2017; 174: 246–255. Retention rates for both groups were lower than anticipated which may have limited our ability to see effects in some outcomes; however, no differential attrition was detected. The primary outcome was systolic blood pressure. “In my experience the fully integrated model is better for the treatment of common behavioral health needs because it allows for the easiest patient access. 4, 2020, p. 15. Available here: https://www.integration.samhsa.gov/workforce/team-members/Essential_Elements_of_an_Integrated_Team.pdf. S59-S71. It includes studies of care delivery, cost effectiveness, and workplace effects. Contamination occurred within the trial due to implementation challenges and the single clinic setting. International Journal of Integrated Care, 20(4), p.15. In age-stratified models, intervention participants aged 51 years or older had a PHQ-9 score 2.08 points lower than those in the control group (p = 0.01, d = 0.34, Table 5) on average; however, the intervention effect was not significant among participants under 51 years of age. This list of resources, put forth by the SAMHSA-HRSA Center for Integrated Health Solutions (CIHS), assists providers in integrating primary and behavioral health services to better address the needs of individuals with mental health and substance use conditions, whether seen in specialty behavioral health or primary care provider settings. Retrieved June 12, 2015, from https://www.austinpcc.org/documents/specialprograms/IBH_year_3_report.pdf. 2017; 177(9): 1265–1272. All participants enrolled had complete baseline sociodemographic data collected. Those who agreed to participate underwent an informed consent process including the study overview, information about the randomization process, and an understanding that voluntary participation included taking a baseline and all follow-up assessments. Secondary outcomes were HbA1c (a measure of glucose control), body mass index (BMI), and depressive symptoms (assessed through PHQ-9 score) [27]. The intervention and control groups had the same rate of retention (63%; p = 0.95), indicating no differential attrition. Prev Chronic Dis. Additionally, volunteer providers’ variable schedules posed a challenge to implementing this aspect of the study design. There were no statistically significant findings for other outcomes. We compared the proportion of participants who were lost to follow-up in the intervention versus control groups using a Chi-square test. Gilbody S, Bower P, Fletcher J, Richards D, Sutton AJ. Impact of a culturally focused psychiatric consultation on depressive symptoms among Latinos in primary care. 2014; 69(4): 377–387. Pearson correlation coefficients were calculated to identify collinearity among variables in each model. Significant interactions were detected between sex and study group in analyses of 12-month blood pressure measures and HbA1c level. 2012; 9(8). Journal of Latina/o Psychology. Arizona State University. Improvement in Depressive Symptoms Among Hispanic/Latinos Receiving a Culturally Tailored IMPACT and Problem-Solving Intervention in a Community Health Center. HOPE intended for intervention participants to receive care from a group of volunteer primary care providers separate from those treating the usual care participants. To the authors’ knowledge, no randomized control trials (RCT) of integrated care approaches have been conducted in free and charitable clinic settings or in clinics exclusively engaging volunteer primary care providers. No statistically significant effects were detected for physical health measures; additionally, intervention participation was associated with a mean PHQ-9 score 1.64 points lower (p = 0.04) in the per protocol subsample. Effect sizes for statistically significant results were calculated using the Cohen’s d statistic. Integrating Primary Care and Behavioral Health With Four Special Populations: Children with Special Needs, People With Serious Mental Illness, Refugees, and Deaf People. Over 30 practices with integrated behavioral health and primary care services that are actively working on a nationwide research agenda have been recruited to participate in this network. Outcome of depression in later life in primary care: Longitudinal cohort study with three years’ follow-up. BMJ (Online). When controlling for baseline measures and other covariates, intervention participants had significantly reduced PHQ-9 score at 12-months compared to control participants. We conducted an RCT to compare outcomes of intervention participants receiving HOPE’s IBH model with control participants receiving usual care. First, there may have been insufficient time to observe a difference given the single year of follow up, and it is possible that physical changes may have occurred over a longer intervention period. The PHQ-9: validity of a brief depression severity measure. DOI: https://doi.org/10.2105/AJPH.93.3.467, Diez Roux AV, Merkin SS, Arnett D, Chambless L, Massing M, Nieto FJ, et al. Stratified analyses were performed if significant interaction terms were detected. 2020. We at the Integrated Behavioral Health Project (IBHP) have found that integrated models differ in a number of essential components and along a number of dimensions, among them: 1. Improving mental health and addressing mental illness: collaborative care for the management of depressive disorders. There were no significant interactions of study group and potential effect modifiers for 12-month BMI. Psychology and Behavioral Science International Journal ISSN 2474-7688 Psychol Behav Sci Int J 2(2): PBSIJ.MS.ID.555585 (2017) 001 Abstract This paper discusses challenges in utilizing findings and constructs from different (health behavior) theories. Patients were excluded if they were pregnant or did not meet the eligibility criteria (Figure 1). The grant also provided funds for travel for in-person meetings. J Soc Work Educ, 53 (suppl 1) (2017), pp. No statistically significant differences were identified between the intervention and control groups in terms of observed sociodemographic measures or health outcomes at baseline, except for PHQ-9 score (Table 2). We then estimated multivariate linear regression models adjusting for important covariates and potential confounders identified in the assessment of baseline equivalence and bivariate analyses using backward elimination model selection for parsimony [30]; covariates were removed from the model where p > 0.15. We subsequently explored the potential for effect modification by baseline health condition (e.g., baseline depression as an effect modifier for impact on PHQ-9 score at 12 months), age (below versus equal to or above the mean study age of 51 years), and sex. Guide to Community Preventive Services. Blended models of care seen in successful integrated care practices frequently combine CoCM and the Primary Care Ann Fam Med. Prim Care Companion CNS Disord. Collaborative care for the treatment of depression in primary care with a low-income, Spanish-speaking population: Outcomes from a community-based program evaluation. Intervention participants also received services from a care coordinator who made warm-handoffs to either the BHS, transitional nurse, internal pharmacy services, or coordinated referrals to other support services available in the community. to primary care or additional behavioral health counseling). 688 patients were identified as eligible to participate via pre-screening of records; 585 agreed to participate when approached by clinic staff and were allocated 1:1 to the intervention and control groups. This trial demonstrated that a behavioral health and care coordination intervention implemented in a free and charitable clinic with voluntary care providers can reduce depressive symptoms in uninsured patients living at or below the 200% FPL compared to standard care.

integrated behavioral health model 2021