They equip us, they give point and definiteness to new intention, they offer fresh feelings, they take us out of grooves, they stir up in us our immortality. If God had not a blessing in store for us, how is it that we are captives, and not slain as many others were during the siege? Written by Madeline Kalu. Aleph. There hath nothing befallen thee save the just recompense of thy misdoing. Woe to that home which lays no yoke upon its inmates. "A man for the punishment of his sins." (Lamentations 5:19-22) Overview Or, Are not spent, wasted, but, as the oil in the cruse, as the spring ever runneth, the sun ever shineth, &c. This should ever shine in our hearts as the sun doth in the firmament. We shall find increasingly, "how good it is." References: Lamentations 3:27.—Preacher's Monthly, vol. பர ச த த வ த கமம ப லம பல அத க ரம 3 – Read Holy Bible Book Of Lamentations Chapter 3 In Tamil With English Reference English:- Let Him Offer His Cheek To One Who Would Strike Him, And Let Him Be Filled With Disgrace. Lesson: I Kings 8:54-61; Time of Action: 959 B.C. Psalm 89:2 ; Psalm 107:43 ; Isaiah 63:7 ), "that we are not utterly consumed," as Luther and similarly our English translators have excellently rendered תּמנוּ. And the conclusion of his soul amid all his trouble was that God was good. Lamentations 3, Coffman Commentaries on the Bible, One of over 110 Bible commentaries freely available, this commentary, by the leading authority in the Church of Christ, presents a … Great is thy faithfulness. The work of self-examination has this advantage, that it is a real, personal act; and in religion, as has been well-observed, what a man does for himself is of much more avail than what others do or can do for him. They made all men’s causes of suffering and sorrow their own, till all men hated them and put a price on their heads.’. "It is of Jehovah's lovingkindness that we are not consumed. Lamentations 3:22-23 The Freedom of Forgiveness - Part 2 (See also Part 1) Lamentations 3:22-23 What to Do When You Don’t Feel Thankful; WOODROW KROLL. How can a complaint against justice be itself just. Till Jehovah look down, and behold The Psalmist calls upon us to "forget not all God's benefits," and he thus indicates our perpetual danger, a danger which he himself felt, and against which he had to guard his own soul. Some religious works are agreeable; for example, the meditation on God's goodness, and the benefits He has bestowed upon us. (22) It is of the Lord’s mercies.—It is, perhaps, part of the elaborate art of this poem that Lamentations 3:22-42, which form its centre, and that of the whole book, represent the highest point of trust to which the mourner attains, being both preceded and followed by words of lamentation. The outbreak of the COVID-19 virus took away a normalcy that many of us had previously taken for granted, caused serious financial and socio-economic disruption, and challenged our hope for the future. We are come, by God's grace, to a new year. Even before the fall, man had his physical work assigned to him. Every morning of those dark days witnessed some new provision of God’s care. He Himself provides, and He Himself rules. I. The year will grow stale, but these will always sustain their vigour and elasticity. Lamentations 3:22 [It is of] the LORD’S mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not. An appeal to God is due to the paternity of God. IV. The following sermon is going to examine Ephesians 1:11-14 and in doing so show how knowing the works of the Holy Spirit is the key to knowing beyond a doubt that we are saved and are eternally safe in the hands of our Father! (3) The power of motion and action, and speech, is another mercy which is new every morning. Our Creator intended us for labour, not for indolence. INTRODUCTION: We are continuing in our study on the Psalms of Ascent, and our message series is called Stepping Stones to Gods Heart. Ver. The practice of self-examination will more assuredly soften and humanise the character in regard of the social intercourses of life; making him who is diligent in such practice gentle and merciful toward his fellow-creatures. V. The combination of seeking and waiting forms in its highest perfection the devotional state of the soul in which both the seeking and the waiting go beyond their former meanings, and blend into the habit rather than the act of communion with God. In other words, its not all, all, all the way up all the time. I. — Ed. III. ; Place of Action: Jerusalem Golden Text: “The Lord our God be with us, as he was with our fathers: let him not leave us, nor forsake us: That he may incline our hearts unto him, to walk in all his ways, and to keep his commandments, and his statutes, and his judgments, which he commanded our … Wherefore dost thou forget us for ever, and forsake us so long time? Lamentations 3:22 [It is of] the LORD’S mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not. Lamentations 3:21-23. Thus are these two arguments of the text demonstrative of the unfairness of human complaint when the dealings of the Most High pass under review. Lamentations 3:22-23 Today's Mercies for Today's Troubles; KAY DAIGLE. Ongoing Jewish tradition enshrines this history by reading the book on the ninth of Ab (July/August), the day on which the final fall of the Jerusalem temple in … Continue reading "Commentary on Lamentations 3:22-33" Though He may have caused grief, yet is His compassion in proportion to the multitude of His mercies. It is of the Lord's mercies— This is the Lord's mercy, that he hath not entirely consumed me; neither are his companions exhausted. But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. It was true of the prophet, that he died not in prison, or in the dungeon; and of the people of the Jews, who though many of them perished by the sword, famine, and pestilence, yet God did not make a full end of them, according to his gracious promise, Jeremiah 30:11; but left them a seed, a remnant, from whence the Messiah, the mercy promised, should come, and to which it was owing they were not utterly cut off for their sins: nor are any of the Lord's special people ever consumed; their estates may be consumed, and so may their bodies by wasting diseases, and at last by death; but not their souls, not only as to their being, but as to their well being, here and hereafter; though their peace, joy, and comfort, may be gone for a while, through temptation, desertion, and the prevalence of corruption; and they may be in declining circumstances, as to the exercise of grace, yet the principle itself can never be lost; faith, hope, and love, will abide; nor can they eternally perish, or be punished with an everlasting destruction: all which is to be ascribed not to their own strength to preserve themselves, nor to any want of desert in them to be destroyed, or of power in God to consume them; but to his "mercies" and "goodnesses", the multitude of them; for there is an abundance of mercy, grace, and goodness in God, and various are the instances of it; as in the choice of his people to grace and glory; in the covenant of grace, and the blessings of it they are interested in; in redemption by Christ; in regeneration by his Spirit; in the forgiveness of their sins; and in their complete salvation; which are all so many reasons why they are not, and shall not be, consumed. While man has life, he may win Christ. And they were alike in this also, that, just because of their combined strength, and sternness, and sensibility, no man in their day sympathised with them. C. Price, Ibid., vol. And he afterwards adds, —. These two arguments we will apply (1) to God's general dealings; (2) to His individual. IT is in affliction chiefly that the children of God attain to any considerable eminence in religion. Verses 22-42 are the center of the present poem, as it also holds the central place in the whole series of the Lamentations. There is a marked want about those Christians who have never suffered. This question suggests two considerations; each of which demonstrates the injustice of the complaint—Why should a living man complain? This I recall to my mind, Therefore I have hope. Hence a very useful doctrine is elicited — that God succors his own people, lest they should wholly perish. I. In them the riches of God‘s grace and mercy are set forth in the brightest colors, but no sooner are they ended than the prophet resumes the language of woe. References: Lamentations 3:41.—J. If he does not learn this lesson early, he will suffer for it by-and-by. Lamentations 1:21-22 and Lamentations 3:59-66 appear to be incongruent with Jeremiah's conviction that the Babylonians were functioning as God's instrument of judgment (Jeremiah 20:4-5). 2 Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. If it be a life of sickness, a life of widowhood, a life of captivity, yet all this deserves no mention in opposition to the privilege of existence. CHAPTER (ELEGY) 3 La 3:1-66. The salvation of the Lord here is something else than the first view which a sinful man obtains of pardon and peace, through "the great God our Saviour." 22.We are not consumed — “We,” here, takes the place of I without any marked transition, suggesting, as above intimated, that the prophet in what goes before identifies himself with the people. These elegies are sad beyond description. (b) The next element in Christian hope is faith. Lamentations 3:49 - My eyes pour down unceasingly, Without stopping, on Coffman Commentaries on the Bible "Mine eye poureth down, and ceaseth not, without any intermission. It is of the Lord's mercies that we are not consumed - Being thus humbled, and seeing himself and his sinfulness in a proper point of view, he finds that God, instead of dealing with him in judgment, has dealt with him in mercy; and that though the affliction was excessive, yet it seas less than his iniquity deserved. All communion with God requires this. Study the Bible online. new. Speaking for himself, the prophet personifies his people, II. It is of the Lord’s mercy that we are not consumed.] More resources, better tools and easier navigation Test drive it and tell us about your experience. We may all apply this very sensibly to ourselves because we have to do with a God that changes not, therefore it is that we are not consumed, even because his compassions fail not they are new every morning great is his faithfulness, Lamentations 3:22,23. Again, the seeking stands here and everywhere for the pleading boldness of prayer, which requires to be qualified by its waiting humility. viii., No. Lamentations 4:22.—Spurgeon, Sermons, vol. Lamentations 1:21-22 and Lamentations 3:59-66 appear to be incongruent with Jeremiah's conviction that the Babylonians were functioning as God's instrument of judgment (Jeremiah 20:4-5). III. There are two things which often divert men from appealing to God. "Indeed, if any man escapes hell, it is because God's compassions fail not. We may be very thankful that there are these periods and epochs in life—these foldings down of pages we have read and openings of the new leaves of another chapter. Supposing that you are ready thus to appeal, there are two evils to be guarded against: (1) That of lifting up the spirit without the hands—depending upon mental prayer without times for prayer, seasons for prayer, words of prayer—without an act of prayer. We owe an appeal on whatsoever concerns us to the personal providence of God, and the actual government of God. But there are other times when we read Psalm 23 and heave a sigh, thinking "I don't feel like the sheep in Psalm 23 right now. Forlorn as might be his lot, he could still reckon upon the faithfulness of his never-failing Friend. This I recall to my mind, &c.— Here the prophet begins to suggest motives of patience and consolation: as if he had said, I call to mind the following considerations, and thereupon I conceive hope and comfort. Verse 13 And after all that is come upon us for our evil deeds, and for our great trespass, seeing that thou our God hast punished us less than our iniquities deserve, and hast given us such deliverance as this; after all Nehemiah 9:32; Ezekiel 24:13,14; Galatians 3:4 hast punished, etc Heb. Having considered his ways, he knows what he has to confess when he comes into his Maker's presence. Lamentations 3:22-23 New King James Version Update 22 () Through the Lord ’s mercies we are not consumed, Because His compassions fail not. We are come, by God's grace, to a new year. 3:42) carries an expression of full assurance in God's unfailing mercies; and that such As our confessions and petitions ascend to God, as we search and try our ways and turn again to Him, we shall become conscious that He is drawing near. 25 The vii., p. 380. How beautifully he speaks of the mercies of the Lord, of His compassions which never fail, of the greatness of His faithfulness (Lamentations 3:22-23). 480. 27:39 Lamentations 3:8 - Math. It is good for us all to have to work for our bread. Such is the comfort still of all those who know the Lord; it is the song in the night: “The LORD is my portion, saith my soul; therefore will I … "Take My yoke upon you and learn of Me.". Click the Bible for the all new!! iv., p. 432. It is good for a man to bear in his youth the yoke of subjection to authority. "[25], This section through Lamentations 3:39 (or Lamentations 3:42) carries an expression of full assurance in God's unfailing mercies; and that such is found in Lamentations is indeed remarkable and carries its own rich consolations. It is good for a man to bear in his youth the yoke of Christian service. Full suddenly he draws out another stop in the organ, a stream of hope and comfort pours upon the ear (Lamentations 3:22-33).—It is as though he had caught the cadence of some angel minstrelsy. Patience is strengthened (a) by faith, (b) by contentment, (c) by calm attention to duties. For the superintendence of our affairs is not committed by God to some deputy. This sentence was much in the mouth of that famous Maria Aegyptiaca, and should be in all our minds and mouths for a lenitive. Life, when regarded as the seedtime of eternity, must appear to be so enormous in value that its sternest and most aggravated sorrows dwindle away into comparative nothingness. Lamentations 3:22-23 New Revised Standard Version (NRSV) 22 The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases, [] his mercies never come to an end; 23 they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. Lamentations 3:22–23 22 Because of the Lord ’s great love r we are not consumed, s for his compassions never fail. V. We owe this appeal to God's provision for our full reconciliation to Himself. Lamentations 3:22. We have seen how these Psalms operate in groups of three a psalm of trouble, followed by a psalm of trust, followed by a psalm of triumph. So we must take the night with the morning, if we would have the complete day. II. 3:39 (or Lam. Here too there is a yoke, and a yoke-bearing, or else a refusal of the yoke, with many sad consequences of sorrow and shame. WELCOME. Full suddenly he draws out another stop in the organ, a stream of hope and comfort pours upon the ear, III. Wherefore dost thou forget us for ever, and forsake us so long time? The Lord's lovingkindnesses indeed never cease, For His compassions never fail. 1812. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. "[26] "It is interesting that the author, himself a sufferer, here becomes an advisor as well. It is good for a man that he bear the yoke in his youth—the yoke of home. Without repentance we shall perish, and repentance absolutely requires and supposes a careful review of the actions of our life, and that at stated and oft-recurring periods, so that the actions may be remembered and not slip through, from the length of time through which the review extends and the difficulty of recalling its performances. We wish it were, but its not. I. I. We owe it to ourselves to make this appeal to God. They are granted in an indirect manner, and in the discipline of graces more important than the gifts themselves. II. I. In the first place, it gave him a true view of Divine government. on It is when pain or overwork chases sleep away, when he lies upon his bed and waits for its coming but it comes not, when he begins to dread the nights lest he should have the same wretched experiences again and again—a fear which prepares the way for its own fulfilment—it is then that he begins to learn what is meant by sleep, and what high rank it takes among the common mercies of life. VI. 1291. It is good for a man to bear in his youth the yoke of self-restraint. II. It is good for a man to become a decided Christian in early life. It is the salvation which a man needs in any crisis of life, where he suffers under trial or is threatened with it. Get time, if it be only a few moments, for meditation before you speak to God, and you will find a freshness in your thought of Him which will certainly inspire and help your supplications. This, then, is the first thing for us to do, if we would strengthen hope, to see that its objects are right and good—that is, accordant with the Divine will and beneficial for us; we may learn this by consulting God's word and our own thoughtful experience. (2) We are living men. We owe it to the Divine precepts, invitations, and promises. "This is the focal point of the whole book; it is a central core of hope of restoration for Israel in God's own good time; and there is a symmetry in the book that highlights this central core. It is the Lord who reigns in all circumstances, and He reigns over them. Psalm 37:4 says, “Delight yourself also in the LORD and He shall give you the desires of your heart.” Since it is human nature to battle against self-worship, we are tempted to focus on the latter half of this verse which seems to promise that God will give us whatever our little hearts desire. Lamentations 3 – “Great Is Your Faithfulness” “The third poem is significantly different in structure from the others, being made up of single lines grouped in threes, and commencing with the same consonant of the Hebrew alphabet.” (R.K. Harrison) I. Jeremiah gives us two notions about human discipline as regulated by God the Judge and God the Father. Lamentations 3:17 Hebrew good Lamentations 3:22 Syriac, Targum; Hebrew Because of the steadfast love of the Lord, we are not cut off Lamentations 3:64 Or Repay them Lamentations 3:65 Or Give them Lamentations 3:65 Or That means that when we run to Him and ask for forgiveness, He is faithful II. The words may be rendered, "the mercies" or "goodnesses of the Lord, for they are not consumed", or, "that the mercies of the Lord", &c.F23חסדי יהוה כי לא תמנו "quod misericordiae Jehovae deficiunt", vel "defecerunt", so some in Vatablus; "studia Jehovae quod non defecerunt", Cocceius. Through the Lord’s mercies we are not consumed, Because His compassions fail not. (Lamentations 3:22). Hold to that, soul, in spite of all appearances, and dare to believe that the Lord is good. They will be new as God makes new—the old renovated; the happy associations of an old thing combined with the spring-like delight of a new thing. Commend me to the man who has been through deep waters, through very dark places, through treacherous, serpent-haunted roads, and who has yet come out with a cheerful heart, mellow, chastened, subdued, and who speaks tenderly of the mercy of God through it all. Lamentations 3:22-23 English Standard Version (ESV) 22 The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; [] his mercies never come to an end; 23 they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. Taking the opening of the chapter along with the text, we seem to find a good deal of inconsistency—and, in fact, positive contradiction. IV. They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness. II. There has been plenty of sorrow in every age, and in every land; but such another preacher and author as Jeremiah, with such a heart for sorrow, has never again been born. If, indeed, any sinner be kept out of hell, it is because God's compassion faileth not. As our confessions and petitions ascend to God, as we search and try our ways and turn again to Him, we shall become conscious that He is drawing near (Lamentations 3:57).—‘Thou saidst, Fear not.’ How often God will utter those words as the years pass! and quietly wait for the salvation of Jehovah. on 1 Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus by the will of God, and Timothy our brother, To the church of God in Corinth, together with all his holy people throughout Achaia: (). For his compassion’s never fail. How easy and how common it is to discourse in a querulous and reproachful strain, on the fact of our being made to suffer for a forefather's transgressions, and on the fact of our deriving a polluted nature from guilt in which personally we took not any share. We forget, that although we did not ourselves elect Adam to act as our representative, we should, almost beyond doubt, have elected him, had it been put to our choice. I. References: Lamentations 3:24.—Spurgeon, Sermons, vol. There is no book in the Bible which is more characterised by the illuminations of sorrow. We owe it to each other. The Lamentations are written in poetry. "Because his compassions fail not" (Lamentations 3:22). (2) That of lifting up the hands without the heart. We owe it, further, to the character of God. Read verse in New International Version Blessings, being as it were suspended or withheld during the night, are again renewed in the morning. (Lamentations 5:19-22) Overview [1] Lamentations, from Thru The Bible Radio with Dr. J. Vernon McGee ©, with free downloads Notes & Outlines (PDF), Complete 5-Year Study (MP3) The Book of Lamentations is composed of five chapters, and each chapter is an elegy, almost a funeral dirge. Mercy is nothing else but love flowing freely from any to persons in misery, and differs from compassion only in the freeness of the emanation. CHAPTER (ELEGY) 3 La 3:1-66.. Jeremiah proposes his own experience under afflictions, as an example as to how the Jews should behave under theirs, so as to have hope of a restoration; hence the change from singular to plural (La 3:22, 40-47).The stanzas consist of three lines, each of which begins with the same Hebrew letter. And like the ps… It is good for a man to bear in his youth the yoke of personal affliction. 22. 579; Ibid., Morning by Morning, p. 325. VII. His heart forgets its grief, as he dwells on the Lord’s mercies and unfailing compassions. And, in those trials, hope and quiet waiting do not come at once into their fullest exercise. Sunday, January 26, 2020. If the rendering be made literal, “in the mornings,” the meaning is the same; they follow the previous nights of trouble. Turn thou us unto thee, O LORD, and we shall be turned; renew our days as of old. — “We,” here, takes the place of I without any marked transition, suggesting, as above intimated, that the prophet in what goes before identifies himself with the people. The small poetic book of Lamentations was composed during the fall of Jerusalem to the invading Babylonian armies in the early years of the sixth century BCE. 22 It is of the Lord ’s mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not. Think of His complete knowledge, His consummate wisdom, His eternal love. IV. C. P. Eden, Oxford Lent Sermons, 1859, p. 241. The salvation of the Lord is when all conceivable means have been employed and have failed. But thou hast utterly rejected us; thou art very wroth against us. vi., p. 141. Read verse in … It is not because God had not power enough utterly to have consumed us, nor because we had not guilt enough to have provoked his justice to have put an end to our lives, as well as to the lives of many thousands of our countrymen, but it is merely from the Lord’s free love and pity to us in our miseries. The throne of God. The first clause may be explained in two ways: The view commonly taken is, that it ought to be ascribed to God’s mercy that the faithful have not been often consumed. These psalms trace the upward ascent of our heart to Gods heart, but its not smooth sailing all the way. 23 They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness. Psalm 30:5 For his anger endureth but a moment; in his favour is life: weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning.. 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lamentations 3:22:23 studylight 2021