH1074: Luck: Georgios GEORGIOU: Not Offered: GEH1075: Life, Disrupted: The Sharing Revolution: MUN Lai Yoke: NOT OFFERED: GES1002 / SSA2220: … Code. Title. NUSMods is a timetable builder and knowledge platform, providing students with a better way to plan their school timetable and useful module-related information that are community-driven. Sitemap. DEP5104 Urban and Regional Economics (4 MCs) (Semester 1)- module offered by the Master of Urban Planning Programme. The module will only be offered in one semester of each academic year thereafter. Modules Offered - Level 5000 for AY 2015/2016 . Level 1000. MA4257: Refer to the update on this module dated 13 July 2012 (below). Code. Student Resources Menu Toggle. Semester I Lecturers . Semester 2 AY2020/2021 - Indicative List of Yale-NUS Elective Modules to be Offered The following is an indicative list of modules compiled as at 24th Mar 2020 to help students plan their module selections for AY2020/2021. Search for: Module Reviews. The Department emphasizes the importance of a strong curriculum and good teaching. The following sample study plans serve to help students (especially freshmen) better plan their studies. • Level 1000 to Level 3000 modules are open to undergraduate exchange students and not open to graduate exchange students. Search for your modules! … It will link to their official biography pages. It will list out the detailed module information including the description, prerequisites, preclusions. Semester I Lecturers . It illustrates the fundamentals of how systems fail due to malicious activities and how they can be protected. If in doubt, please contact . This is a transitional arrangement for AY2013/14 only. Semester II Lecturers. a) For the official module synopsis, please refer to Registar's Office Module Query page. For instance, NTU is known for its strength in Behavioural Economics. Modules which are not offered to exchange students are automatically excluded from the online application portal. The Department will pre-register recommended core modules for students. About; Admissions; Education; Research; Student Life And Services; Alumni And External Relations; Giving; Resources. Single Major (BA) Students who wish to major in Economics for the BA degree are required to: 1. Calendar Menu Toggle. DSA2101: Essential Data Analytics Tools; Data Visualisation: Vik GOPAL: ST2131 / MA2216 * Probability: CHAN Yiu Man: GAN Fah Fatt: ST2132: Mathematical Statistics LIM Tiong Wee: …
nus economics modules offered 2021