San Diego Board of Supervisors, District 3, Find out how to vote in San Diego County. Vice President Biden spent 36 years representing Delaware in the Senate. The California Constitution prevents the state from holding equity, and Prop 14 is designed in such a way that any returns the state could generate are then used to improve the affordability of stem cell treatments, with no possibility of paying back the interest being paid back over many years by the state. She has also worked with the World Bank, the Brookings Institution, and Amnesty International, and taught public policy at The New School and University of California--San Diego. If passed, Prop 16 will permit governments to consider those protected categories in order to promote inclusive hiring and admissions programs in California’s public universities, government, and public agencies. "This is the second lawsuit against two Oceanside women who lawfully collected signatures to put this project on the Fall ballot. Just say No! We encourage counties to 1) require probation departments to work in partnership with other agencies, including the public defender’s office, mental-health services, and other community-based programs, in both implementing the risk-assessment system and in the pretrial release and monitoring of released individuals; 2) use their power to hold probation departments accountable for how they implement pretrial incarceration programs in communities with a particular focus on ensuring non-invasive monitoring, minimizing conditions of release, and maintaining a low rearrest rate ; and 3) invest in alternatives to the overall incarceration system, such as Measure J on the ballot in Los Angeles County, which amends the county charter to require that at least 10 percent of the county’s local revenues go to community-based programs, such as affordable housing and rent assistance, job training, and mental-health and social services. Insurances like Medi-Cal pay less for dialysis treatments than private insurance, which is why corporations like DaVita and Fresenius are spending millions to oppose this proposition. Elect Senator Kamala Harris as Vice President of the United States to get America back on track. "It will give us the strongest privacy rights in the world." Click here to choose your customized guide. While these proposals do not embrace the full scope of progressive ideals, they are an important indicator of his capacity for collaboration. California legislators voted overwhelmingly to place Prop 16 on the November 2020 ballot. First, anyone arrested with a misdemeanor, with some exceptions, is considered to not pose a significant risk to a community and is automatically released without going in front of a judge. Prop 15 also cuts taxes for small business owners who have been especially harmed by the pandemic. Proposition 13 caps most property tax rates at 1 percent of a home’s sale price and holds annual increases in assessed value to 2 percent or less. This personal tragedy shaped Vice President Biden’s public image as an empathetic leader and committed family man. Passing Prop 25 will permanently end their influence in the political process. Closing the corporate tax loophole will restore billions to underfunded public schools that serve low income and communities of color. Time and again, Assemblymembers Cooper and Fong vote to protect police brutality and discriminatory criminal justice policies. Lawson-Remer has authored a comprehensive, multistep climate-action plan for 2021–2035, with the end goal of 90 percent clean energy and significantly reduced private vehicle traffic. According to the 2018 Civil Service Census of California employees, Black Californians made up 5.5 percent of the total population and 9.8 percent of the total civil-service workforce, compared to white Californians, who made up 37 percent of the total population but 43.5 percent of the total civil-service workforce. This data has to be collected, compiled, and reported annually to the Judicial Council, as well as made publicly available for review. While this is technically true, there are two additional changes to the judicial role in the pretrial system that limit judicial discretion. The nonpartisan Legislative Analyst’s Office found that because these companies would not have to pay for standard employee benefits and protections (roughly 20 percent of total employee costs), companies can charge lower delivery fees and fares. Arnold has been sued for a judge’s use of PSA resulting in a murder by the released suspect. He is often critiqued as being an unremarkable, status quo Democrat, and mid-career votes in favor of the Defense of Marriage Act, anti-drug legislation, and the Iraq War reaffirm that characterization. California should maintain net neutrality so people do not have to pay for companies to safeguard their personal information. Representatives are elected to the Assembly for a two-year term. Like us on Facebook to see similar stories, 3 National Guard members dead after helicopter crash on training mission in upstate New York, Presidential inauguration 2021: Biden: 'Democracy has prevailed'. Algorithm-based risk-assessment tools will be used as the core component of the new pretrial incarceration system in all California counties. Additionally, Prop 21 would allow rent in rent-controlled properties to increase up to 15 percent over a period of three years with the start of a new tenancy. Bonds for Government Subsidized Stem Cell Research ... Measure L: Neutral. However, Vice President Biden has not apologized for his continued defense of collaborating with these segregationist colleagues, and maintains broad support in the Black community. A Vice Presidential candidate is selected directly by a Presidential nominee who has won the democratic primary process. 19-OR0729-1, rezoning approximately 176.6 acres in northeastern Oceanside to implement the North River Farms project, be … They also have quasi-judicial powers, which gives them the right to hold hearings, conduct investigations, and make decisions in a manner similar to judicial courts. The Courage California Voter Guide compiles the information that allows you to make informed decisions about the races on your ballot, based on your values. We’re updating the Courage California Voter Guide with new content daily! In 2016, Sen. Harris became the first woman of color elected to represent California in the United States Senate. However, the threat of Republican challenger and strong Trump supporter Maryott’s potential policies greatly outweighs Rep. Levin’s moderate voting record and connection to police organizations. Instead, SB 10 simply gives judges additional information to inform their decision. Thanks for using the Courage California Voters Guide! In fact, multiple sources state that the majority of the board overseeing the CIRM come from institutions that have received the bulk of the CIRM’s spending. This is a bailout for poor decision making. The nonpartisan Public Policy Institute of California found that Prop 47, which Prop 20 attempts to roll back, not only decreased racial disparities in bookings and arrests, but also found that violent crimes did not increase after it was passed. Her campaign has accepted $108,400 from pharmaceutical companies and other health interests and over $50,000 from real estate and property development/management interests. The CIRM ran out of the original Prop 71 funds in 2019 and has not been funding new projects since then. After supporting the 1994 Crime Bill and aligning with the racist ‘tough on crime’ approach of that era, his current platform supports criminal justice reform, abolishing private prisons, and decriminalizing marijuana. Terra Lawson-Remer is endorsed by a strong majority of progressive groups in the district and is, according to our analysis, the strongest choice for representative leadership in office. Prop 19 further builds the wealth of longtime homeowners and denies wealth-building opportunities to people who don’t own a home or who may be struggling to buy one. According to the County Charter, San Diego is governed by a five-member Board of Supervisors, elected at large for a staggered four-year term in their respective districts. -- FALSE. Not only does Prop 24 revoke several protections established in the 2018 California Consumer Privacy Act, but Europe's GDPR protects consumer data regardless of location within the EU and consumers’ citizenship/residence. Now share this with your friends and family. Keep reading for progressive recommendations in other key races and on ballot measures where your vote can make a critical difference. Oceanside is a Charter City but follows the California Elections Code, Government Codes and Fair Political Practices Commission regulations in all election matters. According to a Stanford study, those who lived in rent-controlled properties when Costa-Hawkins passed ended up saving a cumulative total of $7 billion over 18 years, which confirms that rent control is an effective way to prevent displacement from the city. She has been an outspoken opponent of the Trump Administration, and has deftly used her position on the Senate Judiciary Committee to question judicial nominees and interrogate the hypocrisy of her Republican colleagues. President Donald Trump has raised $601 million (as of 10/14/20) and has not taken any fundraising pledges. This law was passed the year after SB 10 to provide an avenue to monitor the implementation of SB 10, and is an important step in making risk-assessment tools more accountable and the overall pretrial incarceration system more transparent. Rep. Levin’s campaign has not pledged to refuse police money, but has publicly refused to accept corporate PAC donations and fossil fuel money. Vice President Biden’s campaign has raised $952 million (as of 10/14/20) and is not funded by fossil fuel money. -- Prop. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee. 4050, Los Angeles, CA 90017. In the primary, challenger Terra Lawson-Remer trailed incumbent Supervisor Kristin Gaspar by a margin of 11.6 percent. Oceanside City Clerk Zeb Navarro, San Diego County Registrar of Voters Michael Vu, referendum organizers Kathryn Carbone and Arleen Hammerschmidt, along with the city, are named as defendants in the new suit filed July 17. “Now, a year later, a recent L.A. Times poll says that 51% favor marriage equality. Find out how to vote in San Diego County. Uber and Lyft currently owe California  $413 million in unemployment insurance contributions due to misclassifying drivers as independent contractors under AB 5. Having a physician on-site at chronic dialysis clinics during all treatment hours provides a higher quality of medical care with an additional layer of patient safety. According to campaign materials, Lawson-Remer is running to improve the quality of life for all San Diegans and defend against Trump administration attacks on “our civil rights, public health and quality of life.”. This year, Rep. Levin has voted 100 percent of the time with Nancy Pelosi and 94 percent of the time with Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Voting is a right, not privilege. Association for L.A. Deputy Sheriffs, L.A. Police Protective League, and the Peace Officers Research Association of California all support and have heavily financed Prop 20. "Prop 22 will give health insurance to all drivers." There are strong concerns about how probation departments will approach the oversight of people who have not been convicted of crimes. It is time that California follows the other 42 states that have taken gender, race, ethnicity, and national origin into account for college admissions and hiring in government and public agencies. -- FALSE. The lawsuit was filed by attorneys Mark Dillon and Kimberly Foy of the Carlsbad firm Tatzke Dillon & Ballance. The California State Assembly has 80 districts. California schools have the largest class sizes in the nation, and California ranks 41st (with adjusted cost of living) out of all states and Washington, D.C. in spending per K-12 student (California Budget & Policy Center). More than half of North River Farms’ 268-acre site is farmland and open space. The foundation has also created several think tank projects including the National Partnership for Pretrial Justice and Advancing Pretrial Policy and Research, which produce research, policy advocacy, and implementation support for the PSA specifically and more generally for the process of replacing cash bail with pretrial risk assessments. Judge Gregory Pollock ruled that there was no evidence of any wrongdoing. "I can only hope that all the Oceanside High school students, student athletes, their families, and my OUSD colleagues will continue to hold their trust in me and the relationships we've built, and shared the past 35 years," she said by email. They hold the power to pass bills that affect public policy, set state spending levels, raise and lower taxes, and uphold or override the governor’s vetoes. "It is a step towards repealing Prop 13" -- FALSE. A coalition called California Consumer and Privacy Advocates Against Prop 24 has been registered in opposition, with $20,000 contributed by California Nurses Association. Sen. Harris has sponsored legislation on climate and environmental protections, rental and housing protections, women’s health, and pandemic relief. This system is unfair from every angle and perpetuates the cycle of poverty and incarceration existing in many low-income communities, which are also disproportionately Black and brown communities. Under the new system, when a prosecutor exercises their option to seek detention, a judge must hold a hearing and make the findings available on record before they order the person detained pretrial. This is essential because judges now have increased discretion over the more serious felony cases, and they also have discretion to carve out other other exclusions from release for misdemeanors at the county-level. Both InstaCart and Postmates have contributed $27 and $11 million each respectively, for a grand total of over $187 million in support of Prop 22. International Brotherhood of Teamsters, United Food & Commercial Workers International Union, Service Employees International Union, United Food & Commercial Workers Local 770, and SEIU-UWH Political Issues Committee have contributed a total of $5.5 million in opposition to Prop 22. While the Biden/Harris platform is the most progressive platform ever adopted by a major party ticket, we encourage progressive advocates to continue to hold their administration accountable, and work to encourage progressive legislation throughout the country. Prop 22 will codify Uber and Lyft’s abilities to systematically steal wages from drivers. A "no" vote opposed adopting a city council ordinance to rezone 176.6 acres in northeastern Oceanside to Planned Development to allow for the North River Farms development project, thereby blocking the North River Farms development project and leaving the land zoned for Agricultural, which allows crop-producing activities and limited residential development with minimum lot sizes of … If approved by the voters, the charter would serve as the constitution of the City and would provide the City with the authority permitted by law to control its municipal affairs. … hospital Friday morning, one by helicopter, following a three-vehicle crash on Interstate 5 north of Oceanside. -- FALSE AB 1482 only affects residential properties built after 2005, and according to Zillow’s analysis, only 7 percent of renters would have benefited from AB 1482’s rent cap in 2018. Yes on L. Vote YES on Measure L to support San Diego County’s first farm community designed for Oceanside that preserves agriculture by creating a working farm within a neighborhood that will produce locally grown fruits and vegetables for thousands of Oceansiders. For Los Angeles City candidates, additional information is available at Prop 15 is a way to invest in our communities without having to raise taxes on small businesses, renters, and homeowners. Proposition 25 is a referendum, which asks voters to directly weigh in on whether to keep or reject SB 10, a bill originally passed in 2018. This puts an impossible burden on consumers. Lyft, Uber, and DoorDash are leading contributions in support of Prop 22, with over $148 million between the three of them. 19, a child would have to live in the inherited home as their primary residence or they lose the big tax break. It is important to note that this policy change does not appear to apply to for-profit entities funded by the CIRM. Presidential administrations are responsible for both foreign and domestic policy priorities. He has been endorsed by Oceanside Police Officers’ Association, and has received funding from Build the Wall PAC. Vote YES to continue the CIRM, a state agency that has distributed a significant source of funding to scientific research programs and enterprises across the state, both nonprofit and for-profit. Republicans held this district from 2012 to 2018, when Tasha Boerner Horvath won and flipped AD-76 from red to blue. Ten days before Election Day in 2016, Secretary Hillary Clinton held an average 4.9% polling lead over Donald Trump. In the current cash bail system, judges can use their discretion to set cash bail at any number with no requirement to make any findings public, which effectively detains an individual with no judicial accountability. Under current law, privacy follows a Californian wherever they go, and businesses must honor the electronic signal. Prop 21 is more or less the same proposition voters rejected in 2018. Prop 20 would increase recidivism by removing positive incentives from Prop 57. Vice President Biden’s commitment to compromise has extended to the left in recent months, and updates to his campaign platform are reflective of his interest in connecting with progressive voters. She attended Howard University, one of America’s HBCU institutions, for undergraduate studies, and completed her law degree at the University of California, Hastings. This rebuttal is provided for Oceanside School District residents to think long and hard before imposing another property tax hike, costing taxpayers more than $9 MILLION PER YEAR to take out a $160 MILLION LOAN. Prop 24 removes the existing prohibition on companies from tracking a consumer's data once an individual leaves the state boundary. This reform will restore $6.5 billion to $11.5 billion of critically needed funds for schools and local community services without raising taxes on homeowners, renters, or small businesses. Members elected before 2012 are restricted to three two-year terms (six years) in the Assembly. Prop F's "majority rule" is costly and confusing - and runs against the very principles of our United States and California Constitutions, which ensure representative government "for all." This is not a standardized approach to validation; the tool must be proven to provide a higher level of responsiveness and sensitivity to community conditions before it is implemented. Now the citizens of Oceanside have rallied to put this project on the November 2020 ballot. San Diego County’s Board of Supervisors oversees the needs of 3.3 million people and manages an estimated budget of $6.4 billion annually. -- FALSE. A YES vote on Prop 18 solves this problem. 71 was designed to kick-start the research at a time when federal funding was blocked. In 2019, the San Diego Tribune reported that Gaspar attempted to secure a multimillion-dollar city contract for a nonprofit organization she worked for without disclosing her role at the organization. Prop 23 would add sections to the California Health and Safety Code about how dialysis facilities can operate, requiring a physician to be on-site at every di. Originally, there was unanimous support for SB 10 from most criminal-justice reform groups across the state. Prop 15 protects homeowners, renters and small business owners. Under Prop 22, companies do not pay for health insurance, but instead provide a stipend to drivers. Residents filed their signed petition for a referendum to overturn the council's decision with the city clerk on Dec. 20. Because counties include both incorporated cities, which are administered by their own city councils and unincorporated areas, which are directly administered by the county, ordinances may or may not apply in different areas of the county. City of Oceanside - Measure L . Sign up to get an email when it’s complete and to learn more about Courage California! Voters can’t be blamed if they can’t remember whether Prop. Currently, rideshare and delivery workers are entitled under AB 5 to labor rights that every other employee in California receives, such as the right to organize, health insurance, and Social Security benefits. Vote No on Measure W! Support Times of San Diego’s growth Read More California has 53 congressional representatives. A "no" vote opposed adopting a city council ordinance to rezone 176.6 acres in northeastern Oceanside to Planned Development to allow for the North River Farms development project, thereby blocking the North River Farms development project and leaving the land zoned for Agricultural, which allows crop-producing activities and limited residential development with minimum lot sizes of 2.5 acres so long as the … Rep. Tasha Boerner Horvath is the Democratic incumbent, having served as Assemblymember since 2018. In New Jersey, similar legislation passed eliminating the use of cash bail has reduced racial disparities in the jail population. In the next 12 months, we’ll make that margin even bigger.” Proposition 8 was an amendment to … The Biden/Harris campaign is endorsed by many progressive groups in the country. This is not true of Prop 24. The new judicial transparency requirement makes it easier for an individual to appeal a judge’s preventative detention decision. Oceanside's penchant for knock-down, drag-out politics is likely to spice up Tuesday's election as city voters decide Proposition H, a ballot question concerning dollars and democracy. After voting in favor of the Defense of Marriage Act in 1996, he was the first member of the Obama Administration to advocate for marriage equality in 2012. President Trump is endorsed by the Fraternal Order of Police, Citizens United, Proud Boys, and a variety of law enforcement organizations. California's 49 Congressional District includes parts of San Diego and Orange Counties. Women of color continue to face systemic racism in the wage gap and earn an estimated $946,120 less than white men over a 40-year career. To serving two four-year terms in San Francisco before being elected as the North River Farms files suit! Addressed in the primary, Democrat incumbent representative Levin led Republican challenger Brian Maryott a... 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