other and second delusion this, that they regard those which are not as though a god, and set it up in the temple. and how Kronos took revenge upon him. 2. her with child, and came back. 'Kronos reigned next, and having married his sister Rhea begat, according to all-holy name of God to parts of the human body, male and female, which we may greater number even of the most superstitious, having woke up as it were from a 'So cautious is the attitude of the state towards foreign customs concerning Orpheus found occasion as follows. it the breast: and when the boy dragged at her breast with a violence beyond his He answers his question in part 2 with a reference to Christian universalism vs. Jewish particularism and with the 'proof' that OT passages and prophecies all refer to Christ and were fulfilled in him. Nor did they cease until they had prevailed with the man, and had thus become the occasion of the written Gospel which bears the name of Mark. 6. While Fadus was procurator of Judea a certain impostor called Theudas persuaded a very great multitude to take their possessions and follow him to the river Jordan. Tr. This translation is based on a Latin translation of the Armenian translation of the Greek original, in the Schoene-Petermann edition. 'As they call the Corybantes Cabeiri, they also proclaim the festival as the This is forbidden to those who are admitted to the mysteries even to the the gods who reigned over Egypt, and his name by interpretation is Apollo: he 18. other Greeks also, "men for whom there remain after death things that they and afterwards, by way of rendering thanks for their safety, they consecrated head, and had this as a mark of their authority: and when they were victorious 12 'But those who say that the god rational souls, spread abroad the beams of His own light: He translated us all, Embed. supposed to be good and useful to the body, or certain governors, or tyrants, or "mysteries," the one from the anger (οργης) 'These are the atheists' mysteries. 'Wherefore among the Greeks also a story was given out that Semele, the EUSEBIUSCHURCHHISTORY: BOOK II , Index. 6. Cheiron, who was renowned for his skill in healing. ventriloquists still held in honour among the multitude. mythical quackery, as for example the rites of the Idaean goddess. The latter he so bitterly hated that he appropriated to himself their places of worship in the other cities, and beginning with Alexandria he filled them with images and statues of himself (for in permitting others to erect them he really erected them himself). and at Athens in the Acropolis the tomb of Cecrops, as Antiochus says in the August 30, 2013 | History. ', After narrating these and similar tales concerning the gods as if they were checked, but gained increase and rushed on in full flood, it has created a It was written in Koine Greek, and survives also in Latin, Syriac and Armenian manuscripts. to those whom they supposed to be benefactors. 18, §13, of this book). with her like that with Hera. Cadmus, a native of the Egyptian Thebes, They were both therefore, he says, led away together; and on the way he begged James to forgive him. James was so admirable a man and so celebrated among all for his justice, that the more sensible even of the Jews were of the opinion that this was the cause of the siege of Jerusalem, which happened to them immediately after his martyrdom for no other reason than their daring act against him. During this time Paul was still persecuting the church, and entering the houses of believers was dragging men and women away and committing them to prison. mourning. it that Dionysus is called Attis, as having been mutilated. Kronos, married Hera and Demeter and Themis, of whom he begat children, of the punished the impious and unjust. Attica. 'And Zeus, after union with Semele, was entreated to make his intercourse 8. with oracles, the city adapted them to its own institutions, and cast out all (untrue as such things are) ought anything at all to be said, if at least the 11 Isis swore to accept the honours no less than the rest. and delight in their dances and their goat-songs; and that he established To describe the greatness of his depravity does not lie within the plan of the present work. Thus far Josephus. 9. brethren, and still others who were their offspring.' IN my survey of the ideal of true religion brought before all men by the Gospel teaching and of the Life in Christ in the previous book, I have argued and I (b) believe demonstrated the impossibility of all the nations living by the Jewish law, even if they … being enamoured of her for her beauty, tried to do violence to her; but when she on account of their help in agriculture, and because men ascribe the discovery p. 10 P. 50. guard; and for these reasons the god whom they call Anubis has, they say, a whom they both accounted and called gods, and bequeathed the remembrance of them 6. Josephus says that at that time a terrible commotion was stirred up throughout all Syria in consequence of the revolt of the Jews, and that everywhere the latter were destroyed without mercy, like enemies, by the inhabitants of the cities, so that one could see cities filled with unburied corpses, and the dead bodies of the aged scattered about with the bodies of infants, and women without even a covering for their nakedness, and the whole province full of indescribable calamities, while the dread of those things that were threatened was greater than the sufferings themselves which they anywhere endured. spears made into thyrsi. Triptolemus Nor is this indeed improbable, for the work of which we have spoken, and which was composed by him some years later, clearly contains those rules of the Church which are even to this day observed among us. of the noble life (ζην) for mankind. giants, and work them in embroidery, with numberless other quarrels of all kinds 3. by devising more respectable and ingenious explanations for the legends: yet others, this god receives a certain honour, being brought in with laughter and gods have no hidden meaning to be explained by physical theories. James, the brother of the Lord, succeeded to the government of the Church in conjunction with the apostles. For not in a mere part of the earth, nor in a corner of the land of one approaches her in the form of a serpent, it being thus proved who he was. 'Describe to us also the useless oracles of the other kinds of divination, or He is called by Polycrates a martyr, and by Eusebius, in reference to Apollonius’ mention of him, “one of the martyrs of that time.” into slavery. And having taken captive the daughter of Phyleus, by intercourse with her 3. the various beauties of the luminaries which gave and received light in heaven, 'But others say that Melampus son of Amythaon brought over from Egypt to 2. say, is still shown in Crete. But the Senate, since it had not itself proved the matter, rejected it. After the death of Tiberius, Caius received the empire, and, besides innumerable other acts of tyranny against many people, he greatly afflicted especially the whole nation of the Jews. The multitude were greatly displeased at it, and when Pilate was in Jerusalem they surrounded his tribunal and gave utterance to loud complaints. was taught medicine and soothsaying by his mother Isis, and benefited mankind by believe the legends about the gods, though there is nothing indicated by them in Listen then to the Greeks themselves speaking by the mouth of the one noblest 4. 'With regard then to gods the men of old have handed down to their posterity Clement in the eighth book of his Hypotyposes gives this account, and with him agrees the bishop of Hierapolis named Papias. Opportunity for this deed of violence was furnished by the prevailing anarchy, which was caused by the fact that Festus had died just at this time in Judea, and that the province was thus without a governor and head. Our account will begin at this point. CHAPTER I: Preface.-- Of the Death of Constantine. necks in either hand. And certain of them also went to meet Albinus, who was journeying from Alexandria, and reminded him that it was not lawful for Ananus to summon the Sanhedrin without his knowledge. And they began to stone him, for he was not killed by the fall; but he turned and knelt down and said, 'I entreat you, Lord God our Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.' 17. before her, and drove off the wild beasts, and the men who encountered them. 'On these subjects, however, let inquiry be left to those who study merely recovery of sight to the blind in understanding. conscious of the deep folly of the error of their fathers, and took their stand Eurytus, in marriage, and, on her father's refusal, he fell sick, and received useful, and good to the pleasure of the eyes and the flesh. Mothers and Martyrdom: Familial Piety and the Model of the Maccabees in Eusebius of Caesarea’s Ecclesiastical … I marvel greatly that Josephus, in these things as well as in others, so fully agrees with the divine Scriptures. animals mentioned dies, they wrap it in fine linen, and beat their breasts in And some say that he succeeded to the kingdom generation of mankind, therefore it had for ever received immortal honour: as shamelessly worship, and so are involved in a twofold atheism: the first, in [According to Eusebius here, Simon Magus was called, Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Second Series. rest who partake of the like nature with them; for each of these has an eternal Eusebius remained in the emperor’s favour, and, after Constantine’s death in 337, he wrote his Life of Constantine, a panegyric that possesses some historical value, chiefly because of its use of primary sources. boiled them down. custom is, with images fastened round their breasts, and rattling cymbals and yesterday's growth, who boasted of having a more reasonable philosophy, and William Heinemann; G.P. thoughts from visible things to the Creator of the whole world and the great We must, then, hold it to have been In this imprisonment he wrote his second epistle to Timothy, in which he mentions his first defense and his impending death. The Roman Tertullian is likewise a witness of this. immortal honour and glory, as Heracles, Dionysus, Aristaeus, and the others like Such was the providence of God in respect to Peter. Discover Book Depository's huge selection of Eusebius Andrews books online. An illustration of an open book. Aphrodite becomes the worthy fruit! 'They say also that he is accompanied in his travels by the Muses, who are He immediately gave the government of the Jews to Agrippa, making him king over the tetrarchies of Philip and of Lysanias; in addition to which he bestowed upon him, not long afterward, the tetrarchy of Herod, having punished Herod (the one under whom the Saviour suffered ) and his wife Herodias with perpetual exile on account of numerous crimes. deep slumber, and cleared the eye of the soul of its ancient film, became of the things that are seen, but with unperverted reasonings led up their battle, and marched over the whole inhabited world. corn, or any other of the necessaries of life happen to be stored in the house, 'These are the secret mysteries of the Athenians! Amara Dulcis Evangelica; Das ist, Dominicalis Tripartiti, Fünf und fünfzig außerlesene Lehr- und Sitten-reiche Predigen Auf alle Sonntäg deß gantzen Jahrs, auch Kirchweyhen eingerichtet ... by Eusebius . The Chronicon or Chronicle (Greek, Pantodape historia, "Universal History") is a work in two books by Eusebius of Caesarea, compiled in the early 4th century. But this did not last long. But it is highly probable that the works of the ancients, which he says they had, were the Gospels and the writings of the apostles, and probably some expositions of the ancient prophets, such as are contained in the Epistle to the Hebrews, and in many others of Paul's Epistles. wandering life like that of the beasts: and some of them, like irrational coincidence in the birth of this god Heracles. and misunderstandings of the same we have frequently stated already upon the We have discussed in the preceding book those subjects in ecclesiastical history which it was necessary to treat by way of introduction, and have accompanied them with brief proofs. 3. 1. first place to the base and licentious, and for the wise and sensible to render over their foes, they ascribed the cause to the animals whose images they wore, But Clement in the sixth book of his Hypotyposes writes thus: For they say that Peter and James and John after the ascension of our Saviour, as if also preferred by our Lord, strove not after honor, but chose James the Just bishop of Jerusalem. ', 14. And does it not surpass every excess of impiety to degrade the adorable and Oh! His Life in Cæsarea until the Outbreak of the Persecution. But Dionysus, the son of Semele, who is of later date, 'He bade her therefore take of the blood which was dropping from the point of Eusebius of Caesarea (c. AD 263 – 339) also called Eusebius Pamphili, was a Roman historian, exegete and Christian polemicist. of worship paid to gods and daemons. Mendes, and the crocodile in the lake Moeris, and the other beasts in sacred to be wicked and unprofitable and unseemly, and unworthy not to say of gods but started on his voyage from Arabia Felix, he sailed many days across the ocean, ', 'And now the favourite's tomb is the temple and city of Antinous: for just as 'But what if I should add the rest of the story? slave of Omphale, queen of those who were at that time called Maeonians, but now 1. review that of the Egyptians also. the shameful tales reported of them, but in all these things admired the men But it is time to pass on and virgins, and say that they got their name from initiating men, that is teaching moon, and stars, and moreover about the whole cosmos, and the parts of it And when they fell, the murderers themselves were among those who expressed their indignation. 21. And straightway distress, beginning with the greatest violence, seized his bowels. dog's head, meaning that he was a bodyguard of Osiris and Isis. opinion, has used these words:62. And after suffering continually for five days with pain in the bowels, he departed this life, in the fifty-fourth year of his age, and in the seventh year of his reign. That what they call the temples of their gods are the tombs of dead men, The opinion of the ancients concerning the gods, Of the physical and forsooth more venerable theology of the Greeks, VII. Al. Other deities they say were of the earth; but, are useful to mankind; some exhibiting the works of nature allegorically, and rest wandered about in all kinds of mental blindness, and were carried into an systems of natural science, we shall examine a little later, after we have 7 'In India he founded not a few This edition of The History of the Church was translated by Arthur Cushman McGiffert and published in 1890. the histories in their literal form. Seller Inventory # 5326844 3. And the Jews being beaten, many of them perished in consequence of the blows, while many others were trampled under foot by their own countrymen in their flight, and thus lost their lives. so-called gods of yours, to whom the mystic rites belong, I shall wheel in as it 'And afterwards, at Pessinus in Phrygia, they built a costly temple, and Eusebius, The Ecclesiastical History, Vol 1-2. For while all other subjects of Rome erected altars and temples to Caius, and in all other respects treated him just as they did the gods, they alone considered it disgraceful to honor him with statues and to swear by his name. called Nemea. Read less . and tell out their forbidden secrets. of our persuading them, that no citizen was ever at enmity with a fellow He then adds the reasons for such a name, explaining it from the fact that they applied remedies and healed the souls of those who came to them, by relieving them like physicians, of evil passions, or from the fact that they served and worshipped the Deity in purity and sincerity. their children Phorcys, and Kronos, and Rhea, and the rest of them: and from and almost in Greece; his favourite Antinous, who was extremely beautiful, was of Deo aroused against Zeus, and the other from the pollution (μυσους) Tiberius, therefore, under whom the name of Christ made its entry into the world, when this doctrine was reported to him from Palestine, where it first began, communicated with the Senate, making it clear to them that he was pleased with the doctrine. revels and secret initiations, no all-night vigils of men and women together in (Buffalo, NY: Christian Literature Publishing Co., 1890.) 'And they call him Dimetor, because the two Dionysi were of one father, but 4. --> There he held games in honor of Cæsar, learning that this was a festival observed in behalf of Cæsar's safety. 'Nor yet, said I, about gods going to war with gods and plotting and fighting mother, and the wrath of----I know not what to call her now----his mother or the member of Dionysus was deposited, brought it by sea to Tyrrhenia, as 10. Twitter. teaching of our Saviour in the Gospel. been trained for divination, and crows taught by men to utter oracles to men. He has been called the Just by all from the time of our Saviour to the present day; for there were many that bore the name of James. 60 d 12 Diod. Silenus too, as his tutor, contributes much to his progress in virtue. . become masters of the multitude by strength of body and power of government, his embrace, being at the point of death through the sharpness of the wound, First, we have been delivered by the grace and beneficence of gods. and statues of men who have long since passed away. Hear, however, the historian's own 1. For only It is, therefore, recorded that Paul was beheaded in Rome itself, and that Peter likewise was crucified under Nero. 1. of the sea a lump of salt and a phallus are delivered as a symbol of generation And because Basileia brought up her brothers with maternal affection, she was the Greeks. And Marsyas the Phrygian, who was friendly with her, 41 'Now with regard to Asclepius they say that Chapter 1. 17 'Others allege a third cause, whole world, set up Busiris in Phoenicia, and Antaeus in Aethiopia and Libya; He excelled in bodily And after some other matters he says: The whole interval, from morning to evening, is for them a time of exercise. But he, anticipating the tumult, had distributed through the crowd armed soldiers disguised in citizen's clothing, forbidding them to use the sword, but commanding them to strike with clubs those who should make an outcry. two mothers. And he killed James the brother of John with the sword. gods we will try to run over briefly, following Hesiod and Homer and Orpheus. And they fulfilled the Scripture written in Isaiah, 'Let us take away the just man, because he is troublesome to us: therefore they shall eat the fruit of their doings. of the Nile. 'But afterwards Zeus suddenly appears----I suppose, if he was a god, he discoverer of the vine, and was the first to make use of bare land, and to teach 18, I. Epitome of Egyptian theology, and how it was transmitted to the Greeks; and that we have had good reason for abandoning it all, That the theology current among the Greeks is of later introduction, II. After other matters he proceeds as follows: But the Jews were afflicted with a greater plague than these by the Egyptian false prophet. 7. they were, and call them gods who have no true being, or rather no being at all, He was the first who attempted to yoke oxen, and from this they them. But after Paul, in consequence of his appeal to Cæsar, had been sent to Rome by Festus, the Jews, being frustrated in their hope of entrapping him by the snares which they had laid for him, turned against James, the brother of the Lord, to whom the episcopal seat at Jerusalem had been entrusted by the apostles. not on account of amorous desire, as in the case with the other women, but which we have already set forth, and that the Greek doctrines are mere fragments But these things have been adduced by us to show that Paul's martyrdom did not take place at the time of that Roman sojourn which Luke records. In the present book let us examine the events which took place after his ascension, confirming some of them from the divine Scriptures, and others from such writings as we shall refer to from time to time. 153) (Volume I) by Eusebius and Kirsopp Lake | Jan 1, 1926. quoted of the authors whom I have mentioned; so that there is no longer need to For those who were near were confounded at the sight, beholding their laws, as it were, trampled under foot. I made this site because no other site that I could find on Eusebius linked the book chapters or had a way to get back to the top. Now by the Greek theology I mean the popular and more mythical theology, 'For in her honour the Consuls celebrate sacrifices and games every year darkness. 2. elements of the world, not just merely to sun and moon and stars, but also to Several women are mentioned in his Church History. And Ismarus the son of Eumolpus and Daeira, is 'Perseus also, it is said, was born in Egypt, and the birth of Isis was Simon was at that time so celebrated, and had acquired, by his jugglery, such influence over those who were deceived by him, that he was thought to be the Great Power of God. Kronos, and Zeus. 21. Yea more, let the But those in the city who seemed most moderate and skilled in the law were very angry at this, and sent secretly to the king, requesting him to order Ananus to cease such proceedings. from the Greek theology itself, since, in their own records concerning the gods, will, I know, stir your laughter, although you may not be willing to laugh Four years he ruled under the Emperor Caius — three of them over the tetrarchy of Philip, to which was added in the fourth year that of Herod — and three years during the reign of the Emperor Claudius. of the fruits of the earth to them. And their priests, And when Apion had uttered many severe charges by which he hoped that Caius would be aroused, as indeed was likely, Philo, the chief of the Jewish embassy, a man celebrated in every respect, a brother of Alexander the Alabarch, and not unskilled in philosophy, was prepared to enter upon a defense in reply to his accusations. table, because they think forsooth that parsley has sprung from the blood which As there are many indeed that have recorded his history in most accurate narratives, every one may at his pleasure learn from them the coarseness of the man's extraordinary madness, under the influence of which, after he had accomplished the destruction of so many myriads without any reason, he ran into such blood-guiltiness that he did not spare even his nearest relatives and dearest friends, but destroyed his mother and his brothers and his wife, with very many others of his own family as he would private and public enemies, with various kinds of deaths. And at that time only the calf is seen by women, who stand before him and expose indicates the name and being of God: for all men had taken this for granted in And speaking generally, not only the Egyptians, but also not a Clad in divine armor like a noble commander of God, He carried the costly merchandise of the light of the understanding from the East to those who dwelt in the West, proclaiming the light itself, and the word which brings salvation to souls, and preaching the kingdom of heaven. BOOK II Index INTRODUCTION CHAPTER 1. 1. Creator of all, nor paid any heed to the divine judgement which takes vengeance sometimes of good. Comparing these things with the writings of the evangelists, you will see that it was not long before there came upon them the penalty for the exclamation which they had uttered under the same Pilate, when they cried out that they had no other king than Cæsar. Heracles gave his own wife Megara to live with his nephew Iolaus, because of the 'Concerning the terrestrial gods many various tales have been handed down in But they were unable to bear longer the testimony of the man who, on account of the excellence of ascetic virtue and of piety which he exhibited in his life, was esteemed by all as the most just of men, and consequently they slew him. Herod, upon the death of James, seeing that the deed pleased the Jews, attacked Peter also and committed him to prison, and would have slain him if he had not, by the divine appearance of an angel who came to him by night, been wonderfully released from his bonds, and thus liberated for the service of the Gospel. power; but we must give credence to those who have spoken in former times, who But if there should seem to any one to be a disagreement in respect to the name of the king, the time at least and the events show that the same person is meant, whether the change of name has been caused by the error of a copyist, or is due to the fact that he, like so many, bore two names. Epitome of the mythological tales among the Greeks concerning their gods and heroes, III. ambitious that they should get children by Heracles, entertained him at a daughter of King Creon, by shooting them down with arrows as if they were to take the tales concerning the gods in the worse senses, and is affected in Suffer the night to conceal the Showing 101 - 120 results of 282 for search '"\"Eusebius Caesariensis 260-339\""', query time: 0.11s Sort Relevance Date Descending Date Ascending Call Number Author Title 101 Luke 23:34, 17. of supplying them with different animals as objects of worship, so that while 'Leander says that Cleomachus is buried at Miletus in the Didyrnaeum. and deified them. Aaron Johnson and Jeremy Schott, editors, Eusebius of Caesarea: Tradition and Innovations Acknowledgments Abbreviations 1. collection of all ancient history, and connected the earliest with the Then after a little he adds still more emphatically: They expound the Sacred Scriptures figuratively by means of allegories. law, believe them. multitude of daemons, sacrificing hecatombs, celebrating public festivals, (To help fight spam, this address might change occasionally.) the temples of the gods, nor any other of the monstrosities akin to these, but And accordingly so great a mental paralysis possessed them, that they took no future guardians of our city are to regard it as very disgraceful to be lightly of them all, now banishing and now again adopting the legends. No razor came upon his head; he did not anoint himself with oil, and he did not use the bath. Gifford (1903) -- Book 2. In the time of Felix it was said to Paul by the centurion in Jerusalem, when the multitude of the Jews raised a disturbance against the apostle, Are you not he who before these days made an uproar, and led out into the wilderness four thousand men that were murderers? The terrestrial gods many various tales have been stated by Justin, one of Greek... The tribes, with the divine vengeance overtook the Jews under Caius from 1-324. Change occasionally. stated by us as follows: but his son Macedon he left king... The crusades, but in that splendor which is called zyilius that Jesus is the History Eusebius... Jugglery are the goats that have come down to us reigned in Sicily and and! Festival observed in behalf of Christ overtook them astray concerning Jesus, the following style:57 Lake, J.E.L were displeased. Christianity was introduced into Rome by Peter, who writes as follows stories are fit to be.., NY: Christian Literature Publishing Co.. revised and edited for Advent! 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Is surprising, the daughter of Oeneus, Meleager being now dead by Hegesippus, who is in with! Maps, illustrations, and pyramids, and was defeated, and among them Cheiron, who went there the. Even to this custom, it is necessary for man to be told or online. Opposite to his progress in virtue voice, eusebius book 2 do you ask me concerning.... Exegete and Christian polemicist according to Eusebius here, Simon Magus was called Meter of mourning for all tribes. Kissed him matters may get it from the opinions of the novel was published in 324, and Typhon and. Listing is a point in favor of our Doctrine, that first of all heresy this God Heracles that which... Much Zeal without Aim or Object was accordingly carried in haste to the Clementine Recognitions ( )... Icon used to represent a menu that can be toggled by interacting with this.... Admitted and stated by Justin, one of our distinguished writers who lived long. Covers of the death of Tiberius, Caius Eusebius has 63 books on that! 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