Dave Jenkins is happily married to Sarah Jenkins. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. While the pursuit of knowledge is commendable, such a pursuit should not be divorced from the need to see that tradition in its biblical and historical place is helpful and necessary for the Christian. The relevancy and importance of Church history cannot be stated enough. Get me lecturing to undergraduate American history students on the Cold War and the emergence of political conservatism, and I’m in my scholarly happy place. The Church should respond to false teaching by confronting errant doctrine with the Word of God. Much is to be gleaned from the events between the time of the apostles and the present. He is co-editor of Essential Evangelicalism: The Enduring Legacy of Carl F. H. Henry (Crossway, 2015). 1. One example comes from the life and ministry of John Knox. The effort to discover the natural laws which governed theuniverse led to scientific, political and social advances. Understanding Getting an understanding of these disorders is half the battle. Churches met … Sometimes, church history reminds us of the failures and shortcomings of many of our forebears, even our heroes. Though separated by time, we share one Lord, one faith, one baptism (Eph. Church history tells the stories of that confrontation, in all of its beauty and messiness. Here are four good reasons why studying church history is important for us: 1. Here are 13 principles for why studying church history is crucial. Defend Against Heresies and Cults. 4:5). Yet Israel repeatedly forgets, fails, and strays. This is what is fascinating about church history: it is a … Throughout the Old Testament, God calls his people to recall and retell his gracious saving acts. It gets us beyond our natural shortsightedness, faddishness and pride. And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will … All other history is subservient to the Church. Church History: Faithfulness, Movements, and Mistakes. 2 Why is Church History Important To Know? In short, false teaching promotes pride while orthodoxy honors God and brings Him glory. We must be willing to acknowledge the mysterious nature of providence and remain silent where God is silent. Church history records the teaching of men and women who held to the truth of the Word and sought to teach the Word faithfully to people. One challenge for any generation of Christians is not to whitewash or excuse these failures (for example, Southern Baptists and race; Jonathan Edwards and slavery; John Calvin’s complicity in Servetus’s death, and so on). Article; Seventeen Centuries of Sin: The Christian Past in Antebellum Slavery Debates A... “The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath.” “Come away by yourselves to a desolate place and rest a while.” (Mark 2:27; 6:31) If you’ve ever driven a go-cart, you’ll know that the buggy will only go so fast. Since the time of Christ, the Church has lived a history of both glorious and deplorable moments. He fought a vigilant battle in the 4th … Dave received his MAR and M.Div through Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary. 9 Principles What are the general principles to bear in mind as you begin to work with your teen through anxiety and depression? Due to our finitude and fallenness, we will always need further steps toward the truth. Your email address will not be published. When one studies church history it is important to keep in mind that one is studying the movement of God the Holy Spirit in history and in the lives of the people of God. The bond we share in Christ is more real and enduring than the connection we have with our families in the flesh. To be obedient: We study the history of God’s people as a … The Importance of Knowing When the Church Began A. It becomes a source of warning, wisdom and encouragement. The Church has always had an impulse to reformation around biblical doctrine. Growing in our knowledge of God’s involvement in redemptive history helps Christians to understand patterns of how He has worked in and through His people. A study of church history reveals that, in the first centuries of the church, the foundations of every cardinal doctrine and practice were tested and confirmed. The history of the Church is rich with the teaching of men and woman who have held to biblical orthodoxy and defended the faith against attacks from within and without. But teaching church history is different. THE IMPORTANCE OF CHURCH HISTORY 1. Only when we apply, in the strictest sense, this principle, will we come to a proper understanding of the history of the Church. Many of these great men of the early church were taught directly by the Apostles themselves. I love teaching on a wide range of historical subjects. This belief runs contrary to how we often understand ourselves. B. We must see Christ's scepter swaying in all the events of time. “Church History is the record of God's gracious, wonderful and mighty deeds, showing how by his Spirit and Word he rules his Church and conquers the world.” ― Nils Forsander, Life Pictures from Swedish Church History You will often find him when he’s not busy with ministry reading a pile of the latest books from a wide variety of Christian publishers. Affiliate disclosure: As an Amazon Associate, we may earn commissions from qualifying purchases on Amazon.com. Thus, a study of church councils and the theological thinking of various men becomes important. Church history is perhaps one of the most overlooked areas of study in contemporary evangelical theology. Church History is the important history of the world. But we understand that our knowledge is never full and always clouded. The early church fathers and councils had to determine, for example, what it meant to say with historical confidence that Jesus was both God and man. The Enlightenment, also known as the Age of Reason, was a time when man began touse his reason to discover the world, casting off the superstition and fear ofthe medieval world. Listen in for great conversations and fresh insights on the history of the Restoration. The Role and Importance of the Church in the Community Meeting the Needs. Six Ways to Use Our Website, Why It Matters, and How You Can Help Us, expository preaching: an end goal more than a style, answered to important questions about expository preaching, three keys to sermon listening and note-taking, the priority of regularly communing with God, biblical doctrine: the lifeblood of the Christian life, 9 Principles for Navigating Anxiety and Depression, Scott Christensen- What about Evil? But we do it all through the eyes of faith and gospel hope. The early fathers formed the foundation of the early Christian church. Church history records the teaching of men and women who held to the truth of the Word and sought to teach the Word faithfully to people. The church is historically unique. Faithful men and women have sought to take what they have studied in the Word, apply it to their lives, and to instruct the people of God. Learn how your comment data is processed. Specialists and historians of Christianity in general find Church History: Studies in Christianity and Culture an international publication regularly cited throughout the world and an invaluable resource. The history of the church reminds us that Christians can be culprits of foolishness as well as bold titans for truth. As I study early church history, a sense of family identity begins to take on fuller meaning, and I begin to grasp a clearer picture of the grace given to me. You can follow him on Twitter. Our goal with this series is to help our readers think through these issues from a biblical worldview with lots of practical gospel-application. Biblical truth may be stated in fresh ways; however, Christians must remain faithful to the old paths of biblical orthodoxy. One case in point on why this is important is that the theology of the heretical cult of the Jehovah’s Witnesses could have been wiped out if the Church had taken a stand against it. God enters into a particular covenant with this new people, through the saving work of his Son, and makes promises to them as revealed in Scripture. The New Testament is also clear: Historical events are at the heart of the good news. Church History: Studies in Christianity and Culture is a quarterly peer-reviewed journal that publishes original research articles and book reviews covering all areas of the history of Christianity and its cultural contexts in all places and times, including its non-Western expressions. Church history is one of the most helpful studies in the preparation of Christian ministers. The orthodox Christian is motivated by a desire to state old truths in fresh ways with a view to faithfulness to the Word of God. It provides spiritual sparks to awaken us and lift our eyes so that we might have renewed hope. Church history helps God’s people understand the movements and sins that Christians have made throughout history. But it should also cause us to speak with charity and empathy, recognizing we are not much different from them. Like a branch that grows because of its connection to the tree, we thrive when we stay connected to the church. Church history helps God’s people understand the movements and sins that Christians have made throughout history. One of the main reasons for the neglect of Church history is its association with tradition. He is also a voracious reader, in particular of Reformed theology, and the Puritans. Matthew J. . We’re all too frail and imperfect. Church History Demonstrates the Working of God We have listed four reasons to study church history: it helps answering questions, it presents a faith that is deep and wide, it delineates what is important, and it helps us to interpret the Bible. This pursuit requires hard work, original research, and a humble spirit. It is important to know and to learn from church history, as there will always be old heresies cropping up, appearing as new teachings. The fifth reason why we should study church history is that it demonstrates the working of God. If... Hebrews 12:26-27, “At that time his voice shook the earth, but now he has promised, “Yet once more I will shake not only the earth but also the heavens.” This phrase, “Yet once more,” indicates the removal of things that are shaken—that is, things that have been... On today’s Warriors of Grace show, Dave continues the Snapshots of Grace series, looking at Hebrews 12:4-13 and the purpose of fatherly discipline and correction, enduring discipline as sons, and an encouragement to grow in the grace of God. Christians have a long and rich intellectual and spiritual heritage that has explained, contended, and defended biblical orthodoxy for over two thousand years. In addition to the above recommendations, I consider looking into the work of Jonathan Hill, an excellent church historian who’s written extensively on the history of the Christian Church and Christian thought. Please make sure all fields are filled out. Understanding how God has worked in biblical history and in the history of His people is critical to growing in our knowledge of His Word. Here is a short list of ten reasons of why the study of Church History remains important for the development and growth of authentic and biblical Christianity and Leadership. A Study in Church History Gene Taylor-3-Lesson One: The Establishment of the Church I. The study of history, when done right, is always a humbling experience. Your email address will not be published. In 1 Corinthians 10:1-13, the apostle Paul exhorts the Corinthian church to learn from the examples of Israel's past, lest they make the same mistakes. Oftentimes, the circumstances and culture surrounding believers affected how the Church responded. Leaving specifically church history aside for a moment, I believe that it is vitally important that members of any society should have a firm grasp of the history of that society, so that they can see where they have come from, and how they relate to other societies round them. Not every actor or group will have the same historical significance, but we should be leery of casually dismissing those that may first appear insignificant. No matter your nationality, ethnicity, race, or socioeconomic status, if you’re in Christ church history is the story of your true community and family. The Church History: THE RECORD OF THE PAST OF THE CHURCH a) real events involving: * real dates * real names * available directly or indirectly The emphasis was on a personal relationship with God, learned through the teachings of the apostles. What you’ll hear in this... Hebrews 12:25, “See that you do not refuse him who is speaking. The Church began with a handful of men and women recognizing and professing that Jesus Christ was God's own Son. Christians need to learn from those who have gone before us in the faith. Along with the two volumes by Dr. Gonzalez, check out the volumes written by noted Church historian Kenneth Scott Latourette. Understanding the historical circumstances surrounding doctrinal formulation should make us better theologians. Knowledge and understanding is 50 percent of your task. A single individual can embody conflicting traits. As you start or continue your studies in Church history, I encourage you to read Dr. Justo Gonzalez’s two-volume Church History text, The Story of Christianity. Facing down such warts with historical honesty is not just a scholarly duty, but also brings glory to God. Today’s church does not exist in a vacuum We are not the first generation to read the Bible. A Brief History of the Church 1st Century Church History In the first century, the church seemed to center on the theme of grace. Immanuel Kant expressed the motto of theEnlightenm… Even the development of post-apostolic doctrine involved history. God has ordained the church, a fellowship of the flawed, to carry out his purpose and will in the world. He serves as the Executive Director of Servants of Grace Ministries, the Executive Editor of Theology for Life Magazine, and is the Host for the Equipping You in Grace Podcast. Become a monthly supporter to advance gospel-centered resources. Church history is relevant because of the Word of God. Take Athanasius. Outside regularly reading and studying of Scripture, there is no greater subject for Christians to study than the history of the Church. The reason why studying church history can help us interpret the Bible is because the Spirit has illuminated the path for understanding the Bible for centuries. History serves to remind us of God’s faithfulness. Each week the Saints podcast features interviews with historians, General Authorities, writers, researchers, and others involved with the new history of the Church, Saints: The Story of the Church of Jesus Christ in the Latter Days. One of the great stories of the past 50 years is the spread of Christianity throughout the Global South. 13 Reasons We Need Church History 1. This doctrine should warn us against the temptation of hagiography, calling us instead to critical truth-telling about those who have come before us. The church of Jesus Christ remains, as always, a people called to faithfulness in this age as they await Christ’s return and the consummation of his rule in the age to come. As visible outposts of the kingdom of Christ, churches are where this one great story—a metanarrative to rule them all, if you will—continually confronts and collides with the stories of this world and the present evil age. This story has marked the return of the faith to regions that had been reached with the gospel in the first millennium. The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Essential Evangelicalism: The Enduring Legacy of Carl, The Countries Where It’s Most Dangerous to Be a Christian in 2021, The FAQs: What Christians Should Know About QAnon, The Fantasy Ideology of the American Insurrectionists, Damn the Curse of Ham: How Genesis 9 Got Twisted into Racist Propaganda. Dave loves to spend time with his wife, going to movies, eating at a nice restaurant, or going out for a round of golf with a good friend. Calvin and Luther did not engage in doctrinal novelty. The sovereign Creator is also the sovereign Lord.. A robust doctrine of divine providence reminds us that human... 3. My brothers and sisters from the 16th century, for example, compose my spiritual family. More Church history is the story of how God has guarded, purified, chastised, and strengthened his undeserving people. Throughout Scripture, rightly remembering is critical to faithfulness. Remembering is vital.. Dave is a lover of Christ, His people, and sound theology. Church history helps God’s people to have a context for a biblical-theological approach to the Christian life and ministry. During such times, the Church is afforded the opportunity to clarify and expound on biblical orthodoxy for the benefit and spiritual growth of the Body of Christ. Despite the imperfection of man, Christ has continued to sustain His Bride. Because God is sovereign and providential over all of his creation, there is no area of human or creaturely activity that is beyond his control or supervision. Throughout Scripture, rightly remembering is critical to faithfulness. A study of church history will reveal that most “innovations” in theology (and sometimes in practice) are simply a re-packaging of old heresies that were rejected by the early church. Servants of Grace is a multi-media ministry that exists to help people know the God of the Bible and to equip God’s people to grow in and serve God’s grace in the local church and beyond. As early as Eden, Eve... 2. The study of church history, therefore, preserves both orthodoxy (right doctrine) and orthopraxy (right practice). God’s people have a message to proclaim in the gospel. Church history is part of that labor of both remembering and anticipating—of living between the times. For if they did not escape when they refused him who warned them on earth, much less will we escape if we reject him who warns from heaven.” Until the return of Christ, one of the realities that we must... On today’s Equipping You in Grace show Dave and Scott Christensen discuss the character of God and the problem of evil, helping people in our local churches process the problem of evil, and how it finds it’s answer in Jesus, along with his book, What about Evil? The church of Jesus Christ is established, furthered, and guarded by the King himself. History: THE RECORD OF MAN’S PAST a) real events involving real people b) accurate records of the events c) researchers collect the evidence and describe it 2. History is not cyclical in any Marxian sense; rather, it is all leading to one grand summation in Christ. We are often without human explanation, however, for why his plans take a particular course. Enlightenmentthinkers examined the rational basis of all beliefs and in the process rejectedthe authority of church and state. Copyright © 2021 The Gospel Coalition, INC. All Rights Reserved. Our mission is to recount that history and call the nations to repent and believe in the Christ. A Defense of God’s Sovereign Glory, My Speed Governor (How the Father Enforces My Sabbath-Rest). Church history is important to know because of Who is building the Church. Honesty compels us to speak plainly when previous generations of Christians have erred (for example, anti-Semitism, persecution of religious minorities, slavery, white supremacy, and so on). My goal in this article is to help you to see the primary place of Church History for Christians in defending and contending for the faith once and for all delivered to the saints (Jude 3). And it reminds us that the perseverance of the church has never been dependent on any human being. When we consider the biblical teaching on the church, we realize the church is vitally important for growing in Christ. We tell the truth about the past, give thanks for God’s grace, and repent of sin and failure. The reason why studying church history can show us what is important to the faith is because the Spirit has been at work guiding the church into truth. Church history is vital to our understanding of the institution of the Christian church. Historians must be careful not to casually ascribe divine motive where God has not plainly revealed it. As early as Eden, Eve listens to the serpent, succumbing to faulty interpretations of the past and of God’s revelation in particular. Abandoning the old paths of biblical orthodoxy for doctrinal novelty leads to false teaching. Specialists and historians of Christianity in general find Church History: Studies in … In the New Testament, Christians can study the life and teachings of Jesus, Paul, James, John, and Peter. Humility and empathy are required. Required fields are marked *. While I bring some basic assumptions (and standards of historical research) to any historical study, studying and teaching church history is a profoundly theological enterprise. Yes, truth is objective, real, and knowable. Matthew 16:18 ESV / 27 helpful votes. Church history is so much more than a collection of names, dates, and events. by Dave Jenkins | May 26, 2016 | Issues in the Church, Featured. Latest articles. Today, Stephen Nichols cautions Christians that we’re missing out if we aren’t learning from our family story. In the process, the Reformers brought biblical doctrine to the masses in order to bring reform to the Church for her health and growth in the gospel. False teachers throughout the history of the Church think their teaching is the latest and greatest thing, but in reality, are repeating old errors already dealt with by the Church. We must always be on guard against such things. It allows us to understand and sympathize with the plight of those who came before us. Instead, they appropriated the teaching of Augustine who received his doctrine from the early church fathers. It helps us understand the blessings we enjoy today that were not always enjoyed by our brothers and sisters in … Ultimately, I’m much more concerned that my students be skilled theologians than historians (though I think they can be both!). Below are 10 facts you may not know about church history. Step into my world history class and you’ll find me fired up to explain how colonization reshaped the entire world. For two millennia, God’s people have borne witness to the truths of his power and lordship, the centrality of his saving work in Christ, and the hope offered freely in the gospel. Editor’s note: The purpose of this series is to write on “Issues in the Church” that either aren’t talked about, ignored entirely, or that we want to contribute to the discussion on. Before we too easily judge motives, prejudices, or intentions, we must ask how we would fare in others’ shoes. Since Pentecost, God has been demonstrating this grand story of redemption in real places populated by real people, in the church. One-Stop Super Centers. Singing a New Song: The Gospel & Racial Reconciliation, The Liberal Roots of the Pro-Life Movement. 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importance of church history 2021